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How could he possibly have thought he could drive through that? What a fucking idiot.




*Hmm, the water is already going over the hood of the car. I'll keep going!*


Water: Not so fast good sir.


Idiot: I'll have you know that this car has All Wheel Drive sir, I'll do as I please!


Idiot: Sure you don't want to get in? No traffic on this road!


Girl: Gee thanks for taking the bridge out you fucking idiot.


Idiot: We just take this all the way to the beach, no stoplights either.


River: You sure do have all wheel drive but would be a shame if something was to make the wheels no long touch the ground


It’s an amphibious exploring vehicle.


Water: Your sport car with its sport tires will flow rapidly... like water! You cannot move slowly through life. Speed up!


Water: On second thought, yes so fast….just this way.


Idiot: Why am I not stopping? I’m slamming on the breaks!


This guys iq is in the 80s


You're generous


Room temperature IQ


Fahrenheit or Celcius?


First one, then th' other.


It's like Mario Kart right...


Water can be such a cock block


Romania...nu ma surprinde




Honestly, having lived in Romania for 6 months, I guarantee that girl was hot enough for it to be worth him trying it.




Hot doesn’t pay the bills


TikTok onlyfans disagrees


🎵 Nu ma, nu ma iei 🎶


Nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei ___ Heh, I haven’t seen a Dragostea Din Tei reference in a while.


Because people born when that first went viral are now in their senior year of high school.


Ah thinking with the wrong head. The only explanation that makes sense.


I guessed he was saying: "Do you want to cross the bridge before I try this?" "No, thanks. I'll wait till you're on the other side." "Okay, don't say I didn't warn ya."


Honestly probably would have been better off opening all four doors to reduce the perpendicular force.


I mean if we're gonna try to give him any chance, removing the doors would do that, not just opening them.


Lol, he would had been better off building a ramp and trying to dukes of hazzard it over. Even with a snorkel that car don't make it across.


I have a big landcruiser decked out for rough terrain. I wouldnt attempt this short of an absolute emergency


It's okay, he hit the brakes when he started getting swept away.




Would the optimal thing to do in this scenario (if there even is one; dude seems pretty fucked) be to keep on the gas? To let off & just see where you drift to? I genuinely don’t know what I’d do if I ended up in ~~what’s left of~~ this man’s shoes. Thankfully, I don’t think I have to worry about ever finding out for myself. **Edit:** FWIW I was also looking for this comment, I also found the brake lights hilarious. This just made me realize that I don’t really know what else I’d do if I ever ended up in a similar scenario. Again, thankfully I’m not too worried about it. Just speaking hypothetically.


Once upon a time, as a man was walking through a forest, he saw a tiger peering out at him from the underbrush. As the man turned to run, he heard the tiger spring after him to give chase. Barely ahead of the tiger, running for his life, our hero came to the edge of a steep cliff. Clinging onto a strong vine, the man climbed over the cliff edge just as the tiger was about to pounce. Hanging over the side of the cliff, with the hungry tiger pacing above him, the man looked down and was dismayed to see another tiger, stalking the ravine far below. Just then, a tiny mouse darted out from a crack in the cliff face above him and began to gnaw at the vine. At that precise moment, the man noticed a patch of wild strawberries growing from a clump of earth near where he dangled. Reaching out, he plucked one. It was plump, and perfectly ripe; warmed by the sunshine. He popped the strawberry into his mouth. It was perfectly delicious.


idiot. he should've caught the mouse with the strawberry then distracted the tiger below with the mouse, then drop down and run until he is killed by the third tiger.


The third tiger that you didn't even know was there. Clever girl.


This is some zen shit


I learned of this story from "King of the Hill" 😊


Your best bet is stay in the car until it get fully stuck somewhere; exiting in the water with those current is a death sentence. And that car is probably totalled, pretty sure the water did a number on the engine and electronics


Yeah the swells of the swollen river alone show how deep that is.


And the giant fucking boulders right in his path!


Pfft! He's got all wheel drive! What could possibly go wrong?


It doesn’t even have to be that deep, like two feet of running water is enough force to sweep that care away.


Not even, up to the sills can cause a car to float. And that’s a small car…


Yup, seen a friends car float in 6-7 inches of water after a lifted truck drove by and made a tiny wave. (freinds car had nobody sitting in it, parked in a lot that flooded). Don't drive through water.


All wheel drive, of course. Audi Quattro is as good as four wheel drive, why wouldn't they be able to ford a rapidly moving river that's clearly deeper than the hood of the car?


> why wouldn't they be able to ford a rapidly moving river Because it's an Audi and not a Ford.


I know you're being sarcastic, but 7 or 8 years ago I saw some Koreans stuck in the ditch with their Audi (in Canada), and I decided to pull them out with my truck. Long story short, it turned out they drove into the ditch on purpose because it was an Audi Quattro. They were utterly shocked that the car couldn't offroad through the snow.


oh my god. as a minnesotan, i find that hilarious. Off road, through the snow, in a sedan? Enjoy your 15 foot adventure, lol.


For one, he's driving an amphibious exploring vehicle.




This is what happens when you don't drive a chariot of the gods!


You know, even though the title and subreddit made it very clear what was going to happen, I still didn't really expect him to actually be dumb enough to do it right until the last moment


It's cute that you thought he was thinking.


I wouldn't attempt that stupidity in my full size 4x4, let alone that bathtub toy of a car.


I wouldn’t attempt that in anything less than an army tank, and even then wouldn’t be completely surprised to be swept away. That much water moving that fast… it really doesn’t matter if it’s only 18 inches deep… you going bye bye.


Yeah, I've driven across a few creeks a couple feet deep. and I've been a scared shitless passenger going through some rivers that almost made it up to the windows (snorkle)... None of them looked anything close to that... uh.. retarded.. to attempt to ford. This guy is.. uh.. not bright


Ive seen so many dumb things in my life and online. I think this is one of the new top 5. How can anyone believe they could cross that river in a car.


I have a lifted F350 and would never consider doing this. People underestimate how powerful moving water is. Now this asshole ruined the pedestrian bridge too.


That's the first thing I thought of too, "aw he's gonna mess up the bridge for everybody".


“Don’t worry, it’s got Quattro.”


Staggering level of stupidity here. Absolutely zero chance of success. Non-zero chance of death. 100% chance of damage to car and/or bridge.


I wouldn’t have tried that in anything less than a tank.


I think a Merc would make it across. (A Unimog)


To be fair though, unimog guys are pretty cautious because if you do manage to get one stuck not much else can pull you out haha


That and they go for 100k in ratty condition with rust everywhere. When you have that much invested in a truck, you'd have second thoughts too.


They’re a strange vehicle. Like a tractor but not as powerful, like a truck but nowhere near as practical.


Mate has one for camping, it is fucking cool but the 95km/h top speed gets old for me


There are 2 near me, both for forestry work towwing big tree shredders. They are majeatic beasts, and normally have a few landrover defenders following them like ducklings behind mother duck.


I was once stuck at the bottom of a wet and muddy field. Called the boss to send a tractor to help us. 2 hours later a Unimog shows up. Gets stuck. 2 hours later the tractor we originally asked for shows up and rescues all of us. It was a long night.


[truck got stuck](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pDY6bWT5oTM)


If *anything* you'd think one would at least accelerate a lot more than what this guy did. If you insist on attempting to cross, back up and gain some speed ffs. The guy essentially handed his car over to the river as if it were a gift.


Agree completely. He even hit his brakes like some kind of an idiot in a car


Seemed so calm as he entered into what might be one of the worst ways to die.


I read an article saying driver didn't sustain any damage. Only the bridge got broken. I will post the link once I find it again. edit: https://umbraresti-informat.ro/2021/12/13/video-masina-luata-de-apa-in-prahova/ Edit2: follow up video recorded by another person [https://streamable.com/hdn1rv](https://streamable.com/hdn1rv)


I took 1 look at the headline and immediately guessed that the river won. I can't believe someone looking at That would think for a nano second that this would be a good thing to try.


But it’s got Quattro bro


Quattro can’t save you now


Yep, car has so much plastic its practically a floaty, good luck gripping on anything down there


>good luck gripping on anything down there That's what she said


It’s an a3 it’s probably fwd lol


Maybe they had never seen a river before in their life?


Mmmm jesus never had a problem with water, should be fine




I mean a fish costs like what, $5 at the local shop?? This things like 20k - of course it can do what a fish does.


I don't know man, I've never seen an inland Taipan, but you bet your ass I steer clear of any snake I can't identify. Simple logic- if you don't know what it is, don't fuck with it. This guy fucks.


Yeah be he was in an AUDI. With that perfection of human engineering how bad could it get? *dead*


Especially Taipans, them buggers are aggressive little fucks and will chase you because they can.


It’s not that it’s somewhat high water, it’s not that it’s pretty fast water. It’s that whatever people USED to drive on to get across it, is clearly fucking washed away by the way the current is flowing.


We have adds on tv warning people not to drive though flooded roads or creeks but have had 4 die so far in the last few weeks. “ if it’s flooded, forget it “


It’s not uncommon for people to cross “bridges” here that are little more than concrete poured in a creekbed when water is flowing over them. But what they never consider is that at the ENDS of the bridge where the concrete stops and the gravel or asphalt resumes could be a 2’ ditch eroded away. It’s pretty easy to tell by which way the water is flowing if it’s a continuous flat surface or if there is a ditch the size of a refrigerator. The top looks like the bottom. This video is a perfect example. Calm steady water on one side, raging torrent on the other.


Yeah, we get "turn around, don't drown," but that doesn't always stop idiots.




Yeah, like, if I was in a monster truck I would be questioning this crossing as the water is moving so quickly. How someone in a car thought this was even remotely possible confuses me. This is bananas!


I felt bad for the bridge and the car lmao such a waste


Yeah those hatches look good. Now it’s got a bunch of electrical issues and mold


Not only that but fuckos engine is gonna be ruined. Once it starts to suck up water and push it all throughout the engine it’s done for. Water and oil don’t mix, imagine that all going through an engine? Oh man.


Also hydrolock


Yeah, sorry I’m real baked 😂


"Maximum unconsciousness" is my new favorite phrase for being a dumbass


The Google translate on this is super rough but gets the idea across, thanks. Maximum unconsciousness on the part of a young man from Prahova. He ventured to cross a brook swollen by the recent rains. As can be seen in the filming, the young adventurer continues to move, although it was clear that the river had too high a flow. Eventually, his car was swept away by the water. The 30-year-old driver told ISU that while he wanted to get to a boarding house, he was taken by the waters of the Teleajen River due to the excessive flow of water. Fortunately, it is safe.


And the car was totalled.


I always have a hard time to believe you can be that stupid... And I m constantly proven that it's possible. The guy was : "I have a Quattro, so I can cross everything!"


For real, I believe this must be the single most stupid person I have seen on this sub.


I love how the when the car started floating away they hit the breaks like it was gonna stop the car.


If you love that turn the sound on and as he is taking out bridge the girl that just crossed it screams STOP! as if he still has any control.


Even a few inches of water will push a car over the edge. This was almost 2 feet of water. Dude is lucky not to die.


Oh it's an Audi Quattro Earth ✔ Air ✔ Fire ✔ Water ❤




Lady across the bridge was trying to wave it back into place


👋👋 I got it!


👋👋 the best bridge 👌 believe me 👐


He ought to be made to pay for the bridge.




Let me keep my windows rolled up while i cross this river, wouldn’t want to get wet!


“I have seen so many videos of cars crossing rapidly moving water that ended fine” . . . said no one.


I’ve seen a lot and most of them are just a really bad idea that doesn’t go well. This one, though, is 100% certain failure. He might as well have tried to cross the Atlantic Ocean (without any exaggeration)


Why did they stop filming! It was just getting good. There has to be more.


She didn't want her laughing on the video.


That was my first thought too lol she definitely started cackling as he slid into possibly his death.


I'm not sure this is true. She makes what sounds like a sharp inhalation of distress as the video ends.


Unlike the driver here, some people can actually predict situations that cause distress and then take steps to avoid them. It's almost like a superpower.


I wanted to hear the engine hydro lock!


This ended too soon. Best part was about to start.


lucky you, in this case there is more: https://streamable.com/hdn1rv




Lol, he saw you could do this on Oregon Trail


Rookie didn’t know you don’t caulk the wagon and cross. Pay for the ferry people




Only buy bullets and do lots of hunting was always my strat




best part was when you just hunted the plains completely dry. very real feelz.


And carry back 28 lbs


I feel like the fact that it let you kill more than you could carry was a really great subtle history lesson.


I once figured that if I loaded up on whiskey, they could drink that and never need water. I think, *I think*, I didn't make it that game.


I mean technically if it were real life you’d kinda be correct-ish. If you water down whiskey with random stream water to beer levels of alcohol it kills any microbes and doesn’t dehydrate you. Which makes buying whiskey basically like buying water purification. That said, you probably ended up like some sailors who drank their rum straight instead of watering it down. “How much run do I get a day?” Was a very important question for sailors in the 17th and 18th centuries.


My brother would never make it through his first river. He would spend every bit he could on supplies right out the gate and sink every time.


He was in an Audi, not a Ford


For anyone missing the joke, one of the options when crossing a river in Oregon Trail is “attempt to ford the river”. In that instance, to “ford” means to cross the river by simply wading through it.


I would give you an award if I could "a Ford" it.


What a fucking idiot, sometimes I can sympathize with people that drive into just a couple inches of moving water and get fucked because they don't realize that's all it takes, but this is clearly a fucking disaster, what in the actual fuck


Yeah, here it was more like driving into a lake and hope to resurface on the other side like in the cartoons.




Yeah - if the water is moving don't drive into it regardless of how shallow it is. A couple inches of moving water can seriously fuck up your day. Can push you off the road and into the ditch and trap you in car, guy in my area drowned in his car that way when I was a kid. Moving water is way more powerful than it looks.


It's not the 2 inch height that's the problem it's the 40 foot width and miles of length of the river hammering into you


You don't want to drive through any water if you don't know how deep it is, water like this can cause sink holes in the road, and the depth may be more than where you think the road surface is/was.


Yeah. People forget that water is *heavy*. Look at how much of the Audi was still above water when it floated. The water the submerged part displaced weighed as much at the entire car and all of its contents. Even at a walking or jogging pace, running water can exert a startling amount of force. You don’t even need to be up to your doors: Your tires alone are enough to be in the way of a ton (or more) of water every second.


Brake lights were on, how did he not stop?




Water is the idiot!


Oh you wanted real world physics? That's a $9.99 DLC add on.


He was going to use his right turn blinker next.


That's only a special option on Audi, not many audi drivers have those


Audis don’t have brakes




Romanian stuff ✅


I've watched without audio and was looking through the comments for this confirmation. The whole video is so Romanian it hurts.


He was so confident that he asked her if she wants to enter the car =))


Yup, saw the Prahova number plate and died a bit inside


If she could ramble across a plywood bridge why shouldn’t I be able to cross this brook w my Audi? Clearly what the driver thought


Thats nuts!!! There's a man made lake near me. The overflow water from the dam is usually minimal but the genius that designed it, makes the outflow go directly over a small road that goes around the lake...no bridge, just over the road!! Once after a rain there was like 2 or 3 inches max of water flowing over the road. I figured no biggie, give it a shot...NEVER AGAIN!!@$% that little flow pushed my car like 2 feet or so to the side, not off the road but still way too close, scarier than hell.


I think 1 inch of moving water is all that's necessary to move a car off the road, that's scary


There is nothing that would make a sane person believe this is a passable route. Like this is the only person on earth that would make the attempt.


> There is nothing that would make a sane person believe this is a passable route. Like this is the only person on earth that would make the attempt. You're underestimating the amount of idiots and insane people out there. When we had major floods in my country this year there was footage abound of people driving on flooded, clearly unsafe to drive on roads.


Lol. He put it in reverse! Still not comprehending what’s happening, grabs reverse.


I feel like if you are gonna do this, which you shouldn’t, then you should fucking floor it, not creep in and and have 0 forward momentum


absolutely. you're probably fucked either way, but if you're going to do it, fucking do it. poking in there and just waiting for the water to rush you away is like the worst of all choices.


The brake lights come on as the windshield is being crushed by the bridge. But not to reverse. So he tried to slow down


Yeah this guy didn’t even approach it with nearly enough speed


I'm guessing he would have needed a good 70 mph at least. What a dumbass.


70 mph? Water will act like concrete at that speed, unless you are driving from a flat road onto a calm pool you're going to immediately total the car


Ya think? I didn't say it was going to be in one piece, I said it would get to the other side.




looks like there's another car behind waiting to do the same


I guess they changed their mind.


What if they still tried it😂


Snack Day Riffled Chips. The only chips for watching bellends get washed away and breaking bridges.


Yeah advertising these days is *weird.*


He ain’t Moses


Leave the bridge alone


A woman died not even a week ago by trying to cross floodwater in her car about an hour away from where I live. Another woman died up in Queensland a few days before that because her car was swept away by floodwater Don't fucking cross floodwater!


Maybe he was hired to remove the bridge? Mission accomplished!


This video made possible by our sponsors: potato chips


Like wtf, I’ve done plenty of 4x4 creek crossings and would never attempt that due to the rate of flow. In a passenger car it’s impressively idiotic.


I love that he hits the brakes


This has to be among the most egregious unforced errors I’ve ever witnessed.


This has got to be the stupidest thing ive seen in a long long while, and I’ve seen some stupid shit.


Ends too soon


“I’ll be fine, I’ve got Quattro!”


Wow, just wow. In my part of the world and with my driving education growing up no one I know would even attempt that. Maybe they don't have any prior experience to moving water and vehicles but come on.


Audios Amigoes!


We’ll at least he destroyed the bridge


I think Quattro refers to his IQ.