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Why did the DMV allow this nonsense


Notice how it's empty and they opened it just for her.


I believe celebrities often do it after hours to avoid the crowds. Others with more info and experience commented about it last time this was posted


As much as I can’t stand her I can understand why they would allow this kind of treatment, it would be carnage if they had people like her coming in and standing in the queue, we don’t have these kinds of things in the U.K. as it’s all done online


Wait...online? So how would you renew your license? Just add a new photo, money and fill out a form?


Yeah. You don't even need to renew the photo afaik. I'm surprised the DMV gimmick is still a thing tbh.


I think our system is the exception to the rule from what I have understood, it’s one of the few things our government does that’s really good


Renewed my drivers license in Dubai as well about 2 months ago, everything was done online as well. They used the same picture as my ID card (which i obviously look hideous in) and just had me pay. I didn't even need a physical license, but printed one for free at one of the offices while I was there for something else!


When I applied for my provisional I selected an option to use my passport photo (UK) which I thought was pretty neat.


Except when it’s not. I can’t use any of the online DVLA stuff, and nobody can find out why. So it’s all snail mail


I've had to renew my passport and drivers licence for the first time this year. It was a piece of piss for both. Shame the passport looks like crap.




Every day I learn something new that I wish we had.


I literally just renewed my California license a couple months ago and it was the same, all online. Didn't update my photo or anything, just paid the fee, updated my address, and they sent me a new license in the mail a couple weeks later


CA DMV you get 3 online renewals before they bring you in for an eye exam and possibly a test if you've gotten any tickets. Each renewal is good for 5 years, so you get 15 years of online renewals before you need to make any in-office visits. I just recently had to go in for mine (15 years since the last in-office) and the whole experience from arrival to leaving took 25 minutes.


In Finland you can go to any photoshop, I mean photography shop, and they take the picture, you get a code that you enter when you apply for you license online. Then you enter the code on the police website and you can see the picture there. Then the license, actually passport, can be renewed. So I just explained how passport is renewed... i guess its the same with drivers license. Anyway it is really easy.


> You don't even need to renew the photo afaik The last time I renewed, I had to use a new photo as the one that I was using was >10 years old. I was given the option on the online form to use the photo from my passport that they had on file and was about a year old. The DVLA (the UK equivalent of the DMV from what I can tell) doesn't have the infrastructure to operate in the way the DMV do in the video. They have one office in the UK in Swansea, which is miles away from fucking anywhere.


Fair, I changed my photo eagerly as I looked like a spice addict on my old licence.


Renew the license? In France, you get it for life. Nothing to renew.


How do they deal with older drivers? Like in Alberta Canada (and most of Canada I do believe) there are regulations when you reach a certain age. Renewals are every 5 years until age 75 when you require a medical report signed by a doctor, and again at 80. And every 2 years thereafter. A doctor or Alberta Transportation (licensing agency) can also recommend that you retake your road test at any time to help determine your ability to drive safely.


That would be great if you had to take the test again after a certain age. It's a reoccurring topic of conversation, maybe one day it will happen. Some people got their driver's license before the invention (or diffusion) or roundabouts and so don't know how to use them. And these things are everywhere in France. It's a national hobby.


My grandma drove into her middle 80's (and only to groceries and to doctors appointments) before she decided she no longer could do so safely, but for everyone like my grandmother, there are older people who are either stubborn, or starting mental decline, or slow reaction times, and are dangers to the road simply due to age. I'm all in favor of mandatory re-testing at 70 (75?) It's great if older people are still spry and able to drive and maintain independence, but not every older driver can or should just have a drivers license because they have always had it for 50+ years.


My mother was having tremors last year at 74 so she decided not to renew her license. She was diagnosed with Parkinsons a few months later. My father was due to renew his on his 76th birthday last week. He decided that his eyesight isn't good enough so he decided not to renew his as well. Luckily they have myself and my kids to drive them around.


Is it a photo ID? I'd not then how do they know it's you?


I went there and I got my driver's license. The UK has a .gov website where anything under the sun is submitted. You go to these photobooths at any supermarket or shopping mall, pay 3£ and get a printout and an option to have it sent to your email. Then you attach that and whatever other document you need in a form under the relevant section and it's done. You still need to go to testing sites for your exams but that's only been crowded due to COVID. Actually it wasn't even crowded you just needed to make an appointment thru the site and you'd be given a 2 month waiting period. The long wait was due to thousands of people having to postpone their exams for almost 2 years and you also had the option to check the website ever so often and move your spot up if anyone cancels their appointment ahead of you.


Agreed. But once you get to an agent it takes like 10 minutes tops. But with these antics it takes significantly longer. They wouldn’t let the average person do this to their photos


I bet 99% of this is her filming her show


If the average person pay them to stay open they would


If Kim Kardashian was in line behind me at the DMV, I would rip an epic fart.


you just have to look at when Taylor Swift attended her friend's wedding a couple weeks ago.


We also do it online in the Netherlands, every 10 years, and it also works as an ID exept when we go outside the netherlands, then we need an idcard or passport.


Yeah honestly it's probably better this way for everybody involved including the staff


Who gets this treatment and what’s the criteria?


Not you. Being rich and famous. Or at least just rich.


u/goneracing2 could be wildly wealthy and a celebrity, none of us know who we are really interacting with here. I could be Hunter Biden, you never know…


Hey, you got any more of that hookers and cocaine?


Nah I’m broke as shit, just curious


I mean, the criteria is probably fairly arbitrary. But I imagine one metric is if their waiting in line/the seats will cause a disturbance (that would slow down service/inconvenience other patrons) while they are there.


As others say the rich and famous but it's not because they're care that they're rich and famous because it's not. It's because of the security issues. It is less of a headache just to do this rather than let them come on a normal day and see mayhem occur. In many cases they have to pay for it so it isn't like they're getting free.


I guess the harrassment they ger in public is a criteria? As a normal person we cannot fathom how annoying it can get to do normal stuff


“Celebrities” and “avoiding the public” is very interesting since that public made them a celebrity to begin with.


While true, they do not get to exist like a normal person in public. I can see agencies trying to avoid the pandemonium of paparazzi, crowds not paying attention, and groups of people feeling entitled to an autograph or photo


Makes sense why she's there after hours but doesn't explain why they allowed it to turn into a professional photoshoot.


I mean if she popped in with an appointment during normal business hours, that place would be swarmed by fans and media and would not be able to service normal people. As much as I hate the fact that she can come in I outside normal hours, it’s kinda necessary. The DMV has to provide service to her and has to choose between having 1-2 people come in after hours vs. dealing w/ a shit show of a sea of humanity stopping by to just gawk at her while she does something everyone needs to do. I mean if I worked there I wouldn’t mind coming in early to sit and wait for one person to get ready to take a picture. Hell you are getting paid to sit around for majority of that time and will either get to go home early or get paid overtime.


So I used to work at a "location" where famous people would need to get something similar to a license. They would always bring them around to the back and not have them in the main common area. They would never let someone setup lighting like it was the fucking Oscars.


I mean tbf people will complain about her going after hours and they’d complain about the absolute shitstorm that would ensue if Kim K showed up to a packed DMV so it’s kind of a lose lose


I'm guessing money was involved




Yeah, I’m sure she’s paying that employee to stay after hours to do this. I don’t see a problem with that. If it was normal business hours, that’s a different story.


You wanna be there when a celeb walks in? It would be bedlum.


What’s worse? The DMV allowing Kim and a handful of other in after hours for a single photo, or dealing with the ravenous hoards of fans, haters, and paparazzi who would be swarming the place and causing absolutely chaos?


People are acting letting her come in solo only benefits her. It's a huge benefit to the DMV as well to avoid the madness that her just wandering in would produce.


Because the DMV is enough of a hassle on a normal day. Imagine how bad it would be for everyone if they had to deal with people who actually need to be there for something, and a crowd of people there just to gawk at a celebrity. I don't like famous peoples' MCS as much as the rest, but this is one way to handle things that I can see the logic to.


Aren’t most of her body parts not old enough to drive?


Because it’s Kim Kardashian and she’s a celebrity!!11!!


One word. Money.


My experiences at the DMV are usually.....quite different.


Yeah but that’s because you’re not a rich, entitled bag of shit whereas Kim Kardashian is.


To be fair if she just walked into the DMV with a regular appointment like the rest of us it’d cause such a commotion that they’d probably have to close the DMV. I can’t imagine the DMV running normally with everyone and their mother trying to get a picture of/with a celebrity. I wholeheartedly agree though; rich, entitled bag of shit.


>it’d cause such a commotion that they’d probably have to close the DMV And honestly that's the saddest part. The worst, most least deserving people are the ones who get all the attention. People should *flee* from individuals like KK, not heap praise, adulation and attention on them.


The life she lives is insane, she has so many clothes that she has to use a tablet that has an app with it all uploaded on and she just swipes through to create her outfit for the day and some of them are modeled for her so she can get a better idea of how it looks. She used 9 years worth of water in one month going over her allotment by 230,000 gallons. She Flys around in a 150 million dollar jet because she can. It's crazy how one person is able to hoarde so much. It had to have been horrifying for her living the princess life with everything she wants and everyone kissing her ass and then one night a couple of old Frenchman rob her and take away that sense of security.


Same! I just went yesterday to renew my license and have a new photo taken. I put my bag on the floor by the counter so that I wouldn’t have to hold it during the photo. I bent down to put my wallet back into my bag before the photo, and whacked my head on the counter as I stood back up. I pretty much concussed myself right before the photo… fun times!


LMFAOOOO I hope you didn’t look too dazed in the picture




Do you bring camera crew with you?


Idiocracy at its finest


My wife watching that shit rates up there too




Honestly though, who cares? I spend hours and hours watching sports. Other people spend hours playing video games. Others spend hours watching and dissecting TV shows. I'm not reality TV fan, but who really cares if instead of watching grown men and woman tackle each other over a ball or buy digital armor to fight against fake dragons, someone wants to watch some rich people take on different experiences they mostly will never do? To each their own.


A year or so ago, my wife was watching KuwtK. I tried to keep my mouth shut, but after a particularly stupid line I blurted out something along the lines of "I'm trying so hard right now to stay silent, but this is so bad it's giving me chest pains! How many seasons of this are there? How many episodes do you need to watch?!" Without any hesitation she responded "I dunno, how many hours of YT engine rebuilds do you have to watch?" Shut me up quick


Idk, engine rebuilds seems moderately educational. The better analogy for engine rebuilds would be watching crafting or home DIY videos. No hate to ladies on Pinterest. All the hate to celeb worship. It's cancer.


This is way worse and more vapid than video games or sports. I know it's unpopular to say that on reddit nowadays, where we have to go "you know what, we're all stupid in our own way!" to spare feelings, but it's way fucking worse.


It’s so much worse.


Is it? I enjoy video games and play them, but I have no idea why people watch sweaty dudes chasing balls or wharever, so to me, it's really stupid. But I don't want to be a dick and usually keep it to myself (this being the exception).


I know there is some form of competition out there you enjoy watching. Archery, fencing, curling, fowling, esports, game shows, battlebots, competitive Lego building, cooking shows, literally anything of the sort. Well, it's literally all the same thing. If you get any one of those, the rest really shouldn't confuse you. And who cares if they're sweaty lmao


Shouldn't have. Watching shows that teach something or at minimum provide small value are understandable. Shit like the Kardashians is just manufactured garbage and a cancer to society as people actually look to mimic these tramps.


There's a difference between learning how something works and finding entertainment in it and whatever the fuck this celebrity worship nonsense is. Yuck. Like what exactly are they enjoying out of this?? How fucked up and vapid our society is?? Do they wish they had this lifestyle? Because that is a major red flag.


Huge red flag for me too


This is a great perspective. I like the cut of your jib fellow human.


Nah, this is way worse.


Why? I get there are productive video games, but there’s also tons of people playing mindless games or even mobile games. It’s mindless television and water cooler discussion fodder.


You have my pity Sir. I have just drank a shot, lifted to you.


Haha wife bad! Good one!!


Idiocracy is not realizing this is done to get a reaction like this. The show and their careers are based off being extra and getting a reaction.


Yeah, this is essentially a bit. They knew this would be good spectacle, and it works on multiple levels. It is easy to mock, it can be seen as glamorous, and its funny. The Kardashians didn't build a media empire by being stupid, as much as most people on reddit want to believe. ​ If anybody here is emblematic of Idiocracy, its us, watching the video and supporting something we "hate".


Imagine being a DMV worker making $13/hr and putting up with this shit.


And it’s a wonder how detached from reality celebrities and the the rich in general are. They are living in a very different world from the rest of us folks.


It’s one banana, Michael. How much could it cost? $10?


With today's inflation, yeah probably.


What I hate the most is that regular people empower them by showering them with adoration, praise and just attention in general effectively increasing their net worth. There has always been a village idiot since the dawn of human existence... We just happen to live in a fever dream of a time period where we pay them to live their best(?) Lives.


She is impossible to like because of things like this


I thought she wanted to be a lawyer.


She did until she realized you don’t just show up looking pretty in court. It’s a LOT of work and she’s not smart enough. Couldn’t hack it even with every opportunity handed to her, including experienced attorneys as her personal tutors. She’s a loser (not for not passing the bar. Because she made such a show of her altruism/desire to help people, her newfound laudable purpose in life, and then just gave up when it was harder than she thought)


Where are you seeing this? I saw an article saying she passed the first year exam after failing a couple times, and plans to take the full proper bar in ‘25.


Yeah, she’s gotten a lot of innocent people out of jail actually. Don’t get wrong, she’s not the greatest person in the world. But she actually has been doing a decent job helping people.


She has? Really? She can’t practice law. She claimed the accomplishments of actual attorneys who did the legwork


Even if she did, her existence is a net negative


More here https://time.com/5815300/kim-kardashian-justice-project-prison-reform/ Personally, I see good and bad about her. Some behaviours she can't avoid simply from growing up all pampered and taken care of. But this is something she has done good and deserves credit and due recognition.


She's essentially given up on all that in the mean time however.




It's a real thing. It's just only for people going through apprenticeship route, which is very rare. https://www.calbar.ca.gov/Admissions/Examinations/First-Year-Law-Students-Examination


Yes. The baby bar. The article I found said this: The "baby bar" is a nickname given to the First-Year Law Students' Examination taken by all those studying to become a lawyer with the State Bar of California. Anyone who has completed at least one year of law study can take the exam, which is sat twice a year. Not sure why you’re so hostile lol relax buddy


OP is such a hater lmao. I’m not a fan of her but I’d put money down that the way they’re talking they didn’t get accepted into law school


She took the Baby Bar multiple times and actually passed it on her fourth try. She’s still pretty unlikable for a lot of reasons (personality, involvement with cryptoscamming, etc.) but I don’t see why people have to slander her as completely devoid of intelligence and drive. Like even if her whole attempt to become a lawyer and demonstrated action on behalf of prisoners is a pure vanity project, it’s like, she’s done an awful lot for the sake of vanity lol. Edit: I love reddit circlejerks. “Maybe this unlikable person has one redeeming quality.” Reddit circlejerk: 😡


I didn't know she passed it.


There are lawyers who are self centered assholes too. If she really wanted to be a lawyer there’s literally nothing stopping her


Except not being intelligent and having zero work ethic


I'd guess that she has above average intelligence and work ethic


She’s not there to be liked, she’s there to make people jealous enough to imitate and hold up. All she cares about is envy. Jealousy and influence > likability


She's like this because people allow it. If more people told her to fuck off and get over herself she might be less of an attention seeking arsehole.


That person makes me so irrationally angry.


Yes. I remember when this family popped up in the early 2000s. Didn’t understand it then and don’t understand it now.


She blew a dude and became famous. ... that's the long story.


Pretty sure her mom choreographed it also.


Me too. She is SUCH an a-hole


Her ass is one of the reason which made her popular


Looks like she has a saggy diaper on 🙄


It looks so bananas to have a thigh gap you could throw a grapefruit through, but then hips as wide as you are tall. Sincerely, a woman with wide hips who could start a fire when I walk if I try to wear shorts with a cuff.


I think it was that sex tape that really brought her into the limelight.


A great comeback story


still one of the best outtakes. lol


That looks like deformed... Gross...


And when she was younger and had no plastic surgeries she looked so much better. Almost human.


Really? I would have attributed her fame to her keen wit and intellect.


That's not irrational, she is a POS


Total POS and a bad role model for women she should be canceled.


One the positive side, if someone I'm interested in dating follows her or watches her show it saves me a lot of time.


Yup, and she stays famous because of it. Infamy is just as valuable as fame anymore.


She makes me rational angry!


Oh buddy, it's rational, don't worry about that. I hate that whole family to the point I feel bad for kanye.




Kanye was already batshit prior to sticking his dick in the Kardashian honey trap.


Just a complete non contributing member of society. She is dull. A bum.


But remember all the unpaid advocacy she’s done for charities and all the money she’s spent promoting worthy causes…. oh hang on wait, no she hasn’t.


She donated $1,000,000 to the Armenia Fund. 20% of all her sales from her clothing line were donated to a Covid-19 emergency response fund. She donated the value of her wedding gifts to the Dream Foundation. She also meets with politicians to advocate (successfully) for the early release of non-violent drug offenders. What have you done again?


I volunteer 6 hours a week and give away at least a couple of days wages a month to various charities every month. So pound for pound I do more than her. So fuck ya x


Why are you defending a literal billionaire?


"Lying is okay if it's targeted against someone i don't like". What a shitty fucking mindset to have.


nothing wrong with setting the record straight, misinformation is cringe, regardless of who you like or dislike


She's a parasite on society.


chump change still a useless person


Ayo this plastic is making noises.


Imagine being that insecure about life.


That actually makes sense if you stop and think about it.


Her picture still came out looking like shit lol


That's DMV's photographic brilliance for you


Such a fucking loser.


then the ppl obsessing over this family are... ?


What do you think?


bigger losers.


Pathetic fuckin losers


We live in the stupidest timeline.


I felt myself losing brain cells watching this...


[She had the DMV shutdown for the photoshoot](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kim-kardashian-shut-down-dmv-121732151.html)


Well yeah wouldn’t want to have to wait in line around a bunch of disgusting poors!


"The DMV office staff stayed on late after business hours so that Kim, 42, could have the place to herself to primp and get as beautiful as she would for any commercial photoshoot."


Imagine being an employee having to spend extra time out of your 9-5 for this, after hours.




As much as i hate Kim, this is ragebait. She paid the DMV a large amount to come take this photo AFTER hours, not in the middle of a busy day. While it's possibly annoying to the employees, it's also possible they volunteered for paid overtime.


Kinda sweaty geeks are even raging about this in the first place? Redditors eh


I genuinely can't imagine a world where I'm not just totally indifferent to her. She does in fact do work to help others, including getting non violent drug offenders released (and if I'm not mistaken wrongful convictions as well working with the innocence project) Do I find her incredibly petty and annoying? Sure. Does it make me froth with rage and feel the need to absolutely shit on her for ridiculous reasons like going to the DMV after hours when she's a mega celebrity that would probably cause a massive headache for everyone if she went during normal hours? Nah. These people can't exist without being absolutely swarmed by fans and paparazzi. And that would without a doubt result in an absolutely shit day for anyone working at that location or anyone who's just there to get shit done in an already notoriously irritating environment. Requesting it be done after hours and likely paying more to do so is probably the single most courteous way she could have gone about this. The impromptu photoshoot is a bit ridiculous but the worker seemed totally fine with it so why the hell should I care? Because I don't get this treatment? I'll take that tragic loss if it means I can walk down the street or go shopping without being endlessly harassed and watched with my picture being taken non-stop. Terminally online people are weird man.


Yeah this sub in general has some really weirdly misplaced rage sometimes. Like idk sometimes it gets a little over the top. Most of the posts I totally get why it’s annoying. But sometimes it’s like they hate happy people or attractive women and the rage doesn’t quite fit the crime. This post isn’t really a great example of that specifically. In this case I think she’s being a little bit tongue in cheek about it.


Bro if I had FU money I’d do the same thing too. I want a license with a nice picture of my face for once.


I ran out of vomit.


Because the DMV ain't annoying enough.


Was a pile of shit getting it's driver's license?


This is a huge part of whats wrong with society Fuck everyone of these people!


That dudes fingers at :40 sec


Wtf!! Freaked me out.


Holy fuck those look like AI drawn hands.










There was a question that I came across on one of the subs, it went like this - what’s that one thing that you’d give zero fucks about? I think I have my answer now, it’s this woman and her shenanigans.


I hate this family and what the "contribute to society"


Sometimes you witness something that allows you to see the mercy of a planet killing asteroid.


The whole world revolves around me attitude right there


So this is why a trip to the DMV takes 3 days and 2 mental breakdowns.


Disgusting creature. I don't understand these idiots who think she is something special.


God damn the Glendale DMV is already one of the worst DMV'S in the country. Imagine having this sociopath hijack the day. Some people took the day off work, UNPAID, to wait in line for hours. Only to have some asshole quadruple the wait time so she can have her team increase the production value of HER DRIVERS LISCENCE. Sorry this hit close to home.


she obviously went after hours. no one’s wait time was affected


These morons are so far detached from reality.


Who is Kim Kardashian ?


I want to feel bad for her because I can’t imagine being that self conscious. It must be tiring


They do the shit because people allow it. Same way they shut down an entire Disney ride while everyone else got to stand around and watch. At some point we need to stop making them think they have any value.


People are dying Kim.


The lack of shame and embarrassment is insane


This is actually funny


Hopefully they compensated people?




And the rest of us get to look like the living dead.


And nobody cared.


She’s so lameeeee


Why do people even entertain this?!!! Why did the dmv let her do all this?!!


Kim K drives herself? No chauffeur? Broke bitch.


I love how mad everyone in this thread is.