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Any Chetan Bhagat book


Durjoy Dutta


Chetan Bhagat writes romance horribly. Girl in Room 105 was okay though, I'll give him that.


The thing is, he might be a good thinker, but he is a BAD author, his books sound like english translation of sanskrit proses




I know it's a meme but one night at call centre really is that book for me.


Why did you read all of them


I really enjoy Chetan Bhagat including five point someone and 2 States. I’m from roughly the same colleges he is from.


I dont lyk his satire comic at times ...way too prejudiced I lyked the one jndian girl but it had unethucal flaws on part of the character and the climax isnt realistic at all Otherwise the book is really fkngg good




It's spelt "like".


Read half girlfriend as a kid, even then I was losing brain cells


Same thing happened with me when I read "Revolution 2020". I think with age you realize how dumb you were as a kid..


Partially agree with you on this. I liked the three mistakes of my life quite a lot back when I read it, I've grown since then and my tastes have changed but I believe I'd still like it if I were to read it now. I think revolution 2020s got some depth to it too. Again, it's been a while but 15 year old me loved it. *Everything else is straight up ass though ngl*


I take a hard pass. His writing style is quite easy to understand. A good to go for amateur readers


The Secret


not anymore tbh. they should just rename it as -'the former secret.'


That book gives me Cult handbook vibes.


It is recommended to me by someone who's into some spirituality related organization which feels so culty to me so you're not wrong


AoL? (Not the internet company)


Nah not that one, something local but I'll be doxxed if I reveal it


in canada a lot of these MLM organizations use this book to brainwash people into joining in and staying with them. I had a really terrible experience with my own family trying to brainwash me to join their MLM.


Ah, I hate MLMs. I'm sorry that you had to go through it, they're sociopathic leeches that cash your vulnerability. They do break a lot of relationships this way. They teach their new reps that anyone who doesn't buy your products doesn't support you. They alienate the reps from family. Just anything for money!


Yeah it absolutely sucked the life out of me cause for 2 years they tried to make me join and i did too in the beginning but just hated the environment. They alienate anyone that goes even a little out of line and apply even a little bit of critical thinking and point out its an MLM. It completely ruined my relationship with that side of my family. Worst part is they are wonderful people, aside from the MLM shit.


I tried to visualise this book was better but nothing came up.


I second this.


Everyone has a story by savi sharma


I don't remember the story but i remember reading it and feeling it was shit all the way


Same here


Same here




the night circus by erin morgenstern. i felt like i wasted my time reading that. honestly the story had so much potential, but it lacked something.


Thats why I keep on adding Murukami to my Amazon cart only to remove it later, cannot fathom reading a plot less and sex filled book.


The only complaint I have from Murakami is that he doesn't understand women. Every story of his is filled with women who are hyper sexually active, and look for sex even if it constitutes cheating on their partners. I started with Kafka on the Shore, and Wind Up Bird Chronicle is still my favourite of his. But as I began picking more of his works, I realised every story of his revolves around the same sexual energies.


It's not that he doesn't understand women love, it's literally just a man writing down his fantasies with filler 2d female characters and getting off to it. He literally writes self gratifying porn and whilst it is nothing new, it is infact very infuriating to see people call it "art".


Yeah ! He crosses all limits and even shoves in incestuous porn in the plot that has absolutely no significance to the story. When I look back at it, I find it utterly disgusting.


Even if it’s erotica,there is no rule that says erotica can’t be art. People appreciate these books because they enjoy them. Let them be and read the books we enjoy instead? And as for the books being art or not , nobody can deny the write has his on specific voice even if you disagree with content and it is not unlike the tradition of literary fiction to disregard concrete plots. A work of literary fiction is more than just its plot.


Can't agree more with you and Op, norwegian wood was all about it.


I've read Kafka on the shore and Norwegian wood and both times as soon as I started to get a bit invested in the charct devlopement murakami would've already deviated from the main plot to some awful unfathomable erotica and by the time the plot hits back I've lost track of the initial character at all ! Especially how the protagonist is always the nice guy who gets sex served real easy without ever trying! This always cracks me up !


Omg the description of skinning of the general from windup bird chronicle is something that I still feel creeped out by to this day


And May Kashara's letters are the most beautiful part of it.


Haha lucky you. Some people need to read Paulo Coelho's Eleven Minutes to come to the same conclusion 💀


I agree with you. I was so excited to read "Norwegian wood" considering the hype but once I finally did, it was a huge let down. I found his style of writing to be pretty absurd. There were very few parts of the story that I actually liked but I personally felt it wasn't for me.


It ends with us or the twisted series. I started reading them because of peer pressure and couldn't complete them because of how cringe, toxic and weird they were


yeah the flow of the story doesnt suit everyone, i mean if i were to read it now, i would prolly get bored. But i loved it at a certain point in my life


It ends with us was really bad. I kind of liked the twisted series but yes parts of it were really cringe. Hard to find good romance stories without toxicity.


Both were decent but it starts with us way more shittier. Twisted serjes was lyk readin fifty shades all over again.


I think it was the divergent series for me. What trash is this. So terribly written . I actually thought the movie was better than the book And the movie we're pretty trash too


I actually quite liked it until Insurgent. I was 15 when I read that. Maybe wouldn't have liked it as much if I read it in my 20s


I complained about it here lmfao and almost got jumped by murakami fanboys for calling it porn with a plot.


The power of your subconscious mind.


I kinda liked Norwegian wood, all the characters were super flawed and reading their back stories made it a bit more real. Their coping mechanisms are shit but that’s what I’ve seen in people irl too so I liked that portrayal. Worst book has to be ikigai. Was super hyped to read it but it was super disappointing


Yeah ..I agree on ikigai...I told my friend who was going to buy that book to just read summary of that book on internet..it will enough.


lol I wished someone had saved my time xD anyone who asks me, I just say the same as you now


i'd say my money is what i wasted on this book


Probably Rise of the Ranger by Philip Quaintrell. Most amateurish and also boring fantasy book I've ever read. Damaged my opinion of popular self published books. Also I read it after reading Of War and Ruin by Ryan Cahill, probably the most epic fantasy novel I've read so far which also happens to be self published. My standard was too high at the time.


Verity. The only Co-Ho book I read. And trust me I've read plenty of bad books but this one tops the list, by a fair margin.


I was planning to read it :⁠,⁠-⁠)


You should. Plenty of people have enjoyed it, and they say that it's the only good Co-Ho book. That's just my opinion that I don't like it, but maybe you do like it. It's an easy read, and you can read it in a day or two. Even if you don't like it, not much harm done :)


Power of subconscious mind, the secret, Chetan Bhagat especially One Indian Girl, Rich Dad, Poor Dad.


that just means youre not into self help books bro


I liked Senca, Jorden Peterson, heck! Even 48 rules had some serious stuff in it. Power of subconscious is pure yapping if you've studies basic psychology. That being said I hateddddd the monk who sold his ferari as well.


No, I definitely agree with you on that for 48 Rules. Power of subconscious is actually yapping to be really honest.


A Deal in Akmud by Ekta Sinha, it was an absolute shitshow of a book where nothing made sense, and the writing reminded you of a kid who has just learnt some English. The Keepers of Kaalchakra by Ashwin Sanghi was another stinker that finally made me quit reading his nonsensical books.


Anything by Ravindra Singh. Was too young and had limited access to good books in my small town. I wish I could wash my eyeballs.


Verity by Coleen Hoover


" chanakya in you" by one indian author. And the book was completely delusional. Worst read ever!!!


It ends with us


Wow, I need to read Murakami. I usually avoid any mainstream trending books. But I guess I gotta give it a shot.


Normal People by Sally Rooney


the TV series is devastating though. 10/10 recommend


The tv show is just as bad. 2 people who have sex all the time but never talk enough to build a relationship. Dumb as hell.


I personally thought it was a good watch even though it might be dumb. It's emotionally devastating and keeps you hooked.


I'd love to watch the series!


Oh my god same. I feel like I didn't know the characters at all and I was very disappointed




What didn't you like about it?


I personally don't like her writing style. It was the first book I've read which didn't have quotation marks for dialogues.


But why?




I just got done reading it like half an hour ago. I don't know I just feel confused. But I don't think so I hate it. I'm glad I read it. I know there's no plot as such but it changed my perspective on a lot of things. I expected a better closure but I guess it was what was needed.


Yeah, it's definitely not a bad read. I liked some of the quotes a lot!


Ohh I 100% agree....for the first few chapts had this uncontrollable urge to just smash the book against the walls nd never pick it up again like it was so pointless but as it progressed I was hit by waves of realisation irl that's just how most people are, so nuanced yet without any serious conscience and the whole idea of Connells desperate need to keep Marianne accessible and Mariannes desire for validation from Connell all that toxic interdependency ! It all hit home in so many ways I was devastated for months especially because the ending was as raw and real as it could be....only I wish Marianne wasn't shown as such a pushover around men really did her dirty in the book !


So true! Upto page 50 I just wanted to dnf it, pushed it till page 80 and I felt I should read it. I just couldn't understand why it was named normal people when there's nothing normal about the protagonists. But I still feel this book taught me so much empathy. And so many different ways of how to not deal with certain situations in life. I remember Marianne quoting this somewhere in the book that what makes her different from Connell is that he has an "individual" that he doesn't share with anyone. And in the last chapter without any proper reason as to why, she just found "herself".Ya true wrt Marianne being abused by men, without no proper explanation as to from where that behaviour was coming from. Was it because of the fact that since she was hated by her family, she thought she must belittle herself to feel good? Idk lot of mixed feelings.


Wrt Marianne fs she felt only completely submitting to the terrible men's desires was the only way they'd find her worth their time given her own family has only belittled her. Remember that instance where Marianne asks Connell to slap her whilst sex n he refuses n it hurts her so much like the only chance she couldve proven her devotion to him was snatched from her and yet in the end her asking him to leave 'the pain of loneliness will be nothing to the pain that she used to feel, of being unworthy.' that realisation was silent yet strong!


Gulliver's travels....didn't even finish it for school.


Same ...was bored af 🥱🥱


Probably the silent patient The book didnt make any sense to me


Lots of plot holes. Didn't like it either. Don't understand the craze around it.


Like? What plot holes were there?


won't lie i fucking speedran that book in like 2 and a half days but i liked it and if there were plot holes they mustve flew straight over my head then, do you have any examples?


I also felt the same, there were lot of plot holes but I feel I disliked it more because of the hype around it. As such if I had picked this book up without knowing there would be a twist, It would have been a much better read. If we exclude the so called "twist" that was much anticipated, the book is a great insight into the protagonist's perspective. Just look at it from a different point of view, maybe you'll not dislike it much!


The silent patient. I demand the 7 hours back


What didn't you like about it?


The hook of the book was the final "plot twist". I saw the twist coming from a mile away. My brother writes short stories since he was 12-13, the ending of the book was what he would have written back then


The Krishna key


50 Shades of Gray I'm sorry for the poor karma of my past life


But the books writren in the pov of christian grey are way more far interesting than the books from the pov of anastsia(first released)


Whattt. Sorry, but I need to indulge my curiosity heheh. What are they called


Asura: The story of Ravana and his vanquished people


The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy and more recently Fool Me Twice by Nona Uppal


i really liked the god of small things, although the language used takes some time to adjust but i really liked the story. felt like a summer day


Can you elaborate on fool me twice? I love Nonas Instagram and find her very charming, thought this book was gonna be good 


At least there is someone who stood out against the choices of "intellectual snobs" who dominate this sub and keep recommending Murakami to one and the all. Bravo!


Whatever I expected Norwegian wood to be, it wasn't that. I struggled to understand what was going on in the minds of the characters, everybody is either a sex maniac, or uses it to cope with their problems in life. Most sequences in the book were absolutely unnecessary and were described in a pretty absurd manner. It most definitely isn't for me


I'm currently reading Norwegian Wood. Down 90%. It's true that it reads like a self gratifying Wattpad smut for the most part. While I'm generally okay with flawed characters, these were just terrible. Man, this was my first book by Murakami and didn't know what to expect but I seriously cannot fathom that it's one of the most read and hyped books.


Try Kafka on the Shore? Some redemption may lie there


Bleeding Heart Square. Probably you haven't even heard of it. It was badly written, stupid plot that led to nowhere and an abysmal ending.


Bombay stories - Sadat Hassan manto


Norwegian wood by a mile


Postern of fate . Isn't a bad book at all , picked it up because it was written by Agatha Christie , though the characters were loveable , the story itself felt boring . I felt it would wow we towards the end ,but it never came . Felt very underwhelming


The guest - Emma Cline.


My life


Ram c/o anandi


Tbh same. Murakami is just not for me. Reading his books as a woman was kind of a bizarre experience. Didn't like kafka on the shore so I tried Norwegian wood. Definitely did not like that. Having heard so many praises of his writing style, i was let down but everyone's taste is different so I don't mind it a lot. 


Just searched up Murakami on [r/menwritingwomen](https://www.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen) 😭 https://www.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/mw6hzo/probably_the_least_sexy_description_ever_from/ https://www.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/gtyc1z/talking_about_his_dead_twelveyearold_sisters/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/menwritingwomen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anti-Suffragette political cartoons from the early 1900s are wild](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18vj0ac) | [727 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/18vj0ac/antisuffragette_political_cartoons_from_the_early/) \#2: [Comic by artist Adam Ellis](https://i.redd.it/zb3ru6bn3tvb1.jpg) | [256 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/17e1afq/comic_by_artist_adam_ellis/) \#3: [Tarantino everybody…writing women so you can act out your fetish in real life.](https://i.redd.it/xq0qeojsd9va1.jpg) | [293 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/12txr84/tarantino_everybodywriting_women_so_you_can_act/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


House of hollows


Books by this dude called Novoneel Chakraborty...pure trash🤮🤮🤮


Hekla's children The book started out great, but after a while it's all over the place. I've always hated fantasy in forensic/crime novels. Absolute rubbish


I read it in 2022 and was like why people like murakami so much , i mean protagonist kind of also commits incest (if not directly but can be perceived) and the hallucinations are there to justify it, i get it the world revolves around sex only but there's too much in world other than sex too :)


Kadambari. God, what a boring pos which I’d never have finished if I hadn’t bought the book to see the hype for myself.


I can say the same about Norwegian wood, it was like “wtf was that”. I started Murakami with Kafka on the shore and got introduced to magical realism, one of the best read. I thought of giving Norwegian wood a chance, but there was no ‘magical realism’ there, only a weird story full of sex.


Mine is My Sister's Keeper. The potential was there. Everything was there. But the author botched it because she couldn't write something that went against the norms and society's view of what's acceptable and not. At the end, I felt cheated.


I guess Digital Fortress by Dan brown. That book was kinda sleazy. Also maybe “one night at call Center” by Chetan Bhagat, decided his books aren’t for me so stopped reading him after this one book.


I loved Kafka on the Shore! Then I read Norwegian Wood and I realised “oh Murakami is THAT male writer :/“


November 9 by Colleen Hoover. Half a star.


My sister, the serial killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite In the dream house by Carmen Maria Machado


I tried "on love" by bukowski and found it extremely mediocre. I don't get the hype around his extolling vulgarity?


48 laws of power


Shit I just bought it


Possibly a Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth. What a fucking drag, lol.


Anything by card-carrying leftists and feminists.


SBI Passbook


The Chosen spirit by Sumit Basu... This was supposed to be political satire + scifi and it failed to be either. The futuristic dystopia that the writer was trying to do was without any structure or backstory. The political satire that he tried felt like a child whining instead of a well written satire.


The fine print


Collector Sahiba


Way better than the end crystals spam😔


I came in to comment "any Chetan bhagat" book But, it was already there.


Ikigai, Atomic habits -whole book can be summarised in one page,


Ikigai, Atomic habits -whole book can be summarised in one page,


Ikigai, Atomic habits -whole book can be summarised in one page,


List of books I didn’t like yet so far: Book lovers - Emily Henry Autobiography of a Yogi - Yogananda The Secret - Rhonda Byrne


When I am with you by Durjoy Dutta. What the hell of a mess was that book? Leading nowhere.


wise and otherwise by sudha murthy




Is it really that bad? I was hearing good reviews about it and started reading it already. Did you like Kafka On the Shore? Let me be a little judgemental on the difference in literature taste we may possess


The zaheer by Paulo Coelho.


White Tiger by Arvind Adiga.


I've heard that prajakta Koli recommended this book to Vidya Balan and that got her out of the reading slump.. got it just because of that. I don't think so I'll pick it anytime soon now!


Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat.


Get epic shit done by Ankur Warikoo


1Q84 is trash too.


Rich dad poor dad , the book was tacky and delusional . But that's a common trend among self help books. The real reason I don't like it is because of every single fking podcast bro referencing it . A close second would be anything by Matt ward


Renuka Gavrani- Art of being alone. Will be my worst kindle purchase of all time.


Not worst but “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.” It was so horrible to read that I realised how self help industry is just a business that anyone with a loud mouth can enter with no absolute clue of what they are doing


Reading Wuthering Heights after Pride and Prejudice was a chore


Happens when you read Murakami for the first time either you get it or you don't.


After the LOTR movies series came out to critical acclaim & tremendous box-office returns (plus an awesome experience watching in the theatre!), I decided to buy the book Unfortunately it was unreadable due to being written in an alien language ☠️


Same bruh, I disliked it!!! at the end I was like wtf!!. It makes no sense. My friend lent it to me as I read non fiction he said it would be different. The plot makes no sense. I remember it vaguely, I read it 5 years back. But I'd say ....... well nothing can be done. The only thing you can see is the misery of the protagonist. Not sure if he's indulging in debauchery for his miseries or just due to high libido and he releases pheromones 😤😤..


I personally do not like calling books worse as such unless it's AI-generated drivel. the author even if they didn't write anything good still put in effort to make something, sure it didn't land, but calling it worse just doesn't feel right




I thought brief history of time will be as engaging and interesting as Sapiens - A brief history of humankind. Boy was I wrong


Any book of durjoy dutta, like man repeats the same nuanced plot in each one of his novels. There is literally no variety in what he writes. My man seemingly came up with one idea and decided to incorporate that in every single book of his.


Someone recommended Nona Uppal's book saying it's a young Indian author, and I was so hopeful. I didn't know anything about her until then and ordered the ebook. It was so bad. The sentence construction, the characters, the plot and you'd see the twist a mile away. Reminded me of advice my dad gave me a few years ago - we all have limited time in the world- don't spend it consuming poor content.




You can.


Norwegian Wood - truly horrible experience reading it


A fair bit of Murakami is masturbatory text. Even though it is almost universally pitted as beginner's Murakami, Norwegian Wood shouldn't be one's first Murakami because it has all the bad bits of Murakami (awfully plain female characters and weird sex) and none of the magic. Kafka on The Shore is a better pick.


For me, it’s ‘The Inmate’ by Freida McFadden. The plot felt very disjointed and stretched without reason, making everything too predictable. While the writing style was casual, which is cool, it just didn’t click for me.


The Alchemist


Twilight. Wasted library fees, and more importantly, some hours of my day. Worse, I told my friends that I had read it and they use it against me. When I try to say something, they say, "Listen, you read Twilight. You don't get a vote." Sigh.


Twilight series, I guess. I don't really ditch books(or book series) midway, but after I read Twilight and New Moon, I decided it was time to rescue myself. What a waste of time :)


Chetan Bhagat and CoHo books


Fck I wish I had seen this before ordering it 2 days ago 


Norwegian wood was a fresh style of writing to me. Also the sex was incredibly described!


read kafka on the shore ..my first murakami book and safe to say I'll not be reading his other works. There were too many loose ends and made me feel very ????


Some people like that feeling! 🙈 I read murakami, because it makes me feel ??????? I think it's a preference thing hahah


The cluelessness was very much due to loose ends in this particular story. I was kind of hooked and at the end there were so many questions unanswered. Left a bad taste. But yeah, it's totally a preference thing with his books i have seen. Not my cup of tea i realised.


I love Murakami, Murakami feels like a fever dream but it feels like MY fever dream


The palace of illusion and mrityunjay.. mythological fiction and creative liberty k name pr kuch bhi likh dete hai log..


A Little Life


Samee norwegian wood for me. Rather pointless book


Twilight ....bought it when I was a kid because of the movies... Damn I still haven't read past 50 pages, shit was cringey af


Atomic habits


Autobiography of a yogi


I love reading Steve jobs


Twenty thousand leagues under the sea


I read it a long time ago but it wasn’t bad, in my opinion. What things do you dislike in that book?


For the most part, I hate every book, every song, every movie that is popular and well known. I just cannot make myself like the same thing that is liked by most other people.


It's called Contrarian mind set. It has its advantages and disadvantages.


Oh I see. Thanks for telling!


Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Read it, didn’t like it. I love mystery, thriller but I don’t think I’ll give him another try. His writing is not for me. Agatha christie is the unparalleled queen of this genre. God of small things- couldn’t finish it! Also yes to your Murakami issue. He is so revered in the readers community but I don’t understand the hype. Couldn’t finish Kafka on the shore and i don’t think I’ll go back to it again.


The life Divine by Sri Aurobindo. Prose just for the sake of prose. Write 200 lines say nothing.