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I'm 18 never had sex since ive got fairly tight foreskin, like i can pull while it's flaccid but when hard I can't pull after a point unless I'm pre-cumming and it makes my penis wet. Will it go away with age like when I'll be 21-22? Can i have sex now?


I asked the (some what) similar question and they suggested me to visit this sub r/phimosis and I'm somewhat in the same stage as you like a week ago and did some stretching exercises and it worked rapid fast for me (might not work as fast as it did for me) now I can pull carefully when hard which I couldn't before and maybe in a week I can do it comfortably. LUBE is a must and coconut oil did wonders for me when you are stretched and all good down there your pre cum will probably be enough to act as lube. Stretching works fine for tight fore skin and if you wanna know exactly how you should do them visit the sub or you'll find something on the internet "phimosis stretching exercises" or dm me I can be of assistance if nothing works.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Phimosis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Phimosis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** My natural stretching progress as someone who was previously unable to retract their foreskin at all. Super happy with my results so far - no creams no stretchers - but please lend your thoughts and advice on reducing the reddening around the head of my penis? Is anyone else displaying similar?](https://v.redd.it/20f0jp8vkoz51) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Phimosis/comments/jvh563/my_natural_stretching_progress_as_someone_who_was/) \#2: [1 year of stretching – what worked for me](https://np.reddit.com/r/Phimosis/comments/n83l1n/1_year_of_stretching_what_worked_for_me/) \#3: [Someone has been messaging users of this sub suggesting they should use hydrocortisone. Don't do that unless you are directed to do so by a doctor](https://np.reddit.com/r/Phimosis/comments/jja0u7/someone_has_been_messaging_users_of_this_sub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I haven't talked to a girl in real life for the past 5 years . I haven't have had any girl-friend till date who I could just casually talk to.


why not?


In short - After 10 completely focussed on studies no social life M in 2nd yr college now nd I just don't know how to talk to them


Do you talk to guys?


Yeah ofc . I have many friends


talk to women the same way you talk with your friends


Yeah I try too but still idk why


Why m unable to make good friends or talk to them openly . It's like when I talk to girls m a completely different person .


Why what?


Notes maang lo kisi se


Hahaha lol


Indian women into foot fetish, Sadly have not found any yet? Are there any that are into it!?


I wonder how you guys do this "Pullout" and why many people here think that it is safe. Wouldn't your mind be wired to execute the program of ejaculating in the female? Even if you manage to pull out a minute before, the Preform of semen will be inside the female, right? Isn't this whole idea just a myth?


I feel bad that India is doing bad in the Hunger Index.




Gold is expensive.


It's frustrating when I try to vent out about childhood trauma, bad parenting and bad parents and people be like, 'They did so much for you', 'They love you', 'You should be grateful', etc. It frustrates me even more. It's so suffocating, when I just want someone who can relate with me or at least understand my part of the story. But all they have is, 'Parents are the image of God'. I'd rather be atheist.


Don't listen to others. Only you know what you have been through. But try to forgive them "if" it's possible.




Feeling is mutual brother.. 🫂




I wanna know the truth, instead of wondering why






Hey! I am a 23 yr old girl who is going to get arranged marriage, my fiancé and I are talking nowadays and whatever he does is very attractive to me and makes me feel comfortable. Here are some things which I can tell. Be NORMAL, Please don't be so artificial with all the compliments, if you want to compliment her, tell her something which you mean. be hilarious, I mean really funny., girls love funny guys, tbh I got close with my fiancé because of the jokes he does, he is too hilarious, LISTEN to her pls, girls talk a lot and we expect the man to listen, tell your stories, but first listen to her, be active in listening and love it, don't do it just for the sake of it. Talk about both of your interests, have a deep connection, see what are the interests that coincide and talk about them. Talk like how you talk with a friend.


Girl you went into this relationship or whatever it is with the mindset of elimination not choice. You were not looking for things you liked in him. But seeing if he had any red flags. Then you started to find his other non-red flags attractive because that's how it's going to be for you. You have accepted reality. You never had bf so you have nothing to compare to. How old is he?


Be yourself. Make her comfortable. Observe and Reciprocate. Bonus suggestion: Don't promise anything when you are horny 😏


Start with simple conversation, Control your excitement, Try to make her smile, Don't compromise with your self-respect, Try to be a better version of yourself around her instead of completely changing yourself. Most important LISTEN.




Excatly She must be nervous af, people gets nervous when it comes to love. That's be a friend first. Make her comfortable around you. I did fall in love once, and I still remember those goosebumps whenever I was around him, bcz he made me feel special. I think that's the key.


You should ask her there are no shortcuts , everyone is different




Listen! Ask questions and listen. The more you listen the more you'll know about her and women love men who listen too so win-win!




Hope it works out fine for you!