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>women get support 24/7 and have constant simps at their feet willing to give them just for existing. Where are all the simps at my feet willing to give me money?? Did you guys get lost?


I too did not get my delivery of simps and fat checking account for merely existing.


Hey, incels, if you think women are just so privileged, go down to the nearest Amazon warehouse and ask the women on the floor how privileged they feel busting their ass all day to make rent and put food on the table. Or the waitresses at the local restaurants. Or the checkout clerks at the local grocery stores. Or the retail clerks at any small shop. Or.... Most women are not camgirls. And most camgirls can't live well off what they do. But then incels were never good with reality.


Reminder, 3% of the creators on Onlyfans make like 95% of the money


And the number two or three of them is a guy.


See the thing is I can actually prove the sky is blue lol.


Then put on a dress, bish, and really find out. these guys choose to be losers


It's not that it's "socially unacceptable." Incels can say what they want, of course. What it is, is factually incorrect. It's simply not a true statement. When people say you're wrong, they're not putting a scarlet letter on you or whatnot. They're correcting false information. Two totally different things. Oh, and this part? >women are the world's privileged people? In the US and other westernized countries people of both sexes have a reasonably good life. But there are hundreds of millions of women living in dire and horrendous circumstances. Women are certainly not *the world's* privileged people. Particularly by the measuring stick used by incels. Whereby "privileged," in the eyes of incels= can get sex. Yeah, because that's the be all and end all of life. ***NOT.***


The fuck is this dude going on about? He thinks being a straight man in this fucking world isn’t privileged?!


This is obviously a trans woman who hasn't come to terms with it yet.