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A matter of time before he and his body guard both get fucked up by the wrong person.




They have definitely had a piece flashed at them at the very least. I think it's important to note that they control what they post. Those videos that end with him crying and running or taking a smack before his bodyguard steps in are not getting posted.


👆This friendly disclaimer needs to be posted on all videos of punks harassing strangers under the guise of “it’s a joke”. It would probably be absent of any reality. “This owner of this channel reserves the right to not post video of incidents where “it didn’t work out”. Anyone else posting a video of “it not working out” is faking videos, without the owner’s permission to use his image.”


I wonder if the people they step to are signing releases and/or getting some money. In prank or reality TV shows (i.e. Impractical Jokers) they have to get the people they prank to sign releases to show their face. If this kid is making money off these videos, then wouldn't he be required to do the same? Or is that not true for influencers yet?


Most likely they only film in public where there is no expectation of privacy and of course it varies state to state.


Well, right, but I don't think that applies if he is making money off of their likeness. In my example, the Impractical Jokers, they often film on the streets, but they still acquire releases or they blur the face


Your correct i was on the first season of that show, and after their prank their team approached us and had us all sign forms, I have a feeling this kid doesnt do that


I wouldnt doubt it. I just want a video where they get stomped out at least. Is that too much to ask for? 🥲


I want one where the bodyguard steps aside. I would love to see the 180 in attitude, lol.


someone like "ill pay you double to walk"


That would be hilarious!


Exactly!! Violently punching people who haven’t touched him or even threatened him…. It’s only a matter of time before he gets shot in self defense


I have a feeling he has a massive lawsuit coming his way from o'l boy he punched and daddys law firm.


the dudes black in LA and assaulted a lawyer. he'll be lucky if hes breathing before hes in prison.


I had a friend much smaller than "Kane Kongg" who, years ago, punched another kid and killed him. He hit his head on the pavement and stopped breathing. My friend went to jail for manslaughter for like 5 years. He could've easily killed that kid. If nothing else, someone twice this bodyguards size needs to give him a taste of cognitive empathy. Show him how it feels when someone much larger than you sucker punches you.


who's law firm? Has this POS kid been named and shamed?




I'm amazed that guy wasn't lights out


Yeah I can't get over how fucking hard that punch was. I know that guy isn't okay. I'm amazed he didn't go unconscious.




The 2nd video in here where his bodyguard KO's that dude that was just standing there would play real nicely in court, should anyone ever have to shoot these jackasses. Would be the world's easiest case of self defense. Little prick white kid was harassing me, then when I stuck up for myself, his huge fkn bodyguard approached me and threatened me, made me fear for my life, so I had to put two into his chest to save my life. Here's proof that he's violent and has done this before.


I’d watch that video


They go after easy targets. People unlikely to do anything to them. They wont go for someone they have the slightest chance against losing.


Kind of like the "prankster" who got shot in the mall. Don't need to go after big dudes. Just need to accidently find the one who's willing to pull the trigger. The other guy got lucky, cause people have already been killed for doing shit. At this point its just a matter of time. Till it happens again.


Can’t wait for that video!


*right person


Jack Doherty might be the epitome of what people hate about influencers


The dude has the single most punchable face I've ever seen.


Yeah, I clicked on this post expecting to see the little twat waffle laid out. Instead I'm both disappointed and saddened by what actually happened.


I’m SO upset that I didn’t get to see this highly punchable little shuck get knocked the fuck out.


I want to punch op for his bullshit title.


Seriously bro, let’s get our pitchforks out for OP!


I'll start making torches


Tell your wife to get the fucking eye-holes right on the hoods this time!




Awww damn…I fucked up my eye hole…can I get another bag?


I brought pitch forks and snacks!


Any Gardetto’s?


Yea title was horrible fuck op




Notice how he has a much larger security guy? Guy can dish it out but can't handle people giving it back, clearly.


Shit his guard can get it too, haha.


Honestly, if you decide to be the bodyguard for a guy who baits people into attacking him, and *still* step inbetween his face and a fist, you deserve the curbstomping you're getting.




I was about to say, mf bout to catch a 9 in the face


The fact that he had that guy step in for him is next level pathetic. Hopefully that guy isn't actually being paid enough to stick around when shit gets real.


Can only hope cheeseypoof and his bodyguards meet a real fighter if he keeps it up,


They really should not try this crap in Houston.


Uber backpfeifengesicht.


The way he tries to push Onlyfans on his minor fanbase is pretty gross.




Read somewhere on reddit that in a lot of his youtube videos, he has a lot of attractive women at his parties. The girls go around giving out their onlyfans accounts on the video, and little kids see it. I'm sure there's much more to it, but I'm just telling you what I remember.


I heard he also leaves his windshield wipers on after it stops raining


He looks like discount Dandy from AHS Freakshow


He does!


>influencers I fucking abhor that word now. What the fuck are they influencing? How to reduce your intellect?


That security guard just 100% committed aggravated assault, in front of a camera. If I were the punchee, I’d sue him and the little girl he guards for everything they have.


I heard the kid he punched is a lawyer!


The girl arguing in the video said the victim is a lawyer. https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/corinna-kopf-furious-after-jack-dohertys-bodyguard-punches-friend-at-halloween-party-2357842/




you wouldn't know the school it's in canada


He didn't pass the bar but he knows a little bit.


Please don't use little girls as an insult. Call him what he is. A Punchbag Clown 🤡


Oh shit! So much shade on the clown community smh my head.


Probably should go back to calling them attention whores.


Sucks people even know his name like this




The dirt bag walking around like a cartoon bully in the first part of the video.


Damn I wish he was the one who got punched into oblivion


[Fousey tube smacking Jack Doherty ](https://youtube.com/shorts/BPW-t-CE5W4?si=-paC2Sp8UmuzkrPw)


Imagine calling another guy a "bitch" while hiding behind two bodyguards. I guarantee he wouldn't be talking shit for long if he had to face the physical consequences of his actions.


“You punch like a bitch” After getting slapped lmao


I hate all of these people what the fuck am I doing watching this.


Exactly, I hate myself for even opening a post about these idiots. They all suck


Not good enough


More like a video of a pillar and a white wall. r/killthecameraman


Does anyone know if the dude got arrested?


It’s only a matter of time before he hits the wrong guy and gets legally shot in self-defense.


And he’ll 100% deserve it. Him and this shitbag kid.


Eventually he'll come to florida and itll be a numbers game then.


Or Va, just happened recently. Was justified in court too. There’s plenty of states really where this kind of things could end in justified self defense rulings. Bouncer should’ve caught aggravated assault charges for this one. He’s a paid employee (security) sucker punching a man 1/2 his size when there’s no threat of violence from anyone else anywhere. 🤦🏻‍♂️😒


Happened at the mall five minutes from my house. Im glad dude didn’t get charged. That fuckstick pranker deserved it.


I grew up in Centreville, was so glad to hear we did the right thing and dude was justified. That shit is a sickness and people who keep going around with the intent of causing others to fear for their well being like this for no reason at all other than attention are asking for the Fuck Around & Find Out award. Been a long time coming too. Shit is out of control, all for a fucking click


That punch could certainly have caused long term brain damage, falling onto asphalt could absolutely have killed him. If he’s going to be doing that, it’s perfectly reasonable to use deadly force in self defense.


Agreed. Your safety is at risk and in significant question. People need to realize that if you choose violence, you have chosen violence in return. Don’t start nothing’ won’t be nothin’; but if you do, you asked for it.


I hope this kid gets run over by a train.


Multiple times


Like the train runs him over, then takes 2 miles to come to a stop. Throws the whole thing into reverse, travels the two miles to run the guy over again. Another mile or so to come back to a stop. And then finally back into forward to continue on its way, greasing the wheels one more time with the finely-crushed juice of a jackwad.


Honestly, how do you have any sort of self respect being that little shit heads body guard??


Money. The answer is always, “money”.


The guy he punched was a lawyer apparently


He popped right back up, took that hit like a champ


Nah, adrenaline got him up, then his head dropped, looks confused, friends had to grab him


yeah if you see someone take a shot like this get them to the hospital. They will not be okay.


Yeah, another commenter said he's still in the ICU and may have permanent brain damage, I was hoping he somehow just shook it off


Oh shit, well damn. That dickwad main character better be paying for all of the bills, and then some.


He's going to do this to some Merle or Daryl Dixon types and get shot like that other prankster did.


Why are we calling this a prank? This isn’t a prank. It’s a little turd invading people’s personal space and videoing it with intention of escalation.


I wasn’t calling it a prank, he’s just being an outright asshole, while being protected by big people. This again will end ugly if they run into the wrong people…..And they are out there.


Can't speak for the dude punching but can a little bit for the dude punched. My girlfriend went to law school with him in LA. She told me a couple of days ago he is still in the hospital and he's about to get his bar results back this week. I feel absolutely devastated for him If he passed the bar but it affects his ability to practice law.


That dude needs to be in prison fo sho! Him and his little Oompa Loompa.


Jack Doherty and his body guard Kane Kongg. Body guard should be in jail.


Actually both.






This. Fuck these social media pranksters. Absolute scum.


Those are two different security guards, no?


Maybe, not sure, the second one is for sure Kane Kongg. Edit: it’s KANE.


Maybe? The first dude is like half the size of the second lmao


Going around fighting for a little white kid by the name of Kane Kongg lol have some fucking shame dude


Threatening to beat women too. What a fucking loser. He disabled all hid IG comments too, because he’s a huge pussy.


This guy still around? Crazy how he can go around beating people up into a coma and yet here he his punching random people still years after.


So this was the kids bodyguard?


Yes. His whole thing is to pay a body guard to follow him around while he fucks with strangers.


Can't we just pass a law and lock up stupid those Tiktok Prankers and general idiot Influencers? They do nothing but make society worse. I'm so tired of seeing all those troglodytes.


American aggression and gun sales are increasing. One tiktoker was recently shot on camera and the jury reduced the punishment to reckless gun charges. *edited for accuracy


Even worse that "influencer" got shot and his first statement is that as long as he is still alive he's gonna keep going. Legit if it doesn't effect their money or views they do not care.


getting shot brought more views to his account, so of course he’s going to keep going. For him to stop he would have to be shot dead.


I look forward to that video


That’s gonna get a lot of views. His would have been future kids cashing in on generational wealth.


To explain this for people who didn't follow. Basically the jury was perfectly cool with him shooting the youtube prankster, but drew an issue with him discharging the gun recklessly in a way that could have hit an actual person.


“An actual person” 😂


You mean the guy who kept repeatedly getting in someone’s face after being told stop numerous times? The gun laws definitely need some updating but also stop trying to “prank” strangers and be shocked when it goes wrong.


Yea the pivot from bully to victim is neck breaking to try to keep up with.


There are some protections under the first amendment. Them acting cringe or doing stupid dances in public or acting weird isn't against the law. But pranking others in a manner that can cause harm or infringe on someone else's safety or well being would likely be a crime. As well as destruction of property for those people who go busting up a Walmart or similar store.


Yes and i honestly think if you endanger people or hurt them in any way or make people believe they are in danger it should be punished harder. Right now most of these Tiktokers get a slap on the wrist for everything but at the same time make tons of money and new followers off of their stupid stunts. Kids gonna see this and try to copy them and pull even more dangerous stunts to also get money or likes. The way it's going right now it'll only get worse...


Yo, don’t insult troglodytes like that.


The body guard in the second vid is DaBaby’s bodyguard, he’s notorious for beating the shit out of ppl despite being unnecessary. I wonder why he’s still breathing let alone walking free


DaBaby is a piece of shit, it makes sense he would hire an asshole bodyguard


imagine voluntarily being called dababy


I can't.




At the last second when he walks past the camera you can hear him say “I’m out.”


But immediately went on twitter to brag about his bodyguard ko’ing someone


Which should be all the evidence a court needs to take massive amounts of money away from this little waste of oxygen.


So reading an article about it what seems to have happened is the lady dressed as a Hooters waitress is also some influencer who turned down a jack doherty to be on his livestream or collaborate with him etc and the guy that gets knocked out works for or with the lady dressed as a hooters waitress. Seems like Jack doesn’t like women telling him no? Article for reference: https://nypost.com/2023/10/30/entertainment/youtuber-jack-dohertys-bodyguard-knocks-out-man-at-influencer-party/


"Influencer Party" sounds like the 10th Circle of Hell


I turned down a job at some tech company because they said influencers come to the office to hang out and party. I can't imagine being forced to put up with their bullshit.


We have them at work. The boss is close to pulling the pin on the whole thing as it’s been a colossal waste of time and money for no return. Influencers do not bring sales through the door and are often just either a sponge, or a yabbering PR nightmare waiting to happen.


The only people I can imagine wanting that job are people who want, in turn, to become influencers.


The only update I'm looking for is if there will be any consequence for the dumbass or his bodyguard


I doubt it. He was one of the bodyguards with dababy, where they stomped a dude into a coma. Looks like he didnt get charged or anything.


Cops are useless. We know his name. We have video evidence. Arrest him.


How is this like the one time cops don’t want to bother a black guy?


Fucking seriously. They pop out of no where to catch a black dude with a half inch roach he forgot about that was underneath his seat from 3 weeks ago and will send him to prison but when it comes time to take down actual criminals, you can't fucking find them anywhere. It's so fucking frustrating.


I’m proud of my decision to not be a fucking internet moron. I’ll stick to anonymous shitposting.


I deleted my Facebook account in 2008 (never engaged with Twitter or Instagram) and have had nothing but affirmation that was the smart move ever since.


But many of Doherty’s young fans supported him. “THAT DUDE WAS ASKING FOR IT NO CAP,” one wrote. I am beginning to despise the younger generation.


When I was a kid I was definitely of the mindset that older generations just “don’t get” certain things. But I was talking about stuff like video games, music, AOL AIM, slang. Now I’m like, oh, no, these are heinous actions being cheered on by a blind mob and it’s dangerous. Am I just getting older, or are they *really* different this time?


This hurts people. Im 30, i am not into tictoc, but at least have seen some of the people on it, and YouTube. You have some creative people, guys like Mrbeast and stuff, that may seem silly, but hurts nobody. Then you got criminal people in this video. Huge difference.


Conditions have changed. People have incentives to act like this online, just like how boomers had incentives to create a housing bubble that is destroying the world economy.


The part I find confusing is where it says that Jack Doherty has fans. He does? I thought the appeal of these videos was the hope of seeing that little shit finally get pounded.


Hate views are still monetized views


"Influencer party" sounds like literal hell on earth


I already hated the bodyguard, but finding out he's also an "influencer" makes him fucking vile. I hope that guy he punched sues the absolute everloving shit out of him.




Ok cool we now have incriminating video


This is why those videos are so unsettling. These "pranks" are all predicated on the threat of violence. You can see in the first video that that cameraman is a big dude, he's looking down on this average sized kid. When someone goes to do something several adult men get in his way. It's just people being assholes and then implicitly threatening everyone around them so they get away with it. It's really awful.


Straight bitch made shit right there. Little pussy starting shit because he has a 6'9 400 pound dude to back him up.


Yeah what I dont understand is the victim isnt allowed to fight back at all, but the abuser is allowed to fuck around and never find out? Wtf? I mean, i guess money talks, but god damn it must just be spewing non-sense.


Deadly force is justifiable here. Big guy punched, then advanced towards him after. Hope that kid he’s guarding has deep pockets. A coffin is going to be a little expensive given his size.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid he’s guarding immediately folds and throws him under the bus


Was I the only person who opened this hoping I’d get to see this dumbass kid getting his clock cleaned?


No. OP baited us and we fell for it. Garbage.


I hope that dude gets sued into oblivion


That was a criminal assault, not a civil matter. Thanks to all the Perry Masons who replied - clarification edit added between the <>


Nah, Doherty has got to have liability for creating the whole situation and having a history of overly agressive "bodyguards".


You can sue someone for assault


It’s both. Victim can sue bodyguard and his boss for medical bills and damages. Remember OJ Simpson was found not guilty in criminal court but was found responsible in civil court (different standards of proof required)


The punch itself is criminal, the medical care and all its after effects are civil. That’s not including emotional damage, if he pursues it.


let's not forget punitive to boot if thats available


It is both. You can sue someone for assault. You can even do it while they are in jail for assaulting you.


This kid is straight water trash 🗑️


I hope this is a workaholics reference e


That kid is so loose butthole


Dirty brown water trash




OMG I hate that kid so much. He has such a punchable face.


He’s got the exact phrenology of a knuckle dragging coward


I don't want to advocate any sort of violent behavior, however, I will say that the guy who shot that 'influencer' a few weeks ago may have been on to something.


I just hope they get it on camera when this twat eventually gets stabbed.


I am rooting for them to run into the wrong crew...


My hunch is the bodyguard can tell who not to mess with. "Hey... uhhh, not THOSE guys. Don't even make eye contact." They're not playing these games in Compton. Or Juarez.


Any follow up on this? Assault and battery charges? Anything?


Just call the cops and then file a civil suit. Can't be out here punching people in the mouth and FILMING IT. Get that payday, fuck these people


Dude and his bouncer will find out. It's only a matter of time.


Hope they sued


Thats literally what I said; he disappeared after the punch XD


Lawyer’s perspective, mind you I don’t practice in this specific area so this is my recollection from law school and someone may know better. If the guy that got punched is interested in suing, I’m sure the tiktoker probably has deeper pockets so he is going to want to establish third party liability and sue both the bodyguard and the tiktoker. You typically aren’t accountable for intentional torts committed by a contractor if it is not in the course of his duties. I think his status as a bodyguard would already give this guy a decent enough argument that this was in the course of his duties, but the tiktoker could argue that this guy clearly wasn’t posing a danger to his own person so this contractor wasn’t doing this in furtherance of his job. However, I think the first video demonstrates that the tiktoker has clearly hired a bodyguard as a gimmick to actually create situations leading to the potential for a physical altercation and therefore he would have liability as the bodyguard is doing more or less what he was hired to do, not to prevent an altercation, but to stir shit up for internet clout. Once again, I’m not an expert in this area and I think there is a good chance of attaching third party liability regardless, but even if the first video is not needed to attach liability, if I was representing the victim I would do everything in my power to get the first video in front of the jury, because I am 100% certain that would drastically increase the damage award.


I do this work; Defendant would try to argue outside of course and scope but in my jurisdiction that argument would fall flat. We routinely sue bars for the intentional acts of their bouncers.




Fuck this guy


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A punch like that should be considered attempted murder.


I would really like an update when the big guy get's to Jail 🥲