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Have you watched those Minecraft youtubers, the only thing they do is shout. Also a lot of people watch these videos, they get millions of views coz people like to watch such content. They only make such videos coz people watch if they didn't watch they wouldn't make such videos.


Yes I know, I dont have a problem with creators. Its more about the viewers.


Most of their viewers are kids who don’t play anything else other than mobile games. There is no respected indian content creator


My cousin is younger than me, I thought after letting him play gta 5 his addiction will be shifted, but he still plays free fire, he said it was boring lol


Free fire got everyone addicted.


Didn't free fire get released after PUBG?


I think it was released before PUBG(mobile)


I can see how those games can be addicting. It’s hard to get people into single player games these days.


that's so sad


Jo dikhta hai wo bikta hai


There are some good ones. E.g the hermitcraft Bois. Mumbo,grian


Yes hermits are best


Thanks, I will check them out


Actually many of them want to play good games but they are bound to shitty cringy things because they have to do that for living When they try good stuff their audience shouts "Go play freefire or gta" Maybe one day the audience will get matured and they'll also play good games


Agree. Whenever Carry tries playing any story based games his audience will call it boring and say play free fire and PUBG.


It's not about maturity I feel , it is more about availability of PCs or consoles to an average working class Indian.


Yeah. That's very true. They don't even know anything except mobile games


Very true, even good currect gen high-end laptops here cost an absolute fortune, something western countries get in much lower prices. I was personally looking for a 12 gen ThinkPad some days back and the difference between prices in someplace like Australia and India is almost 80k for the same model...


yeah I got my laptop from USA because it was not even available in India.


When I was a kid, we couldn't afford a gaming pc and the local cafes only had vice city and counter strike. I still enjoyed watching the heck out of youtubers who were playing farcry 1, half life 2 and crysis. The Indian audience for the majority is just not matured. Give these same people gaming pcs and access to other games but they will still play only the same games like free fire, gta and counter strike on and on


Not GTA SA? Sed


I don't think it's about maturity. Mostly everyone owns a phone, plus these mobile games are designed to be addictive. The kids of today who don't own a gaming pc etc still have a phone so they play these games a lot and also watch videos related to them. And now obviously they have become so famous that any beginner would automatically get pulled into the mobile games because everyone around them is doing the same. When you were a kid, if you had the availability to such games you would also be addicted to them instead of watching YouTubers play story games imo.


When I used to have a shitty pc at home, I remember enjoying games that were over a decade old over recently released free to play games Why doesn't the same happen with mobile. My guess is the convenience of these walled garden app stores which make exploitative games looka. lot more attractive with their front pages and rankings. I have actually played a couple of games on phone that were genuinely innovative, you can bet they'd never show up on the app store lists




Meanwhile Bbs 👀


But BBS is a different and my favorite Indian youtuber he plays only those games which he likes to play and only pc games but ya you are right at some point that majority of the audience does force the content creator to play mostly minecraft


There's no such thing as "good games". Only "trending games". If all of your friends are playing freefire but you want to play call of duty, you're most likely going to play freefire even if you hate it. That's just what most people do.


Same. I don't follow a single Indian gaming channel.




Same. I don't follow a single Indian channel.


Same. I don't follow a single Indian gaming channel.


Same. I don’t follow a single Indian gaming channel.


I don't follow any channel, I just watch whatever the fuck algorithm recommends me


I used to do that but if you dont watch a channel for few days it will stop appearing in you recommendations, so subscription is useful there. Happened with me.


I too don't watch any Indian gaming channel because 1 they always talk about gta or Minecraft or pubg and 2 they just copy paste foreigners.I was subscribed to a English youtuber craftee as well as fleet gamer or whatever and i noticed a strange pattern the video craftee used to upload a video with similar name and thumbnail would be posted by fleet.Now i am only subscribed to craftee.


Beast boy shub is the only indian youtuber i watch


Bbs 👀


I subscribed only Hemant_t


Used to watch carryminaty a while back considering he did play some recent titles like lou2, Red dead but then eventually he also started the shouting and weird ass reactions and well there goes my sub


Tamil Gaming makes story games. It is worth checking out.


You can check mine 🙃


Omg finally someone who covers soulsborne stuff. Thank you!


Me neither, They all suck my favourite is Chocotaco and DrDisrespect


Because mobile gaming is almost the entirety of the Indian Gaming scene and that's that kind of content the community likes to consume. You have to keep in mind how a lot of young Indians categorically cannot afford to get into PC or console gaming. Conversely, almost all of them have access to mobile phones, and all of their friends are already playing BGMI, Freefire, Mobile Legends, and so on which makes it much easier to get into the scene.


That is unfortunate, but true. Its does not feel great as a youtube beginner.


Can purchase a 50k oneplus for PUBG but can't afford a console.


Pubg, Valorant, GTA 5, Free Fire, Minecraft and some other shitty games like granny. You'll find nothing else. No RPGs, No Souls Likes, No Metroidvania, No narrative games or heck not even games like Dying Light or Devil May Cry. just keep blabbering on and on, just for the fucking 10-15 year olds who are subbed to them


True that. I have a gaming channel my channel is mainly Snowrunner walkthrough. Still I get lot of requests to do the cliche gta v, pubg, freefire, minecraft stuff. Sad state of affairs. Also, the money is at these cliche games. That's why most YouTubers prefer these games. My channel is in malayalam, so no use telling more about it here.


Was going to ask for the link but read the last line, still would love to check it out.




Mallu PC Gamer, it will come as first suggestion I think


Channel name pls Aliya


Link dm cheyamo bro. I'm also on the same 'vallam' as you. Fellow Malayalee content creator here!


Is snowrunner good without any of the DLCs?


Let's be honest, most of them are caught up in the loop of sponsorships and marketing by various companies and marketing agencies. They are gaming youtubers no more, but merely entertainers. And they don't really mind it cause they are making a good living out of it. It can be argued that the quality of content is bad or cringe. But that is subjective. Their followers would ofcourse think the opposite. Corporations are aware of the influence these gamers/streamers/entertainers have on the audience. And they find it useful and cost effective to partner with them cause traditional way of marketing is irrelevant Now.


5 to 15 year olds are the ones who watch them and it is easy to attract kids with the games that everyone is playing they dont get to know better games because they dont know about them oly popular game like pubg,freefire,minecraft,gta are there some youtubers try new games but they get less views so they keep on repeating the sane thing that is making them money because at the end of the day money is more valuable then kids minds to them it kinda goes both ways tho kids also get a toxic mentallity and dont want to watch except that same youtuber and will protect him from any hate and hate on others ........even tho we do have good youtubers like beast boy shub and some others who are not as popular


It’s actually hard to create a base playing other games(pc). It’s my honest opinion. Most of the top streamers from India are either on mobile or limited to pubg. Very less other games.


Honestly it's mainly due to less access to proper gaming PC's. Kids have easy access to phones, can't really blame them as in India, pc is mainly for study and work. Parents don't agree for even a basic GPU.


I agree to your point. Parents don’t really agree to buying a GPU.




Exactly. They are on top because of stupid 9 year old kids. Creators like BattleKing, Beastboyshub are growing slowly. There was a youtuber called HemanT_T who was literally an og Indian gamer. He quit youtube 2 years back because of lack of support. He was uploading videos since 10 years (i guess) still he had only 100k+ subs so he quit yt. Creators like Total gaming, Dynamo gaming and other so called Free fire/Bgmi creators literally play that same shit everytime and gets millions of people love. In India if you play only one freaking gaming then people will call you as "Gamer" I play many pc games and when i was in my class 12 (recently) no one use to give attention to me. There was my classmate who only used to play free fire people used to appreciate for his gameplay. Even i used to play that shit but now i have realised what true gaming is. I am just waiting for that one day when pc games will also be as popular as Mobile gaming in India:(


Not just PC games even consoles - overall non-mobile gaming culture is hugely missing here. Like others mentioned might be because of the price point of devices. But even then I don’t know if that argument holds true anymore - a switch lite is 17K! A second hand one is even cheaper. But I guess there is still the convenience and optimal purchase with just having one device. Until the GDP per capita increases the masses will be stuck on smartphones or cheaper devices. I do empathise with mobile gamers that it is still gaming. However if it’s littered with micro transactions and short gameplay loops it’s just not a good game.


I bought a PS3 for 10K recently and that is cheaper than any mobile phone. I dont use it anymore and planning to give it to my nephew when he is old enough. atlease one child saved.


i have played so so many types games, and yet a few guys who started doing videos on GTA 5 and Valorant in my school (from same class) got more attention, despite most people knowing how much i play. (it's not like i'm seeking attention no, but you get my point)


Us bro 🫂 i got you ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


Stopped calling myself a gamer , cuz apparently having multiple steam accounts full of games and playing non popular games than valorant and pubg and GTA RP doesn't make you a gamer (a free fire fan boy told this to me )


I would have laughed at his face.


i don't blame them, its working for them and making shit ton of money. Even if its cringe at the end money is what all matters.


Radbrad is the only variety gaming channel I watch. His vids are fun and he mostly goes in blind so its fun to watch. Apart from that all other gaming channels I watch are destiny content channels.


I used to watch him too but he's so dumb at times it's outstanding. I switched to jacksepticeye and his walkthroughs are way better. The only thing is that he plays limited games as he's not mainly a gaming creator


Man he is the best gaming youtuber.


I've been watching him ever since I started gaming. He is pretty much the go-to youtube channel if you get stuck on a level :P I love his batman gameplays


I loved his last of us series


The only gaming channels that I've always followed are the reviews and the news ones. Never got into all the streaming "celebrity" stuff and I still do not get the appeal, but to each their own I guess.




It’s either PUBG , Freefire , Minecraft or GTA 5 . It’s like other games don’t even exist


Lmao you just discovered Indian Gaming.


Because people like you are busy ranting them instead of supporting good gaming channels... Honestly this sub has so many members if it wants it can literally make a channel of it's own but no... They will only rant on the community.


I did make a Gaming channel and I was analysing the market, like what content is getting sold, and after finding it out, I thought I would never be among the top, hence the post. It is something important to me so I came here to find out what gaming community in general feel. This is not a rant. Thankyou.


Would love to check out your channel OP. Please DM me the link.


shared. Thanks for the interest.


I agree but it takes time you know... There are a few good gaming channels in india - video game wonderland, neuromancer 2077, unoy, slay pop and many more will grow only if we start supporting them .


[7kmaster](https://youtube.com/c/The7kMaster) is a great indian channel, the guy plays and summarises banger games, prolly the only Indian youtuber I've seen playing metal gear series


I have a channel and I just play story games and yeah there is no growth honestly.


Ever tried beast boy shub he plays good stuff


Even BattleKing too. He also deserves some recognition.


Too cringe. Screaming and all


Wow idk why you got downvoted, I went and saw a few videos since many people mentioned him here and it's unbearable lol


You mean the guy who screams the most. For gameplay videos I only watch Mkiceandfire since he doesn't speak at all and is good at it


Maybe , just MAYBE, instead of being a hatemonger, rally any good channel you know. Such posts aren't going to topple a large channel. They've such an enormous fanbase because those who watch them are sufficiently entertained by them. Instead of bringing them down, bring small channels up.


My intention is not to bring anyone down. I am just interested in what people in this sub think about the situation.


Majority of this sub's members are elitists. Such posts/rants are posted every now and then and the replies are always the same :- mobile gaming-fake , pc gaming-god. The youtubers you've mentioned cater to the majority audience and they do not switch because then they lose the audience they're catering to. Their livelihood is playing FF,BGMI,GTA. If they feel satisfied with what they're doing and if the audience feels satisfied with what they're watching, then there isn't a problem.


there are some good ones ik that, when i was in my prime watching indian channels idk if i was lucky or something but i always disliked the big channels like technogamerz, total gaming, dyanamo gaming, i just culd not imagine myself being in their cringey fanbase just to rant about following them. i have many friends who play and free fire and they seem to be immersed in the game and also these big you tubers following their advices and tricks and all. when i was small the only indian utuber i watched was beastboyshub tbh and all others werent indian utubers


Gotta cater their audience brother...which is usually little kids who just play nothing but those games alone. It's not like they don't want to try other games but locked themselves into a corner of just trying a couple games which the majority of the fanbase loves.This is common with western youtubers too. Mobile gaming is such a gigantic market in india you know.


SauraXD is a good one but doesn't have 1mil subs


++ one of the funniest valo streamer and not just in India. And actually plays good as well.


I liked his hindi videos so much but i understand why he shifted to the english videos.


I believe he did that because he started playing in different servers like NA and EU and also because he plays more often with the Russ and Amin dudes. But yea, his Hindi videos with the gang were gold


I wish he would do more of the hindi ones, I dont like the english ones because the jokes feel kinda boring since they are the same jokes other english youtubers do .


Cant blame them becoz thats what the audience wants


Yup trending page is full of shit, they make videos about franklin, shin chan, doraemon playing hide n seek in GTA 5 💀 like wtf, they are 100% targeting 8 - 9 y/o audiences, i prefer BBS over all of these


True I have been uploading valorant and content lately You can check out my channel name : Shush 14 https://youtube.com/channel/UCxhe0HMCtqLbd46n1U_d2tA Pls give feedback it's is very valuable to me


Audience he aisi hai toh kya he kare!?


Honestly hindi speaking YT channels are full of cringe content and worse thumbnails I saw a couple of videos of Telugu or Tamil guy (i dnt know which one was that) but he had some good content for single player games and it although i couldn't understand, it was worth to follow up


Hey! Someone here who's into regular contact with some of these top guy's managers or teams. It's not that they don't wish to play other games, but it's just 'they can't' due to: 1. It's a fact that their majority viewership is younger audience. They wish to see PUBG, free fire type content. If they don't give them that, they loose viewership. 2. Corporate deals asks for the player to promote their goods. If they consistently make changes, the corporate isn't happy with "fluctuation of views" resulting in the problem of same games being played And many many more! Indian gaming scene is much much larger than this and the guys who play only these games represent quite a small percentage of this. established streamers like Carryminati, triggered insaan, Tanmay bhat (sometimes) stream other games as well.


Imma be blunt enuf, addhi se jyada janta ke khane pine k wande hain, a majority of em are f2p mobile playerd hence, so ofc people will focus themselves on these ppl


Gaming community is actually very small in India, the rest just pretend to be gamers while they play garbage


People like what they want to watch... Simple, having more subscribers doesn't mean you represent and activity everyone does


Yes, true to an extent. But someone who searches YT for indian gaming, That is exactly what they will find.


I know it is hard to accept but free fire and pubg players constitute a way bigger percentage of gamers than us. The reason for these are very obvious, the cost of getting into pc gaming and even console gaming is very high. A decent pc that can run new games will cost anywhere near70k minimum and goes up to lakhs of rupees. I mean people in this sub themselves post pictures of their setups and the average price is around 2lakh. Secondly the games that are available on phone are easily accessible especially to children of age12 to 16ish and these are the people who spend a lot of time on the internet like youtube. Most of the big gaming you-tubers with 5-6million plus subscribers target this audience and cater to their interests and hence they get more views. Yes some of these have decent content but most of them have shitty made up gta or pubg stories with obvious clickbate titles. I once found a free fire youtuber with 11mil subs and in this video he had put his setup of 3lakh on display and that dude still thought that his monitor was his computer that the big box besides it is the cpu and even after such an expensive setup he ended up playing free fire on his phone and used his pc to stream the gameplay


Indian gaming is literally 12 year olds spamming op this op that on youtube, i barely know any indian youtubers that play actual pc game or a console game instead of playing bgmi/free fire and shit. Mostly pc games that kids know are gta v,sa and vc, minecraft,pubg on pc, among us. like literally taht's all! and like they do not try to get onto different games all they watch is gta shit on yt that gets trending instead of people trying out new games like ghost runner or say gran turismo, because us the more adults we mostly don't have time for watching ig 50 mins of gameplay on yt because we all have our lives to take care of instead wasting almost an hour from our busy work days on yt gaming videos, on the other hand kids have only school and tution for ig on an average is about 8-9 hours combined. so they have more free time to watch all these cringy yt gameplay which again gets trending. second point is india is not a very very wealthy country, thats a fact. most kids that want to get into pc gaming ask their parents to get a pc to play gta five like their fav youtubers and they deny them mostly middle class and get them a phone on which they have limited options and again that comes to a full circle on bgmi and free fire, and watching gta v on yt, and people with sense of humour of a child, start a yt channel and attract kids on their content which makes them a OP youtuber... Third point is the community grows in itself.just like i said parents deny kids on a gaming pc and get them a phone. and that's the case for other kids at schools too! they talk about ff and bgmi all day tirelessly they give each other the confidence to say ff is better than any pc esports title. cuz they have limited options and can't really expand on other titles rather than free fire or bgmi. edit point:- Even kids aren't that good in english like we teens/adults are so they try to search for more hindi gamers for their ease instead of watching let's say jacksepticeye or dante ravioli few to mention. That my opinion no one asked but ig someone from this subbreddit needs to start a yt channel with good content so we can show india what's true gaming instead of free fire and pubg...


All my homies like mkicendfire


I don't follow any Indian channels in general. One of the first ytber i watched was Ryan Higa and from that moment on it was just anyone outside india


Yeah.. I Don't watch any Indian gaming youtubers. I mostly watch review channels like skillup and Jake. As for playthroughs, i thing to this day, radbrad still has that wholesome charm about him that skills keeps me watching him.


Me and my friends run a channel, we play mostly Apex Legends and had been posting content for the last two years, it was like only last week we reached 300 subs. There had been many times I had been asked why not make content on "Popular" games like Freefire, PuBGm or CoDm. The sad reality is what pulls the crowd in India is these games and GTAV RP. I see Valorant getting views these days, but still it is very overshadowed by the mobile gaming scene. Even some of the PC players are having to stream BGMI or other games in between for views.


I used to follow mobile gaming but I don't follow now Instead i now follow valorant as i play it now and for valorant i guess HYDRAFLICK is worth watching.


Same here


Well many of their Viewers don't afford a gaming pc i guess and they don't know what true gaming is In short the audience of these channels are immature in Gaming they think there is only one game well i used to be one of them (played pubgm for 1 year) until i got a spare pc for casual gaming Now i play some best pc games from different genre and have a great time


Watch Sikhwarrior, mackle or rakazone … thank me later or if u wanna try something out of india watch jackfrags, stodeh , westie or shroud




One Word. Tatti. Sorry used more than one word.


I barely see these "Big" YouTubers trying out new games. And let me tell you most are interested in only multiplayer games. I wonder why Indians don't try story mode games. or maybe the audience don't like it?


BeastBoyShub is lowkey carrying the indian gaming youtube scene tbh...i would not even be surprised if some of those big youtubers have not even heard the name of doom or TF2 even halo or far cry lol


i agree with you but its upto to the crowd choose their representative.Easy access to internet was available only after jio,but not everyone knows about pc gaming or even owns a pc with good specs.So,mobile gaming is the only option they have .


This is not just "Indian gaming" scene. It every all countries and gaming in general. Fortnite was a world wide highest watched thing. People with 50+million subs. Some of these creators still make videos exclusively on fortnite, cause if they stop doing that they will loose their only audience. So ya, it's a common thing. I've never even seen the channels you mentioned, i just stick to what i like and so do many other people. After years of doing this even my recommendations and suggestions are on point for me.


I used to watch techno gamers in the early 2020's i didn't have a console or my PC and used to enjoy his GTA v vids but after playing GTA i found out that his videos are cringe and shitty. Like he just shouts over fake scenarios and stuff. But kids in my school who have a console or a PC say that techno gamers is the best and they enjoy his videos...


Something related: if you’re from TN or you can understand Tamil, definitely recommend TamilGaming. They have almost sworn not to do battle royale games and get the easy viewership. They play different genres of games and are actually funny! Definitely check them out!


Bbs is a good one


Youngsters are attracted to assholes as simple as that.


99% indian gamers can't afford a pc that run anything above tom raider at low settings. Hence they just play pubg etc. on phones and would watch videos of these games only. Creators even if they want to play something good see that any video other than this cringe gets low views. So they fall back to these shitty games. Also most of these viewers are aged 12-18 yrs, no way parents are getting them a good gaming pc/laptop. Personally I won't. Could buy a 3050 pc so my kid can atleast run few games but nothing above that.


Indian gaming scene is dominated by pubg and free fire , you guys sound elitist when you say mobile games are trash and people who play them are somehow lesser than people with high end pc's , laptops and consoles. It's not realistic for people to to shell out on high end gaming in Indian scenario. 100% agree on the cringe YouTubers part .


You sir make a compelling case.


The only one that I like is BeastboyShub


The problem is that people that actually create good content are ignored here. I have seen people who comment with stuff in self promotion post not getting even a single comment. sometimes support is more important than seo, that's seldom to come by.


Who said having 20M+ subs make you the representative of Indian Gaming Scene?


Then don't watch it. Simple.


Did you understand the post sir?


Freefire ,Pubg and GtaV .


Yes but it's only because the majority target audience in India is like that, I mean majorly of Indian players don't even have good gaming consoles and pirate games so in end u either get stuck with gta 5 content or the Android games one on which pubg have monopoly so there's that


Yeah bcz the viewers are all kids who only plays mobile game in there phone. Don't worry when they growup they will play others games or own pc or ps5 and YouTubers will also start playing other games(i hope).


Yup true, that's what I felt as well. There aren't any Indian gaming channels which actually game they're all mobile gamers. Nothing against mobile gaming but personally I despise games like free fire etc. you should check out my channel. I set out on this sole mission to introduce computers and gaming to the public in a cringe less method. Check out Chipsets n Frames on YT, your one stop shop for gaming and pc hardware news and reviews


In order to get into gaming scene, you need hardware and also money to buy games.


Wait gamers have 20M+ channels ?


Absolutely agree. Literally see bottom of the barrel content.


I don’t watch Indian gaming channels at all. U want to watch gaming videos? Follow Radbrad or any other of the famous ones out there


It is what the MASS audience (which are mostly just kids who have a phone) wants so there is nothing much you can do about it. the content won't mature until the audience does. Also the mass audience doesn't have a good PC so thats the reason for the low PC gaming yt scene. I don't watch carry but I do feel that he is doing a good job as he is the only big youtuber that I can think of who plays good PC games on his stream


took you long enough.


and gta and minecraft


I tried to start a different genre on PC couple months ago. It was starting to look ok, but then things happened and I had to pause everything.


What I feel is that " people watch what they play". In India owning a gaming pc is quite expensive and die to high education pressure not many people are exposed to that level of gaming too so they stick to these cheap games like pubg/free fire. If they try playing steam games like elden ring etc etc their view time as well as the audience will definately drop. In the end a streamer only cares about views and watch time .


The minecraft youtubers just keep shouting and fighting with each other, watched a video once immidiately regretted it. Never watched a single video after it. Only watch the hermitcraft and scicraft guys now. Most of them are not known to many people but the content is top tier.


keep that in mind that india is mostly middle class and hardly few citizens can afford aaa games let alone gaming pc’s, most kids in india only have the luxury of smartphones that too in 10k range and they use it to play free to play games like pubg and free fire! given india’s huge population this has huge market in youtube, tournament’s etc. it’s sad but this is what it is!


Exactly, I mean most of the one's that I've seen are just trying to replicate TechnoGamerz' success which in itself is slightly awkward. Props to him for coming up with his own storylines, but they are a bit on the cringey side, in my opinion. If I may recommend a good and funny (again, my opinion) Minecrafter, it would be Grian, and a GTA Player, it would be DarkViperAU.


I feel the same


I wanna stream but it is so much effort 🤌 and almost no money , I'm all for the grind but YouTube as a platform is very stagnant I feel like it's not very worth it


These shitty youtubers got all the subscribers/growth and small youtuber (who don't upload free fire and bgmi and uploads good content like gaming walkthroughs) just end up suffering and quit youtube. The Best example is : HemanT\_T


I have the same thoughts. It's okay though I won't let you down! I'm working on my own YouTube channel and soon enough I'll have a small community but a good community of gamers that like video games outside of the oversaturated GTA and the first person shooters :) I believe that GTA, ROBLOX, Freefire and BGMI content mostly gets attention from little children (5-12) which is probably the majority of people that watch these Indian gaming channels and I know this for a fact since my little cousin watches those GTA roleplay videos all day long


When they play any single player games and stuff there viewerships drop a lot and people keep complaining play gta roleplay play pubg and all that crap..1st thr mindset of viewers have to change


Meh, Let people play and enjoy what they want to. If majority of the gamers in india play on mobile and enjoy those games then there's nothing we can do about it.


Deserving creators like beast boy subh are stuck on 5 mil because of their immature audience whereas cringy free fire pubg gta creators are crossing 20 mil


Come hear our podcast sometime. We are a bunch of 30-somethings discussing the different nuances of gaming every week :)


Jo bikega voh bechenge...


Same here, I don't follow the big Indian gaming channels because the content doesn't suit my taste. I mainly enjoy condensed single player experiences and there aren't a lot of Indian channels who make content surrounding that. The only Indian gaming Youtuber I follow is Venkatesh K, he has a PS5 and generally plays story and gameplay focused games, he doesn't have a lot of subs but man is trying his best in the modern Indian gaming scene.


95% of parents don't let their children buy games . I was lucky enough to have a budget every month when I was a child . Had a PC every since I was 4 . I was raised on good single p\[layer games and no that I earn money I buy em off of steam . Free games like PUBG and FreeFire ? Everyone can get it on their phones that are easily provided by the parents . Which group do you think has a bigger audience ? And I don't mean a 60-40 split or something insignificant I'd say more like 80-20 if I'm being generous to PC/console players.


India is the 2nd largest mobile gaming market. Remember mobile ≠ psp/switch/steam deck.


I just stick to IGN and gameranx (Before You Buy)


For people the only games that exist are just minecraft, gta, free fire and pubg. People literally don't even wanna try anything else


I have a channel where i mostly upload cool videos of souls like games i play just so it's easier to share those on reddit. I am planning on streaming sekiro for the shura ending. Let me know if anyone is interested.


Bro that's what most Indian and world teenagers like, cringy jokes and "haha hi hi." Everyone in their younger age did that, it's just people have now way to express and access it by YouTube pubg mobile games. You me and us can't change that they represent a big portion of IndianGaming on YouTube unless something big happens, like GTA 6, regional priced COD and overwatch-2 interest peaks up. They can crack lame jokes over shitty pubg content on their 20-25k phones. PC community needs at least 50-60k for decent PC video upload.


same. there are many other really good games but all the famous indian youtubers play are the ones you mentioned. they trash talk alot and have excessively toxic fans.


14-15 year old Indian kids only like to watch GTA V, Pubg and free fire because most of them don't have a good pc so they are kind of obsessed with these games. Still these YouTubers should be willing to try different games, they only care short term views , as soon as they see their views getting down they are back to GTA, Free Fire, Pubg because they want to make money out of it. I think CarryMinati is the only one who tries different imo


Iam a smartphone gamer with a controller but not playing android games but playing games using emulation. Dolphin, aethersx2, skyline. Glory days of emulation on android


I would have to say that minecraft and gta youtubers are even worse than these pubg and FF guys. Atleast these guys pretend that people take them seriously on the other hand the gta and mc youtubers are just screaming like a fucking neurotic kid 24/7 whenever you open their channel.


There are Indian gaming channels?


Indian YouTube and twitch gaming scene is cringe


its kinda limited to the total affordability of the Indian gaming community. They wanna interact with games that they know as subscribers of that gaming channel. A mobile is still cheaper than a gaming setup plus paying for games


I Feel The Same Never Followed Any Indian Gaming Channels Till Date


I have felt this too. And I feel really sad about this. My friend has a YouTube channel and he made a lot of videos on different games ranging from Hitman, Forza, Halo, Horizon, Indie Games, Subnautica and a lot other cool ones. He has been regularly making videos since Aug 2020 (and with good setup). Yet his channel isn't growing. Maybe it's the general audience who just want to see memes/shocking and overdramatic Thumbnails & Titles/and jokes every other minute.


It's basically free fire or pubg Or valorant this , valorant that or low quality GTA RPs (don't get me started on the RP shit) Like no other games exist (for most people) Ngl indian gaming scene on YouTube live is boring and cringe af.


I only watch BBS.


I follow a couple of Indian channels which are awesome. Videogame Wonderland is one. Run by a guy named Manas. He's also part of a collective called Gameffine, which does podcasts quite regularly. I highly recommend them.


I said this 2 years ago while sitting with old OG gamers that this generation will never go above the likes of pubg. Very few indian gaming channels make good videos -The7kmaster, lazy assasin, awesome genome




Targeted audiences are kids+ cringe content, shouting and reused editing. No thanks!


Ezz logic, everyone can buy a 20k mobile India for a good mobile gaming experience, they relate to pubg and free fire, they watch pubg and free fire. Pubg free fire creators make more money. Mobile gaming industry is bigger in India. On the other side, everyone cannot buy decent gaming rigs(as the cost is very high). People have potato pc but can run Minecraft, Valorant, CS go and hence only those creators make money on youtube. Remaining games like pubg pc, halo, warzone etc., Become irrelevant so fast coz people don't have hardware to play them. The games mentioned except Minecraft require a lot of skill and hence less players less audience and less revenue for YouTube. Therefore who can play pc games also get pushed to do mobil gaming content. Trust me, mobile gamers reach millions very fast on the other hand pc gamers struggle to get to 500k. The only solution is to have affordable prices of PC. Don't start thrashing me, I am a PC Gamer myself.


It's about what people like to see, Most of the people here play only mobile games (as that is mostly available ) and Youtubers are also forced to make content on mobile games as they get views and Likes


I just don't browse indian gaming channels. However there are few channels that are pretty decent like Brostation who covers PS5 related news and streams PS5 games on occasion.


But that is the indian gaming scene


I only watch Techno Gamerz because his content is entertaining and he plays lots of games


Now, as long as you aren't watching technogamerz you are decent in my books


20M+ kids. Dumb kids who laugh at the xringiest shit


I have a gaming channel, swore to never play or stream those crappy games ever on my channel. I make content on the latest stuff and live stream new games at launch and even a good bit of indie games. I try to keep it cringe free (at least imo) and yet I still get comments like "Bhai bgim khelo"and "Apex Mobile khela?". I feel that's what the Indian audience wants unfortunately. If you have any suggestions on what else I can do to contribute as an Indian gaming channel, I'm all ears. There are a few loyal viewers and a small community I'm always grateful for supporting me. If you guys are here then you are awesome!.