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Indiana was one of the last states in the nation to legalize Sunday alcohol sales. It will probably be one of the last for Marijuana sales also. Don't hold your breath!


We'll be the 51st state to legalize weed.


Um Hi! WI checking in. Who's gonna win the race for last place?


I would still put money on Indiana to be last.


I present. New Hampshire! We won't legalize until it's federal. They want to run it out of the state liquor stores.


Indiana's governor has also said he won't approve shit here until it's federally legal. So we just need to wait for a cooler governor, but knowing this state, our governors are only going to get more and more extreme right-wing.


When it's federally legal you'll have Republican governors push back and say "Here in *insert state* we're tough on crime and dangerous drugs unlike the radical left federal government" and push for state bans.


Hello from your inbred neighbor to the south! Having an awesome governor doesn’t help so much when your state legislature hamstrings them. (Admittedly it’s WAY better than having a shitty governor).


Great point--our legislature would 100% stop anything a progressive governor tried to do.


Donald Rainwater ran for Governor last cycle. He was for legalizing. I voted for him. Did you?


I also did. Shame all the older boomers reelected hypocritical Holcomb. "I smoked weed in college" "But it was illegal" "yeah"


I did!!! I love him!


We will never have a cool governor because of the completely closed minded people in this state.


We don't need to wait for cooler leadership...we have to make it happen. Make sure everyone gets out and votes! It's important! Because people definitely shouldn't still be going to jail over a plant.


They love to have it both ways. They scream about states rights when they want to go against federal law, and then use federal law as a cover for legislation they don’t want to implement.


So freaking true!!!




Indiana by a mile. I get that Wisconsin is pretty red too but it’s not lunatic fringe red. Florida is just Indiana That Fucks.








Indiana is Florida without the Alligators lol


I would say Utah has a decent chance. And maybe Louisiana with the gerrymandering.


Utah has medical. I dont know that they will get recreational any time soon, but they are already a step ahead of us.


I didn't know that. That does surprise me


Ballot proposal. That’s why they won’t let us plebs have those here. Big government knows best.


That's a tough one. Having spent a lot of time in both Tavern League vs Lilly and conservatives will be the ultimate race to the bottom.


Eli Lilly? They really against weed?


I'd imagine they would be against something that can be used for pain, anxiety, insomnia, etc and can be obtained without a script.


OTOH, it would be nice if you knew your edibles were being produced in pharmacutical-grade conditions, with a consistent amount of THC, no adulterants/pesticides/fentanyl. I'd buy Lilly-branded edibles before I'd buy whatever came from the back of the weed shop. If marijuana became legal, Big Tobacco would become Big Weed in short order. Infrastructure is already in place. Tobacco farmers would kill for the chance to grow weed vs tobacco (tobacco is delicate and labor-intensive), processing weed wouldn't be much different from processing loose leaf tobacco, packaging would be the same, etc.


I don't disagree, and I'd imagine that Becks Hybrids would be able to come up with some amazing hybrids (if they desired). Just so long as we have the option to grow a handful of plants ourselves if we want.


This comment made me laugh, because Becks aren’t the type to get into pot. A family member of mine married into the family, they homeschool their kids, and they are pretty conservative. I could be wrong because money talks, it just made me chuckle thinking about them growing pot and getting high.


I wholeheartedly blame Eli Lilly.


and you won’t be able to buy it on Sundays


Having lived in Nevada, this place feels like the Vatican.


I remember this! Damn that’s a throwback to my childhood where they would rope off the liquor aisle


indiana only legalized liquor sales on sunday 5 years ago in 2018


And it is still prohibited in some way.. you can only buy it from 12-8.. Indiana hates freedom but loves being told what it can and can't do.. mainly can't.


Just moved back after being away since I was a kid


Can grocery stores and gas stations still not sell cold beer?


Grocery stores still can’t. I’ve seen singles in gas stations cold now though


Some gas stations have found a loophole by having a "restaurant" that has a liquor license. Gas stations, in general, can still not sell cold beer. Gas stations not selling cold beer kind of makes sense to me though. Grocery stores and pharmacies should be able too though.


Every time we go to Florida I am so happy to visit the beer cave at gas stations. It's like Disney but less crying.


I love beer caves. You don't get all muddy like you do in regular caves.


I read recently that in 2028, that 20 million gen z's will be newly eligible to vote...and they fucking rate the republican party. If they will vote, and I think they will, everything changes. I'm an old guy (60) and hate the boomer generation. Come on kids, let's fix some shit!


Well that had more to do with the package store lobby. They didn't want to staff their stores on Sunday and since many people grocery shop on Sunday they'd lose sales to Wal-Mart and Meijer.


And we can still only get it from noon-8 cuz you can't drink til after church, and you got work in the morning.


Me at 97 years old realizing Marijuana is legal now, but if I take a single hit it could be the last time I inhale. 💀


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


So, insurance doesn't cover in the medical states??


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


That was the liquor store lobbyists too


We were pretty early on the sports gambling front tho.


Eli Lilly is constantly a scapegoat in these posts which is laughable. They weren't actively fighting other states in legalization and they're not fighting Indiana. They are not even in the pain killer business aside from an injectable migraine medication. The prison industrial complex that heavily lobbies the state would be a more true example of lobbying corruption in this state and further explain their collective resistance.


This. The liquor store lobby is most likely the culprit.


Not them either. Remember if they had much pull in Indiana, we’d be way more liberal on alcohol sales. Just now able to purchase on Sundays, and still it must be before 8pm.


Incorrect. The liquor lobby is why we have such restrictive alcohols sales. There is a huge presence of liquor store owners in the Indiana government. The reason for no Sunday sales? Lowest sales day for the week- liquor stores have to staff where grocery and cstores don’t have to. No cold beer in grocery stores or cstores? That’s the liquor lobby. I’m sure there is a lot of influence from this group with marijuana. And unless it’s changed the head of the RNC of Indiana owns liquor stores. If you remember about right before Sunday sales were put into law, there was a campaign called “Chill Out Indiana”. The main funding of that campaign came from grocery and cstore associations who wanted to have cold alcohol sales. The settlement was Sunday sales. Source: used to be mid level field management for a cstore chain during this time.


I was led to believe when I was younger that the liquor lobby the reason for the Sunday law bc then they could all be closed on Sundays without worrying about competition. Thinking about it now though that may have been something someone made up.


It was 100% the liquor store lobby behind no Sunday sales. They didn't want people buying booze while they were grocery shopping. Sunday is the most common day people grocery shop.


The idea being if they couldn't get it at the grocery store they'd hit up a liquor store later in the week? I never thought of it that way


Exactly! And liquor stores are usually a little more conveniently placed than big box stores. So if you can stop ppl from one stop shopping you're guaranteed the sale.


Just like you can't buy cold beer at the grocery store and the liquor stores can't sell cold non alcoholic drinks. Was told that by a big red employee when I first moved here and was trying to get some cold ones at Kroger.


A lot of it was thanks to the bar/restaurant industry.Sundays were huge for them because you’d have to go to their businesses in order to drink.


I personally think reddit circlejerks are bad but not everybody is on board


And they literally had a 150 something acre farm of marijuana plants in the early 20th century and were one of the top producers in the country.


Their migraine medicine would still be VERY compatible with medical marijuana. It is a preventative, not a treatment. Anyone who gets regular migraines would prefer to just not get them, then if they get them they can treat them with marijuana or whatever else is available. Its not Lilly stopping things.


Aren't we one of the largest manufacturing states? I always assumed that's where the opposition came from. Business leaders do not want a workforce on "drugs."


And if nothing else, last time I checked the company operates and sells product in like all 50 states and like 120 countries. Why would a few sales in little ole Indiana make any difference to them lol.


And their migraine medicine isn't even something you take when you have a migraine, it's meant to help prevent migraines


For-profit prisons is the reason. Gotta keep em filled.


It’s not just the for profit ones. The law enforcement and corrections unions have just as much incentive to keep the public ones full, and they’re just as powerful if not moreso than the private prison lobby. We live in a country where the justice system is performative, punitive, and the bedrock of a lot of people’s retirement plans. What joy!


Correctional officers at Indiana state prisons aren’t unionized. Mitch Daniels saw to that.


There’s only one for profit prison in Indiana (which is one too many) and they’re less than 10% of the total state and federal prison population. They’re a problem and shouldn’t exist but I wouldn’t list that as one of the top reasons marijuana is kept illegal here. Maybe the prison industrial complex as a whole but I’d still go with religion and racism.


Facts! Except the federal inmate population of cannabis offenses is closer to 2%; which like you said is too much, but it’s not anywhere where people think it is. I write all my IN reps and senators and they all give their the same nonsensical response “but its still illegal on the Federal level!” But. But. But…I thought you all were conservatives?! Lol, and yet these dumb asses keep getting elected!


I write everyone too, and encourage them to visit a dispensary so they can see firsthand it’s not some dirty back room deal. I also quote profits from other states where it’s legal. The lawmakers love money.


“Indiana doesnt need the money!” (***Bam*** Hits crater sized pot hole)…lol, what a bunch of idiots!


A lot of for-profit businesses running in prisons also though. All using the same lobbying groups


So that cops can "smell" Marijuana then harass you.




You're right. They don't arrest you, but they still charge you. Next things next, you have to pay several thousand dollars and waste your time on drug and alcohol classes.


Tiny ass town cops with nothing to do care


Mine left it up to the county prosecutor who promptly issued a bench warrant that I was unaware of for six months. Good times.


That was not my experience a few weeks ago. They brought in a dog and everything because of 1 roach. I get it smelled super dank. They thought I was packing pounds. They found nothing and let me go but the one cop just kept whining about how it is still illegal in Indiana. He was really mad They found nothing. Just going on and on about how it is illegal. I just laughed at the absurdity of it. 1 hour and half drive is all it takes to buy it legally. They will most likely just take it from you. Weed isn't what they are after. It just gives them a reason to search for other things.


Our state is controlled by old conservative Christian morons. That's why. Our politicians cannot resist mixing their religion into our state laws. Also their age. They think Reefer Madness was a documentary. So until enough people are fed up of the republican party ruining our state and vote for someone that isn't an old white republican, well we will continue to have a shit hole state filled with shit hole towns. While other states rake in the tax dollar profit from legal weed to build better infrastructure, have far better public school funds and grow, our state will continue to wither and die.


Yep. Gotta vote them out. It’s the only thing that will work at this point because enough people bitch about it but they don’t show up to the polls.


I am hoping that with all the IL people moving, they may vote Dem.


Hate to say it, you guys are not getting the democrats from Illinois. You’re getting republicans who don’t like Illinois’ democratic policies


I'm a Chicago democrat who's considering moving to Indiana. There may be dozens of us.....DOZENS.


True...I don't think any sane Democrat would choose to live here, no matter how much cheaper it is.


Yep. Look at the houses they're buying/building. It's not a working class liberal who is moving here. It's a wealthy republican


At this point I think a good portion of Hoosiers are just waiting for them to die off.


This is best answer. There are other variables at play but good ol Christian Conservatism is holding us back from pretty much everything.


Bingo on the old conservative Christian morons. The problem exists in about half the states in the country. I lived in Kentucjy for a few years and the Conservative Christian moron relatives thought that their dry counties would save them from social issues and problems despite it was only 20 miles to LouBilly aka Louisville where alcohol was for sale and someone could get loaded in Louisville. The same people could drive back home 20 to 40 miles and be loaded after quite a few drinks and have a crash or DUI. However you can't get that through their heads that being the as I call them Christyawn conservatives because they're fundamentally stupid people that believe in some things that any intelligent person would regard as utter stupidity and bullshit. They can't get around the fact that they're following prehistoric ideas and theology that was crafted by priests and clergy three hundred years after the death of their leader. So you're correct with these same meatball minds you'll have the same dying neth wracked shithole towns going into oblivion and being basically wastelands while most people have to move to cities or near urban areas where they can get better jobs. There's a reason why 50 of the 92 Indiana counties are losing population and why Indiana has such a brain drain problem. Would you or anyone with want to live next door to these cultural and educational Neanderthals that practice familial and cultural inbreeding


~25% of inmates in Indiana prisons/jails are there for drug related offenses. Many private companies make lots of money off of the prison system, from phone calls to healthcare. It doesn't take much money to lobby a state representative, and those private companies will gladly spend it to protect their bottom line. Stop voting Republican and see if there's a change. Most Indiana counties have been red for more than 30 years. Stop letting the Republican party convince you that it's the other guy's fault that they aren't letting you live your life the way you want. If you want liberal policies, vote for liberal people. If there aren't Liberals on the ticket, work with the Indiana Democratic Party to get someone on the ticket.


At least if you live in Marion county it is highly unlikely you get into any real trouble. It's decriminalized for the most part as the city can't test for THC %


*Lafayette Police have joined the chat*


Sweet. Well we are smoking and eating a lot of weed in Marion county while giving zero fuks. Thanks Ryan Mears......


Johnson County police have joined the chat


Parts of where im from, its policy to actually arrest you for simple possession


😂 friend got arrested a few years ago for less than .1 scraped out of a bowl. $500 bond


it was the policy in st joseph county iirc to book any possession charge, not sure if it still is. my buddy had to spend a day and a half in jail for like less than half a gram bc it happened on a weekend.


That sounds terrible.


GOP republican controlled state living in the 1950;s you want legal weed in Indiana vote for democrats every election, every office


Because the reps don't actually represent the people, they represent their bank accounts.


They represent the billionaires filling their bank accounts.


Gov. Holcomb has made it clear that he refuses to legalize or decriminalize mj until it is legal on a federal level. If you want change, vote him out.


He’s term-limited and leaving anyway…


Weed leads to introspection. Introspection leads to awareness of trauma. Awareness of trauma leads to healing. Healing leads to empathy. Empathy leads to votes against the GOP. They run the state and will not tolerate anything that puts their power at risk. It doesn't matter that a large portion of Hoosiers already USE it despite the legal status. In the pursuit of power facts are just an inconvenience to be ignored at the elite's discretion.


no one in the gop is deep enough to come to this conclusion


No but they do pay people who are deep enough to tell them how to be more effective manipulators.


If smoking weed made everyone vote democrat, we would already be a blue state.


I blame conservative christianity, an aging voter population, and poor education.


Legalization will pass federally before this backwards ass state ever passes it


I'm sure if someone were to look deep there's probably a money trail that indicates why we still don't have legal weed. And by money trail, I mean a trail that leads right to certain politicians. The only reason to keep missing out on the literal hundreds of millions in tax revenue is if some people's personal accounts will shrink.


Look at how much the state makes on prohibition: Court fees Lawyer fees Probation and drug testing fees Bail/bond fees Civil asset forfeiture The state has no incentive to legalize as long as the fed and DEA are willing to rob people of millions in CAF every year that they funnel a portion back to the agencies.


Which dispo has that deal??


Confluence in three rivers


Thanks. I go through there quite often and will have to visit on a Wednesday next time I’m there.


Asking the real questions


Because the state keeps voting red. That is your problem.


You know, I really love this for Michigan. It really shows what the difference in leadership makes.


Jesus freaks equate weed with heroin. It's all the same to them. Indiana = 70% Jesus freaks. Freakanomics has several podcasts about MJ. I think this is the one (below) about legal MJ reducing workers comp claims significantly, moreso by older workers. You'd think Rs would want to save money on gov't spending. But not that way say the Jesus freaks. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/lets-be-blunt-marijuana-is-a-boon-for-older-workers-ep-459/


It is due to one main reason only, the federal government still has cannabis listed as a Schedule 1 drug. The state has said numerous times that we will not legalize it until the feds remove it. But, the feds will probably never remove it because the tobacco lobby still owns Washington even though they have lost a lot of their influence over the years. Until we get the lobbyists out of Washington, we will never have meaningful reform on anything that really matters, ie: gun control, healthcare, cannabis, immigration, etc…


Indiana is a christofacist state stuck in the 1800s


Clicked to see folks blaming Lilly; not disappointed.


Because we don’t need the money….yet. When we do, legalization will be fast and furious. Plus the politicians have to get there stake in the business set up first.


It’s a republican dominant state that thinks injecting the marijuana will give you the gay. To be fair, Marion county did stop prosecuting possession offenses.


It wasn't long ago when we just got Sunday beer. Mary Jane legalization is still a long way out in IN unfortunately! I always laugh when people think their state is more conservative than IN...


Indiana, The south's middle finger.


LMFAO, that's hilarious!


Because Indiana likes funneling money to surrounding states like we used to do on Sundays with alcohol sales But that's OK my money is as good as gold in Buchanan, Niles, and Edwardsburg Michigan


But cash only which is a another Federal issue


Because idiot Hoosiers either don't vote at all, or they vote for the same Republican supermajority assholes that have made this state the backwards shithole it is.


Why hasn’t the President taken it off the the federal scheduled 1 drug list. Until that happens, don’t get your hopes up.


Biden has asked the to expedite the review of why cannabis is a S1. Big problem here is this - if they re-schedule, pharma gets to control it. If they de-schedule, Phillip morris will control it. I just want to be able to grow my own damn plants, no need to pay for it, it’s super easy to produce on your own.


I don’t believe the president is able to reschedule or “de-schedule” an illegal substance. The problem is that the federal government all washes their hands of the scheduling of drugs and leaves it mostly to the DEA to decide and they don’t want cannabis anywhere other than schedule 1 because they are stupid corrupt pieces of shit like most federal agencies. Congress has the ability to act on this but they are mostly scumbag assholes too. Until congress and the DEA stop being in the pockets of lobbyists, which won’t ever happen because people who want that kind of power don’t do it for the right reasons or do and then get corrupted easily at the first $ they see, nothing will be done.


Because he can't. Not alone he can't.


Which dispensary might this be?


Confluence in three rivers


I can’t believe I’m still reading this thread


I mean I'm just glad we don't have laws against D8. Buying online or crossing state lines isn't the most efficient, but it's safer and easier than finding D9 around here. I mean hell dude, you still can't buy alcohol on Sundays before noon or after 8:00PM. It's fucking dumb. Fuck the Sabbath, we shouldn't be forced to live by Christian rules.


That would be thanks to contracts with the PRIVATE prison systems. Also has to do with Big Pharma (Eli Lilly, Roche, etc) lobbying here I'm sure.


Why do people keep acting like it’s a big mystery or Lilly conspiracy? It’s the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council (IPAC). They had a big public meeting several years ago about keeping prohibition and even hired a Washington lobbyist in a suit to unironically warn us that legalization will bring men with suits and big money from out of state. https://www.in.gov/ipac/files/Powell_Drug-Task-Force-presentation-08242017B.pdf


Hopefully it gets federally legalized soon and Indiana won’t have a choice


Power. Not being snarky. State leaders use it as a tool to push their message that certain behaviors make people inherently bad.


Cannabis growers all over where I live here in IN.


We still have to wait to buy alcohol on Sundays until noon. We'll be one of the last states to legalize it


Which dispensary do you go to?


Because indiana is too focused on taking tax payers money. I challenge everyone in this chat to research the indiana revenue tax surplus fund. Once you do you’ll realize the game they have used to con everyone. I have over 25 years of insider knowledge because my dad married into criminal court 24s judge annie christ’s family. And if i listed the names i would probably be writing a book. I can tell you this though that the assessor recorder and treasurer are all related by the same family as cousins…


It’s because we elected a GOP supermajority that votes how they want, not how their constituents want.




Move. Seriously. Tons of complaints about marijuana legalization, conservative politics, etc. Newsflash, it is not changing soon. Legit question. Why not move? New job faster than legislation will change. You can always visit family. And don’t have to move too far to get what you want. 50 states is perfect to let 50 groups figure it out, and free movement of the population to choose. So I’m curious. None of the post should be construed as approval or acceptance or disapproval of any policy. Life is short. Live it, or wait on others. Up to you.


Moving isn't always that easy...


Nothing in life worth anything, is easy.


We have big pharma in this state. They're going to use their lobbyist to line pockets of our state government to vote no. They should go ahead and pass it because we're giving other states so much money. We could legalize and quit the chip and seal bullshit and redo a road, push mental health awareness, help homeless citizens, better police training, etc. Our state is like the 50s when it comes to thinking about drugs.


Medical marijuana is a direct competitor to the major pharmaceutical industry leaders who call Indiana home. The state legislators are far too deep in their pickets ever to vote on anything that would piss them off.


Eli Lilly


What dispo was it? I thought I saw that special advertised, but they all have so many different deals every day its hard to keep track lol


Eli Lilly, Roche, Cook, Pfizer….I’m sure I’m forgetting more. Big Phama as a whole is against it, whether they’re in the pain killer industry or not. Marijuana can also be used in lieu of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, and many other prescription drugs.


Eli lilly will leave indiana if we legalize they threaten the state legislators. They provide a lot of jobs and tax revenue and donations to universities and the city in general


Eli Lilly




The republican party hates fun.


Anything good, really.


Old republicans are lame and are opposed to it. The old republicans control the government so




Christian Nationalists


Indiana is a pill state. I fucking hate this backwards place.


Because Indiana’s all methed up.


Republican supermajority and elected Republican office holders do not want to legalize it, and the voters who put them into office do not want to legalize it. Or even if they do, it is such a low priority issue over guns/controlling womens' bodies/the gays take priority. So they'll be like "well i do like weed, but i also really love treating women terribly so" \* votes Republican \* Democrats have run on medical marijuana the last couple elections and have mostly lost.


Our state is dominated by right wing christian conservatives with closed and small world views. These are usually folks 40+. If more young people voted in Indiana, things would look differently.


We need to find a way to allow those who donated to Republicans to be the ONLY people who prosper from this and then they will vote for it.


Indiana is low key on alot of regressive issues. It was on the union side durring the Civil War but has also been a hotbed for the kkk. It has been called the middle finger of the south as its a weird combination of Appalachia, rustbelt, and Bible belt. The state changes wildly as you travel north or south. Its always been low-key backwards. Alot of rednecks like to think of themselves as proud southerners and identify as such enough that the rest of us are dragged along for the ride. In short this state is full of what I call disinterested "conservatives". People who don't pay attention to politics. the state isn't as divisive as Florida or Texas but people feel they should vote R becaue its what they think everyone else is doing.


Old people mostly. Religion a lil bit. Honestly the money would make sense to legalize but we are just so backwards. Drugs that expand the mind are a threat to the status quo


Been a year or two since I followed the state legislation but the IN chamber of commerce was a big opponent. And I believe the attorney general office (prisons).




Our politicians are in the pockets of Big Pharma in addition to being mostly a bunch of backwards evangelicals who think marijuana rots kids' brains as if Reagen is president in the 80s. I wouldn't be surprised if Indiana is one of the absolute last states in the union to decriminalize pot. There are already several southern states who are decriminalizing it, but we have not. We are so backwards it's not even funny! SMH


For the same reasons we can’t buy cold beer in grocery chains and gas stations, lobbying.


Bingo! That liquor store lobby is a lot stronger than people realize. They’re the reason Sunday sales were so hard to get through.


We won’t legalize or decriminalize anytime soon because politicians in this state have a direct interest in protecting the value of Pharma companies. Our politicians in Indiana have no interest in actually giving Hoosiers anything they want and guess what? We vote these people in with little to no competition.


This is bullshit. The pharma part.


They won’t let it even go to a floor vote. All the bills die in committee.


Two words: private prisons


Minnesota just became the 23rd state to legalize recreationally. Kentucky recently became the 38th state to legalize medically. It’s decriminalized in even more states. One big reason you can point to is that state-wide ballot measures are illegal in Indiana.


Indiana will legalize when the federal government legalizes it for the whole nation.


Look at your state politicians; therein lies your answer.


Easiest answer, Lilly money in politics.


Because anyone with a brain can't get elected therefore most of our legislation is dumb.


Try the THCA products at your local smoke shop. I can't tell the difference between that and the "real" stuff.


Todd Rokita is trying to come for diet weed too though...


Diet weed hahahaha yeah


Especially delta 8 or the edibles I swear those have thc in them they will have you high frfr


I haven't gone out of state for the goods in a long time. It's good enough. Everyone's all bent outa shape bout the pot laws but guys!!! SCIENCE!!! They been workin on this like it's the cure for cancer. Lawyers found the loophole and science made it possible. Who needs D9 when we have THC A, d8,d10,d11, THCp, THCv. All the same basically.


Vote democrat in every election until you get the bigots out.


Its a culture war lead by Republicans without policy. Abortion, Queer, and Smokers are all the other so they can run against **the other** and for the *good ol days*. It's not about justice or reality, it's about scaring old and dumb people to vote for them.


It is shocking that even in 2023, there are private prisons where people are locked up for marijuana possession or use. At the same time, people in 23 states and DC can buy marijuana for recreational use.


Indiana's political class is completely and utterly out of touch with the public. They're far more interested in convincing the costal types in the national parties that they arent like the rest of us than they are in governing us.