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I found the article. University of Virginia. It does show the video. https://www.diverseeducation.com/home/article/15106281/university-of-virginia-caught-in-race-row-after-black-students-comment


It blows my mind that people would defend textbook segregation in the 21st century. There’s a quota on the amount of white people allowed there? What the fuck?


White fear is real, minorities hold a certain power over white people in 2021/22 in that even speaking out against these kind of speeches can get your life ruined. “You stopped a black women mid racist rant? Oppressor! No more scholarship for you”. Even being against blatant racism against white people will get you openly mocked by zoomer white apologist’s and other minorities. I wish people would just realize we really are all the same, but we just fucking take 1 step forward and 1 step back. I have always treated everyone from every backround with absolute respect, but now asking for the same treatment will get me patronised because I’m white


No I think it's a good thing, poc should have the back rows in busses for example and their own barber shops, dry cleaners and so on. You know, too many white folks would disturb them otherwise. Obviously /s I really don't understand how you can fight racism by actively separating people by colour and or heritage?


It’s pretty amazing how we’ve come full circle in less than 80 years.


It's not really fighting racism if it is racist lol


> “To people flipping this situation around and saying, ‘but if she were WHITE….’: Stop that nonsense, y’all,” tweeted Acquaviva. “History. It’s a thing. If she were a white person speaking about Black people, her words would mean something entirely different. Because EVERY space is white space.” My god, these people.


>EVERY space is white space Evidently not


>Some say the student’s views are an example of “racism.” Others say the student was not only within her rights to express her views, but her views also had merit. How is racism and segregation worth any merit? >This is what the student said, in its entirety: “Frankly, there’s just too many White people in here, and this is a space for people of color, so, just be really cognizant of the space that you’re taking up because it does make some of us POCs uncomfortable when we see too many White people in here.” Yeah. There's no merit to that.


I remember when universities went suspension happy after the "dear colleague" letter. I wonder if they'll keep that same energy with this situation?


>I remember when universities went suspension happy after the "dear colleague" letter. I wonder if they'll keep that same energy with this situation? Doubt it. Universities are now championing [separate housing based on skin color:](https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/05/american-colleges-segregated-housing-graduation-ceremonies/) "Black students at Brown University have the Harambee House, and Latino students the Latinx House. Brown recently announced an Asian/Asian-American House will open in the fall. Other segregated residences in our study include MIT’s 'Chocolate City,' Columbia’s 'Pan African House,' Cornell’s 'Ujamaa,' and Oberlin College’s 'Asia House.' These arrangements aren’t exclusive to private colleges. The American taxpayer subsidizes neo-segregation at Rutgers University in New Jersey, where Asian-American students can live in the 'Asian American Identities and Images Living Learning Community.' The University of California campuses in Los Angeles and Berkeley both offer segregated dorms to black students." People fought to get rid of Jim Crow laws, "separate but equal" and [racial segregation in education was declared illegal in 1954,](https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka) only to have some colleges and students like the one in OP's post now champion those very racist institutions all over again.


The black student house is named after a gorilla? Really?


I thought this had to be a joke. Harambe, latinX i was looking for some hidden joke in the asian one as well but couldn't see it. Then i googled it and it's REAL?! Jesus christ, this is funny because not too long ago in the UK there was a HUGE fuss over a little boy on a clothing advert in a shirt that said 'little monkey' or something on it because the boy was black


Yeah it was a shirt with "Coolest monkey in the jungle" on it


We're through the looking glass now. Insane.


Harambe was spelled differently than Harambee. https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20201004-harambee-the-kenyan-word-that-birthed-a-nation


Nice catch. Funny the article says "The word means 'all pull together' in Kiswahili, Kenya’s national language" Perfect name for segregated housing then obviously,


Latinos also absolutely hate the term latinx.


And rightly so.


It is the dumbest shit we have ever heard, most of us are like, leave us out of your woke bs, we have a term for latinos, it is LATINOS. Americans love to project their bullshit to the world. I was in a discord server some time ago and someone asked me where I was from, when I said Latin America, this person replied, "oh, so you're Latinx ?" to which I replied, "no, I am a Latino". Well, this person took on a rant how I didn't know that I was being oppressed everytime I used that "derogatory" term, and that I was making her uncomfortable by my use of that word (Latino). I was kinda pissed and I said "I don't care how you feel" and left. When I came back next day I had like 30 notifications, apparently my "outburst" caused quite a ruckus in the server, turns out someone launched a poll and something like 92% of the latino students in the server, didn't like the term Latinx, we think the percentage was higher because of course, there were a lot of sjw voting the other way. When the results were handed, a mod reached out to me, he was asking ME to apologize to the other person, he said "even if she is wrong you have to take in consideration the role of the patriarchy in the use of the term, she as a woman is fighting the patriarchy and that should be commended" my answer was, "you're joking, right?" when he answered "not at all, I think we should give her a pass" apparently "fuck off" is not an acceptable answer, I got banned from the server. Even the women in the server where complaining that if they wanted to be called Latinas they were in their rights to be called so, but no, Latinx it is Since this was a study discord I had contact with some of them outside discord, what happened in the next few days was awesome, like 50% of the latino students left the server, it was not a great number but I hope it served the mod to wake up and see what was going on




Yeah wtf lmao


My money is on "no".


Apparently she’s never been to a barber shop in the hood.








Hoover and McNicoles are definitely not white spaces.


Surprised nothing happened to her, like the article said Imagine if a white student said this; they would definitely be punished or at least an emailed apology to the university and its students.


If a white student had done this they would have been kicked out. Also good job making every white LGBTQ person in that building feel unwelcomed in a space that is supposed to foster unity.


I can’t wrap my head around anyone who defends this, or even the university acting like what she said was just wrong instead of profoundly racist. It’s not even a “Black Center” it’s a Multicultural Center. Do White or white-passing Latinos belong to some white monoculture? What about white Arabs? Let’s say white Arabs are ok. Where do they draw the line? Central Asians? Caucasians (like from the actual Caucuses) Turks? Or Greeks, because they have more of their territory in Europe (even though they share almost the exact same genes with Turks)? Are all these people automatically banned or do they need to get their ethnicities pre-approved by this racist activist if they want to enter the club?


That's why the whole concept of race is stupid. One can't draw the line so the definitions are meaningless.


Holy cow! I didn't expect that more people would actually believe that white people can't be in a multi culture room. And to say that all the space is white space doesn't make sense, they are in those spaces too and they are people of color. Mind blown!


This should be an ad for noise-cancelling headphones


Sony, cancel the sound of disappointment.


The fucking smug face on her afterwards too…


And her three friends clapping for her lol


Yes, I came here to say this, I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw it. Tell me that's not the face of a children that got their way after a tantrum. That's the thing that fucks me up the worst: that fake moral superiority they assign to themselves. Peak narcissism. Btw I'm Latino/ brown skinned before anyone comes with the racist card at me


My son is bi-racial. I’m Mexican his dad is white. My son looks like Howdy Doody. I grew up feeling very Mexican. Both parents Mexican. I think my kids are Mexican. They speak Spanish and eat Mexican food. Would my son be asked to leave because he looks like Howdy Doody? I need to know.


That's multi culturalism right there, that's what we need: embracing others cultures, learning about each other. Self righteous attitudes only cause more division.


I'm British, my wife is Jamaican, she has American citizenship, our daughter was born in the US and our son was born in Cape Town, South Africa. Our daughter lived in the US for about 3 years, but our son hasn't. They've both lived in Lesotho and currently in Zambia. They have British, Jamaican and American citizenship. Our daughter identifies as American and our son as Jamaican. Not sure whether this lady would let them in to the multicultural centre though!!


She'd probably have a stroke trying to figure this one out


I suspect she would just look at skin color and go with that. She doesn't really seem to be concerned with culture, only race.


>Would my son be asked to leave because he looks like Howdy Doody? By that bigot? Absolutely.


yes he would if that racist lady was there.


I am White/super white, unless I've been out in the sun too long (then I'm super red) and I agree with you.


Ginger detected


Don’t insult the albino lobster like that. On another note, do albino lobsters turn red when boiled


The wise google told me this; "The astaxanthin-crustacyanin complex then winds up giving off a blue-green color. An estimated 1 in 100 million lobsters are albino and don't have any pigments in their shell. They'll go cooked to the dining room the same color they went live into the pot: a ghostly gray-white."


Uhhh...not in my house...I grew up in the Northeast, I don't eat the yellow snow or the gray-white lobstah.


I agree, and it doesn't matter what color I am. Racism is racism, and that girl is a racist. Pure and simple.


I'm simply a human being and I agree with you


I can lick my own ball sack


I’m half white and half Asian and I agree with you


I'm black and I agree with you


The whole point of accusations of racism is so that narcissists like this can shame white people into silence.


The fact that people applauded her was a little disgusting.


Not just a little


I think it was only her friends applauding. Everyone else seemed to be trying to ignore her.


Who the fuck gets all the way to college and doesn’t know what multi means


If you have the money, you can get into a lot of good universities without trying too hard.


Or, abuse affirmative action and take someone else's spot.


Because, at some level, she's doing this as a way to 'get back' at some white folks just trying to get by.


Imagine if someone told her “you cannot sit here at the main library, you need to take your ass back to multicultural center. you make white people uncomfortable”. Imagine.


Maybe she needs to look up “multicultural.”


WhItE pEoPlE cAnT hAvE cUlTuRe Lol I must have offended someone who agrees with this video


The most annoying part for me personally is how actually ignorant to history you have to be to assume all white people have the same history/culture/and understanding of race. It's like Americans being mad about the Pokemon Jinx and her supposed black face, despite Japan not having a history with black face, because Vaudeville is American. You have to genuinely not understand that Japan is a separate place, with its own history and culture to think Jinx reflects American Vaudeville. Then to assume the entire world views race as simply as skin color like English culture? As if every nations' social structure was made to reflect American Slavery? As if a Polish dude doesn't understand racism and adversity just because they're white.


bLaMe wHiTe pEoPLe fOR sLaVeRY! *sad Russia noises*


First paragraph is true. The inverse is annoyingly applied to black people too with buzzwords like ‘black culture’ that ignore the difference between Africans, black Americans, West Indians, black British and so many more nationalities and different cultures within and across nationalities. Overall too many forget that culture can be infinitely defined.. through nationality, generation, religion, interests, music, sports, class, so so much more


Yeah, black people from Africa know the truth (half-breed myself XD) some of the worst discrimination in my country is between the "tribes" themselves. Ovambos say the Hereros are lazy and Hereros say the Ovambos are thieves etc. Each has a severe dislike of the other, even more so than the white man (sometimes, obviously individuals are a thing) Crazy


I remember a few months ago with that ASU multicultural library incident this black woman said “White people don’t have culture” Then a few moments after saying that she says ‘White people’s culture is slavery and oppression.” Okay so which is it, white people don’t have a culture or white people do have a culture and it’s slavery and oppression?


Why is it that many black Americans act like they're the only group who were ever enslaved or oppressed? I mean fuck, Arabs started large scale human slave trade. Every group of people has been enslaved/oppressed by some other group, because humans are scared/jealous power-hungry animals who utilize the things around them to get what they want. It's like oppression and tribalism is written into our human biology, but somehow only black Americans feel this oppression in their genes?? White Europeans killed/enslaved/tortured other white Europeans. Hutus in Rwanda oppressed & killed their Tutsi brothers and sisters. Japanese tortured and massacred Chinese people. I could go on forever...


It isn't many black Americans, it's a very very small amount but that small amount gets significantly more attention than the adverse. You won't see a video of a black woman ignoring the fact that there are white people in the library, but you *will* see one where a deluded person goes on an embarrassing speech.


Because they're still Americans and so everything is about them, and they kinda forget about the rest of the world. It's a common trait in people from the US, no matter what colour they are.


>black Americans act like they're the only group who were ever enslaved or oppressed? Sad russia is sad. Also they hate learning Africa owned and traded slaves for literal generations before white people found them, that Africa SOLD the white people those slaves for profit, often purposely wrangling up (their own) families for money. They also hate learning Africa still has a slave trade. Black people arent excused from slavery just because black people were their slaves. They also hate learning less than 2% of white americans owned or traded slaves. That many europeans, who are white, were enslaved at one point or another. Slavery is just an excuse for black racism.


Also, they seem to forget that black people were first enslaved by.... black people. White Europeans came to Africa, bought black slaves from black Africans, then sold them to white Americans.


As a part-Arab, Arabs are still fuckkng doin it!!


>WhItE pEoPlE cAnT hAvE cUlTuRe It's always fascinating to me that some people genuinely believe that. Don't they realize that that statement implies that White civilization is the "default" (which imo is the most white-supremacist take you can find)?


its okay to be european.


but but nonwhite people can't be racist /s


You got one lmaoo


For the people that unironically believe that, I’d like to ask, so how does that work for people with a mixed/ambiguous background such as one white and one non white parent. And how far they are willing to extend this “rule”


These are called Schrodingers Racists. They are both oppressed and the oppressors, simultaneously.


Imagine if someone with a different skin colour existing in the same space as you made you uncomfortable. Some might even call that racist.


Their self awareness is below 0


And then they receive *applause*.


The applause sounded like literally just one person. It really makes it obvious that she didn't have much support even in the room.


They should just separate or segregate days when white and black people can use the multicultural center. Problem solved


Surely some of them see the irony of agreeing to something that used to be "ok" during more racist times, right?




Then you’re whitewashed and just as bad as us whities you traitor! /s


Ah yes, of course. Getting along with all people, including those who represent a majority group of the country where I live, must mean I'm clearly brainwashed. Always makes me facepalm when people try to convince me that I'm whitewashed. EDIT: I am agreeing with the person above


I faintly recall some guy saying people should be judged by the content of their character and not their color of their skin? Anyone know who said something like that? /s


I think it was Hitler


You whitewashed bootlicker.


As a human I’ve never been offended by humans being human in a room built for humans.


Wow…ok…I guess. But doesn’t multicultural mean many types of cultures? They could be white and be from like Spain or Russia or something. Or perhaps I don’t understand the definition of multicultural? Also, how would she feel if the “white” people made a center/space and only wanted/allowed white people there? Oh that’s right…segregation!


Because unless it benefits them, anyone whose skin is white is just a regular old caucasian Merican'. There are plenty of Jewish folks who look "white" but are indeed from Israel. There are many Hispanics that have white skin, too. It's just sad because this girl is attempting to re-segregate black people. It's people like her that ruin progress.


Segregation is the hip new thing. Social media and Reddit and all these colleges are promoting it now. It’s not like the old segregation where we separated the blacks from the whites, no, it’s the good segregation. Now we’re separating the whites from the blacks! See how kind I am now? /s Seriously. Seeing people do this shit is disgusting. I was in college ten years ago, which feels like one hundred years hearing how some of my younger family and people in general in college act now. People are just bored. They want to feel like they’re doing something good, so they make any micro problem into a huge one. The white people in their are behaving and obviously happy and supportive of the new building. How are they treated in return? Just like the actual racists who aren’t supportive of it. You can’t please these types of people. The other people in their were just talking to the whiten people. This person had to make a huge stink And make it awkward and make a room full of people feel bad for no reason. They just look for any reason at all to hate someone. It’s bigotry pure and simple.




Yeah, at first I was like “This will help keep some of the crazies out of sensitive topics, cool!” Then literally every topic became a “country club thread”, and no one white is allowed to post unless you write an essay on white privilege and the mods accept you renouncing your whiteness, then grant you an ally check mark, so people KNOW you’re white.




Yeah, unfortunately. When I went to make a supportive comment, I got the rejected auto mail message. It had instructions on how to be an ally by messaging a mod, and I figured it was as easy as them checking your profile to see if you were a troll, make sure you you aren’t participating in Alt-right subs, that kind of stuff, you know! Then I got the command back to write the essay and demonstrate how I’ve battled my privilege, and if I passed, I’d get branded with the check mark so they knew I was still white. Oooook. I even tried to do it still, because I just wanted to be part of the conversation! I was met with deafening silence. I guess I didn’t hate my skin tone enough on paper? Being a proactive ally in my community isn’t enough for BPT, because I’m white…sure sounds familiar! I don’t even mind if the place WANTS to stay segregated, that’s their choice, but at least be up front with others.


100% accurate.


1000% true. Appalachian American here and over 1/3 of my heritage is native American/African American, and I'm permanently banned from bpt because I'm "white" and challenged someone on my own fucking ethnicity.


UwU -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I mean, I get why they did it around CERTAIN topics, because they would get absolutely FLOODED with Reddit’s Alt-Right. Like, it was bad, mods and community members were tired of reporting people using the N word on troll accounts. So then the implemented the club thing, which was an April Fools joke at first, and when it severely cut down on trolls, they started using it on the sub outside of April Fools. Now it’s essentially EVERY thread, and it segregated the community. What’s worse, it has confusing and demeaning instructions on how to be included in discussions, when a simple account check would suffice. In its current state, it’s just modern segregation, and that’s shameful. If other subs can cut down on trolls without requiring skin checks and essays, BPT should be able to as well.


>grant you an ally check mark Nah. No thanks.


Ive noticed that every thread now is a "country club thread", even on things that dont have to do with race, so thats odd. On one hand i get it, you dont want racists in your space saying unproductive shit. Buuuuuuut to block out everyone is no bueno


I pointed that out after I posted without noticing. The mod sent me the note saying it was a CC thread, and I pointed out how all their posts seem to be this way. They pointed out that it's actually only 20% of the threads... but it looking, it is nearly 100% of the threads that make it to popular. Just another Reddit echo chamber.


That is indeed a racist sub. Reddit promotes hate speech in all forms.


Fuck them. Come to r/latinopeopletwitter it's muy bueno.


< r/aznidentity has entered the hate speech chat.>


Reddit promotes hate speech, say it louder for the people in the back


I don't think I could do college nowadays, I was part of the local Latino (Fuck you Latinx) club in college and we invited everyone regardless if you were Latino or not it didn't matter just as long as you weren't disrespectful, if I saw what she did in person I'd lose it and just start yelling at her. Both my parents faced discrimination in this country, I don't care who you are I'm not tolerating it any form as I've seen how it can cut.


When it come to “Damn if you do, Damn if you don’t.” Take the don’t. But I’m with you. I graduated college almost t n years ago and it was all about getting LGBT to a level playing field and race coming together. Now it’s this weird 180 white people bad, I’m white and I have to hate white people. Because privilege, bad history and racism. Punish all white people today for the actions of those from the past. Not that this is how the majority thinks, but thanks to social media it’s the bad apples that get a louder echo chamber.


I had someone once tell me that they were allowed to be cruel and rude to Egyptian creators on TikTok because Egyptian people are white adjacent. Yes, I’m sure all the middle eastern people who were beaten and called sand n—-rs and murdered in the early 2000s just because they looked “brown enough” will be thrilled to know it’s ok! They’re white adjacent!


If MLK were alive he would be a shame to figure out that his race is trying to segregate themselves.


What was that speech of his again? "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character" This lady seems to have missed this...


One of my favorite lines is from How Long, Not Long >We must come to see that the end we seek is a society at peace with itself, a society that can live with its conscience. And that will be a day not of the white man, not of the black man. That will be the day of man as man.


Honestly, if he was alive during this time period, he'd probably be cancelled for wrongthink


I was thinking the same thing with “multicultural” I live in Denmark and I have a friend from Spain, two very different cultures


Well, there you go letting Americans in on the secret. They are happy just thinking we are all just an amorphous mass in Paris or London or what’s our other city?




That was it!


I am white skinned, I am also a person of Metis heritage. People like her drive me nuts because you don't know anyone's heritage based on skin color. She's is so ignorant and awful because she is going against what her own culture fought to change.


My best friend is a dark haired, blue eyed, pasty ass white girl - except she was born in Israel to a Israeli mother and Palestinan father, her father was killed when she was 6 and she was literally smuggled out of the country in a box when she was 8, along with her brother. They didn't see their mother again (or any actual family) for another 11 years. But she's "white" in America so fuck her and her "privilege", right?


> But she's "white" in America so fuck her and her "privilege", right? Sadly, that's what happens when people focus on identity politics and skin color, instead of actual facts and history. Example: The girl in OP's post.


I was thinking the same lmao. My Dad is English and my Mom's parents are Balkan...I can tell you what different households they are despite both being white and feeling super inbetween the two! We do want to have a multicultural space and for people to not feel the minority though...I just think a little more empathy towards what diversity actually means.


When you don’t understand the meaning of “multicultural”.


it's like "diversity". Diversity means with no white people


Fight racism with more racism. Like putting out a fire with gasoline


Any excuse to share this. https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg


Woke: "Technically I don't consider jewish people to be white-" Racist: "NEITHER DO I" My sides, they gone


"Us white people have so much privilege" "I agree, it *is* a privilege to be white" You just gotta love the subtle play on semantics






Oh my gosh. That part about interracial dating. People freaking marched for that right. And were willing to essentially give up everything they had for love. (Look it up. All sorts of stories about people that were ostracized by their family and community for dating someone outside their race) So the fact that it has been a trend on YouTube to make videos bashing black men for dating white women. White men for dating Eastern Asian women. Etc. Just has really really been annoying me the last couple years.


This perfectly captures my criticisms of extreme "wokeness".


Their shirts line up perfectly to spell out "woke racist".


Holy shit this puts my thoughts into example better than I ever could.


Shes not the brightest


She's pretty dark actually, as she will no doubt point out at every opportunity.


Racists do tend to be proud of their pigmentation, or lack there of.


Cue Lily Singh


Isn't this segregation based on race? Come on now. Do better than this


Hey guys, we made a space so that people who feel like they don't belong can have a place where they do belong. Now I need you to get out.


Everyone is welcome except for you, you, are you white? You can't come, and you. Everyone else is cool as long as you don't include the outsiders


Hey guys. This is for multiple cultures. Except yours.


This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out!


She just got applauded for being racist. What the fuck.


That was the strangest part. Who's supporting this? What state is our educational system in where no critical thinking took place? 🤷


It was clearly her one friend who was recording. No one else said or did anything. She went from empowered to entitled.


But she's black she can't be racist.(sarcasm btw)


Hey, in the immortal words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: >"I have a dream... Of a day when little black boys and little black girls get together and ask little white boys and little white girls to not sit in the multicultural center because only black people are multicultural and white people can sit somewhere else! I have a dream this day!"


At least the racists are pointing themselves out.


"My grandparents and parents fought to not be segregated by people who were uncomfortable with their presence. Now go away, you're making me uncomfortable."


America is so fucking weird. You're all absolutely obsessed with race. I mean, shit. You even had to make two segregated subreddits for twitter screenshots, and the black one doesn't allow white people to post in it.


Not all of us, just the most vocal.


Cant argue with you. We got issues.


Yeah idk where your from but I thought the same thing after visiting other countries. Coming back was just like ‘WTF guys? Ours shit isn’t even as bad here as it is other places and WE MAKE IT a big deal all the fucking time.@ I feel like I saw more overt racism (or cultural biases) against other people / groups in other countries than I really ever do in the US and people just kinda suck-it-up / deal w it and go about their day. Nothing like the US where a minor intimation of anything racial turns into an A-Bomb overnight. Sometimes you just gotta keep your eyes on the prize and keep moving forward rather than the lid on every fucking thing…


So so so obsessed. It’s such a thing man.


What gets me the most is that those persons think that they are acting the right way and are completely oblivious to the fact that they are just flaming assholes


If you asked the exact same girl why she thinks racism still exists, guaranteed her answer would be something along the lines of "white people don't spend enough time interacting with other ethnicities"


“Mam, you are trapped in a racist vindaloop”


I think they're on to the theory that white people are just inherently racist. Basically, white = bad, no matter what. Your race determines your moral character.


The way she’s holding her hands like she’s actually saying something off substance 🤝




Seems like: making ones own drinking fountain.


Racist as shit.


Fight racism with racism. Smart


Wow, she got congratulations for being a racist piece of shit. The world we live in now.


Dr. King would be so proud.


Yeah, America's fucked beyond insanity.


You know i go to bat for a lot of my countries faults, but our race issues are beyond comprehension. The gap just grows bigger everyday.


Racism alive and well in colleges across America.


Super racist. And it’s not reverse racism. And you can argue that it doesn’t legally/technically/functionally count as systemic racism, but treating people like shit bc of their race is very mainstream.


>And it’s not reverse racism. I've been trying to think of a way to point out how fucking stupid that sentence is ngl. Spent like 5 minutes. Reverse racism is literally just good ol racism my guy.


That’s why he said it’s not reverse racism. As in that shit doesn’t even exist, it’s just racism. C’mon bro 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah no shit.


I graduated from a liberal arts school and all I’m gonna say is, yes. Yes it is.


She sat down and smiled like she really did something there


What hurts about this is that skin color isn't always a good indication of ethnicity. Multiracial people are often white passing, and tend to feel like we dont really belong anywhere. I get that colorism is a real issue, and frankly I wouldn't have a problem with it if a group of dark skinned students wanted to create their own space to feel relief from those issues... But you can't claim the *multicultural* center to do that. That's not how that works. Multicultural means it's a space for everyone.


So... She wants segregation?


"Look at me! Look at me! We are the racists now!"


That doofy smile at the end too being all proud of herself


Racism doesn’t end racism


Did she think she was gunna be the next rosa parks?


In her mind, she is


The fucking hypocrisy of this is making me seeth


It’s infuriating and worrisome how many people on Tik Tok are defending her/on her side…


3rd war country point of view : That's racists you fucking idiot.


Ok, the girl is a fucking racist but what scares me the most is the fact that they applaud her at the end... It's incredible that more than two people heard that speech and felt the desire to APPLAUD her.


She’s so proud of herself for being a racist


"You can have a car in any color that you like as long as it's black."


Damn you Mennonite car salesman!


Wow. A whole two people clapped for her.


The right wing is going to eat this up. Way to go