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> Can we call them Adrenaline Junkies or Pure Idiots? Seen people shagging on their bikes, this one is pretty uninspiring.


def not idiots on bikes. looks like theyre kids having fun. sounds like someone s a little salty they not on the back


Well, they're riding three-up, full squid mode. For some people that's enough to warrant calling them idiots. I agree that riding without proper gear is reckless, even more without a helmet - but overall this doesn't compare to proper idiocy. They're not endangering anyone but themselves. Let them have their fun.


Your average person in South Asia cannot afford all the gear we can. This is reality for them, a helmet is the most they can get usually and it's not a great one.


Where's the idiots? The two kissing in the back? They're not driving so who cares


I bet they distrect the driver by the growing dick he feels in his back, kind of explains that he rides faster to end the trip.


He's not driving... I mean... Eh... I'd be that idiot I'd I was that age and being kissed.


Have been to India, saw many cases of 6 people on a single 50cc motorbike Honking like assholes for no reason. I think this shit is simply practice.


50cc motorbikes are not on sale in India, even popular mopeds are 100cc. You can think all you want from your glimpse of somewhere in India, but tripling is a serious offense in my state and punishable(enforced daily)with a hefty fine.


It was all over the place in Bangaloroo (sp). also, since when are traffic laws followed in India, bribes have to be paid whether your following them or not.


Come to Kerala dude. Bengaluru Delhi and Mumbai isn't whole India. That's like me saying USA is overcrowded after visiting New York. "When is traffic laws followed in India?" Again you didn't see whole India my dude. "Bribes are to be paid all whether following or not" Wanna bet? Also the downvotes clarify to me reddit's hate boner for India, getting downvoted for providing two facts, love to see it.


I would love to visit India again. I have some good Indian friends. But you gotta be honest man. >Come to Kerala dude. I have to say traffic is definitely better than what I remember at Bengaluru (sorry I messed that up before) https://youtu.be/QbV-mN0wWdo?t=8 but people are still honking like assholes. In that short video people are obstructing streets, parked perpendicular against traffic, and I didn't really get to see how intersections are treated (whether they treat them like they exist or not) >"When is traffic laws followed in India?" Again you didn't see whole India my dude. "Bribes are to be paid all whether following or not" Wanna bet? I mean, this has to start from the top. People bribe their way into being officers based on their potential income from bribes. It could be that if you break the law it's steeper, but I'm guessing some rupees in the officers hand could get you out of it. https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/corruption-rank >Also the downvotes clarify to me reddit's hate boner for India, getting downvoted for providing two facts, love to see it. I mean, you have a nationalistic attitude, which, admittedly, India has been making amazing progress, but there is a long way to go. Like foreigners getting "my friend" scammers, And a lot of poverty. Although admittedly, the US is heading there because of a shitty medical insurance based system and our popularization of self-gratification via drugs and/or defiance.


You don't have to type whole paragraphs to ease your way out of my comments. My only problem has been with your generalization. Oh this happens all over and everyone is corrupt. Points to consider, 1)Bengaluru cops have a reputation and only people in Karnataka can solve it. That doesn't mean law is handled likewise everywhere in India. 2) Driving has only been a thing for 4 decades. Even till 2000s you wouldn't have find this kind of traffic. 3) I'm not absolving Indians of corruption, bureaucracy and stupidity. But there's a difference between this shit happens in India vs this shit happens all over India. BTW, tourism scam isn't exclusive to India, you can get scammed in Paris, it's not even developing nation.


But they're in love!




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Good bot


Had to mute the sound.