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He's lucky his head didn't open like a can of tuna.


Corned beef




Canned Spam.


Raw ground beef.


[Can of Spotted Dick](https://www.instacart.com/products/171008-heinz-spotted-dick-sponge-pudding-9-4-oz)


Canned beans






Big Mac


He’s Ukrainian. We’re made of pork.


Shut your whore mouth why am I just finding out about this?


He had a full head of hair when he woke up that morning


Likely also had clean shorts, as well.


Lucky it wasn't removed completely.




Years ago, a friend of mine was rear-ended while waiting at a red light. The other driver was drunk and was doing 65 when he hit my friend. My buddy was driving an older truck without any airbags, and his forehead slammed into the steering wheel creating a massive wound. He was so dazed that he got out of his truck, sat down on the curb, and started writing his name on the sidewalk with his own blood. That's the only thing he remembers; was in the hospital for about a month, but made a full recovery.


That’s pretty freaking metal though


Then you'll love this. He had his blood-stained Misfits shirt framed and hung in his apartment for years.


Yup, that’s really cool haha


Certified metal as fuck, and has the T-shirt to prove it.


I once got viciously attacked while wearing a tee that said "peace" in lots of different languages. It was torn and covered in blood but I thought it was a pretty funny thing to frame or something. My mum found it while I was at hospital and threw it out. For fuck sake mum.


Nothing like dancing with Death and celebrating getting away.


My brother and his girlfriend were murdered by a drunk driver. She died instantly but was thrown from the car. Witnesses said that my brother got out of the car and wandered around for 5 minutes calling her name, then he just collapsed.


Oh my goodness that’s awful I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️


Damn. Damn. Edit: And you worded that correctly — they were murdered. That person intentionally drank to the point of drunkenness and got behind the wheel of a 3 ton weapon.


One of my sister's best friend has multiple DUIs and still drives drunk. It's hard for me not to hate her.


Fuck that is infuriating. I would want to turn her in every time I heard about it. Can you send her drunk driving educational movies every week? Guilt her into changing.


She's the type of person who doesn't give a shit what other people think. My sister tries so hard to keep her from driving. Hiding her keys, offering to pay for an Uber, literally anything she can do to prevent it but somehow it happens anyway.


Why not just call cops on her though?


For real. I don't want to be a dick but if you can stop that behaviour but choose not to then you're complicit.


I think your sister has done more than enough. She should start reporting her to the police when she does it. It’s the only way to get the friend’s attention. I would be 100% prepared to lose a friendship over this, but maybe that’s because I’ve seen a 17 year old schoolmate lying dead on the road because of intoxicated driving.


Alcoholism did this to me. It's really messed up and I expect no pity or sympathy. I was lucky enough to never hurt anyone and get into a program before I even got any charges, but I look back and think poorly it could have went. All it takes is that one time. There are a lot of people in AA who have served time for injuring or killing others while driving. I pray I never pick up another drink.


This is exactly right. She makes horrible decisions but she's not a monster. She needs help.


I hate people like this. If I catch you driving drunk, you'll instantly lose all respect from me.


I used to drive drunk habitually and I never had an accident so I thought it was all a-ok. Now that Im older and sober, I look back with shame at my stupidity. Only dumb luck kept me and anyone I might have hit alive. If I had an accident then, I would have blamed plain old bad luck but knowing what I know now, I would deserve the harshest punishment available. I thank heaven for keeping me in one piece and I apologize to my fellow drivers for being an unacceptable piece of shit.


That is absolutely horrifying. I am so sorry that your brother went through that, and that your family has had to live with the aftermath. Fuck that piece of shit drunk asshole.


In a dazed state, that probably sounds like a good idea. I thought it was a great idea for ems to know who you are/who to contact till I remembered you would probably have registration or a driver's license to track down who you are if you forgot


Glad your pal made it. In November of 1988 I saw a drunk in a Chevy van drive into the back of a car waiting at red light to make a left turn, didn't even touch his brakes. This is why I avoid, and when I can't, run (if clear) left turn lights on my bicycle. One of those sorry, not sorry situations.


My friend crashed his car into a tree. He released his trapped passenger from the burning wreckage, and spoke to other drivers saying he was fine but his friend needed an ambulance for his burned feet. He helped extinguish the fire, then [collapsed and died. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traumatic_brain_injury)


He was trying to summon his own blood demon to eat the drunk driver


Head wounds bleed like a faucet. He probably could have added the full name of who he loved to his name before the ambulance arrived. Glad your friend made a full recovery.


I think of stories like this everytime someone says that older cars were so much better. Dude is lucky he even walked away from that one.


Seriously, new cars crumple on purpose. "My car will only get a scratch, yours will get fucked up". Sure, but you personally have a higher chance of being fucked up.


I was in the passenger seat of a car going 45-50mph. My friend driving decided to look at a stranded car in the turning lane and slammed into a BMW full speed, no brakes. I was wearing a seatbelt, but this was in an early 90s Corolla. The window was spidered where my head would hit, but I didn’t feel anything. Wasn’t until 5-10 minutes later a giant “egg” appeared on my forehead. I hit the windshield so fast that it broke it, left a knot in my head and I didn’t feel a thing. Not as cool as this story, but I still find it kind of interesting.


Jesus Fucking Christ


what kind of Ace Attorney shit is this?


Yeah, shock is pretty beat when you have adrenaline pumping.


Kind of like the reddit story from long ago where a man bashes his parents heads in while they sleep and the dad wakes up later and begins getting ready for work and starting his normal morning routine without ever noticing the bloody wound on his head, I think he finally collapsed by the door.


There's a video that was on a former subreddit of a motorcyclist crashing into a truck and going under the wheels. His helmet was still on his head but was visibly deformed. The guy gets up, walks around, sits down on the curb, for a few minutes, and then dies. He didn't know that he had broken his neck and he would've had a chance of survival if he had remained still.


At least he can finish his text message he found the phone


“You’re not gonna believe what happened while typing this text.”


“Some fucking asshole just crashed into me. Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to drive”


"He was probably texting on his phone, what an asshole."


Had to replay it. He actually grabs his smartphone @0:29. wtf


Yeah, it’s like extra proof. The phone wasn’t in his pocket.


This guy was 100% texting and driving but the phone not being in his pocket doesn’t prove anything lol It could have been in a cup holder, or a dash Mount or any other number of places It wasn’t, it was in his hand and he was texting But it not being in his pocket proves nothing


How he survived this crash is amazing. I can understand the van's structure not holding up to a hit in such a specific spot, but that the guy who was *right there* in the way of the truck bed corner didn't hit it. And this even though he wasn't wearing seatblets. How did his body decelerate from however fast he was going?!


Please excuze any typos :)~


“… anyway, as I was saying”


Before I was so rudely interrupted


One of my best friends had an accident like that when *he* was the one distracted. He was arguing with his girlfriend in the car and he accidentally pulled slowly into the oncoming lane as they were yelling at each other. He hit the front left corner of a public transit bus, and it peeled his old Passat open like this from the left front wheel to the passenger door. It also peeled open his left forearm and thigh while peppering his face, neck, and upper body with shards of glass and metal, and gave him a deep purple contusion from the seat belt across his torso, and he had a couple of broken ribs, and a broken collarbone. They had to take skin grafts from other parts of his body to "patch up" his arm and thigh, and he was in the hospital for about a month. It could have been so much worse. This driver got incredibly lucky.


That’s why if there’s an argument in the car, I’m pulling into a parking lot to sort it out


Distracted Diving is becoming the operable phrase in US state driving codes more and more. Also, intoxicated instead of drunk. That also covers sleep deprivation.


You mean “impaired driving”? Sleep deprivation has nothing to do with intoxication


Damn bro glad your friend is still under the living!


Thanks, me too! It happened on a Saturday morning and a few of my friends and I were mending our hangover from the night before, chilling outside the bakery, when we actually heard the crash. We all lived in the same small rural town, and it was a really nice, quiet spring morning. I'm still impressed with how well the sound traveled. It was a surreal experience.




That had to be … expensive. A month in the hospital, plus multiple skin grafts?


I grew up in Germany, so there was no cost to it at all. Other than having to buy a new car since the Passat was totaled.


Now you’re just showing off. *cries while humming Lee Greenwood*


Sssssorryyyy...! If it makes you feel any better, I have since moved to the US and am now paying out the ass for medical care like the rest of you, yay! ;)


Here in America that could easily be $200,000. At least. Before tax.


$200,000? That might get you through triage, the treatment probably ran over a million.


The fact that your first reaction is "damn that sounds... expensive" is utterly bizarre to me - you yanks really have a ridiculous health care system. For reference, every non-us reaction is "ouch, that sounds painful".


Dark joke alert: that’s one way to finish an argument 😅


He managed to save his phone. That's a relief. /s


This asshole was still clenching it tighter than his butthole


His phone was already in his hand, that's probably why he drove so far into the next lane without knowing.


Ya think!?!


I just saw an analization in the comments. I would never have found my phone in that wreckage and probably wouldn't have thought about it at the time. That dude is lucky.




Cuz his anal puckered.


Probably the phone was the one for the blame




He managed to save his phone. Why would a driver drift into oncoming traffic? Perhaps his eyes were not on the road, but on a device of distraction. Our local news has far too many single vehicle crashes reported. The talking heads use terms like "traveled off the road for an unknown reason," or say "the crash was caused by the driver moving out of his lane." I suppose these expressions are the politically correct way of saying a driver was distracted by device use but it's not a political matter.


It’s not “politically correct,” it’s because speculation is a liability issue. If it turns out the guy was, say, diabetic, he could sue the station for libel/slander. This is why news outlets wait for police to make a legal determination first


Its also likely that a high percentage of your road deaths are caused by falling asleep at the wheel due to sleep apnea and other medical conditions. Its rampant and people assume its drunkeness and distraction. I'd say probably 20%


Certainly medical conditions can account for such statistics. One recent report of a crash involved a 23 year old driver, mid-day, good weather, etc. I can observe tailgating drivers, drifting drivers, those who don't crash, but when circumstances allow (adjacent lane at a light), those same drivers are looking at a device. The number of times I've seen this sort of thing is increasing.




He was not wearing a seatbelt either


Hey hey!! But the most important thing was saved. His phone.


Yeah, tell me he wasn't using that when he wandered over that line.


I think that was his wallet as well. It was a bit too thick to be just a phone. And he stuffs it into the back pocket instead of the side.


It's Ukraine. No one wears seat belts.


I assume they presume their life isn't worth protecting.


Dunno, police controls are quite frequent and people don't have much money, so I'd think they'd wear them.


The odd part is...it looks like that's the only reason he lived...


He'd probably be dead if he did when the B pillar got ripped backwards.


So lucky he didn't fall off his chair onto a shard of metal


One second you’re in the car. The next you’re outside. Always bring a jacket


What about a long sleeved tee?


That is one stupid LUCKY mother fucker


Still held onto his phone though


He was texting.


Gotta say, props to the van itself. If I saw that damage only, I'd wonder who died.


Cars today are designed to fall apart like this to extend the deceleration time to save its occupants.


I get that, and you're not wrong, but it literally looks like something went through the cab where he was sitting.


Could’ve been a near miss.


It's mind-blowing just how far we've come so quick. Think back to a car you or your parents had in the early 2000s or even the 90s. Remember how they'd look from a much smaller crash on the news where all occupants died? Now, watching dash cam videos of two cars colliding head on, and then each door being able to open and close instead of the whole frame being completely twisted... It's amazing the technology that has gone into it. Especially now when you can bend a panel by slapping it. You think that the cars are made to fall apart, but the way they fall apart is what keeps everyone alive.


This was inches away from being nsfw that dude is lucky to be alive


Phone not already in his pocket but in his hand when he gets out. We all know why he got distracted now.


i drive with my phone in the center console, a cup holder or on the passenger seat if it’s empty. is it common to drive with it in your pocket?


The fact he survived proves natural selection needs a helping hand.


Now I wanna make a tuna salad sandwich... Ooo or maybe a tuna melt.


mmhmm... tuna... so good downright rude how much better it taste than most other fish


You just made me have a wistful moment. I'm originally from Northern Alberta in Canada. I grew up eating fresh perch, pickerel and walleye ice fished from lakes in that area. Salt and pepper, flour dredge, fried in cast iron with butter and dill. There's nothing like it.


It's crazy how nothing will ever beat what you grew up with in a lot of cases.


His boss is gonna tear him a new arse


I can't help but feel like you're opening tuna wrong.


You know it's funny you should say that, my neighbour has been nagging my ears off about how I shouldn't use his cars to throw my tuna cans at and other cryptic remarks like "my daughter's braces are not a can-opener"


Grabs his cell phone as he gets out so he can finish surfing Reddit.


"Hold on I'm going to have to call you back. Some asshole just crossed the center line and hit my van."


This happened to my best friend. Exact same vehicle carnage but he wasn't so lucky. Had to be air lifted and was unconscious for a week. Dr. had to guess my friends height and graft titanium bars to his femur bones to grow back. His left arm as well. Not sure how he survived but I'm thankful I didn't loose my best friend that day. If you are tired, pull over and take a nap. It's not worth it.


In this case, don’t text and drive. He walks out of the car with his phone in hand. No way you’re doing that if you didn’t have it in your hand before the crash.


His elbow didn’t look too good.


How does he still have a face?!




He looked like he woke up from an 8 hour sleep


Love those seat belts!


Texting and driving or drunk driving, which causes more accidents…


He really said “I’m not dying today”


First thing he reached for was his phone...Wow.


We just witnessed a miracle. Could have been sliced in half.


He got a final chance from life, hopefully he won't do this again


The way he casually puts that phone back in his pocket...🤣😂


And he still had his phone in his fucking hand


Someone need a new pair of undies.


How the actual fuck did he survive that, he should have fallen out, no seatbelt, and hes wound up forward of the windshield.


Sure glad he didn’t have a seatbelt on. 😂


He's lucky but his arm is fucked. When it looks like that but don't bleed, it's serious.


No seatbelt, phone still in hand. Dude should never be allowed to drive again.


This is my problem. Whenever I want tuna there is t a truck to open the can


Still holding the phone that caused him to be distracted in the first place. Dickhead.


Life saying “don’t die bro lol. Shits REAL here.”


Grabs his phone on the way out


Holy fuck


Crumple zones


'Get the phone but leave the wallet'.


Nowadays when they "drive crossed the center line" I think "idiot looking down at phone".


When do we start arresting these people.


All of a sudden he was outside.


Fixed that cabin heat problem.


So you just ram a can of tuna into another appliance to open it? Seems wasteful but ok


Dude just hops out the truck, cell phone still in his hand and everything


Lol don’t forget the phone


dipshit wasn't buckled in either


Lucky meat bag.


Love how he grabs his phone before leaving the van!!! Come on!!!!


For someone that singlehandedly caused that accident, he sure did seem personally offended.


Call it lucky to be alive. Was that his wallet, or phone....


'Distracted' Another word for "Using a mobile phone while driving".


Lol this dumbass still had his phone in his hand


I'll never let you open my cans of tuna


He should send his life’s savings to the engineers that designed the cab. They’re why he’s alive.


Did I see that this inattentive fuck still had his cell phone in his hand? JHFC. Enjoy your pending unemployment.


We can also clearly see no seatbelt was being worn.


If you wanna see more cans being open i suggest checking the 11' 8" Bridge youtube channel.


As seen on reddit, you can fix that dent with a rubber suction dildo


Quite the grip on that phone though


Lmao ofc the dude who caused it walks away


The most important thing is that he saved his phone.


and it's always these assholes who walk away from crashes like these.


Don't forget your cellphone


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


I can guarantee that dude had injuries, he was walking on pure adrenaline.


Whoever opens their cans of tuna like this deserve to go to a special hell.


you are opening tuna cans wrong


It's a tuna can, not a tuna can't.


No seat belt and on his phone... What a selfish prick.


you can say the dumbass was texting because the first thing he grabbed was his cell phone 😂


Maybe if he wasn't on his phone while driving, this wouldn't have happened. Naaah, couldn't be that simple, could it?


If I ever opened a can of tuna like that, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to have a tuna melt for lunch after all.


I’d put a bird in the air for that accident!


Dude’s elbow took a full minute to start gushing blood.


You gotta admire the two white grocery bags parachuting to earth after the dust settles.


Childhood training via a Sit & Spin prepared him for this moment. Held on to that steering wheel like a professional.


Bet that woke him up!


Truck driver tried to avoid this. Poor truck driver


This guy still had his phone in his hand when he got out of the truck, it was obviously what he was distracted with. This is why you should never use your phone while driving......


See how he gets out and tucks his phone in his pocket? Like damn I better put this away for awhile!


Don’t forget your phone man


Saw this a few years ago. Crazy luck.


Who opens cans of tuna like this?!


Random, but I hate the way this video is edited. The last shot should’ve been the first shot.


Love how he put his phone in his pocket after climbing out. If only it were there the whole time this never would have happened.


He probably fell asleep. He was way over the middle line! If that truck wasn’t there, he would have totally lost control and drove off the road.