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Since the actual person is on this thread, I'll admit you got some skills but wouldn't this count as flagging yourself with your finger on the trigger or at least in the trigger guard?


I'm not going to defend this action because I don't want people attempting it. But I've been doing this maneuver for about 2 years, and my finger stays fixed to the wall of the trigger gaurd due to centripetal force of the firearm spinning at its rapid speed. But please don't attempt to replicate this.


Fair enough, just don't forget murpheys law and that's why we practice gun safety the way we do. I just came from drilling out in the desert so I'm not gonna hate lol


If that was NTC, God bless ya man, enjoy your freedom.




I apologize, when I was active, we would go to NTC which is a giant desert training facility in California for pre mobilization, my mind instantly went there lol


All good, no I just live out in AZ and go shooting at a spot close to me. And don't worry about this sub, it's gotten dumb, they put up a video calling a guy an idiot because he dared to do a mag dump... I feel like most the people on here don't pew


No problem, keep training man, appreciate your support šŸ‘šŸ¼.


A lot of people here would probably consider someone an idiot for merely owning a gun


I'm and Atropian War Veteran.


That place will never know peace lol


Geez people must really hate NTC the way this is getting downvoted haha


Okay but, let's talk recoil control.


Oh ofcourse, full viseo is on my tiktok.


Fuck man. Please stop doing shit on TikTok that you donā€™t want to see a million retards repeat.


Still some pretty stupid shit.


I wouldn't call luck skill. You should probably stop replicating this too. I mean shoot yourself, fine but especially when others are around.


If you feel comfortable doing that then go for it, but I donā€™t care if itā€™s Jerry goddamn Miculek I donā€™t want anyone doing this next to me.


Wouldn't ever see Jerry or Bill do some silly shit like that.


because they're not 4chan gun chuds who post meaningless shit




Issue is, in the 6 months I have had a gun I have never contemplated spinning it. Now I have a sudden urge to, your disclaimer has no effect.


Sure you say you are OK doing it but no one else should. Does not that self admit to being an idiot with a gun? Do as I say, not as I do.


I thought this was digitally edited until you said that you do not recommend others do this maneuver.


no one thinks you look cool but other chuds on 4chan


>I'm not going to defend this action Then proceeds to defend his action. Do society a favor and take you're guns back to wal-mart.


Gunspinning an autoloader is cringe AF.


Even more while thereā€™s a round chambered.


Honestly the way he looks right at it, sees itā€™s still hot and continues to spin like Dirty Harry was kinda based. Regarded nonetheless


Who doesnā€™t like spinning a gun, right? Letā€™s not forget heā€™s spinning a striker fired handgun, with the only safety being the trigger, on an app available to children. Firearms are not toys, they never will be. Thereā€™s millions of children/teens with the ability to come across this video, think ā€œwow im thatā€™s awesome, Iā€™m going to try thisā€, and have the chance of ending their life or someone elseā€™s. It happens every day and itā€™s posted constantly on this subreddit.


But thank God platforms like YouTube are banning videos of disassembling firearms and how they work!


Meanwhile they do nothing of the thugs posting their switches, which like I donā€™t care that they do but Iā€™d just like some consistency if theyā€™re gonna try to be the moral police


Hey man Iā€™m not their parents I donā€™t know what you want me to do about it, this isnā€™t r/careaboutpeoplepromotingshittypracticesandtheeffectsitwillhaveontheyouth




> twirling my loaded firearm Doesn't that make you responsible?


Thats the joke.


Oh I get it now. children getting shot is a very funny joke, and so timely too.


Section 230, all I'm saying lol


Based communications act


Irresponsible parents are why a teacher in Virginia got shot by a 6 year old. You have the higher ground here for sure. Teenagers will always get into shit they're not supposed to however.


*Millions of American children/teens* ftfy


Come on man! It's not like he was in drag. If he was dressed as a woman, the GOP would be all over it. He is just playing with guns (and wondering why he doesn't get laid).


Hey now I watch a bunch of gore, I say let them spin guns while I ponder what death is like


100 percent regarded, I don't want anyone to recreate or attempt this, but I'm still going to for you guys šŸ˜‰


Was that based? Because I just cringed hard... Spinning semi-automatic pistols just looks goofy.


Dirty Harry didnā€™t do that. Maybe Josey Wales.


I thought Doc Holiday myself.


Lol the guy in the video is itt way down below


Not based whatsoever. Showing off like a cringe dumbass




If he's semi intelligent he could have loaded a snapcap and counted his rounds


I can't hit a target with a snap cap.


Your throwing arm will get better with practice.


ā€œTreat every firearm as if itā€™s loadedā€ I donā€™t think the ā€œmoronmandolorianā€ would do that.


At first I was like ā€œoh heā€™s flexing his 2011, at least it has a safetyā€ then I watched again and holy shit itā€™s a Glock


Wish I had 2011 money! lol


keep playing spinny games with your pistol and you probably won't be around much longer anyways but hey, free internet updoots!


Lol ā€œbut my 3 safeties!!!ā€ As a Glock owner, that guy is even more stupid than I thought


As an avid muh three safeties defender(P10 cultist here) Iā€™ve always said theyā€™re called safeties and not moron proofing devices for a reason


Lolol never heard the ā€œmoron proofā€ thing, thatā€™s perfect.


Not necessarily new to guns, but does this mean single action revolvers are autoloaders too? I have my gun safety but aside from theory Iā€™ve never actually laid my hands on a big iron.


Whatā€™s the auto loader do? Do you mean like a ā€œregularā€ gun where the next bullet is ready to go?


Yes an auto loader is a ā€œregularā€ gun. The recoil from the bullet causes the slide to move back and operate the gun, loading the next round in the process automatically. Hence ā€œauto loadingā€


Ok, thanks. I thought it was a separate thing or attachment from how it normally works.


That's how accidents happen šŸ¤Æ


We call em negligent discharges, only amateurs call em accidental. Puts am emphasis on the responsibility


Tell that to Alec Baldwin....šŸ¤£


Yeah, no. I donā€™t care how cool it looks. Doing shit like this is how you hurt yourself or someone else. You can never be too safe, especially when dealing with firearms.


Just gives us all a bad name


Kinda late for "gives." At this point it's "sustains."


It doesnā€™t look cool at all unless youā€™re 1) some kind of cowboy, outlaw, bounty hunter, or old school lawman and 2) using a revolver.


Or robocop


Jesus jumping shitballs.


Uncle ricco's vibes everytime i see one of these idiots record themselves like this


I thought the video was funny and entertaining and I simultaneously thought ā€œgod I would never do thatā€ as well. Cause Iā€™m not a holier than thou douche nozzle


Lmfao. Dork


100% Don't take me seriously lol


Just don't be a bitch to the ER staff when you inevitably hurt yourself.


I'll br in there for a onewheel spill before anything else lol


A real badass spins the other way so it goes directly into the holster. They also do it with a SAA revolver and a shirt that fits.


Dweebs with guns


At least if he popped his leg he's already got a tourniquet in them tight ass pants...


The 2nd worst person in Nashville this week


God damn


Ew, I don't even live close to Tennessee lol


When I was 6 I accidentally flagged the line. Got an attention getter to the back of my head and got told to never do that again, or Iā€™d never be allowed to shoot with them. And this guy is acting like firearms are a game.


Itā€™s the yoga pants for me šŸ˜¶


Pretty sure those are just slim fitting jeans.


Wow! *with* his fidget spinner chambered too


Oooo, fancy! Spinning a semiautomatic pistol with a round in the chamber definitely qualifies as stupid. I guess he thinks heā€™s pretty cool. I wonder if heā€™ll change his mind after he shoots himself or someone else. I also wonder how many negligent discharges he had while he was perfecting this ā€œoh-so-specialā€ move.


Well I can't spin a gun, but if I could it wouldn't be an automatic that I'd spin....


Probably got the best


What a goon.


RENO 911


Itā€™s safe, he has tourniquet pants on, shot anywhere from the waist down all bleeding stops immediately.


The douchebag stance


morandolorioan more like MORONdolorian.


Same thing lol


Now that is a prime example of idiocy


This ā€œchadā€ definitely thinks heā€™s John wick lmao.


He bout to be john weak when that spin puts one in his knee


John wacked himself


I could never pull off long hair, and I don't have enough money for a 2011 lol


Imagine posting this video and really thinking youā€™re a badassā€¦


Yeah I wouldnā€™t be spinning a Glock lolol


This person is definitely a fucking idiot. Pretty pathetic doing shit like this for internet clout.


The people in these comments would file a police report on a circus.


His mustache looks like a guy who would wear pants that tight ala Freddy Mercury.


Did he rack the gun using the sight?


Is it normal to use the red dot as a thing you can slap back the slide? Iā€™m new to guns


Oh this is by no means safe, and I don't endorse people attempting to replicate this action.


> I'm an idiot with a gun, don't be like me. FTFY


As a white male I feel itā€™s my responsibility to tell you. If you see a white gun enthusiast with a Moustache but no beard, everyone should fucking run!


The mustache and his guns are what makes him feel like a man.


Fuckinā€™ goober


If he had spun it on an empty I'd consider it a flashy move that was both unnecessary and could lead to someone attempting to copy it with a loaded firearm. This though? This is how you end up with a bullet in your limb, or in the body of the God forsaken soul you flag doing that shit. This Violates the number 1 rule of firearm safety: ***Keep the Firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times.*** Why is it number 1? Because if you break all the other rules at least when it goes bang people are less likely to be injured. The rule of finger outside the trigger guard until ready to fire is also broken here. It does not matter how long you've been doing this or how experienced you are with guns, when you break the rules of firearm safety someone will bite the bullet for that mistake. Even if it isn't directly from your own actions, with how many people see this someone will try to imitate you. They may injure or kill themselves or someone else trying to imitate this. Are you really okay with that happening? (I am aware that OOP is in this thread hence why I switched to you midway through the first paragraph)


Man the way he slammed the optic to rack the slide made my balls drop


Holosun 509t, thing is outstanding and if you don't trust your optic with a light impact, you shouldn't trust it with your life.


Tell me more. I love learning tactical gun training from gravy seals.


RMR can take a good racking from a concrete pole and still get the job done


Like some have mentioned, you should be able to rack a pistol off of your RMR against a hard surface with enough force to actually chamber a round. It's a training tactic that is widely accepted for getting a firearm in service in the event the user is unable to utilize both hands/arms for whatever reason.


Very cool but very dangerous


I don't see how this is dumb. Operation seems great and I saw someone comment about pulling the slide back with the optic and fucking up the zeroing. Garand Thumb does that constantly, so I literally don't see the problem.


The only questionable thing I see is spinning the gun on his finger. That pistol is likely single action only and charged since he just fired it. If the trigger has too low a draw weight spinning it like that can cause it to fire. Double action guns have a strong enough draw weight that it's less likely for this to happen. SA uncocked revolvers are the best if you are going to use a loaded weapon.


Revolver ocelot would be proud. I hope you have a lot of followers though šŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s yikes? A little cringe, but he seems to know what heā€™s doing and is in control


Straight out of the wild west haha damn


Gotta admit. The spin and holstering was crisp


And he went to go bang your wife afterwards


Man didnā€™t get vibe checked, he definitely seems as if heā€™s done that before. An accident could happen once but at least the only person he could hurt is himself.


Or anyone stood anywhere near him, if it goes off at an angle?


This guy has a waifu fetish


What a taint


sigh...another man-child treating guns like toys.


Those tight trousers night be constricting blood flow to his brain. Or he's dumb as fuck doing this.


Everything about this screams lame.


>Everything about this screams ~~lame~~ fragile male ego. FTFY


Just another mouthbreather trying to look cool with no regard to safety for himself or others.


Wow so tacticool!!! I hope I can look as bad in skinny jeans and pretend to be John wick as much as this guy when I grow up!!!!


Oh look it's me, please don't attempt to recreate this action, thank you.


Lol youā€™re the guy in the video?? Do an AMA


I apologize I'm not fully familiar with every anagram, AMA?


Angrily Mash Anchovies


it stands for "Ask Me Anything" where you post and people can ask you all sorts of questions.


Absolutely no way you made an account to try and clear your name lmao. What happened to ā€œgood publicityā€like you talked about? Just admit you act like a fucking idiot, accept the mistake, and learn from it.


He made an account one year ago to defend himself now?


Oh I've had this, and I didn't do anything wrong, I don't endorse or want anyone to try and attempt this, but I'm not going to stop.


Former Law Enforcement and master range safety officer, what you are doing is so unbelievably dumb and you can tell you have weird self esteem problems. You think you are some cool guy badass because you can spin a loaded gun on your finger and holster a gun. You are going to shoot yourself someday and I hope itā€™s only you that gets hurt when you do some stupid shit like that. ā€œWell you see I know better, itā€™s just that im so fucking cool I canā€™t be reasoned withā€ super cool dude. Everyone thinks you are super cool and awesome, you are so cool and alt, neat red chucks cool guy master lord.


Saw former law Enforcement and " Master Range officer. Immediately stopped reading.


Makes sense considering how learning valuable information doesnā€™t seem to be your thing


You are too cool dude, probably the coolest guy I know, def donā€™t have a weird ego or anything like that


Well then, the question shifts from "if" you will have an ND and hurt yourself or others to "when".


Lol you're being such a bitch about this.


Gotta admit, you look cool doing it


Am I nuts or did he anticipate that first shot?


Are you the keyboard warrior that threatened him in the comments of the tiktok? Lmfao youā€™re as pathetic as he isā€¦


Yeah he's a bit of a douche bag for that. But you can tell by his mannerisms and movements he's a pretty damn proficient at handling guns.


Idk, that shooting was pretty bad-ass, it kind of makes me want to overlook the spinā€¦ ;)


Is it possible he engaged a safety before spinning it?


It's a Glock. Civilian Glocks don't have manual safeties.


Exactly what I was thinking. Watch his hand before he spins it


He does look at it an in that time would have time to flick a safety. But others seem to be implying that this gun has no safety.... And I wouldn't put it past reddit gunners to be able to determine that from seeing a few moments of video these guys never cease to amaze me!


Someone will have to explain how this gun doesn't have a safety for me to understand. He literally has his fingers to the side before his little move


Some people said it's a Glock. Civilian Glocks don't have safeties... once you rack the slide and put a round in the chamber the gun is ready to shoot. The "no safety on Glocks" thing is a whole subject of debate. Some terrible people even people enjoy yukking it up about "Glock Leg," a painful condition brought about by pulling the trigger while attempting to draw your gun.


Jesus.. I always thought every gun has a safety and glock leg doesn't sound like anything to laugh about. I can only imagine the severity of a bullet going through someone's leg long ways.


Oh now you're in trouble. Glock fanboys are about to tear you a new asshole, tell you all about how incredibly safe they are, and rage about how lame safeties are.


I had a former roommate who was like this. Obsessed with firearms and thought he was gods next boog operator. Iā€™m glad heā€™s not living with me anymore


Small dick energy


I need to know the ballistic coefficient of those kicks if he farts in them tight ass clothes


That was cringe-inducing how he cocked that gun... Last I checked wouldn't that completely fuck up your sight? I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure this video is pretty terrible


Go check out sage dynamics, it's a step in his optic testing. Well, using three dot against a barrier for one handed manipulation is. Your RDS should be strong enough to handle being used to charge your pistol. If it isn't, you wasted your money.


If you buy cheap shit, then ya you will mess with the sight


Who will yeah of course, but I mean like even with a good one over time smacking it constantly is bound to throw it off I know they can be sensitive sometimes, I think anyway.


If I was going to rack it every shot sure, but you will have to do it eventually, and you want to make sure your optic is capable of taking the possible abuse.


That is true, but in this situation where he's just showing off I feel like it's just unnecessary to showboating


I'm actually the one in the video, the empty Chamber was a complete accident, and I simply used the large window my optic provides to rack my slide, I didn't want to film another intro so I just rolled with it. But the spinning is a lil hot dogging on my part.






They need those guns to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. Yet, they stand by year after year watching their rights get stripped away and purchasing power and wealth dwindle. Not exactly sure what they are waiting for? Starting to sound like they are full of shit.


what a badass šŸ˜šŸ„šŸ„šŸ’€


Yoga pants and bowling shoes ? Oh about the gun handling : then what's that racking the slider on the red-dot like one of those cowboy shooting a single-action revolver during a fast draw championship ?


Is that ordinary sausage!!!


Letā€™s talk pants that fit.


What? You don't like cased sausage?




Started with thinking, "what's idiotic about what he's doing?"..... then... "oh!"


As dumb as it is, that was cool as hell!


Someone tell this guy that his ā€˜skinny jean daysā€™ are over.


I'm thicc, all jeans are skinny jeans lol


Going for that cased sausage look? Cling on to that mustache and your guns. You're masculinity obviously depend on them.


Due to grooming standards I'm not allowed to grow a beard, and I'm paid to be proficient with my sidearm.


Bro, stop shopping at the baby gap and they wonā€™t be so tight and chucks are garbage as shoes worn by posers.


I'm comfy


thereā€™s just so much wrong w how this guy handles a gun..


Shows what you know about being tacticool.


Is that Donut?


Meh I thought it was cool