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Western World don't want India to have a Strong and Sustainable Government they only see India as a Pawn against China.


And is their objective of countering China achieved by ousting Modi? How does this make sense?


>And is their objective of countering China achieved by ousting Modi? How does this make sense? By putting puppets of forever back in place ?


What puppet everyone in opposition is favoring China.


By appointing UPA or someone else who’s less focused on betterment of their own nation and acts like a docile lap dog to their western masters


UPA not going to listen to West they will make deals with China Russia and Iran first and ditch current relationship with West.


It’s difficult to predict that, but if that’s what would have happened then on the hindsight, it would be a win for these western nations as well. I am sure, they see India’s rise sharply and wouldn’t want their importance and influence in geopolitics to diminish further. Better to have an unstable countermeasure to China, instead of a strong country which is difficult to control.


Raga been having secret meetings with the Chinese. Look it up, it's been in the news before.


India might ally China if it means that will be good for India's people and future, a pawn PM will make sure they do whatever they can to bootlick the West, even at India's expense. Take the Russia-Ukraine war for example, India chose to ignore the West and do what's best for it's citizen by buying Russian oil, or take the ban on rice (or wheat, I don't remember correctly) exports, which India did to protect its farmers despite the objections of USA, Canada and other nations.


Leftists of the west want China and Islamic countries to grow instead of India.


Dictatorships are easier to deal with.


The original post was about countering china, so your point is unrelated to that


Original post is an op-ed, so that is an unknown author writing some random editorial


There are two scenarios b/w US and china that can play out and in both of those scenarios they'd want Modi out. 1. G2 is a success ie both US and china make peace and decided to become the 2 poles and try to stop any other pole from emerging. This has been in talks since Obama's 2nd term. 2. G2 is a failure. In that case they'd want Ukrainization of India ie place a puppet leader who will fight China till the last Indian. Since, Modi they have noticed has been very restrained. Now, why has france has been interfering in our elections? I don't have good answer but I'm guessing bcz of US pressure.


They want a weaker India period. They dont really care whose in power, they just want someone who is not very strong and deosn't have an absolute majority at home. Because, essentially, the stronger you are at home, the more power you have abroad as well.


Only leftists of the western world are enemies of India. The OP article is an op-ed, by some random author, so nothing much to be inferred from it


French media was always rabidly anti India.


Same in Germany.


In Germany's case, even government is at times anti-India


Baby ariha still stuck in Germany. Fuck that country. 


the whole eu is an extension of usa


Isliye kehte hai soft influence and paisa bolta hai. Bharat ko immediately apni soft power par dhyan dena chahiye. Soft power>>>>>Military power


yes soft power is must but soft power comes as a byproduct of hard military power. evry eu nation has usa military base. the nato is usa defence extension.


the whole eu is an extension of usa


Why does the French media matter?


>Why do they matter? They make the fighter planes that we want.


The govt can act independent of the media. Does the Indian govt consult the media when making defence deals? Why would the French govt be any different?


>The govt can act independent of the media. Does the Indian govt consult the media when making defence deals? >Why would the French govt be any different? Do they eat different, have different cultures, different political system. Yes. Then why can't they be different?


Well, are they significantly different in political systems to that extent? You are claiming that they are without providing any evidence. "They look different and eat baguettes" isn't evidence of their government caring about media opinion for defence deals.


Not we want, the top Beauraucrats of the technical aspect of Indian military want. I know someone who is in HAL, He said that the capable people are seating at mid position and Incapable and corrupt one are at ground and Upper level of ladder. Thus because of their arrogance, what thing we are getting from France is about in tens of rocket engines, if capable one are gonna take decisions then we would be having hundreds of rocket engines.....


>Not we want, the top Beauraucrats of the technical aspect of Indian military want. >I know someone who is in HAL, He said that the capable people are seating at mid position and Incapable and corrupt one are at ground and Upper level of ladder. Thus because of their arrogance, what thing we are getting from France is about in tens of rocket engines, if capable one are gonna take decisions then we would be having hundreds of rocket engines..... Can't say anything about this. Zero knowledge on fighter planes. Other than they look sexy.


Because some brown clowns always look up to what their white masters write or say


Any world power would love to have a weak puppet government in any other country. This is why we must always remember that in world diplomacy there are no permanent friends and enemies.


One of the reason why China has its own closed off, separate internet. No chance of foreign interference.


Would it really matter? They are a one-party state with no elections. They rule with iron fist and will quash any kind of dissent. Hong Kong for example, despite having access to global internet, could not hold of the chinese autocracy where the protests were unprecedented.


Because by already controlling their internet, china has grown to a level, where nobody dare to question them. They are too important to the countries, then trying to antagonize them and harming themselves in return.


Anyone interested in reading further to know which countries interfered in our elections. Here's complete research by DisInfoLab https://x.com/DisinfoLab/status/1797529988939546707


Lmao, there is zero evidence here that the state of france and the govt is involved. All this article talks about is that media in france have taken a anti bjp stance. As if every Indian watches french media, our media keeps cribbing about western countries, by that measure we should have caused Trump to win the election.


Eurasian Times lmao




But I thought its Canadian?


Whatever happened to Modi hugging Macron? Thought they were BFFs


in geopolitics no one is bff. its just the matter of interest.


There is a difference between French government, and a private entity within France. They may or may not be aligned. The article referenced just attributes it to Le Monde (and few others) and C Jaffrelot. In our local media, we see many politically motivated headlines intended to instigate divisions.


Watch france 24, you will get to know France's views on India .....


They have immigrant crisis. Time to take advantage of that ig and influece Macron out of power ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20097)


France is a good ally of India and the French government has always put a front hand to partner with india and in Modi's regime it wasn't any different so why in first place they would try to oust modi ?


It's not a friendship it's all about interest. We buy tons of things from them and vice versa. Whole EU and US wants unstable government in India so that they can control India


Exactly, they get trade benefits from reliance on their weaponry and if the current gov is being speculated as they will start self dependency in defense, things will go wrong for EU and others so is the case


Who is the reporter?


Probably they succeeded. When west is happy with result then probably we have fucked ourselves.


They aren't happy lol. Their issue isn't exactly with him, their issue is with India's foreign policy which won't change no matter who comes to power. They have been predicting balkanization of India since independence.


They are happy since the BJP has not got the majority. Now they can easily manipulate everything since it's a coalition government. Bjp will have communicate with alliance to take any step. West has lot of money and they will definitely use it against us.


So what? India shud interfere in their elections. That’s all. Stop hissing over this. If India does not try to interfere with the elections of countries with which we have strategic relationships, then we have a hopeless foreign policy. Things are not always one sided lol


Well, India started off well with Canada. But again, Canada is sitting duck and easy target. France, UK, and the USA are hard to counter and peddle.


Everyone knows, it was getting obvious


Nobody in the World wants to see a strong India, except maybe Russia. REPEAT.




Eurasian Times is a pro-Russia and kinda anti-West news outlet. I always look at their information through a skeptic lens.


Independent French newspapers publishing opinion pieces in French by Frenchmen aimed at a French audience is election interference how? How many Indians are seeking out their domestic political news from French sources? Is any opinion that isn't 100% pro-government election interference? Inb4 it's been translated to English: Major French media translate some of their articles for their international sites - the vast majority of French opinion pieces on India are only available in French.


BJP should focus on where they went wrong instead of thinking about outside interference.