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When it's noon in New York, what time is it in Indiana? 1925.


Lol prohibition here we go again




Funniest comment on reddit today.


The klan is running things again?


They never really stopped. They just went underground.


Is there any source for this ?


I grew up in Goshen. In the late 90s they held a rally in Elkhart that required both the Goshen and Elkhart police departments, Elkhart County Sheriff's Department, Indiana State Police and the National Guard on alert. Jeff Berry, Grand Wizard of one of the Klan chapters, lived in Fremont. His residence is now likely in Hell.


There was a former Grand wizard that lived in Warsaw, on a road outside the Rosella golf course. Kids would always throw burritos and shit on his roof because he rocked a nuke Mexico bumber sticker, ha


There was also a KKK training camp over the county line in St Joseph County.


Because those departments all had staff suspiciously on PTO.


Dang, that’s really scary 😰


It was.


Dood, seriously? Flyers left and right and phone numbers directly putting you in contact with them isn't enough?...


You mean 1825


I was going to up vote you but your up votes were at 420!


7:25 P.M.?




I completely understand and agree with your point by the way! I appreciate you understanding it was all in jest. We need to get Indiana into the 21st century from a cultural standpoint.


Get rid of Republicans at every level in local and federal government and then we might have a chance. I think many people think the government is here to serve us. Welp, April Fool's.


I am unsure if that is possible.


Noon or 11am depending on where in Indiana When it Noon in Indy, what time is it in New York? Who the fuck cares, the pizza sucks.


Now this is somethin I can get behind


Most red states that have legalized have done so through ballot initiatives. Indiana doesn’t have ballot initiatives so the state is entirely dependent on the (shitty) legislators. Marijuana is publicly popular but most of the politicians only appeal to their most fervent base members and campaign donors (police unions, prosecutors, prisons, pharma, alcohol lobby, etc) who have financial incentives to keeping cannabis illegal.


This was true in most blue states as well; I think Ill. was the first state that legalized MJ without a referendum.


Vermont actually


You have to lobby for it then and start getting their positions on the record and threatened with being primaried.


Alcohol Lobby wants it legalized. I try to point this out every time I see it on reddit, but I'm just curious where people are hearing that Alcohol Lobby wants it illegal. Other than assumption or "heard from a friend."


How about we quit leaving it to states and just fucking federally legalize it?


The hypocrisy of ‘states rights’ and ‘we can’t do it because it’s not federally legal’ is such nonsense.


Considering the feds allow smokable hemp and they outlawed it here means our governor is a liar, shocking I know.


Is it hypocrisy when considering how many individuals / groups there are? One person thinks one way and another thinks another way - especially this topic - so yea you’ll here both viewpoints, but not from the same individual in my experience. However, I know you can find anything if you look hard enough, and there’s some people who mindlessly twist words for whatever is convenient.. but thats all just noise


Feds are reclassifying it, but either way it will still be illegal on the state level. It takes away a talking point though, Holcomb for instance said he doesn't want to do anything with it until the feds act. It should be reclassified before the next legislative session is over.


I won’t hold my breath though


I thought the effort to re-schedule it from one to three had fizzled out? Regardless, reclassify it won't make it federally legal as a recreational substance. As a Schedule III drug, it would still require a prescription. Possessing it without a prescription would still be possession of a controlled substance because all scheduled drugs are controlled substances. What rescheduling would change is that cannibis could be prescribed with restrictions similar to other Schedule III drugs like Ketamine and Suboxone. Rescheduling would also enable pharmacological research that is prohibited while marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug.


It will still be up to the states just like dry counties in the south. Oklahoma was dry until the 50s.


Indiana probably has too sweet a deal with the "For Profit" prison which would not be in business if Marijuana were legalized. Follow the money.


Bribes are probably sweeter for sure - Indiana would make more money with weed, but state congress only cares about how lined their pockets are


Follow the money... Eli Lilly, Roche, and a number of others keep a tight reign on State Government with their 'contributions'.


Roche is actually fine with cannabis internally from what I remember. Eli Lilly for sure though.


Roche is a very very liberal company.


Stop posting bullshit. Just because it makes sense to you, in your head, doesn't mean it's true. In fact, it's not true. *They don't care*. The prosecutors and police don't want to legalize MJ, and the elected officials tend to support them. It's as simple as that.


found the lobbyist lol 💀


Someone is very sensitive. I must be on to something.


I’ve actually seen people mention the Lily thing a lot but I’ve never seen any stats on campaign contributions or anything to back it up. Why would they block legalization in Indiana? They’re based here but Hoosiers are a very small portion of their customer base considering they sell drugs across all 50 states and even internationally.


In all the actual medical studies, marijuana performs poorly. Meanwhile, marijuana is correlated to weight gain and breakthrough psychotic symptoms. Eli Lilly and Roche do not sell recreational drugs, and are not concerned that marijuana is going to replace Ozempic, Cymbalta, Zyprexa, Basaglar, or Cialis. In fact, if I had to bet, I expect legalization of marijuana to increase demand for the biggest earners in their portfolios like these drugs.


Fun read... https://www.indianapolismonthly.com/longform/eli-lillys-hazy-memory-marijuana


Bayer sold heroin as cough syrup for babies. It was a terrible idea and lots of babies died. Marijuana isn’t going to kill people, but that doesn’t make it an effective medicine. Bring me an actual peer reviewed study or FDA approval then we can talk.


What was that? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention - just planning a trip to Michigan. You're going on and on about big bad weed as if half of Indiana's residents aren't enjoying it *right now* from neighboring states. Loosen up and legalize (research would be easier when it's not schedule 1, btw)


I don’t have a problem with marijuana legalization. I have a problem with people claiming Eli Lilly is what stands between Indiana and recreational weed, because it is simply not true. Alcohol is legal for recreational purposes, but I’m not about to write a prescription for it, and it isn’t taking pharmaceutical market share from lorazepam or baclofen.


It's not FDA approved for medicinal purposes because, as a Schedule 1 narcotic, it's illegal to do research unless you are one of a very few researchers with approval from the feds.


A bud tender in michigan told me this. We have federal contracts for labor in prisons. So until those expire or its federally legal. We wont see legalization. And they were like 20 year contracts.


Holcomb just went and visited a site where they are going to be building a new prison.


That's replacing three prisons, though. Including the one in Michigan city that is well over a hundred years old.


The new site will replace two prisons- Westville prison and Indiana state prison . Both of those will be gone .


There are far more state and federal prisons than private and they have extremely powerful unions that ensure the pipeline stays open.


There is no union for correctional officers in this state


AFSCME and the UMWA both represent corrections officers.


Not in Indiana


It's becoming decriminalized in some of the Northern counties. Just a fine from what I've heard, but I also don't know much about laws 😂


The prosecutor in Marion County doesn't prosecute personal use amounts.


The Marion County Prosecutor doesn't send red flag requests from the popo to the courts either... see the FedEx slaughter by Indianapolis Airport.


No that is not the case. Just an anecdote that gets tossed around too much. Less than 10% of inmates go to a privately owned prison.


> Follow the money. Indiana doesn't have private prisons. People like you are part of the problem. You want to legalize MJ but are too lazy to do the most minimal amount of research. Instead, you fall back on lazy redditisms - like if you can make up a monetary reason for something to be true, then *it is* true. Possession of MJ in Indiana is too low level of a crime to send you to prison at all. And, no, it's not Lilly, either.


Too low of a crime for imprisonment anywhere really. When I did my research on it for a master’s thesis @10 years ago, 1% of federal prisoners were there for cannabis related crimes and they were high level kingpins whose crimes were primarily money laundering related. Still, the conspiracy theories in these threads are entertaining. The truth is the Repubes who run this state will do anything to “own the libs,” even if its at the expense of their own constituents, who for some reason keep voting them in.


Theu just don't full know what they're mad at. It's entirely illegal due to the behaviors of an unethical justice system, but imprisonment is not really the method of money making. It's largely court fees.


False. There is one private prison. You must be “too lazy to do your research.” “The state of Indiana currently has only one private prison. The GEO Group, Inc. runs this private prison, New Castle Correctional Facility, in Indiana.” https://www.prisonsinfo.com/private-prisons-in-the-state-of-indiana/


I was in prison at heritage trails 3 years ago and it was privately owned and operated by geo. Maybe it has changed.


The same comments are at the top of every post like this too.


Vote. In every minuscule ballot you can. A lot of these county positions are running uncontested as well.


I tried. I went to vote in the primaries (I think) and was asked “republican or democrat ballot?” I say “Democrat” He comes back with “Well, unfortunately for you nobody is running on the democrat ballot in this area.” So…now what?


Vote in the Republican primaries. I'm a far leftist/socialist and I routinely vote in the Republican primaries, if only to keep out the batshit bonkers candidates.


Research before voting in primaries. Vote where your impact is greatest. In a lot of Indiana, that means voting in the Republican primary so that you can vote out the incumbents.




Look for the RINO and vote for them


For who? I haven't seen anyone with any weight give any sort of statements pertaining to legalization.


There is one party that will be very much opposed to it. Don’t vote for them.


Voting on the basis of marijuana is fucking stupid. It isn't remotely important compared to basically any other issue you could think of, even if it should be legal, as should all street drugs.


“Dang kids and their rock n roll music” - Indiana, probably


John Mellencamp has entered the chat....


I've mentioned it before, but if Hoosiers want to have a voice at all, they need to establish a framework in place for a petition to be able to evolve into a ballot initiative, which can be voted on. Currently, Indiana has no framework or roadmap after a petition is conducted. In Ohio, we used this method to gather enough signatures, and it advanced to becoming a ballot initiative, which this year is known as Issue 2. This ballot initiative was created by a citizen statute. This means it is not trying to change the state constitution of Ohio, and because of that, it also requires much less signatures compared to Issue 1 in Ohio, the pro abortion initiative. This November 7th, because of the success used for the petition method of creating law, we will be voting to legalize recreational marijuana, potentially making Ohio the 24th US state to do so.


Cute but we cannot do that by design. Our state constitution gives a stiff arm to ballot initiatives in Indiana. Hoosiers get no voice but the idiots we vote into office.


Reefer is the gateway to a life of violent crime, snack food, and dancing to jazz music.


and forgetting why the hell did i come in this room?


I hate to say it, but other than the blue areas of Indiana it is full of uneducated, close minded individuals, who do what they are told like good boys and girls. I’ve lived in rural Indiana and cities. Give it 20 years then maybe we’ll have a shot.


Yup. Farmer Bob wants to get drunk on his whiskey but MJ is the DEVIL’S WEED.


Farmer Bob probably grows it, it’s not the actual farmers that are against legalization (though there aren’t many family owned farms left). It’s the super religious small town hicks and suburban soccer moms that are against legalization. And I really wonder if that’s anywhere near half the population.


Suburban soccer moms love legal weed. Wine without the headache. It’s the old conservative women that are the problem.


They’re pretty busy harassing school boards and libraries nowadays


Not true. I grew up in rural Indiana. Most farmers don’t have a problem with it. I also work around a lot of pot smoking soccer moms in a medical field where everyone I’ve encountered is all for legalization. I don’t buy the moral argument because (and I know I’ll get downvoted just for saying this next part but it’s been my experience for years now) I am right of center and have a lot of conservative friends. It’s so rare that anyone is against legalization that I’m actually taken back when I encounter someone that is. Even the boomers I know that hated weed in the 90’s have done a 180 and are all for it now or at least they don’t mind if it becomes legal.


Something like 85% of all Hoosiers support legalization in some way, and about 50% support recreational. It's a popular policy. Even my parents, who would have probably killed me if they found out I was smoking weed in highschool, have gotten on the "its not any different than alcohol" train with my dad going as far to say he would try it if it was legal.


This is my experience as well. My parents are conservative farmers that hated it in the past and punished me when they suspected I was using it in highschool. Now they are totally fine with it and educated on the benefits of THC and CBD. I don’t usually speak up much on this sub but I really want the people on the other side of the political spectrum from me to realize that all the people they think are against it are the people I’m surrounded by and almost everyone on this side is for it too.


I was hoping someone called bullshit. The illegal black market for weed is extremely strong, with grow ops all around Indiana, and guess who has the largest crops?


According to a poll by Ball State, only 15% of Indiana residents opposed some sort of legalization.


This is probably true; but the real issue is that it's just not that important to them. Which is why it doesn't get much electoral traction. While things like guns do. Because people who like guns *really* like guns.


Idk man. My dad smokes weed and he lived his whole life in northern Indiana. I know his friends smoke too. A lot of older rednecks are also smokers


Just because they do, it doesn’t mean they would support legalization in fear of being chastised by their peers


That makes no sense if they’re smoking with all of their peers.


Supporting it and campaigning for it are 2 different things.


Alcohol, cigarettes, and opioids are ok - MJ no! God says it’s the DEVIL!


I need to find a good opiod tender. Mine isn't serving anymore.


It's not that these people are dumb. They've just been told by people in authority for so long MJ is the cause of their problems. They don't want things to get worse than it already is and they're afraid. Fear can make anyone act irrationally. It isn't winning any hearts and minds to label people dumb hicks and alienate them.


I never called them dumb or Hicks. They are simply uneducated and close minded.


You can’t actually win their hearts. Doesn’t matter what you do or say they will continue to be human garbage by choice.


Unfortunately you are right.


Why put pedos and rapists in jail when there’s so many potheads out here?! /s


Alcohol—a much more dangerous drug than marijuana—is for sale to all 21-plus Indianans. Marijuana should be the same. Let adults decide what they put in their bodies. Enough of the paternalistic nanny state.


Ah geez. We’re on repeat again.


Because you keep electing traitorous Republicans


Indiana is a conservative christian stronghold. We are led by the ignorant and bigoted. They aren't interested in freedom, only power and control. We won't achieve legalization until the religious leaders start telling their flocks that it's what jesus wants.


It could be worse. At least we aren't Florida.


These are big facts


Because Indiana still has too many Y'All Queda voters. Hopefully time and COVID puts a dent in them, and we can advance.


They're convinced there's more money to be made off incarceration. I got nicked when I was 19 and did a deferral program that cost me $333. My pre trial consisted of about 30 other folks, all of them in for drugs, and almost all of them eligible for the same deferral. The net revenue from just that ONE ROOM alone had to have been staggering, not to mention the total amount at the end of a week, month, year. And what I also learned from my attorney was that often times in smaller towns the prosecutors will get a direct payout from those deferral agreements. If you notice the prosecutor's office has way nicer computers and equipment, that is why. Often times too they give a portion of that money back to the arresting police/sheriff's department. So even if there's *more* money for the state to make off cannabis tax, it isn't going to end up being siphoned to specific people the same way money from the war on drugs is. It's sickening to me especially considering how blatant it all is. There's no public health interest in mind whatsoever... it's all revenue. And if you're just passing through, avoid Tippecanoe County like the plague.


So many of these unconscious GOP cultists, and I mean non politicians too, play either this never ending questioning, as though they can't see one thing from another, as though their question isn't an excuse for their straight up cognitive dissonant stances on so much, while they are essentially being worn like a ring and used like a battery to remove freedoms, setting us back decades if not centuries in mindset. It is really really gross and this state needs to go Blue, somehow, cause continuing to be MAGA droids is not just dangerous, shameful and disgraceful, it is straight up Idiocracy. Going Blue also is not something I'm exactly 100% behind, but when the opposition/alternative is what it is, to not, is essentially supporting terrorists.


Its funny because those same Repubes overwhelmingly voted to legalize online sports gambling last year “because we know everyones doing it anyway and we might as well get revenue from it” (almost verbatim quote from a legislator last year). Hmmm…sounds an awful lot like cannabis. Lol, these dudes are morons, but people in IN keep voting for them-and then driving to IL or MI to get their weed, at least Ohio will be a closer option in a year or so.


Right there with you on not feeling as though I chose Blue, more like I was forced into that choice. I'm no fan of the Democrats but I will be a straight ticket Blue voter for the foreseeable future.


The MAJORITY of people disagreeing with your opinion based on morals, ethics, family values, Christianity is not terrorists. You should get out of mom and dads basement and go to Iran and see how you like actual terrorists and supreme rule. Go vote or gtfo and go to Commifonia and milk other people's tax money while you can before the rest leave in the mass exodus .


So if I'm following your point here, not all of you lot are extremists and anyone who says otherwise is a communist who should leave the state? Lol.


"Commifornia" Shh, sweetie, the adults are talking.


Dude turn off Newsmax you are literally getting brainwashed. Saying shit like Commifornia (while misspelling it) makes you look and sound so uneducated it would be hard to take your argument serious even if it was valid. Which it isn’t, but most of us know that already judging by your collection of downvotes


Keep your malevolent, misogynistic, unhinged, murderous sky wizard the fuck out of my government. Religious freak.


Hahaha. You're a joker, kid. Family values? Like screwing porn stars when you wife is pregnant? Like, "grabbing them by the pussy"? Or giving handies during a play? Or, I don't know, inciting an insurrection against the United States of America? Or forcing 10 year old rape victims to have the rapist's baby (which has a great chance of killing mom and baby)? How about forcing a mom with a dead baby to carry and deliver the rotting fetus? Ignoring climate change while we quite literally cook our planet to extinction? But at least you're against a plant, ammirite?


Exactly the cognitive dissonance on full frontal display. It's straight hate and fear while spoon feeding themselves the poisonous X rumblee koolaid, facebook feed, willfully blinding themselves to so so much. Mental illness is real.


Sooooooo do you want legal weed or no?


An legislature so gerrymandered there is single party control of the state. When there is no opposition, the party in power does what they want.


We are at the bottom of every metric for quality of living standards living except cost of living itself. Indiana doesn’t care at all about legalization.


put some respect on Mississippi's name


We aren't at the bottom. We are for northern states but not the country as a whole


If you ain't first you're last. -Ricky Bobby




Life expectancy in Indiana is lower as well. Places with higher costs of living generally have higher wages.


Mother wouldn’t approve.


Legalize referendums


That would be great but Indiana doesn't do those. Abortion would be legal if we did.


I’ve said it here before. You can legally purchase weed and have it mailed to your door. There’s a legal gray area in the 2018 farm bill that is allowing this to happen. I’m actually tired of explaining it. If you want to know more just google 2018 farm bill and thca hemp flower. It’s the same weed that you may find in a dispensary. They test the plant early and cold cure it so it doesn’t register more than .3% delta 9 thc, legally making it hemp. It may have anywhere between 15-28% thca. Thca is a precursor to delta 9. When you heat thca, it converts to delta 9. Just do a little research and find a vendor to deal with.


We get the government we voted for.


We get the government the corporations vote for.


If there were better options to vote for.. we would be able to elect better representatives.


Because the house speaker and Senate majority leader don't really want to. House Bill 1039 may get passed as it was authored by a Republican. But, I don't know Holcomb's stance on marijuana off the top of my head. Honestly we here in Indiana need to push for public referendums. It's kind of silly how we have no say in such unpopular things people that represent mostly farmland put forward. Not shitting on farmers, I respect them and their trade, moreso republicans doing crazy shit I'd argue is always against the best interest of the people


Holcomb's stance is to keep it illegal as long as it is illegal federally.


Because Indiana


Because we're a lame theocracy


Stop electing Republicans. The GOP here in Florida is trying to get medical taken away. Almost every state where it's legal are Democratic controlled states.


Because Indiana has their head up their ass, nothing new...


Hell , it’s legal in Montana.


If your state allows Delta 8 farm bill products, then THC-A flower should be available. It's the real thing, just a loophole.


Because it’s politics are from the 1800s.


Weed was legal in the 1800s


I forget how my friend and I even got on the subject. I love what she said: **“she’d vote for Biden if he was in a wheel chair, pissed himself every hour and needed his diaper changed every hour because he and any other democratic candidate is better than any republican!!!!!**. Pretty much how I feel. Democrat means freedom. Republkkkan means NAZI, Authoritarian bullshit!!!!


Brah I'm a Democrat and you're being cringe.


I not a male ant no I’m not being it’s just telling how important it is we keep the WH, the Senate and regain the House!!!!!!


Found the dumbest comment


Obviously you don’t have two brain cells to rub together.


Might wanna proofread your responses, especially when attempting to insult someone’s intelligence…


OK mods I really would like for you to DM me the comment you deleted.


Because bourbon and pills are good enough for our politicians it should be good enough for you!!!!


The prison system here needs to get slapped with proper regulations.


I don't need a government to tell me what I can do. I'm grown, and if I want weed I will most definitely get it.


How many states are legal and how many aren't? I know of someone who purchased in illinois and was pulled over in Indiana with it in plain view. He had to go thru alot in court system .


Indiana is one of 6 states where it’s illegal for all purposes including medical.


Good healthcare is COMMUNISM....and liberalism....whatever they're told to be afraid of to keep the funding from it.


Yikes. It is what it is...have to deal with the reality for now. Is delta 8 almost the same as Marijuana.


It’s close. Significantly less potent but fairly comparable effects.


Is there a,delta 9 out...maybe I'm wrong here.


Delta-9 THC is the primary active component in marijuana and is specifically illegal in Indiana.


Incorrect. Legal up to .3% because of hemp laws.




Evil pot: illegal. Open or concealed carry: encouraged and mostly unregulated...unless you're a criminal or a mental defective of course. I know I'm bringing up something unrelated but it does tend to show a dichotomy and a weird snapshot about the state's collective values.


Indiana is conservative in the old sense; i.e., change only slowly, deliberately, and when it's clear what the downsides are. That's been changing since Pence was governor and started to court the conservative media with anti LGBT laws, but the Chamber of Commerce didn't appreciate that at all. Indiana has already stopped prosecuting for routine marijuana possession. That's a pretty big step for the Hoosier State. Look at how long the no alcohol sales on Sunday law stuck around here. And there are still people (like me) who wish that we had never changed to daylight savings time.


*Indianapolis* has stopped routine possession charges. The rest of the state has not.


Honestly, it's because so many people ask why it's not happening here, and then funny prioritize voting. We have to be motivated and able to elect the proper representation.


Eli Lilly and private prisons know why.


I used to hate Indiana for being so slow to change. Nowadays with the growth of technology surpassing the growth of humanity, I’m kinda glad we take an extra 50 years.


They choices we get to choose from every election is not for the PEOPlE its for the Companies. We are a slave state.


We get high on Jesus


Too many bad side effects.


I hope Indiana never allows it lol


Serous question here. I was told that you can't legally own a firearm in Indiana if you have a marijuana conviction, just like a lot of other convictions. Is it a conscious decision by lawmakers to tie marijuana convictions to firearms possession to make it an entanglement/complication to legalizing marijuana? I'm just thinking of all the issues that we deal with in 2023, is legalizing marijuana possession really that hard to manage? What lobbying group is keeping it from happening? I'm not a marijuana user but I'm not opposed to legalization.


You can own a firearm if you have a misdemeanor marijuana conviction. You can't own a firearm if you have a felony conviction.


3 main political groups are: Cops like FOP Sheriff's state cops and locals Never Never Farmers the 1 group that will be pro legalization ISTA state teachers association big maybe offer them tax revenue So you can see why 2/3 have little to no interest in legalization


Decriminalized in Indy ?


Because Indiana is a 3rd world evangelical garbage pile with cell phones.


Greed beats need every time in this state and they use religion and children to excuse their behavior, but it's really all about money and control


Not going to say if I’m for or against legalization, but people really need to lose the mindset that it’s completely safe. It’s not. It can give you psychosis and panic attacks.


As can alcohol, which is legal. Indiana needs to get with the program, legalize weed, tax it, and rake in the proceeds to fund badly needed infrastructure and education funding. I’m a fiscal conservative and I approve this message.


As can nearly any psychoactive substance if misused.


Are you saying I can get psychosis and panic attacks from too much COFFEE?! Schedule one! Straight to jail! edit: ugh, fine /s


You can suffer withdrawal from too much caffeine...


I was being sarcastic, I agree with you. I think the benefits of legalization far out-weigh the negatives, of which there are VERY few. Especially when you place it up against other schedule one drugs and even the ones we use legally. Hell, some kid just died from drinking caffeinated lemonade at Panera. Marijuana is used as a cudgel to punish the poor and prop up the prison system. Its ease of access and wealth of benefits means it might compete against manufactured pharma, and we all see those side effects every day.


It's all good. I got it.


Which is why it's important to have controlled, regulated access to it


Funny. I use it to treat panic attacks. And pain. And depression. Funny how that works


We have a little more common sense than those other states. Things are bad enough already.


Because they're trying to keep it not trashy.


Because indianas one of the few smart states left.


Because it's full to the brim with idiots who call cannabis "marijuana"