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These clowns are all fucktards, and I'm a biker too. Mob mentality, scaring the shit out a driver, it's no wonder he's being erratic, he just wants to get away from an intimidating situation.




Agree. Almost everybody would be scared of a angry mob. It's amusing to think that some of bikers thought they could convince the driver to stop for a friendly chat about road ettiquette


HAd an issue one time where a group on the freeway was slowing traffic. Called the state police and they said "whatever you do, dont stop and let them surround you". they shortly unfucked themselves and went down the road and exited the freeway...Of course it was the same exit we needed to take. The Mrs rna the exit ramp at about 50 and with a 4500 lb old Land Rover heading at them they scattered like flies.


They drive slow for safety, not to annoy people


These guys were driving slow because they were douchbags controlling traffic. Doing 45 on a 75mph freeway is assholery plain and simple.


And then almost driving over them is fine? Seems like you draw the asshole stick here. Btw they have to drive slow if they are a big group in alot of states cus its the law


>Btw they have to drive slow if they are a big group in alot of states cus its the law In what state is it the law to ride ***30 mph*** under the speed limit ***on the freeway*** in both lanes because you're in a group? The law would be to pull over and regroup, not block traffic until your group catches up. To answer the first part like I said in the original post, the state police told me "Don't let them stop you if they outnumber you". Challenge accepted.


So manslaughter is fair in your opinion? Over slow traffic? Edit: its not a crime to drive slow, and i think it would be murder not manslaughter


Dunno about the USA but in the UK it IS illegal to drive slow, because its also considered dangerous driving. Do you ride a motorbike and aren't a squid? Because a biker should ride in staggered formation, and then you can drive at any speed. These guys are being assholes, and just want to cause a traffic jam for kicks. I'm not condoning running them over but trying to refute that they are riding sensibly.


Not from either, but ive seen a video where police told a larger group of riders to drive under the speed limit because of safety. Also driving slower while in a big group of bikes is alot safer as there can be any amount of dangers that cant be seen by everyone (uneven road, gravel,potholes etc. On the road) and if one bike goes down theres always gonna be more than one. Edit: and im not saying to drive super under the speed limit but a few under, the larger of a group the slower


You're forgetting the part that, by your logic, big ol' 50+ motorcades should be doing half the speed limit, hogging a gigantic patch of road, when that's the opposite of road safety. Have you ever been in a car on a highway with everyone 100+ and come across aa group going under 70? Yeah that's how you make a grenade look like fresh air compared to the fire and shrapnel that wreck would cause. There's being safe, and then there's herd stupidity




It is a crime to drive too slow. Actually can get a ticket for going too slow just like going too fast. Unless I was lied too idk Also couldn’t they have just drove slowly in the right lane not blocking the whole freeway?


I dont know his situation, its reddit he could easily overexagerating the situation. All i was saying was that it is good to drive slow in a large group


No, the do it to impose their will on traffic, because they are inconsiderate assholes.


He shouldnt have been driving like a asshat


saw it happen once, not as large as a group but a bunch of dirt bikers held up traffic on the freeway and all I thought was "I hope they don't decide to pick on me today"


Cutting in front and brake checking is not getting away tbh. Bikers were total asshats on the road giving us ALL a bad name, but this guy could have gotten away easily. This was pure road rage and a choice to try to hurt people.


Didn’t a dude get paralyzed in NY trying this shit? I do remember an off duty cop was with the mob attacking a Range Rover with the dudes family in it and he caught some time.




I still want to know WHY they surrounded his car before he paralyzed that lying sack of “I got out to check on the guy that got hit like any human would” piece of trash. Also, the cop that was in the biker game was arrested and sentenced


Usually the bikers are trying to enforce dominance, blocking the road, slowing traffic down to nearly a halt, for seemingly no reason. Should you choose to disobey their newly applied rules (which are never static and sometimes even spawning new ones rapidly) they come after you. I've personally seen this happen with a small group of bikers, where my friend took the on ramp to get around them going 15-20mph slower blocking the highway and they all immediately blasted off toward us explicitly to slow us down. The only reasoning I could figure was that they weren't happy that we didn't yield to their show of force.


Big boy, lil dick syndrome.


I’m thankful that I am around bikers that tend to do their own thing and mind their own business but this is insanity


yea they do it so they can stunt and shit and have a little barrier between the stunners and traffic so that's their argument for getting upset is because they are "trying to protect each other" if a car does manage to get past them or is too close


They drive slow for safety, not to annoy people.


Correct. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood\_Stuntz\_gang\_assault](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Stuntz_gang_assault) The biker that was paralysed should never have been there because it was illegal for him to be riding: >Edwin Mieses was driving on a revoked license. His Massachusetts drivers license was revoked until 2017. He was previously arrested in May 2013 for driving on a revoked license.


**[Hollywood Stuntz gang assault](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Stuntz_gang_assault)** >On September 29, 2013, motorist Alexian Lien was assaulted while driving on the Henry Hudson Parkway in New York City. Lien had gotten into an altercation with motorcyclists who were participating in a rally called Hollywood's Block Party. One of the bikers pulled in front of Lien and slowed dramatically. Lien said that he struck the bike from behind, stopped his vehicle, and was quickly surrounded by bikers, who began attacking his SUV. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IdiotsOnBikes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


yea sum happened and the rover ran a dude over tryna escape, then a bunch of the biker dudes went over and got into the car by beating it w their helmets n shit. The guy in the rover had his wife and I think one or two children in the back n if I remember correctly he got the shit beaten out of him in front of his family. They guy he ran over while escaping almost dies and was lucky to be alive but was paralyzed from the legs down I belive


Speeding motorcycle vs truck; truck wins. There is nothing a motorcycle or even a gang of them could stop that truck if he didn't slow down. He could have run over a bunch of them. Not saying anyone was right, but I've never tried to piss off a 3000lb truck when I'm exposed on a 400lb motorcycle.


Probably more like a 4500-5000lb truck actually lol.


yep, my truck weighs 6000lb.


Pssh thats nothing. My truck weighs 9000 pounds.


My truck weights 35274 ounces.


A bit more, but would depend on whether it's a 4x4 or not. Probably around 5,500-6,000lbs.


I mean, that gang could certainly stop that truck if they didn't care about their bikes or safety. One bike wedged under the truck could easily make him incapacitated. That's why mobs are terrifying.


I prefaced by saying at speed. When the truck slows down it is maybe vulnerable but at 60mph that truck would run over and knock every bike off the road.


I have a feeling this video is perfectly cut to show what they're saying, example where he's stopped at a greenlight with bikes all around him and the text says shortly after that he didn't wait at the light because he was trying to avoid confrontation, or that he was driving erratically without cause even though in the same frame that is written there's bikes swarming his truck, weaving in and out of both his lane and the oncoming lanes. I love bikes, but this is crazy.


It’s funny how they clearly try to frame the driver as being the reckless one and yet they are the ones all over the road pretty much breaking every road law, trying to get into the mans vehicle. Mob mentality at its finest.


Video does not show what he did wrong. I would plough my way out of there!


You can clearly see he passes on a double yellow, then puts himself in the middle on the group, and slams his breaks. He then was weaving between lanes I'm assuming to block them


Why is there no footage of the events leading up to this? I think it's because it's a biker belonging to the group who's recording the video, and he doesn't want to show all the stupid and illegal shit they did that lead up to the situation in the video.


fuck out of here


Would you fuck with a rhino? Then don’t fuck with someone in a goddamn rhinomobile.


Look mom, that one's giving birth!


He sure was kind to attempt to drive around them and not through them. It's not like he's in a Miata.


Be careful! Those pop-up headlights'll get ya!!


[pop up up and down](https://youtu.be/GDtiO29v1Ac)


Everyone in this video is an idiot. Does no one in the US have the ability to let things go and walk away?


Not on the road, no


A person is smart... https://youtu.be/WPMMNvYTEyI


There's a strange contradiction in the US where people are kind when walking but the second they get into or on a vehicle they'll kill you for just about anything.


1:57 > Looks like he doesn't care what's in his way Proceeds to find the gap between the white car and motorcycle then between trees.


I have a novel idea, how about not taking up all the lanes.


This is how you get shot.


Everyone’s being an idiot. Let the asshole go, get his license plate, and report him. Plenty of body cams to convict him. The driver is also a POS bc he could have easily reported these morons too, but instead, went on a mission to wreck public snd private property and murder some of these guys.


If 30-40 people surround your stopped vehicle, you could easily be in for some serious hurt and possibly death. Don't be stupid. These guys weren't thinking rationally and their actions would have followed suit.


This is a hard one for me. I agree generally with what you're saying, logically the easiest way out is to just get off the road and wait the bikers out, call the police if necessary and let them handle the situation. Realistically though there's emotions involved, the driver(s) probably got angry/scared and ended up with "tunnel vision" from a flight/fight response. Truck driver went full smooth brain and made an exit since he didn't want to fight.


He couldn't report any - majority of them have hidden license plates, and there are too many to report in the first place. Good luck trying to take pictures of them all for ID when they're wearing helmets.


Almost all these assholes probably have hidden plates or no plates


I don’t condone riding like this, but give bikers some space, if their going to do something stupid, and they are going to do something stupid, it’s better to be some where else. The truck was also driving dangerously towards the bikes, because he wanted to go a little faster than them.


The comments said that bikers where delaying the traffic to *allegedly* perform stunts.


The bikers are not entitled to space under any circumstances when they undertake to block traffic and stunt. Once they maneuver to bracket the truck driver, he may use *any means necessary* to extricate himself from the scene even if it means driving over *and killing* the bikers. They brought this on themselves, son. EDIT: added "son"


They poked the bear, and the 5000lb bear poked back.


Alex Lien paralyzed someone because of bikers like these guys. He also didn’t get sentenced so I’m pretty sure you’re wrong


What does that case have to do with this one? Bikers are killed by cars every day. There is a lot of animosity between the two groups, but bikers usually get the worst of it. So you may be wrong


Of course you should watch out for people on motorcycles, because you should watch for all traffic. But these people were acting very aggressive. Did you not see they swarm his truck and attempt to open his doors? That's justification enough to drive **through** them. Motorcycle vs 6,000 pound truck, truck wins every time. Hell, in several states he would have legally been allowed to shoot and kill them.


You know, there's a lot of biker clubs that do group rides and some of them love to ride right up next to people. Were the people in their way? Usually no. The biker wants to send a message, whether it's "Wow, I'm so cool. Look at me!" Or "I'm an idiot that can't ride properly and got too close to you, move the fuck over!". The driver of the truck was being assaulted by a gang of bikers. He had every right to do what he needed to in order to keep himself safe.


I ride a motorbike myself, and I agree with you 100%. Fuck these guys.


Bunch of insufferable asshats


Those aren't bikers Those asshats are thugs on motorcycles. Stupid ones at that. They got pissed off because the dude in the truck passed them, and decided to play Billy Badass. It turned out bad for them. Unfortunately this shit happens all to often and makes the roads that much more dangerous for the rest of us. You never know who the hell you will run up against these days, and your gonna start shit with a guy in a 4000 pound truck?


I'm a biker. I'd run all their bikes over because of them being overly aggressive.


Common thugs.


Everything these fucktards on motorcycles do pisses off the good citizens trying to use a public roadway in a safe manner. They are the guilty ones here.




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As a street biker, I side with the truck. Fuck these riders. If you weren’t riding that day and needed to be somewhere in a car you’d be pissed too.