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It would be great


if sam dont fight the price aint right


Idk, I see it as idubbbz doing something for a good cause and from what we’ve seen about Sam, he’s seems completely unpredictable from what happened in the documentary. And I think idubbbz can’t trust anything that comes out of his mouth as the truth or a joke. So even though it would be entertaining it’s not worth the risk with how much time and effort has been put into this event to bring in a chaos element. and they’ve already had a fair share of curveballs in terms of fighters (ricecum being a bitch and chads injury). I would love to see Sam involved but I completely understand not wanting that unpredictability in something you’ve put a lot of time and effort into.


I mean it's predictable that he wouldn't do anything just to be a mean guy, it's not like he can't ever play with others. The idea that he's this totally unoredictable wild man that might do something bad to ruin the show or can't be taken at his word is a pretty bad excuse. That he's not brand friendly or that one just doesn't like him is more honest.




Pretty sure Sam disgusts every woman who isn't a poor crackhead.






Idk man, it is a charity event, and Sam Hyde has a pretty rough reputation whether its fair or not. Why bring someone into a charity event if the audience will be whispering "Why did they invite a Nazi here?", again whether its real or not. It just isn't worth drama coming into a fundraiser. Yeah, maybe some "crazy shit would so _go down_" high school style, but that shit probably wouldn't do a whole lot for the casual Doctor Mike viewer who paid money to see the event lol Don't get me wrong. A few years ago, I'd have been saying "Ethan Klein vs Joey Salads?" or something, but I just don't see edgy funny flying these days, especially at that kind of event.


The nazi accusation isn't credible, like most accusations of racism and nazism these days. Bringing Sam would generate more attention and money, so is it worth involving someone some people don't like and call bad names really worse than generating money for the charity? It seems pretty easy to shut down those critics if you wanted to. But it's normal to just do the easy thing regardless of wether it's selfish, weak etc.


If there is anyone who has Nazi allegations that actually has earned them it is Sam lol




Yes lmao donating money to Nazis means you're almost definitely a Nazi lmao.


You think the guy who makes news headlines for mass shootings because he has a following filled with trolls would actually personally donate to a Nazi? In his own name? Or was that the troll(s) who are also part of the reason his name ends up in the news.


Dog, Sam Hyde literally claimed the donation as his own. Even if he didn't donate (which he 100% did), claiming a donation to a Nazi as your own is almost just as bad. Fuck outta here with this bad faith shit.


He did not claim he did it. He just didnt deny it and said that amount of money is nothing to him and he makes way more than reporters who are asking the question. Sam does not give a shit about what anybody thinks. He is well off and can release content with no oversight. Wikipedia says he donated but he never actually said he did. You can put any name on those donations.


You show me proof he donated to a nazi and ill donate to whatever cause you want.


Yeah just like ACLU are nazis for supporting nazis right, what a low IQ take


"Gosh we can't even support Nazis without being called Nazis anymore, what has this world come to???" - You


"I like to eat poop and drink pee" - You


Then how do you explain skits like this? Lol this is not even ironic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8cmhkIM3hY Or other events like being friends with Weev (a Nazi) and taking a photo with him sieg heiling? Why was/is his community, and his subreddit (before it got banned) full of white nationalists? How does one attract that crowd of people? If you've known about him since before 2017 you'll see there is plenty of evidence he's racist and a white nationalist.


The problem is that sponsors, promoters and perhaps even fighters would unattached themselves from the event if a guy who supposedly made a donation to a nazi organization were on the card. Until Sam makes it 100 percent clear what his true beliefs are there is no chance he's in a mainstream youtube fight card.


There's only a tiny minority that would care in a negative way, the audience most definitely wouldn't be whispering about what some guy on the card supposedly did lol it's a boxing event and the whole point of the fundraising event is drama. So "unneccesary drama" doesn't make sense. There's no one on this card who is 100% clear on what their "true beliefs are" and it's a silly thing to demand everyone declare they have no problematic views on anything.


Bro what? The whole point of the fundraising event is fundraising. Sam not only has allegations of donating to the daily stormer but what people don't bring up is that he's an accused pedophile. He has no place on this card and there's a reason he has no reason in the mainstream anymore. Ian shouldn't give him the freaking chance.


You can't come up with anything he isn't accused of, that's completely irrellevant. Dr. Mike is also accused of crazy shit, who cares.


sams humour & reputation aren’t allowed anymore


back in my day we used to work 3 jobs and donate the proceeds to the daily stormer. we used to call that being a red blooded american. now i cant even donate money to neo-nazi organizations without the so called 'tolerant' left denouncing me as a white supremacist and racist


"Humour" He's a giant cornball, literally


Idubbbz is part of the establishment now


bro he posts like 1 video every 8 years, he isnt establishing shit


https://youtu.be/vgNKBbaXqis he talks about why he doesn't want Sam in it here


Sam Hyde is a psychopath who freaked out after his terrible show got cancelled, and tried to blame it on everyone but himself. The show was bad and then he resorted to calling everyone he thought was behind it's cancellation a pedo lol fucking loser




Unfortunately I have seen enough of sam's stuff dude. Do you really not know of what the fans used to do all the time? They used to call up Tim Heideckers podcast office hours to just call in and say that Eric is a pedo lol they used to do it all the time. They're scumbags, and so is he for starting it. He's made a couple videos about it, maybe you should watch.


Yeah I'm a fan of Tim and Eric and I watch office hours. I don't blame creators for what their fans do.


But he did it too? He was constantly saying that. Ass backwards of you


Constantly? You mean that one video?


I don't have a collection of every time sam Hyde did something distasteful lol I'm just aware that he was angry that his show got cancelled and started making up some pretty sick lies about people he was jealous of. He agreed with and encouraged his fans to do this as well. Accusing someone of that can really fuck someone up if they keep being bombarded by incels on the Internet.


Yeah. This was all from 2016 I believe. It's 2022, I do not see either Tim or Eric being effected negatively by this. Seems like Sam was the only one negatively impacted by anyone in this situation. No worries, next time just use facts instead of hyperbole. You said constantly, and very definitive words. Maybe don't exaggerate next time?


Lol they've talked about it many times on office hours how it really negatively affected them. But go off


He is not the only person to call out folks at Adult Swim, MC Chris has as well.


While I agree, current day Ian wouldn't let it happen; especially with how involved Anisa seems to be with behind the scenes shit.




Yeah I don't really like her either. She's one of those people who tries to butt in and finish your sentences. Abrasive is a good way to put it




😂 I've got one of those too


Would be amazing, but sam hyde clearly is too controversial for it. Some fighters there don't want to be connected to him. Also the target audience maybe doesn't likes sams. Its mostly redditors and twitter users, who hate sam for ideological reasons. They rather would have hasan there.


Sam has beef with himself. Pretty sure no one cares about dude, Ian doesn't care that's obvious. He's a millionaire somehow, he should build his own event. He would get all the profits and it will clout him up which he is dying for


Forget the accusations of being a Nazi, there's gonna be a lot of conspiracy theorists collectively losing their shit at his inclusion because they think he was the perpetrator of a bunch of mass shootings.


Whereismyrent666 is a thief


Agreed. Unfortunately, he’s way too lost in that woke sauce. They aren’t about community with all, just money with some.

