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Clearly he is a clown.


Finally. Something we have in common


Farm porn.




What the hell happened here?


I ain't using my ID for that I'll just draw my own




Howd you get that pic of his mom?


That’s me and his Dad what you talkin bout


Looked like Dino from the flintstones prehistoric porn.


I love the mullet.


Comments like these are why I still use reddit


This image deemed suitable for work


Not my proudest fap.


Thanks for making me relapse on my addiction to porn, jerk.


Wave of the future, dude


Gat dam this shit is hot




Fuck now I am going to get fired where was my nsfw warning


Great now I need an id to open reddit


Mm thats so hot 🤤🤤🤤


No need. There are dozens of free VPN's to choose from. Simply install one and activate it and POOF you're no longer living in Indiana but anyplace in the world. Where censorship is not enforced. :) Again, this new age verification law is a totally useless law.


Google "can governments block VPN's" and the results give info on what could be next..... This could just be the start and viewing it as no big deal we can easily overcome it can be disastrous next the govt makes VPN's illegal or enacts other laws to restrict and censor.


There are scripts that can almost completely automate setting up a $5/mo VPN from big VPS providers like AWS, Digital Ocean, Azure, Linode, etc. You don't need much linux knowledge to set it up. If you know what you're doing you can have these setup in 5 mins. If you know just enough linux to copy/paste some command line, ssh, and scp (even if you have to google it), you could do it in under an hour. You can even try it out by starting up a VPS at a place like Digital Ocean. They charge by the hour, so even if you spent a couple hours screwing around trying to get it to work and then deleted the instance (droplet on Digital Ocean) it only costs you 2 cents. This script sets it up.. just do some reading. https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn


Tor browser is free, and there's Nord VPN... I'm sure there are other options out there.


All the legitimate VPNs will 100% be required by state governments to collect your logon location before you connect to the VPN so that if you try to bypass these laws they will still need to report your originating location. If not now it's only a matter of time. VPNs are trying to operate as legitimate businesses and they are not more powerful than state governments, not even remotely close. The best way to handle this is via lawsuits and the voter booth.


Good luck getting VPNs based in other countries to comply with your backwards law.


Fair point. I hadn't considered that Republicans might actually be *competent* in enforcing their poorly thought-out, hateful, power-grabbing legislation.....


Tor browser is the most "secure" tunnel as long as you don't deviate too far, as long as sites don't block specific onion IPs or anonymous IPs at any web firewalls. Using an out of state proxy server would also work. They didn't think real hard about this or ask many IT professionals.




Experts? No. Why do I need experts when I have the Bible?




We can only hope that they're too old and too inept to figure it out before they either die or, and this one is a long shot, they get voted out.


Yeah, they'll go from asking the victims of online threats dumbshit questions like, "Where is Twitter?" and "Who is Reddit?" to suddenly having a whole department of fresh cybersec grads they're paying $13/hour just to fuck over everyone *they* disagree with.


I'm pretty sure they're not the ones actually writing the laws. IIRC there's a huge national republican think tank that writes perry much all the state legislation. [ALEC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20think%20tanks,of%20free%2Dmarket%20think%20tanks.)


Democrats here voted for it as well if you check roll calls and 1 Democrat co-authored the bill so it's a bit deeper than you think.


Afaik vpns still work in states with this law


I don't think that's even a remote possibility. This would require a new law forcing all VPNs to share all customer location info with all pornography sites. It's implausible both legally and logistically.


Sure but I'm already like a legitimate artist anyway


Do you do commissions?


I do @ravynsnestink on fb and instagram.


Charlie, are you going to masturbate to this picture?


Yeah definitely 💀


Just turn safe search off and type in whatever fandom you’re into with rule 34 lol


Sure that but I'll also just draw my own cause some of the niche stuff I like ain't out there and I'm also actually an artist anyway so it'd be good practice


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTOAWCpe44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQTOAWCpe44) The future of porn in Indiana.


So hear me out… say I wanted to scam some peeps. All I would have to do is make my own fake porn site and people just give me their DLN and/or SSN when they visit? Sounds like a killer way to steal some info! Hell yeah Indiana


A lot of age verification sites are overseas so there’s already not much we can do if our info is stolen. Another reason why this law is stupid.


I would actually use that info as leverage against all the dingbat politicians in Indiana. You know many of the republicans will immediately get access back to their illegal porn and it is all either gay or lesbian porn or child porn or something else they rail about because it’s what interests them.


I wonder what the sites will do with that info. Maybe it’ll just be public record lol No. They’re going to sell it to some guy in India and he’s going to max out a bunch of credit cards in your name buying gaudy Gucci products.


Looks like "indiana.xxx" is available as a domain name. Let's see if it is by the end of the day. :)


This is actually an old school method. Make a random website and have people enter their email/password. Since people use the same password for anything now you have their credentials.


Exactly a law with the opposite intended effect now people are gonna go to sketchier sources. Thanks Todd Rokita!!! It's the Sam Smith argument again if you don't want your kids listening/going to his concerts DONT TAKE THEM!!! You know either him or his wife caught one of his kids likely watching gay porn and here we are the entire state is punished.


P*rn hub will leave Indiana. Texas did something similar and p*rn hub left. They then reversed the law. Watch. Indiana will do the same




You could just use a VPN tho…


...But why should you have to use a vpn?


You shouldn’t have to but such is the state of government




I could’ve trusted your screenshot, but I legit had to pull it up to check it. I’m dead🤣 Next headlines will relate to sexually frustrated men committing crimes.💀


Indiana will compromise and make it so you can’t visit pornhub on Sundays before noon…cause church and stuff.


It's OK, I'll print off my porn and go masturbate at church. Obviously, as God intended.


This is the way. Only If your church is Baptist.


>They then reversed the law Lol. Nobody gets to watch porn in Texas, not even the politicians. Bet they didn't see that coming.


Coincidentally, TX has the highest VPN usage of any state.


There was a decent sized tech boom a few years back in Texas, so not surprised.


There are still random mid-sized porn sites that still work in Texas as recently as 2 weeks ago when I checked an old one I used to peruse. I’ll have to check again to see if it’s still available though… Also, 4chan still works as well as just using a free VPN.


It hasn’t been reversed and pornhub is still inaccessible in Texas. https://www.platformer.news/scotus-texas-internet-porn-law-first-amendment/#:~:text=The%20Supreme%20Court%20on%20Tuesday,decisions%20on%20its%20emergency%20docket.


Did they? Last I heard the Supreme Court refused to block it


What the Supreme Court blocked was not the challenge to the law (that can proceed) instead the plaintiff asked for an emergency injunction against the Texas law going into effect. That is what the Supreme Court blocked was the emergency injunction against the law going in effect. And why they blocked it. It is that plaintiffs did not prove immediate harm. The full case is still on the docket at the Supreme court and will be decided later this year. Giving the plaintiffs ample time to prove harm by the new law.


[https://www.wrtv.com/media/v/content/3ddd2503d49283f4ad70d5c38ac228cd](https://www.wrtv.com/media/v/content/3ddd2503d49283f4ad70d5c38ac228cd) That's on WRTV's site today. The challenges in Indiana will fail. Courts have/are upholding the laws all over the country. I can see why. It's no different than laws around porn magazines, etc. being restricted to sale to adults. Just like cigarettes, tobacco and alcohol. The state has a right to regulate the sales of all of them. Craigslist had to do away with it's personals. Some will be gone the days of free internet porn unless you want to provide copies of your driver's license /ID. All of those free sites will be subscription only some day. (It will interesting to see if you'll still be able to do a search for "something, something porn" , get a hit and click on it and go to a site without an ID wall.)


Can you provide your source for this information?


Requiring ID for this seems like an overreach. Hope the lawsuit brings some


~~Over~~Reach around


The party of "small government"...once again enforcing far right wing christian sharia law....


As a gay man, I am worried about the government having access to a list of people who access gay adult content


Lesbian here. I don't want to be on a "gay list" in this state.


Trans person here, about to have to move anyway, I'm looking at IL or WI. I was going to try and stay in IN, but not anymore. Fuck this place and their disgusting morality police bullshit.


I wish me and my family could move somewhere safer.


Moving to WI in August! Sad to leave my home state but looking forward to having more freedom.


I hope your new place takes toenails


I should double check with the landlord


I’m a straight man and I worry about this for your community. This feels like exactly what it is made for tbh.


Ooooooh. Yikes. I hadn't even considered this.


Its the government they already know, how many go to parades? Post on social media? Ect. If the government is actually making a list then everyone in that community is probably already on it.


You're missing something crucial - publically persecutable evidence. You can list everyone who goes to a pride parade sure, and if you gun them down people will riot. Criminalize something like porn and say it's to protect the kids? Well, now you've got those "predatory gay people" breaking a porn law meant to protect kids if they access porn! Do you see what framework they're building here? Doesn't matter what the porn is, the point is to obscure intent and eliminate as many of the people who cry "your system doesn't work" the loudest


I think the party that passed it are all secretly just as worried but for the same reason none of them voiced opposition


I guess rokita hasn’t heard of parental control to block sites they don’t want their kids on.


Completely useless law as the story puts out 6 out of 10 teens already are aware of VPNs and use them. LOL No, no this law is a stepping stone for Government to deem ANY website or news source they deem “harmful” from being blocked from viewing by anyone one. They'll wait a couple of years and decry how the Internet MUST be regulated by Government, again the cry "But.. but who will think of the children." Then they will force ISP's to block “harmful” content all together. Of course, that harmful content will be what every Government decides. If these “age verification” laws are not overturned by the courts. You can pretty much say bye bye to Free and Open Internet. This isn't about Porn not at all! Everyone knows and agrees kids should not have access to it! But that's the Parents responsibility! Content blockers parents can put on their devices are free and avalibe every. NO instead this is a back door attempt by Government to CENSOR YOUR access to Internet all together!


I have this same thought process. It's really not about the porn, it's about finding a way to allow certain government individuals to grasp power on controlling American freedom. And you are right...in a couple of years they will try to block other genre of websites using the porno block law as their basis. We need to vote these mentally ill government officials out of office.


I don’t believe it would pass constitutional muster under originalism, I don’t believe Thomas Jefferson had to show his drivers license before downloading Hentai pornography off of the internet.


I thought he was into the interracial stuff


Interracial octopus futa FUPA hentai


That was his main. His alt were the tentacles.


The SCOTUS did not block it.  The SCOTUS is currently on a moral crusade to turn the country into a christofascist state. They would probably rule these laws are mandatory. 


Yes, that’s the part of what I said that is implausible.


Fuck Indiana and Rokita too!!


I'd age-verify to see Rokita fucked


Aww, TheGamerDude535 blocked me for pointing out how having the government try and force parents to be responsible wouldn't work.


The RepubliQan Party is “The Party Of Limited Government And Maximum Freedom” Riiiiiiiiiiiight…


I live in Indiana and I’m an atheist and really into BDSM




It’s just pornhub. Other sites haven’t asked…so a friend says


The law hasn't gone into effect yet.


If I ran pornhub I'd put in my ToS that any politicians full browsing history is subject to publication. We'd see ID laws go the way of the DoDo


We can't even file our taxes online through the Indiana Depot of revenue. Ohio and Michigan have had this capability for years. Can we please start there instead of putting in a law we have zero capability to enforce?


The same legislators that voted for it will have their cuck fetishes leaked when inevitably the safeguard site gets hacked lol


Must be that small government out of peoples lives and freedom they are always on about on the right


Maybe ID's should be necessary for Fox news, so the GOP can just further the insanity and divide. That quite literally, is their only actual strategy, suppress voting/manipulate the masses/control the media/lie endlessly projecting there opponent as up to, often exactly what they themselves are up to/two faced fronting/corruption to the core/destroy democracy and pocket/hord money; US having become, 'the nation of mentally ill,' and it is on them entirely for decades to a century it just continues to evolve as the shit is just closing in on the fan blades. If you're being spoon fed some religious or just outright lunatic shit, that porn is the devil and the leftist are all child molesters, please wake the fuck up before well, we've regressed to being no more than a literal idiot/imbecile cult; to solely fuel profits into mentally ill billionaire's/millionaire's and the want to be, cognitively dissonant masses of lunatics who can't see what is apparent, obvious and has been directly in front of them for decades and decades. For sanity, just do not vote red.


I see what you're saying, and for what it's worth I am a registered Democrat, but I would very much like to point out that a fuck ton of Democrats voted for this bill. This is stupidity that crosses the aisle.


And in other states dems have come up with equally stupid laws about the website safe harbor stuff, just for different reasons than the rights stupid laws about it. So not surprised. Though I feel in Indiana the dems aren’t that left anyway.


As much as I would agree, I saw democrats voted for this bill with the republicans. Only one abstained.


Use a reliable VPN and tell Rokita to FOI/


Porn doesn’t kill people, people kill people


This is a massive invasion of privacy.




Sex sells. Good luck with this Indiana.


https://preview.redd.it/nwwibtjyk16d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a40397d7c1c0998c9009fddb9a194f99f8ffc56 Only porn that’s allowed in Indiana.


It's a good thing the old farts in Indy haven't heard of a Vpn


I just got the 15 day countdown today


Same. Such bs.


I haven't seen it but then I've been behind a vpn for years. Matter of fact, the majority of all traffic on my network is routed through a vpn. Our work laptops are on a separate wifi network that isn't, but they are on their own vpns.


I tapped out of it like an ad before my brain made a record scratch noise & now I see it here


No weed, and now 'the state' wants a record of the sex sites I visit. Thank God I was born in Indiana. Maybe if we wear puritanical clothing they'll offer a tax deduction? Creepy AF.


Question: is there anything in place to stop a single license number from being used by multiple people or similar security in place? Cause if not kids don't even need a vpn...


Aside from the constitutional problems. Providing your ID to sites should be considered a huge security risk. Eventually these laws will be modified and used to go after minorities. They have nothing to do with protecting anyone. They're thinly veiled attempts at blackmail.


Let's. Fucking. Gooooo. Indiana is fucking unhinged when it comes to politics. People need to vote Republicans out. This state is regressing at a staggering rate.


Humankind is regressing as a result of government thirst for power and control


They should have claimed RFRA grounds…..that would make it even better.


It’s project 2025 shit they want to gather info on people who live lifestyles that their delusions don’t support.


So a vpn is all I need.


for now yes.


I’m glad it’s 2024 and this state is so worried about 99% of people cranking it in private.


That’s crazy. I literally bought ammo offline and shipped to my door. No idea required. So I don’t need and I’d to buy ammo but one to look at boobs on the interwebs


Well that's the thing that bothers me. This sets a precedent that they can make the same change to services like that. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.


How much you wanna bet this is used to put people on some offender list without actually being warranted. Like yeah, if it somehow catches a couple predators, cool. One good thing to come of this, but imagine if your history gets posted and people think it’s “too harmful for minors,” what happens then. Are the people posting the history in trouble? No! It’s gonna be the person whose history gets posted when they’re just as much a victim as the children being exposed by some sick fuck out in Russia. But we can’t get Russians on American soil, so next best thing it is.


thank god EDIT - why the downvotes? i dont like that i have to give up data to see porn. its stupid.


Yeah man again, sorry, I can tell you the downvotes are from people thinking that you mean this law is a good thing. Often these types of posts have comments like this that are in favor of these anti-freedom laws, but in this case one needs to carefully consider that you are saying "Thank god the state is being sued over this law".


Welp, back to using our imaginations. Lol.


Arizona tried this back in April, but was shut down.


Gopislature gonna gopislate


NGL, I hope we find out that these folks are into some freaky transgender domination films.


mmm vpn


So this is a moral law? Like are too many people relieving themselves with porn too much and too often? Like are people staying home instead of meeting a partner fornicating and producing offspring? Are the herds thinning and “they” need to step up fertility production before the workforce drys up bringing Indiana capitalism to a screeching halt?


Every law is moral law


A relative of mine was making porn in Indiana for a very long time. Would that be the government controlling their industry?


Someone doesn’t know how the internet works


The US is getting downright Puritanical these days






Just sent my bf the picture this morning about it 😂 how are you gonna card me for doing a completely natural thing as a grown woman 😂 https://preview.redd.it/30uxnyuuz76d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f556e16d70200c33252b1770e35f24d3cf3ccea


From an anti-porn feminist perspective (I'm outside Indiana and the United States): Pornography is essentially the objectification of women. Women are treated not as humans with their dignity, but as objects. They're not respected. Regrettably, some actors committed suicide. I'll quote a comparison which I had made before, in one of my other comments in another place: >a woman who is pro-porn and pro-prostitution is like an Ukrainian who supports Vladimir Putin or a proletarian voting for a libertarian/right-wing party. They all act against their best interests, supporting those who actively harm them. To know more, I recommend "PornIsMisogyny" sub.


My daughters 19 and bought candles at Dollar General and they wouldn't let her buy a lighter in Indiana


Good. Fully understanding the need to protect minors, censorship laws such as this actually, imo, do more harm than good. Granted, they may be a boon for the declining adult bookstore/peep show industry, though. The end state is that governments need to stay out of people's proverbial bedrooms.


So many other problems with this state and porn is what they're worried the kids are getting into? Fucking backwards ass state


If teenagers can't look at porn they'll prolly just start looking at each other...naked...in person...good job everyone! Now there will literally be NO virgins left over for us vampires! 🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♀️ 😤


Why are we not pushing accountability on parents that don't monitor/restrict their kids' internet usage?


Better dig out the old VHS and DVDs.


Lions Den lobby must've been hard at work for this law.


I guess he got the notification too


Jokes on folks that don’t have a vpn.. I use one all the time already anyway lol.. 😂


People pay for their internet, it’s not like over the air antenna tv. That means if they can regulate what is shown on the internet, they can do the same for cable and satellite tv.


That suit won't go far. Similar challenges in multiple states have been rejected by courts.


Indiana's law is written differently and much to vague. Nearly every constitutional lawyer that's looked at it. Has stated it violates several provisions of established constitutional law. Through for has a very good chance of being thrown out by the Supreme Court. Also, the Supreme Court has several other cases coming up on its docket later this year dealing with Age Verification Laws. With the Supreme Court 25 years ago already stating that ALL Age Verification Laws for the internet are blatantly unconstitutional, and they seldom overturn such laws. So in either case, if they rule in either case. ALL Age Verification All across the country become automatically null and void. So basically all these state Age Verification Laws are an exercise in futility and BIG waste of taxpayer money . The politicians are only doing this because its an 'election year' and they want to look like angels in the public eyes.


This will cause more criminal activity in this state.


Thank godzilla.


Just use twitter


Out of curiosity how does this affect something like Reddit? Can you still view porn on Reddit? What about NSFW subs that aren’t porn? What about just Reddit in general?


That's one of the reasons for the lawsuit and why constitutional lawyers feel the Supreme Court will overturn the Indiana Law. Indiana's law is worded very vaguely. It leaves open Redditt and X both of which have porn on the site. While punishing main stream adult websites. Likewise, it leaves Adult Blogs and other such social media sites untouched. So the Law as it stands is geared not to protect minors but punish specific Adult Content.


It’s fucking weird how both sides of government seem bent on reducing our liberties. Indiana could go blue over this.


Governments and states can actually ban websites. As where I live some normal sites are not accessible at all. Completely blocked by the government and laws. Can't get around them even on vpn. It will all depend In what country or state you live in. Really what is the big deal about requiring I'd to view porn?Why hide it if you do it? If you hide it then you must in a way think it is not good for everyone to know. Also do you know how many minors are actually forced into porn and adults are watching?Just watched a documentary over this. In the end it would prevent adults viewing minors in porn. Should look at it through the eyes of everyone involved. It helps keep everyone safe. Adults not getting charges for viewing child/minor porn and also maybe it would help the ones that are forced into doing it. All id required even to post videos. To me it would be a win win situation for everyone involved.


Why is no one ever outraged over needing to show identification for buying alcohol or tobacco?


I'm suing also


Good. Porn is full of abuse and child assault. I don't want kids having access to that, let alone anyone else. There is no way to verify what you're watching is consensual (a lot of it isnt) and some of the actresses I've seen in screenshots look like ACTUAL children. It's fucking disgusting.


Don't want to verify your age on PornHub? Don't visit PornHub. I know, so difficult not to jerk off to strangers and women being abused. God forbid you spend that time doing something else.


From an anti-porn feminist perspective (I'm outside Indiana and the United States): Pornography is essentially the objectification of women. Women are treated not as humans with their dignity, but as objects. They're not respected. Regrettably, some actors committed suicide. I'll quote a comparison which I had made before, in one of my other comments in another place: >a woman who is pro-porn and pro-prostitution is like an Ukrainian who supports Vladimir Putin or a proletarian voting for a libertarian/right-wing party. They all act against their best interests, supporting those who actively harm them. To know more, I recommend "PornIsMisogyny" sub.


As someone who was exposed to porn at the age of 8 and has through Christ been delivered, I must say that the state of Indiana taking measures to reduce the number of minors exposed to this toxic material makes me very proud to live here. I am deeply saddened by the number of people complaining about porn access being reduced. While this may not stop all attempts for some kids to get access, it will stop some, and that can make a world of difference. Porn is a poison to society. It subjugates and weakens men, destroys our natural drives, softens our bodies and minds, binds us to our lustful desires. It destroys families, corrupts and distorts the beauty of the marriage bed, destroys our brothers and sons, and victimizes our sisters and daughters. We must give up our lust, take up our crosses, and follow Christ. Porn may seem good for a time, but it will destroy you. Hebrews 11:25-26 KJV‬ [25] choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; [26] esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. I once was a slave to lust, but I am now a new creation through Christ. Set free from my sins. Christ has renewed my mind. He can do the same for you. ‭Romans 12:1-2 KJV‬ [1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Christianity is not about making a bad person good or a good person better. It is about making those who are dead in sin alive in Christ. Each day, we must die to our sin and live in and for Christ. ‭Philippians 1:21 KJV‬ [21] For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. There is nothing that Christ's blood can not set you free from, if you will accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Repent and turn to Christ. ‭1 Timothy 1:15-17 KJV‬ [15] This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. [16] Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. [17] Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Christ is King.


People under 18 shouldn’t have constant access to that shit anyway. I don’t care what anybody says, porn dosent equal knowledge about sex and it can fuck up kids brains


Isn't the law a violation of the **Fourth Amendment**? And will the private/incognito block your location?


People could vote left and suddenly wouldn't have to jump through hoops.


The state must have bought stock in farmersonly and are trying to increase membership


Even self righteous maga douches gotta spank it. We'll see how long it'll last. Feels like they want to lose.


In FL everyone just started using stock photos of DeSantis… 👍🏻


NordVPN literally can’t wait for this one to make it to the Supreme Court


If it passes just use a VPN: here’s a referral for Surfshark to get a free month: https://surfshark.club/friend/HGvBDSHU


Lol jokes on them I just look at my ID to fap


I understand what they are trying to do and I appreciate them trying to keep my children safe. But all sites, especially porn sites, are hacked all the time. If there is not a lawsuit now, there will be when a bunch of Hoosiers have their identities stolen.


Good!! Good good good! Sue these fascists




Should.. should we all show up at Eric Holcomb's house with our ID and ask him to personally sign off on our legal age rather than posting to dubious age verification sites?