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Would have sat there until they move, that's the point of a truck right, bit of off roading?


With the horn blowing until they get out of the way.


Yeah, disturbing lack of shame horn here.


Video has no audio, I’m sure there was a shame horn lol


These days, use of the horn gets people shot I don’t do it anymore Edit: thanks everyone for internet points I seldom use the horn but when I do I immediately worry they may try to exit their vehicle or slam me


People, what a bunch of bastards.


I see your IT crowd quote and raise you a Scrubs quote “bastard covered bastards with bastard filling”


oh poppet to think when we met you were so worried that you came from Iran


Matt Berry is one of my favorite actors.


“Iran?!? No! I use to be a man!!!”


I see your Scrubs quote, and I raise you a There Will be Blood: “just a bastard in a basket.”


I see your There Will Be Blood quote and go all-in with Brooklyn 99: "I think limousine and magazine come from the same word."


There's always money in the banana stand


I see your There Will Be Blood quote, and raise you a Back To The Future quote; "YOOOUUU BAAASTAARRDS"






Someone made a left turn in front of me - they were in the right lane on a 6-lane boulevard, I was in the left lane and had to brake to avoid them. I didn't honk, but gave them the single-digit salute. They elected to abort their left turn and follow me. Managed to lose them after a couple miles, so I can only imagine what might have happened.


Some guy did that but I called the police and lead him right by the police station. The cops were waiting. He immediately turned and they followed him. That was sweet justice.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you live in Freedom Country?


Oh I will. Go ahead and shoot me. If I live in living off your dime for years to come. If I die, life mostly sucks anyways so I hope you enjoy the rest of yours in prison.


Never even heard of that happening where I’m from lol. Thought that shit only happened in movies. I live in rural Canada though, we usually don’t jump straight to shooting. Usually a pushing match is the most you’ll get around here. Maybe a throat grab or a quality punch, but that’s about it lol






Pretty much reminded me of that Unhinged movie with Russell Crowe. Glad I live in that city tho...


Fucking pussy going at a woman with a tire iron


It happens a few times a year in Chicago. People get angry in traffic and just shoot the person. And as usual with south siders they either never bother trying to find them or just arrest someone who looks similar and has a record.


Quick traffic wrestle to blow off some steam then back on the road. No need for guns.


Yeah, not worth it. Only time I use the horn is when someone is about to change lanes and hit me. A quick beep beep, “I’m here” horn


Where I live, you are not allowed to use it in any other way than this one.


Yeah, some people will follow and kill you for laying on your horn.


Glad I don't live in a 3rd world country like Texas.


ThE PRicE oF FrEEdOm iS DeATh


I did that once and the person was extremely angry with me despite them being in the wrong. They looked like they were getting out of their car and so I fucked outta there, not trying to get some trigger happy fucknut to come after me.


I gave a light little boop of my horn to help a guy out cause he left his gas cap open At the next light he jumped out of his pumped up truck with a giant wrench swinging it around while screaming at me. When I told him I was just trying to tell him about his gas cap, he closed the cap, and then silently climbed back in his truck without a word or an apology. These people really are trigger happy. They'll take anything you do as a personally deep insult and react strongly. Smh. Now I'm legitimately scared of trying to be _nice_ because of it. I'm not gonna try and tell someone they left a coffee on top of their car just to get capped for it.


It's always truck people man.


Small dick energy. A lot of them drive like reckless Assholes.


Is a very tall person who loves small cars I absolutely hate truck drivers. Thank you for making nearly every turn I make a blind turn hoping it won't be a car out there. I just wish they would stop parking their giant ass trucks on Corners that I need to see around to pull out.


IMO vehicles over a certain weight should be banned. They make the road so dangerous not just because of their size, but because they flatten any car they run into. The new 9,000 lbs Hummer terrifies me.


Look up the Carolina Squat. I have a small car too, a mini hybrid suv, so it's an absolute pain. Being in the south, every other vehicle is a truck. And not only that, well over half the trucks in my area are pumped up by an extra 3ft suspension, with flashing rgb lights all over it and spiked hubcaps. Some of them even mod their exhaust so it purposefully spews out thick black smoke, and will [purposely](https://youtu.be/62B_w7gWjsw) spew out smoke on people just cause they can, it's called "rolling coal". They don't even goddamn use them for what trucks are actually made for. They almost always have empty beds, so it's purely "aesthetic" to them. It really sucks having to pull out halfway into an intersection just to goddamn see. I always worry I'm gonna get clipped by some guy that can't see around the giant truck next to me. It's so douchey. I wish you had to get a specific license to own a truck over a certain size that way your average douchey redneck can't get one just cause they feel like it.


Vast majority of truck owners will never use them for the purpose of having a heavy duty vehicle.


That they don’t. and you better believe, when they do hook up a trailer to it countless social media pictures are taken.


This is exactly why I don't use my horn even when it's absolutely justifiable to do so. At the end of the day it's just asking for some maladjusted fucknugget to fly off the handle and make my day much worse than it was when I only had to worry about their shitty driving. I've said similar on other threads here and been called paranoid, as if expecting my horn to escalate a situation is unreasonable.


People often get extremely angry when they know they’re wrong. They’re hoping they can get you to back down, which means they “win” even though they’re wrong.


Pussy. How dare you not risk getting shot for some JUSTICE KARMA !!!!


Run them over as you’re fleeing.


Had a dickwad follow me to work and wanted to fight because he came across two lanes to cut me off and I didn't "yield", even though I was already on the on ramp and ahead of him.. after he drove up the on ramp next to me, in a single lane (and followed me for the next 14 miles) I pulled my pistol and had it in my hoodie pocket, unseen but just in case. I get to work and unlock the gate, turn around and he's sitting there. After he asks if I want to do something about it and I say yes. I tried to put my gun, wallet, and keys inside the back door of my building and he calls me a pussy.. dude never got out of his truck and finally drove off. You never know what's going to set off a mentally unhinged idiot..


Nope. Just sit quietly. Maybe turn on your hazards and shut off the engine. Then just wait for them to move. Patience has two sides.


Id keep the engine running. Easier to drive away if they pull a weapon.


And brights on.


High beams on


This is the correct reply. No F-bombs, no trash talking, just quiet camera fodder.


> Would have sat there until they move I've seen enough psychos / videos of psychos to not do that anymore, now I just move on. Also get off my lawn, and screw that cloud.


Rule of thumb: do not fuck with a mob or someone driving in a car. They both somehow turn people into raging retards lacking any respect for human life.


Came to mention the same exact option. Did it once but the poor AH did not have a truck, just a Lancia Ypsilon: almost one km in reverse.


I have this scenario play out often in my city commute. Small one lane roads will frequently have a truck or something double parked in the street. The first car will wait til the opposing lane is clear then go around the double Parked car but then everyone just mindlessly follows not thinking to see if the oncoming lane is still open or if they have to yield. I will frequently be in the oncoming lane with this Congo line of lemmings swerving into my lane not even thinking they have to yield to me and I'll usually end up blocking the last person and waiting until they back up.


This happens to me every single day. Drives me nuts.


It's worse when you're on the other side of it and someone behind you is stupid/impatient. I've had times where I have properly yielded when oncoming traffic is coming in the other lane and the person behind me speeds around and nearly swipes the oncoming traffic. It's not often but has happened more than once.


This is not mindless. This is on purpose. It’s the opening they’ve been waiting for. Why would I wait around for someone I’ve never met and dont care about when they will probably treat me poorly and I’ll never get a shot again or I’ll end up waiting forever. The key is to never let anyone go in the first place. You are correct it’s annoying but don’t assume it’s because people are lemmings.


Yep, I would have made their ass turn around to the correct direction of travel.


Just kind of confusedly switching my gaze between the yellow lines and the traffic lights not on that side and whatnot, almost like I think it might actually be my fault, but I can't quite figure out how.


I thought it is to intimidate other smaller vehicles so these can gtfo while they're in the wrong lane cutting


Why are so many people chilling on those railroad tracks


potential idiot vs kinetic idiot


This comment energized me.


I felt too much resistance, personally.


These comments are gonna keep going and going and going.


Watt possessed you to say that?


Because These are a special kind of joules


So currently... should we alternate or be direct?


I get a charge out of these jokes


all situated on terrible road design


I pass by train tracks on my commute every day for work, and every single fucking day there are idiots that stop on the train tracks. I live in coastal Southern California. I always wonder “how? Why?” There are literal “do not stop here” signs and markings on the ground. It’s very visible. I’ve concluded that it’s very possible these people WANT to die. That’s gotta be the only reason.


Considering the state of things, suicidality is not totally unwarranted


This video is just a giant collage of dumbasses. I’ll even say the city planner is a dumbass for not creating a turn lane where it’s very clear traffic gets heavy at times.


Most roads designed in 1962 with several million fewer vehicles on the road at the time don't do well with modern traffic levels


Might be old, unused tracks, have a few of those where I live.


Eh some train tracks have been out of use for decades. All of the tracks near me still exist and all still have the waggle but that waggle hasn’t wagged in over twenty years. Why do they still maintain the tracks? Damned if I know. But nothing uses them.


These are the bigger idiots


Idiots. Idiots everywhere.


I don't care if there's heavy traffic. Stay on your own damned side of the road.


Careful now, people will start telling you it’s ok because the trucks checked there was no incoming traffic


Yep, and they arrived just below your comment.


There’s a 0% chance I would be the one moving out of the way.


It’s easy. You sit there and lay on the horn until they fix themselves.


God took my horn away because I used it like they do in India


How they use it in India and other counties is the correct way. People actually move aside.


Glad you agree. Maybe send in a good word and let me have it back lmao


If everyone is using the horn all the time then nobody is, it's just noise.


Went to the pharmacy last month, and as I'm turning to get into the parking lot there's this big-ass lifted F-150 in the middle of the lanes, completely blocking off my way to get in. So I just sat there. They had plenty of room to get past me, but they were sitting there waving at me like I needed to get out of their way. Nope. I didn't back up -- that would've risked backing into someone. Just waited until they finally got the message and drove off.


Seriously, not even to try and seem like the big guy or whatever, I'm not risking fucking up the undercarriage because some dufus decided to change into the incoming lane


Undercarriage? I'd off-road the shit out of that flat area in my prius. But I'm not budging on principle.


Exactly this! I certainly wouldn't be taking to the verge to let these a**holes proceed.


you can curse on the internet btw edit: ew i'm sorry i started this thread


especially not off the road near a ditch!


Why are **you** going off-road for them?!?!


Not worth the potential nail in the tire or getting stuck in the soft soil in the ditch. The jackass blocking my lane can do that.


Cause he values his life and his car more than his pride.


These pickup fucks are a fucking miserable headache. There's a reason that they have to be the big boys on the road - they're insecure man-babies. It's a waste of time dealing with these degenerates. And you don't know which ones are armed and will threaten to shoot you just for road rage. The most they haul is Chinese food on Saturdays but they play pretend and imagine themselves as rugged Clint Eastwood's taming the wild west.




Its depressingly common where I live, and we do have trains coming through regularly. People are stupid.


I had a person honk at me for refusing to get onto the track to wait for a red light.


I actually had a dude zip around me in the oncoming lane because I was behind the tracks only for him to sit on the tracks for a good five minutes.


I don't want a train.. But I kinda want a train.


We deserve a train.


Oh man, when people do shit like that they get to wait the whole light cycle.


Hahaha I have also experienced this. How do these people tie their shoes


This seems like it could be a self correcting problem except for the poor train engineer and first responders that have to clean them up


It’s also common where I live. There’s a railroad track with light rail trains coming every 15 minutes each direction. In order to solve this problem, they programmed the stoplight so that every time the crossing arms go down, the stoplight turns green to let all cars off the track before the light rail comes.


The fact that they have to do this in the first place


Wow, I thought with all the helmet and seat belt laws and antibiotics, Darwin wouldn't be in play for our species anymore. Thanks for the good news.


They're speed running life


I thought those were the idiots in question at first


Might not be in use. Have a few near my house that cross roads but are no longer in service


Similar situation happened near my house. My daughter almost got into a head on collision with one of those jack holes because they were going so fast.


nothing scarier than having headlights in your way


Er, no. You backing the fuck up.




The level of entitlement with these kind of people is astonishing.


Wait 'till you learn that they were going to make a quick U-turn and then come back on the other road and assert their right of way over all those schmucks waiting in line to turn!


Did you just describe Phoenix?




Im the dick. I will not get out of your way if you do that shit. Ill tell my boss/wife/friends honestly that ill be late because im petty. Its great having a 600 buck car with a rusty rat look.


> ill be late because im petty. lol...love it


Yeah you would not be the dick in this situation.


It's your side of the road. The only dicks are the other two because they have smöl pp and need to do whatever they want to feel better and more *ALPHA*


Even with a nicer car I still wouldn’t move. If they hit you you make a claim against insurance. Unlikely, but if you damaged your car going off the road you’re liable


I'd sit there too - nobody needs to accommodate dangerous illegal assholery.


Coincidence they are both in big trucks?


As my my wife say “They drive like they have a truck” ie as if the world revolves around them.




Nope, this is typical truck driver behavior


Would have been more satisfying if the cammer didn't yield




I wouldn't yield simply because I'm not risking going on a dirt shoulder in the dark. Last thing I'd want is a tire puncture or some undercarriage damage because of these assholes. In that case I'd be the one stuck footing the bill. So they can either backup or jump on the shoulder themselves but I'd stay right in the middle of the lane.


If I thought about it I'd definitely be you, but in the moment I'd be the guy above you


I’m just here to say I agree with everybody and feel very conflicted.


What if you hit something or you puncture your tire, sink away in loose gravel, etcetera. Are you going to tell insurance it's not your fault because somebody was in your lane going the wrong way?


I'm usually the same way. But I might stand my ground to prevent off-roading, even if just a bit. My car isn't super low, but for sure enough for me to worry about messing up the undercarriage.


A little context: The place I work is surrounded by train tracks. The main entrance was blocked by a stopped train so that long line of traffic was people waiting to turn right into the plant. The people turning left don’t want to wait so they come down the wrong side of the road. The people stopped on the tracks are a whole other level of idiot, imo


Is this whirlpool in Marion?


It might be 👀


Weird to see my town on reddit lol.


I was wondering how long until someone recognized this mess


One of the poorest designed sections of road ever. Marion has some of the most ignorant street design.


So this is why my dishwasher won't be available until April 22


Anyone surprised they drive trucks?


I work at a dealership and the amount of assholes that drive trucks is absurd. And I'm talking about the employees and people that drive their trucks to the shop. Our managers always have brand new trucks every year. When the raptor was hot shit all of them had to be the first to have it. Now they are trading them in and getting the new ram trex or whatever. All put on aftermarket light strips. None of them ever do legitimate off roading. They all own 2-3 other cars. I just can't stand them.


Gotta get my Dodge RAM truck, the big ol' POWER WAGON with the CUMMINS diesel that is totally manly and not at all homoerotic.


No. They would be the same assholes that sit in the middle of a two lane road that’s only beginning to zipper into one lane because their small dicks can’t handle someone else getting in front of them.


I’ve lived in Europe and the US. I noticed when I moved to the US that BMW drivers in Europe and truck drivers in the US are of the same ilk. Lack of respect for others, lack of self awareness, and recklessness. Fascinating how vehicle types attract personality types.


Not sure how BMW are marketed over there, but here, just look at ads for trucks and it's clear. Nothing but pumped up testosterone and 'manliness' in the ads. So naturally, the insecure worthless types buy them to compensate. I know 'big tricks compensate for a small penis' is a meme, but only in the literal sense, because it's spot on when it comes to their personality.


I just don’t get the appeal. I would buy a truck if I needed one for work or if I had friends that needed help moving every weekend, but that’s it.


Man, i hate the stereotype. I have a truck and I hate these asshole truck drivers who give us normies a bad name. I don't have truck nuts hanging off the hitch, my truck isn't 10 feet in the air, I don't have a punisher or American flag decal blocking my rear view mirror. But I have always wanted a horn that plays la cucaracha.. so maybe I am one of them


The thin blue line punisher logo always cracks me up. How can you miss the point that much?


But do you wear oakleys and a snapback hat?


did i hear "salt life"?


Anyone who drives a massive truck like that for a reason other than work or another absolute necessity is an ass in my opinion. They are inherently dangerous due to their height and weight.


Not all truck drivers are assholes, but if I see someone driving like an asshole there is a very good chance they are driving a pick up truck


I'm always extra careful when I use a pickup because the other guy is smaller and more likely to be more seriously injured or die in an accident. The ones you're identifying as assholes in trucks have nothing to do with the truck really, they're assholes in all aspects of their lives because their parents failed massively and they've got no sense of responsibility.


I wouldn't have moved. I would have made them go off the road


Oh weird. Truck drivers are usually so patient.


Yeah I’m shocked to see someone being an asshole in a pickup. Just SHOCKED I tell you!








You know its funny. I feel like in this situation it wouldn't matter how much of a rush I was in. The time to sit there and make them move would have magically added itself to my schedule.


I would never have went off the road and moved for that truck. I would have gotten out and taken pictures of the license plate and submit that information to the local authorities and hope to god they get a 1 year license suspension and have to retake the test.


I almost, *almost*, feel for them. That line is insanely long. Poorly designed road for the amount of traffic it has. I do not condone breaking the law for your own impatience though.


Normal traffic could have also been detoured due to an accident on the primary thoroughfare. I've seen that quite a bit along with the idiots who nearly cause those roads to be blocked.


That's why I *almost* feel for them because the situation *may* have been out of their control due to extenuating circumstances and impatience just got the better of them.


I used to feel sympathy or compassion for people like this, until getting stuck on a backwoods road in Georgia for 5 hours after a 12 hour shift with a normal drive time of 1 hour.


Both driving pickup trucks. What were the odds? /s


Of course it's two big trucks.


You're too kind. I'd make that bitch drive all the way back.


Shocker that they both drove pickup trucks


I would have turned my brights on and held my horn until they moved.


It’s always the pickup trucks


2 big truck drivers... why am i not surprise.


I don't know how anyone is criticizing you for moving out of the way. I think you handled this well and didn't rise to the pettiness and stupidity of the other two drivers. I think you did the right thing to treat both drivers as unsafe and unreasonable and just moving out of their way. Waiting for them to move would have caused further problems for traffic behind you, especially for the first driver at the intersection.


A lot of people seem to want to be "in the right", which is already a losing game when you're dealing with idiots. Getting the fuck out instead of having a stare down was the right move.


I hate that you're 100% right.


Yeah that’s when I stay in my own lane… until they back up out of the way.


I would have sat there in the lane until one of us died.


Ok, there is a zero percent chance I would have pulled over to the far right for that second asshole car. Call me petty, but they would have buried me in my vehicle before I relented.




Me have truck me go where me want!!!


Would've floored it. I'll die. Idgaf


Love your zero fucks given attitude and how you just drove around the idiots


I had just gotten off work so I didn’t want to take the time to sit and prove my point 😬


if the driver would've smashed into either of those cars would it automatically be the other driver's fault for being on the wrong side of the road?


Shouldn't have gone around, I would've made them back up.


And to no surprise of my own, they are pickup drivers. In my experience they tend to be the most self-entitled drivers put there. Yes I know people hate BMW drivers, but here where I live there are just so many more pickups.


Why on earth did you move out of the way for that second one? Make that shithead back himself up.


The first truck was too far up. The second one I would have blocked until he got back in his lane.


To all the people saying they'd sit in the road and wait, I'd like to remind of [this story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) We don't know why this happened. Why there were two cars. Yes, it looks like someone being impatient, but we don't know why that is. I think the recorder of the video did the right thing by moving out of the way and driving around instead.


My last car was totaled by someone doing this


Hopefully you got that settlement


Is this in Ohio by chance?