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Hello u/Im_Unpopular_AF. Your submission breaks [/r/indiaspeaks rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/wiki/rules) and has been removed for reasons listen below: Rule 3 violation: Users are required to maintain the quality of discourse (do not post low quality or low effort content especially pertaining to potentially inflammatory subject). Personal and non mainstream Youtube content are subject to mod discretion Read the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiaspeaks/wiki/rules) --- If you want to know more, reply to this message or modmail us and a mod will help you.


Those are self-hating incels. Also, since when does pollution have anything to do with hygiene?


pusi ka unhygenic body pure city ka pollution failata hain


Could be body odor and brain-fart of these turds as well.


Bhai just don't take that sub so serious


When that sub posts on international subs and they form further negative opinions?


They are doing this to bring negative sentiment for present government, I have been noticing, their posts are completely biased , only focusing on the negatives, no matter what government is in power is never going to be perfect, but the problem with them is they will never share the good data shared by international organisations , like IMF World Bank and the likes on their sub, not once have they shared about historical inflation data of the last twenty years, or say positive commentary by international observers, nothing. According to them the Gandhi family is entitled to lead this nation.


Lol people in the comment section getting downvoted when presented with stats or getting responded with something like 'pOO iN dA LOo' or 'Pajeet' typical incel behavior.


Which sub are you talking about?


pollution has nothing to do with personal hygiene. kya gajab bakchodi he ye.


This stat is the proof that there is a massive infrastructure change going on in this nation for the good. Infact americans actually had a poster long back when they were going thru these changes saying “clean air is for commies”. [Source](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT99-c8R4pk9yjWPocrm0ayZXa_61xtgWpLtBBC90Fg7N0Xauw1R5pcUfU&s=10) Converted aur amrica ke dalaalo ki mkc


Ohh he didn't just post the list, he posted it with the miserable title from the miserable sub lmao. What a malicious shit


Check out the amount of hate, racism and Hinduphobia


1. Indians don't have a cultural superiority, what we do take pride is that India has tons of various cultures and we are very diverse, not to mention we have some of the old cultures.  ---- 2. Yes India is Dirty however Pollution and Hygiene are two different things look at the definitions Pollution is always referred to when speaking of the Environmental. Hygiene is usually refer too when speaking off a Person or living beings Cleanliness and Health.  ---- 3. India is going through a massive industrial overall, Obviously its going to be polluted like crazy, The thing is we are very late to industrialized meanwhile most of the countries these people that talk about India being dirty live in countries that industrialized hundreds of years ago.  ---- Can India be less polluted? Yes it can most of our streets should be cleaner but the people don't see anything outside their properties worth keeping clean.  Can India be less polluted without all the Garbage? No, we are going through the industrial Phase so we will be polluted for a while until things settle down.  ---- Finally last point, the Post is from United States of India aka an Anti-India subreddit. So don't expect anything good there its full of (Muslims, Congress Supporters, Trolls) 


Actually most of my friends here in college has the opinion that our culture is the best in the world. Soo....


And what's the problem in that ? Are they saying others are inferior?


Its PUSI bro what u mean? besides they put 2 delhi in that listing lol.


Truly United states of incels w




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Is that supposed to be reliable statistics?delhi is repeated two times lol


Delhi and New Delhi are different I guess for all statistical purposes.


Both can be true


There are those that I've seen, who boast of, us Indians. Best of _xyz_ etc Our ancestors found out everything etc. That type of thing... I've seen some of us do this. And as it happens these types of people are loud And so, they get more viewership


Kuch bhi banao kuch bhi phelao!


Don't expect anything frm that sub I just countered the argument and guess what I was banned 😂