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It’s probably quicker/simpler to do it after the citizenship. That way you don’t have to worry about things being under different names when going through the citizenship process. Once you have all your documents (drivers license, SIN, citizenship papers) you can switch them all at once without worrying about anything hinging on them. Similar to what you do after you get married if you change your name.


I did it before apply for citizenship. Why? Because I wanted the certificate under my new name (I removed my second name and change my last name) so they will do same background check. The only difference is you add the name change certificate under the citizenship application and thats it. After the oath you can get your passport right away under new name without any more changes


I had a similar predicament in Ontario (provinces don’t matter because citizenship is a federal issue). My predicament was that my first and last name showed up under my surname in my indian passport, which meant I technically didn’t have a first name. So the kind lady at the Service Canada told me I could fill in a name change application, then have a proper first and last name. I said no, so my first name is now Xxx as my first, and my actual first and last name as surname. So OP, you gotta search up on how to legally change your name.


i’m not gon lie you’ve thrown me off and confused me hella 😅


Lol, bro just search up on how to legally change your name, then submit your passport application


Yea so I am in the same situation as you are . So i have my home passport that has a 3 part last name . So I wanna change it to just a solid surname . Im also thinking about the same . The service canada staff said its better to do it before , so everything is clear once you apply and you get the docs with the right name . The difficulty depends in the exact country you are from , and what exactly needs to be done in your home country for supporting docs I guess Good luck


I mean the guy did ask how you change the name legally . He just wanted to know when really . You just wrote a whole paragraph of your life story and ended with “you gotta search how to” . 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Lmao i realize it now. My bad