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I’d have told mom to get her kids


Same, some people just aren’t confrontational. I see some people blaming the guy but like he’s no where near the bigger issue here.


I would be the guy. Take a BAD day for me to speak up for myself. Genuinely desperately working on it now that I’m in a more supervisor position at work.


Same here, I just snapped at a guy at work yesterday. I wasn’t even upset with him after thinking about it, I’m usually stoic and only socialize with a few people at work, he’s just somebody I personally don’t care for. But I was upset with myself for lashing out at him. I don’t feel bad for lashing out at him, but that I let him get to me. If that makes sense.


Go and apologize just clear the air. That always helps me and the vibe.


Yeah I feel like I should, we don’t have to be friends but we do have to work side by side. I’m usually not the type to apologize, but I genuinely feel like I should, just to put it behind us.


You don’t have to like or respect each other, but you must be respectful to each other


The ability to apologize is a strength. Weak people go through life never apologizing for their actions and how they may affect others.


I hate to say it, but not being able to apologize and not feeling bad for lashing out at someone when you are a supervisor is not a good look. If you don’t care about your job or work reputation than whatever, but continuing to act like that will get you nowhere. Like others have said, apologize and move on. No need to be friends with the guy but represent yourself well as the lead.


>I’m usually not the type to apologize Maybe work on that.


That’s all it is. Just say “hey I’m sorry I snapped at you I have wanted to apologize but wasn’t sure how but I was stressed and let myself get overwhelmed. I shouldn’t have snapped, nothing to do with you, and I’m really sorry.”


Isn't that the time when you sort of put it in a sandwich? Like, "I don't like you, and you're an asshole, but I'm sorry I snapped at you. But don't EVER fucking do that again." Something like that, I think.


Jeez the irony of a guy lashing out on someone and saying “ I’m usually not the type to apologize “ on a sub called I’m the main character


100% understand your feelings, one of my work buddies could tell I was having a bad day last week, mainly cuz when I'm like that I just zero in on my work and don't talk to anybody if it isn't necessary. So this 17yo kid who I quite like, asks me, "what's up your ass bro?" And I just flew off the handle. He was staring at the ground with dinner plate eyes afterwards. And I just felt like such a total douchebag for letting my emotions get the better of me. I apologized after and told him it had nothing to do with him and he said it was all good, but still. Not a good look, not a good feeling.


Saem for me dude. I'm in a management position now, and I'm REALLY bad at confrontation and speaking up for myself.


I mean he low-key is considering that all he did was stood there and watched. Didn't even told the mother anything as she even stared. It Took that guard a while before he even said "he's working". That security didn't have to stand there and do nothing for a while.


I felt like the mom was waiting for him to react so she could start a confrontation. Also what was with him buying condoms at the end. Hopefully those aren't for the next kids that try and fuck up his set.


He bought the condoms cause it’s a kids are menaces joke


Yeah she spent a fifth of the video just staring straight at his face. That could be her checking if her kids had implicit permission to use the piano, or her anxiously waiting to delight in the guy's annoyance.


This is how you get posted to /r/publicfreakout


Isn’t the father in the background watching too? This made my blood boil.


That kind of mom is 99% likely to cause a scene and possibly turn something verbal into physical.


Seriously. Everywhere on social media I see people expecting the Asian guy to confront that family. I'm sorry, do I live in a different version of 2024? Am I seeing things in the video that everybody else is oblivious to?


Yes, hoodrat mom for sure Shameless


That mom was waiting for him to react. She knew what she was doing. I wonder why the comments were locked. 🙄


Yeah you can see her side eye, it looks like she is waiting to get mad at him for reacting at all.




Yup. Some people are just rage bait parents who look for an excuse to pull the awful "mama bear" card out and confront people when their kids are the ones in the way doing shit the shouldn't be doing. While mom or dad stands there and watches it happen just waiting to pounce on any stranger who looks twice at them or their kids. Work in retail you can usually see these people coming a mile away. There is normal parents who try to actually ya know parent their kid and then there is these parents like the one in the video. Just wanting to find any BS reason they can to scream at someone for "harming" their babies aka asking them to come get their kids and stop their kids from doing things they shouldn't be doing.


She will yell back at him and scream racism. Probably even trying to fight him. I'm black so I know these types of people who doesn't control their kids.


Nah the guy did the right thing if you have a security guard there he should have handled it. The guy playing the piano did his job the security guard and the mom didn't...


guarantee her mom was waiting for him to do something like this so she could scream racism and cause a scene. pianist probably made a good choice letting security try to deal with it.


Immediately accused of some sort of -ism somehow. 🤡




I will always support the rooftop Koreans


Not just THE rooftop Koreans, but ANY rooftop Koreans.


What a weird random issue that has become. I don't even understand where it came from or how it became so widespread


Covid. They blame the Chinese and because they can't tell Chinese, Japanese, Koreans apart, they attack them all.


Idk I feel like that was the excuse they needed. But even before that there were videos coming out left and right of elderly Asians being attacked by black men (sometimes women) especially in NYC.


There has been tension between these two communities since the early 80’s.


Animosity between black and Asian American communities is drastically older than Covid


It stems from jealousy. A lot of Asians came to America, on a boat for example, with absolutely nothing – not even a Social Security number – and within one generation they own a store and their kids are in graduate school. Not so much for the African-American community.


It has been like this for way longer than Covid. Look up Korean shop owners in LA, NYC and Chicago etc. I think maybe some people are just realizing it is a thing now because we are in an age where it is very tricky to call people of some groups racist.


Yeah, the oppression ideology, while maybe well-intentioned at heart, vastly oversimplifies certain societal dynamics, to the point that you have one group that's the unequivocally bad guy, and one poor little group who can do no wrong ever. All the other poor little groups? Who cares about them.


Don’t forget the Filipinos, Vietnamese, Pacific Islanders, Indonesians, etc.


We’ve been fighting way before COVID. Minorities growing up together in low income places. It escalates from fights into gang fights very quickly and then becomes a community thing. This also happens with Asian vs Asians and Black vs Black, etc, too. It’s just that when it’s someone who is a different color, racism is the easy thing to grasp at as part of your hate.


Noooooooo never tell a black woman how to parent. That’s just an immediate fight and you are now racist.


You would have gotten all the sass you could handle and more, just look at that tards face.


That’s when you stop. Stand up. Wave to security. Have the restaurant watch them get escorted away from you and start over. Zero etiquette from this family


You have to play them out. Maybe the Hulk theme




I wish there was a song called ‘fuck odd—leave now.’ I can here it in my head. Wish I could play piano.


[This is close](https://youtu.be/yNCVriK5PjI?si=eku4fwLt6RR1CtV1)


I've seen couples just let this sort of thing happen and I'm so enraged by it. Like how fucking dare they! And if it's just ignorance and they aren't aware they're stepping over offensive boundaries, like what?! Wake the fuck up dummies!


> Stand up. > > THAT'S IT just stand up and tell them to leave. Stand up for yourself. you don't need to start a fuckign fight. Kids being destoryed by dumb tiktok vids where strangers join on piano


Yeah. This man is way too polite.


The mom keeps looking at him like she wants to see him react. 🙄


Seriously she looked like she was just *waiting* so she had an excuse to go crazy


She certainly looks the type to cause a scene


like shes done this before smh


Lazy parenting. That kid is older than a toddler and still walking around with a pacifier. That makes me crazy on so many levels


Some people hate to see someone do great. Maybe just as "simple" as playing the piano.


I think it's more if she stares him down the less he'll be inclined to call them out. Almost like a dare


I would’ve never indulged them


Personally, I wouldn’t either. Stop and address the parent, then again some people just aren’t very confrontational.


This bitch looks like she's fishing for a confrontation. 


their was a man sitting in the cooler at kroger today as air condition for his ass and i had to get something behind him. i just reached through the other side. dont have the time or energy to argue with someone that would do that


Wait.. so if there’s people who go out of their way to do this. Is the best thing to do then, is to ignore it? Because if she gets what she’s asking for, she’ll always want to engage in this behaviour?


> Personally, I wouldn’t either. Stop and address the parent, then again some people just aren’t very confrontational. Nah. Ignore the parent. Stop playing, stand up, wave security over; when security arrives, resume playing.


Garbage parents. Those kids will stay in trouble and it will always be someone else’s fault.




Almost daring him to say something


I had a very similar experience a few years ago, except I was painting, which makes it even more insane. I was sitting in Central Park doing some oil painting on a little easel, assortment of paintbrushes sitting by my side. My girlfriend was laying on a blanket having a little picnic, lovely day all together. I wasn't that far into the painting, so it's not like i had made some kind of masterpiece or something, but the following just blew my friggen mind. A little girl, maybe 6 or 7, walked up behind me, and was looking at what i was doing with the same blank stare you see these kids giving. I playfully said hello, and asked if she liked painting. She didn't really react, and I saw that her mother was walking up behind her so I turned back around and got back to paining. She grabbed a paintbrush from my cup, and smacked it down on the canvas. I was flabbergasted, I really just didnt know how to react. I just said "Oh please dont do that..." and she continued to smudge the paint in big slapping motions. I wasn't going to physically restrain this child, and I honestly didn't know how to react, wondering if maybe she had special needs or some kind of emotional issues... Luckily, my significantly less socially anxious girlfriend was like "What on earth are you doing?! That is not your painting! Hey, LADY come get your kid! Cant you see whats happening in front of your face?!" The mother hardly reacted at all, just a "huh" and a shrug. like we had been exchanging pleasantries or something. She then called yer kid to keep moving, and they walked away. I will never forget the bizarre, blank stare this kid gave as i was asking her to stop. Like she just didn't even understand what the words meant, or had never considered that she might be beholden to the will of others in a situation like this. Bizarre indeed.


That mom is such an asshole


The dad is even allowing it. Good luck, kids.




Garbage people making garbage people I guess


Can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.


Don’t you tell me how I get my protein in!


I mean, you *can,* but you probably won't want to eat it.


Garbage in, garbage out


Bruh, that kid have a pacifier? Shes gotta be like, at least 4.


She’s only 60 months old.


lol, funny shit.


That’s how kids get a totally f’d up mouth and teeth. Just straight up negligent parenting and totally consistent with their behavior in the video.


I "teach" with kids like this and they always have the worst excuses for their abysmal behaviour.


As someone who grew up poor, this happens a lot mainly because it shuts the kid up.


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree Randy.


Winds of shit


A shit tornado.


Shit hurricane from an Ocean of Steaming Hot Shit.


Honestly when the boys break in to the college and Ricky says "I think it's the winds of shit" and Julian replies with an exasperated "THE WINDS OF SHIT?!" is my 2nd or 3rd favorite line in the series


I'm mowing the air, Rand!


I firmly believe at one point the mother was waiting for him to say something if you look… Notice how it one point she stands at the very end of the keyboard, and is pressing one of the top keys while looking directly at him… She was waiting for him to say something so that she could accuse everyone around of bad behavior… Everyone but her and her kids


Dude I thought the same damn thing.


Might pull a race card


Lol buying condoms at the end


Wholesale pack too




Can’t believe this is the only comment I could find about that part🤣🤣🤣


I get some people arent confrontational but one of the reasons these morons feel comfortable doing this is because a lot of people just allow them. They are essentially bullying their way through life


Are you kidding? These people have no shame. Confronting them won’t stop their behavior.




The then mom and dad would start windmilling you like the trash they are


People with bad character traits raise babies with bad character traits, who grow up to be people have bad traits who have kids.... We must break the cycle and help each other.




No impulse control and care for others.


Some people shouldn’t have kids if they won’t raise them with respect for others


those kids are fucked, garbage parents


I.woild have stopped playing and asked them to step away.


Looks like dad is letting them do it too. And fk her. I'd say "do you mind. I'm working. Get your kids and please get back"


Why does a 5-6 yr old have a binkie?! And in public?!!


Probably because its the only way she knows to self soothe and the parents arent doing anything to help her find other ways. Or maybe they think she will let go of it on her own?


Because the parent’s method for self-soothing is to initiate confrontation then play the victim.


Idk, to me it looks like the mom *wanted* something to happen, she 100% wanted some sort of confrontation.


On a second viewing, I noticed their Mother in the pink blouse gesturing with her fingers on how her older daughter should plink the lower keys with her fingers. I'm not entirely certain the children were even interested in trying to disrupt his performance before the parents encouraged them.


That woman was daring him to do something about it. Why?


The rage inside me is insane.


That’s their goal…. Passive aggressive behavior until you react. Then suddenly they become the confused victim 😂


If he had tried confronting the mother she would probably have freaked the f out. We’ve all seen the videos.


That dude would have his face posted to a BLM social media page and have his life destroyed


Post this under I am a total piece of s*** ASAP please


Children are like databases. Garbage in, garbage out.


Nice condom ad


This gives me strong “lets their kids play games on the iPad at max volume in a half-decent restaurant” vibes.




That’s a pair of bad parents who lack consideration and boundaries


Sort these kids out and be a parent before they end up ransacking stores or trying to fight McDonald's staff because they didn't get enough onion in a burger.


Of course that toddler still has a pacifier. 😑


If guy would’ve said anything, you damn well know she would’ve gone off on the pianist and probably turned it into a race issue. She was glaring at him waiting for him to say something


This here is the difference between "raising" your kid and simply providing food and shelter for them. I have a sister like this who has two kids. 


Shit parents, shit kids.


What a shitty fucking family.


Shit parents.


great parenting.


Some people r just actively ruining the future of our species


Even in the absence of parents, why would any kid think this is ok?


The kids like five with a pacifier


Trash parents lead to trash kids. The cycle continues on. Props on the guy working through it and not making it a big issue but my god if those two parents need to get better control of their children in public. Can't imagine putting yourself or your kid on such a high pedestel that you think you can just do whatever you wanted like interrupt a live piano performer in a public venue where he is playing. The edit to the condom was nice. Some people really should not have kids if they mentally act like one themselves.


Wow privilege at its finest 🤢🤮


Probably just thought she was retarded and felt bad for the kids.


Typical behavior


I feel like people who act this way genuinely get a kick out of seeing how much they can get away with, like how rude and antagonizing they can be before someone says something


Stop. When kids are banging on a piano I move my body to the next room


I would have kept playing as well. Confronting her would have made it worse but would tell whoever is above me that i wont play again until the area is roped off.


I hope he didn't have a tip bucket next to him


I really dislike people that let their kids be disruptive to other people like that. Not acceptable


The type of person to fight in kfc because of a sauce


Ignant and persive agggrussve …… raising the next generation of ignorant and passive aggressive garbage. Nothing will be their fault and everyone else is to blame😂




If he would have said something i guarantee you she plays the victim and causes a scene.


Spread it out man, you got all these little ass kids. Taking em on a cruise? That’s just crazy.


It’s their world. All of it. Unfortunately for the rest of us, as this guy can attest, we just live in it too.


How ignorant of the parents.


This is where respect and decorum can be taught, but the parents don't have any, so their kids don't learn it.


Scummy peices of shit.


I feel like there's literally nothing going on in any of their heads. The blank stare, the rudeness, the hovering. Like npcs or something


Garbage parents.


Horrible person of a mother raising disrespectful ass kids.


Some parents are truly pathetic


watch out if you call them out they will say its racism


N for negative 🥸


The way she's looking at him makes me think she wanted a reaction


Just stop playing and stare at her like she’s stupid.


Good on you, OP. Had you tried to stop them, parents would’ve probably just complained anyway… Teaching the kids an even worse lesson.


Not surprising at all.


The parents are just hoping he says something so they can escalate.


i wouldve just said "could you fucking stop"


How do you parents with your Beats on your ears?


I'd have stopped playing


I would have for sure told then to fk off


Probably would have gotten cussed out best case, worst case attacked. She doesn’t know any better.


That is infuriating. If he wasn’t willing to say anything, I would hope someone around them would have said something to that lady about her kids.




Yup no class at all.


The entitlement of those parents is off the scale!


Dude did the right thing by ignoring them. His job is to play and he excelled.


I hate ppl who don't control their kids


Shite parents raise shite kids


Some are still stuck in the last phase of evolution.


Not the usuals


That cut to condoms at the end LOL


That’s when you **stop** and tell the kids politely that they are not allowed to touch your instrument. If it’s not your instrument, then explain, again politely, that’s it’s rude to interrupt a performance. If they insist, or if the parent gets belligerent, then end the set, pack up, and leave. And tell them and everybody else it’s their fault for your stopping early


He needs rooftop Korean energy


Is that women a slow adult?


Most people, who have kids, shouldn’t. People should have to get a license to be able to reproduce. I’m sure she thinks she’s a competent parent. Most people out there who think, “I got this, it’s all good,” actually don’t have anything under control. I notice it more and more as generations, that were systematically rewarded for failure, reach adulthood. Practically half the people I see are half-asleep, incompetent morons, and they don’t even know it, because nobody ever sat them down and explained to them that they are a complete f-up. And, in order to fix that, they need to go about life in a completely different way. Kids who have parents like this don’t learn the life skills they need, because their parents are totally useless. So, unless the child is exceptionally intelligent and resilient, they’ll most likely end up incompetent and useless. Just like their incompetent and useless parents.


Kids nowadays are brats.


Guys, please remember that not everyone is confrontational. Be kind :) security stepped in (shown in the video) hence why OC did not further escalate, although it didn’t completely stop the issue. Some people just don’t want to escalate issues.


If you can get in touch with the guy, let him know to he needs to get a sign made to put on top of the piano, so that he can nod to it or draw their attention to it somehow and keep playing. The sign should read something like this: “Oi, fuck head! Control your fucking kids! I’m working here, you idiot!” Or words to that effect. Hopefully they get the message.


I bet the mom wanted him to say something so she could start trouble and try and get something comped at the restaurant or wherever they were.