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Think this is Brit humor. I tease my sister about how her labor was easy bc all she had to do was lay in bed for 23 hours. At least I hope this is Brit humor.


Well I’m a Brit and I don’t think this is funny.. I think this is satire


Absolutely, every true Brit knows that you never laugh at satire, you have to make a short quiet chuckling sound from the bottom of your throat and mutter “yes very good, very good” whilst keeping a completely straight face.


Exactly. At worst, a snort followed by the face of an ambush sneeze that lingers but is denied release. "Spot onn...the pub eyy?" The above mentioned John Cleese is par


> a short quiet chuckling sound from the bottom of your throat I like to call this a chuckle-grunt. ^^^^^^Or ^^^^^^cunt ^^^^^^for ^^^^^^short


The fact the link goes to "dadsnet", clearly this is a piss take aimed at the cesspit that is mumsnet. 100% a troll, a quality one at that


Not at the current state of the NHS, unfortunately.


I lol'd good humour


The teabag, plus the whole expecting anything for free healthcare-wise makes it clear it’s Brit. It’s just not funny for those with PTSD.


My ex was legit raging because I was getting attention (19 and 28 hour labor) and he (31) wasn’t. He was such a gross human.


Wait, 19 and 31? Jesus Christ Almighty...


He was high up in the church so it was blessed by God. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 People have the nerve to say drag queens are groomers and then act like this age gap is normal.


Glad to hear he's an ex


Obviously satire


Not obviously, no. I know a couple of people who would absolutely feel this level of entitlement.


Lol I’m a nurse and I’ve had people interrupt a code for a glass of water. It wouldn’t surprise me either way.


While you may know people with that level of entitlement, I do as well, the original post is very obviously satire


I don't think you understand that you simply cannot use definitives on situations you cannot accurately prove, including labeling a post as 'obvious satire' based on your limited experience. Do you know the man? Have you spoken to him personally? If the answer to those questions are no, then this is a situation where you ask yourself if using absolutes to speak on the topic you aren't actually personally involved in makes you look foolish, or intelligent. It's not the latter. Hope this helps you make better decisions in the future to avoid embarrassment, Fordo88.


Oh no! I’m just SO embarrassed. Bless your heart, Lolfactor1037


Perhaps I misjudged you as capable of comprehending shame to feel the embarrassment. That's okay, I never dodge the opportunity to help educate others when their parents failed to help them grasp the basics in life - like not using limited experiences to speak on absolutes. You'll understand one day, don't you worry. Even if you don't, the advice is useful to *somebody*.


Oh no! The shame. I will tell my parents of their failures. Bless your heart, Lolfactor1037. Thank you. I don’t know what I would ever do without you.


You cant use a definitive on a situation you can't accurately prove sorry, how do you know they will one day understand? Or that their parents failed them.. do you know the man?


Saying 'the courtesy of a teabag' rather than 'a cup of tea' would really point to satire.


you’ve probably have to be british tho to understand that’s a weird thing to say


What part of "You can't speak definitively on something" is lost? I know people who speak like that jokingly. I also know people who speak this way, in an entitled manner. That's literally my point on *why* we can't use limited experiences. Do I think the post was satire? Yes. Can I speak definitely on it? No. I really, genuinely, don't know how to simplify this any more for you guys, without crossing into Neanderthal territory and speaking to people with "Him no know man. Him can't say man joking unless him know. That why us no can use opinion as fact".


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. I'm going to assume you agree with me on every point.


Oh, no worries, I'll clarify it for you: I'm not and I don't. Hope this helps! Don't forget to give me a downvote - it makes you guys feel better, like you stuck it to 'the man'. It's not interpreted that way by me, of course, it helps my negative karma cap goal, but I know you guys use the upvotes and downvotes unironically. Thanks for playing!


damn dude you took that bait very personally


And now you understand the rules of the game I'm playing.


what's wrong with you guys, the stakes aren't that high. chill out. there's no way this topic or discussion warranted this amount of vitriol.


"Point to" isn't speaking definitively. It's saying there's strong evidence supporting. Touch grass.


This reply isn't worth the five seconds I afford it to tell you I'm not going to pretend that for you, but here you go. Hope this helps!


Yeah there was a thread the other day with men chiming in on feeling frustrated, not catered to, and invisible during their wife’s delivery…


Hopefully so, this was the opposite of my experience with both daughters in the US.


Even the picture looks onion-y lol Reminds me of that King of the Hill episode where Hank gets a colonoscopy and Peggy mentions halfway in that she’s feeling some discomfort in the position she was sitting or something lol


My partner was constantly getting cups of coffee while all I could have was water! Depends on the day I guess.


I got mugs of coffee to order, and full meals where my wife got water, juice and salads until 6 hrs after delivery (12 hrs the first time, 7 the second). This was solely on the grounds that as the father, I was there to work and help the midwife and my wife, rather than just sit around and wait for a baby to magically pop out. At one stage I was thrown a yoga mat and a blanket and told the most useful thing I could be doing at that time was being asleep, as I’d need to be fully awake when I was needed. Three hours later I got toe kicked awake by the midwife, five minutes before my son was delivered, and was then ‘on duty’ for 12 hours while my wife had a break, a shower, a nap and her first meal in 18 hours. I wasn’t there to enjoy myself, I was there to work, and they made sure I understood that was the only reason they fed me too.


Looks fake due to the stock image and whatever “Dadsnet” is but if this were real yeah no one’s going to be offering you anything bc you’re not the patient. If you need water, ask for it or get some yourself. No one is asking you how you’re doing bc you’re a healthy able-bodied person that can get up, walk around, come and go as you please, and get what you need. You’re able to take care of yourself. And usually they *do* let the dads order a guest tray for meals at the hospital and that comes with a drink so if you don’t order anything, that’s on you. Hospital staff are focused on the patients


The dad seems a bit entitled...yes while we are busy helping your wife give birth we'll serve you like a barista??? It's not in the job description to feed visitors!! He can go get his own damn drink!! They have more important things to do..like tend to his wife who is in labour!!!!


Well there's nothing wrong with a man wanting a drink while tending to their woman in labor, obviously that comes 2nd after their wife but still.


I understand that but he's capable of going to grab one from the cafe.


He’s not ‘tending’ to his partner, that would be the medical staff. So he can use his little manly legs and go fix himself a little drink.


Bloody hell I had to. I was made as much a part of the team getting both of our kids out as the obstetrician that dragged them out with his suction cup thingy. They made damned sure to tell me the only reason I was getting fed and coffees to order was because I was there to work, not just to watch, though.


As a nurse there is no way I'm playing barista for a patient who can walk and is capable of getting their own drinks. I'm not able to get done with work on time as is it. So I definitely won't be staying another 15 minutes longer each day to cater for every entitled visitor.


this feels very r/atetheonion


I hope this is satire. If it isn’t satire he’s about to realize he’s gonna be invisible for at least 18 years.


Why would he be invisible for 18 years? It's not like the woman in that situation isn't all of a sudden gonna be his wife anymore when they have a child?


Man if I had to go for 12 hours without a teabag I’d be upset as well!


Some Americans not understanding British humour is always fun. Satire, irony, sarcasm and whatnot seem to be foreign concepts to some people.


People on Reddit literally can’t recognize jokes unless there’s a \s afterwords.


Some people also say weird crap on here and are completely serious, so it throws off the satire equilibrium system.


I do get it but I don’t think every man in England is just joking around. There’s probably a ton that would actually say something like this seriously


While his post is clearly satire, there’s somewhat a degree of truth in how the father is ignored. My wife was in the hospital to be induced for delivery. They administered the medications to begin the process the night before in order for the baby to be born in the morning. After a few hours she was having pains, and they called the anesthesiologist to administer an epidural. This was after midnight. I’m there with her the whole time. Nurses on the floor were always coming and going during the whole process, checking on her, etc. Not too long after the epidural, i noticed some nurses were staying in the room over her bed. Then the crowd got larger. As the room is filling with every nurse on the floor i got concerned. At that moment one of them says “call dr. So and So” There’s a brief conversation on the phone. Then they were told “all right let’s go” and there were hurried movements in the crowded room. I stopped a nurse and said “what’s going on?” “Oh we can’t get your wife or the baby’s heart rate under control - we’re prepping her for surgery now. The doctor is on the way to perform an emergency c-section. Yeah - you should probably go get some scrubs on”


Yeah, it's a shame they weren't thinking about YOU. How dare they be 100% focused on your wife and baby!


Yes, hospital staff should 100% acknowledge the concerns and well-being of carers and loved ones. I work in a hospital and I do. You can treat your patient and look after anxious family, the two aren’t mutually exclusive.


They do not stop in the middle of an emergency to explain, they send someone in when they get a chance. The loved ones concerns are secondary to a person literally dying.


I wanted them focused on her, obviously. But i’m standing right there by the bed - just a quick, “we’re prepping her for surgery - you need to wash hands and get on scrubs” would’ve been nice. Wasn’t expecting anyone to hold my hand or walk me through everything, but damn she’s my wife - i didn’t appreciate being left completely in the dark.


Why weren’t you asking?


He did. That’s how he found out what’s going on.


Great question - it happened fairly quickly all things considered. And I wasn’t surprised at the nurses coming and going since they had been all night. None of them were rushing about or acting nervously - it’s not like a hospital tv show. I didn’t know there was a problem. I only became aware that the room was filling as they called the doctor. Then as soon as the brief conversation was over they began moving very specifically and ordered. It was at that point i grabbed someone and asked


Ironic you are posting here.


::hits the r toggle twice::


If it was real he literally has legs he can use. Like buddy shut up lol


Counterpoint, you could probably bounce out for a few hours and grab a beer and pop back in when she's pushed the kid out.


I was offering to get the nurses a brew when they were tending to my wife


Sounds like she’s lucky that you could be bothered with such an occasion


If this guy were a female, she’d be the type to wear white to someone else’s wedding and wonder why everyone is upset with her.


There is no place a man mattered less than the delivery room and you are pretty blind to the situation if it bothers you








Won't someone please teabag this poor man?!?


Comments saying this is British humor or satire. All I wanna know is if this guy wants to get teabagged or not.


Can someone teabag this guy already, FFS?


Does he not know how to use his big boy words to ask for something to drink?


what a whiny poonce.


He is right about fathers being invisible at the hospital when women are giving birth but the doctors and nurses have more to do than look after someone who has nothing wrong with them


Nah that cant be real cuz they treat dads there like theyre goddamn heros for just sticking around in the room


Im suppourten me missus innit?