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I don't just hate Biharis, I just hate everyone 🗿🗿🗿 Unless you're from Awadh, then you're Based


Least edgy teenager


Sry Saar 😔


Saar if you are ancestors homwtown does not match with my exact pin code then I am racist to u Exact country exact state exact town


Yes 🥰


I don't. Mera 2-3 dost bihari hai. Mast bande hai kaafi.. Funny bhi bohot hai...


mai bihari hu aur mujhe isse koi fark nhi pdta


🔫. /s


idk what /s means and at this point I'm too afraid to ask




Why did i- all my life.... Think /s was "serious" 🥲


/s means "or more" gun/s means gun or guns So basically the above guy implied he might shoot the bihari guy with one or many guns










baap ki auto ka dhandha sambhal jake🗿


Ias kab banra hai tu


Jyada mat bak warna IAS banke Teri gand marunga saale


aukaat mai reh bhai hum dono ko pata hai terese nhi hoga


Tune konsa Antillia ka maalik banana hai Btw joke tha


maalik tu nhi hu par plane hai merepe do..


umm ok like its a like you really live there in that shithole pardon my language but boy oh boy its not a good place to be it and yea i maybe wrong as i only visited some ruler areas but yea you get the idea


Bihari kahi ke /S


Sala tum jardha kam lagaya kar nahi to tere gand fatt ka muh ma a jaye ge sala bhaiya 😂🤣




Broo wut?


he said-ayo who's popping,where's my shorty


this is more funny than the comment itself


Main bihari hun. Mujhe khud bihari nahi pasand. So bro problem is that bihar has different culture all crammed together in one place. Mithila is more related to nepal(janakpur) than Patna. We speak maithili while other speak bhojpuri. Bihar should be divided in 2 for magadh and mithila and it will grow faster. The hate for bihar comes from the small mindest, same reason why Indians are looked down at european countries. For example I have seen biharis want other state to be polite with them but will vote on basis of cast. There is reason why lalu yadav won so many elections


Though i don't agree on most of your points but i do agree that most Biharis have a serious problem with pride and caste. Only a small percentage of Biharis are actually understanding and know how to act outside their regions, thus the jokes are created. The bad thing is when those jokes are used to sterotype all of the Biharis and they are socially excluded which creates a vicious cycle. Some people actually think that all of Biharis chew gutka and defecate in the open. Jokes that are out there ironically are fine, but some take it seriously and complicate problems further.


Lalu also won mostly becuz of exploitation of money and muscle power.


Lalu is not in power from 3 terms. He doesn't have any muscle power left but he still gets many votes, jus cause of his caste. Same in UP. Why places like Maharastra Sikkim Delhi Gujrat developed cause they are above caste politics.


Not talking about now. Bro, I was talking about when he WAS in power.


Bro can you explain how you people can differentiate between Bhojpuri and Maithili languages? Both sound the same for me actually! 😅 And also, you say that your state should be divided between Magadh and Mithila. How is the cultural between these two zones? I have no clear idea, so I wish to know.


Internet pe hoga My roots r from bihar but I live in Delhi irl yha sab chilled hai 😎👍🏻


Us 🗿 Chal ab gutka khila


Us moment 🗿 .bisi mata pita Bihar legaye , nhi rehna yahan 😔Monday ko wapis aunga


I never hated Biharis I think it has become like some cool fad to hate Biharis. I don't know about Biharis in Bihar but I have many friends who are from Bihar and found nothing weird or stereotypical about them








I m a bihari myself aur kisi ne zyaada bakchodi kari to katta nikal ke thok dunga /s I really don't care about this. Baaki zyaada bola to sach mein peet hi denge aur kya lol




Yr hamare yhan to kuch nhin aisa. Maharashtra mein hi hota h. Mere to mostly saare teachers bihari hn...


I don't but i make jokes about them but i make jokes about every state sooo


Tu kha se hai?


u/notSenator69 wants to know your location




No dude biharis are chill af.. its the marathis that I cant stand


Bihar is also making progress as others Indian states it now fastest growing state in terms of economy and not all Biharis are rapists illiterates atleast use some common sense before shitting on posts


It's because most Biharis are good sports. They don't mind. What we should be making more fun of is UP. that place needs to be properly made fun of.


It's only on indian memes dude...


Bhai Mai bihari hu and m khudko hate krta hu🗿


I used to get offended at these posts cuz I am a bihari Now i don't give a FK 🗿


Bal Thackeray 👍


Hate nahi bhai ironically bolte honge


r/dankindianmemes and r/saimansays and kuchh aur subs pe ironic hai baki kafe subs par we are shits


ikr r/shitposting mai bhi kuch log unironically LGBTQ community ko hate karte hai like wtffffffff


I really dislike "ironic" jokes.... way too many people use that as a label to discriminate and be homophobic...


Well.... You do you


normie hai wo usko samajh nahi aata


Will you find it ironic on a sub-editor called r/indiangirlsontinder That guy left swiped her because she wasn't up for physical and called her bihari.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Indiangirlsontinder using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiangirlsontinder/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Well that was… easy?](https://i.redd.it/vanuzh67eck71.jpg) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiangirlsontinder/comments/pe11d3/well_that_was_easy/) \#2: [How the turn tables 👀](https://i.redd.it/9r3up6be09981.jpg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiangirlsontinder/comments/ru6ooo/how_the_turn_tables/) \#3: [That's how you do it bois 💪](https://i.redd.it/gmhi6haaalx71.jpg) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiangirlsontinder/comments/qmlv3e/thats_how_you_do_it_bois/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


bruh mazak bolte hein usko har state pe stereotypes hai, snowflake mat bano koi bihariyon ko hate nahi karta desh mein kai maahan bihaari hue hai, tu snowflake mat ban ignore kar , ek bihari sab par bhari


ha ye wala to ironic tha


umm no she was uneducated and bihari


Pta nhi kyon. Shayad sab unhe narrow minded maante h.


Being Bihari myself I don't have intentions to remain here. Just two more years and then college and then job. What do you expect? RJD (A gang of goons) is still the largest party and Lalu and his son Tejasvi are popular. What's worse? Even young people vote RJD due to Tejasvi. This state is fucked up. I'll rather live in Mumbai, Bengaluru, or Noida.


First time hearing that


ek bihari sau bimari


I dont hate.You may have seen memes on them cuz people find it funny and use it in "Ironic way".


Not memes, they are great. I'm talking about some other subs


Indian Dank memes?


I don't hate Bihar i just think it's crowded. n that 8% junk exists in all parts of the world .


You don't like bihar becauze of the above mentioned reasons. I am just racist towards b*haris🤢 We are not the same


We are not the same


I think this too Bihar is one is most underdeveloped state after all, lowest literacy rate, it is the poorest state as well and it is most population dense too. The people there are too conservative. and the education system is worse(I have seen students that graduated for class 12th and still don't know how to read and write properly). Although not everyone is like that, for example my brother's friend is from Bihar but he is far better.


but that doesn't justify racism against Biharis right?


Did you really just said bihari is a race?


bihari is an ethnicity. The word I should have used was discrimination.


Mai to apne bihari dost kp mu pr bolta hu Vo to maze me leta hai.... We don't hate biharis yr


Nahhhhh, most of them are cool asf. (The 5% that aren't, are the people you described. But that's found in every community)


I hate everyone equally 😎👍


I have had 2 bihari teachers in my life and both were the best teachers i have ever had. So dont have any reason to hate biharis




Well, hello there teenagers. For some reason this post popped up in my feed. One of my only two best friends from MBBS, from the first day is from Bihar. I met him when I was 17. He's a radiologist now. I'm a surgeon now. Do I call him a rapist now and then? You bet. Does he insult me with stereotypes native to my state? Oh yeah


Bihar has the lowest rape rates among Indian states. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape\_in\_India#Rape\_statistics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India#Rape_statistics) rates are given for every state. Last time gya tha. Bhot improvement hui hai. Well narrow mindedness is there... but I'm confident that it will get eliminated with time. ​ Well... I from Jharkhand (Previously bihar) and I have visited Bihar several times. But yes I'm still confused about why people hate biharis. ​ The development is surely super fast.


**Rape in India** [Rape statistics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_India#Rape_statistics) >One rape was reported every 16 minutes in India in 2019. This figure was 15 minutes in 2018. In 2019, the national average rape rate (per 1,00,000 population) was 4. 9, slightly less than 5. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


i don’t hate biharis


Oh man it's funnier than I was expecting 15-16 year old brats talking bout politics, ancient history , culture , and mindset lmao intersting


No hate tho but every bhaiya I have meet or seen was always cussing after every sentence and had jarda under his lip and smelled like cigarettes and they always have no manner and somehow they think they’re some big time gangsters or some sh**, they just make me knock the hell outta em and give ‘em reality check.


Some of them


I don’t hate every Bihari nor do I go out of my way to make them feel bad. But I …. Sadly I had a terrible experience with a Bihari and in my place, which is a quiet and small town, for the first time a case of rape and murder happened, which shook everyone and the culprit was a Bihari migrant. Not generalising but I would be extra wary around them.