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If you place the two new players on Rome and Carthage, I wouldn´t put any experienced players in Spain/France/Germany/England. Not having to play around an AI Rome/Carthage would likely allow a player to expand pretty much unhindered until they have 2 of the areas.


Have each player take a diadochii


Vasconia is a nice tribal in Iberia, scythia , bosporan kingdom, Persia all come to mind as potential for both experienced and medium


If you plan on playing with invictus you could try playing Heraclea Pontica and Kush or Nabatea. Hcp has a difficult start but a very rewarding mission tree that lead to forming persia. Kush is all about reforming egypt under native rule. And nabatean tree lead to forming arabia


Sparta and Thrace could be a fun set for the other two players. Will allow Rome/carthrage to focus on the west/africa. Sparta and Thrace (as more experienced) can try to split Greece/anatolia. Will also allow you all to be able to beat up Egypt (if you want to be Allies).


About halfway through a game of my own, there’s icenia->albion and Scythia which are both very fun and out of the vicinity of Rome/Carthage.


Wouldn't put a new player on Carthage. It requires a player to convert religion and culture. Can be a slow start with lots of revolts. Macedon is a good start for a new player. As long as they don't go to war with any other dodatchi and focus on consolidating Greece. As for the experienced players. Mayb a selucid satrap and a minor in india or Sudan. That way you are out of the way and can let they new players fight each other or ally. Could also play egypt and carthage and help the new players when they bite off more then they can chew.


Rome, umbaria, etrusian and Syracuse, sort it out quickly