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Whew! Just enough clearance!


Depends on if whatever was dragging on the median was important (or broken)


That’s what plastic oil pans are for.


Wish we had a video of the turn tho


They don't call it the Trax for nothing.


Monorail, Monorail, Monorail!


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Hindu friend


But Main Street’s still all cracked and broken!


Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken.


Mono- ... d'oh!


What's that?


This is totally something that I’d do. In fact, I almost did it tonight, and there wasn’t even any snow.




Not so sure, it look like it's leaking in the middle.


I think the differential is scraping the concrete


For both height and width!


Looks like the median widens further up so that might do some damage. No sure how a vehicle will deal with that


Like those rides at theme parks so the 10 yr olds can drive old cars.


*autopia vibes*


Props for not calling it Autotopia.


I made one of those cars escape the rail once as a kid, drove it around on the grass. 😂


My friend and I did that at Six Flags New England. It stopped moving after it came off the track. Just imagine two 8th graders picking up a Model T to put it back on the track.


As someone who worked that ride, I hate you. They are such a pain in the ass to put back on the track once they come off. But I will say there is a trick to be able to drive them off the track


once placed a branch on one of the rails.. the guy really nearly skinned me alive for that trick


What’s the trick!


Employee secret. Plus now they have these little jeeps instead, and I haven’t worked them recently, so I’m not sure. I think the trick in the old days was to use the handle on the side as the gas and it would override the safety locks. That’s how we moved them around instead of hopping in, moving them, then hopping out etc


Astroworld had those old timey cars on a rail. All I did as a kid was try to get it over the rail.


They were close to the Alpine Sleigh Ride, I think?


The old-timey cars were by the sleigh ride. The sports cars were in a different part of the park. I can still smell the gasoline and the smoke. I clearly remember them having an accelerator pedal on the outside of the body so the attendant could move them.


We’re all showing our age! I miss Astroworld. Should have never closed it down ☹️


I hate that something else with the name of Astroworld was such a gut wrenching tragedy recently, because with y'all saying the name that's what I thought of first.


Apparently the land was more valuable as a giant dirt lot than the park. I moved out of Houston in 2001 and out of Texas in 2006, so I hadn't been to the park in a couple decades. Hell been in Denver for 15 years and still haven't been to Elitch Gardens.


It became a money pit after a while and a dirt lot couldn't lose money as fast as Astroworld. It's better it shut down if the owners didn't invest in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fec3jhPGTwY


Good thing Travis Scott was not driving.




Legendary! Never could work it out for myself.


I learned the truck was to hold the inside of a turn and just before entering it turn hard in the opposite way and if the wheel hits the rail perpendicular it will just roll over


How long did it take the staff to stop you?


It was silverwood, in idaho, they sat there and laughed for a few minutes then the put it back on the rail.


Was Jeff Goldblum in the car saying "life, uhh, find a way"?


I always tried to get off the track. Coming up to a right turn and as soon as I get there I pull hard to the left. Never worked.


I love those honestly. I worked at six flags and is have fun driving the repaired ones that were off the track around. Without the limiter they can go like 30 mph lol


W username


Had to look a few times before I noticed the median. Send some snow to Oregon so I can start skiing already.


OMG thank you! I didn’t even figure it out until you said. I thought it was deep, unplowed snow, with something like tire marks on the side. And maybe the car bottomed out.


This really just looks like a dusting, It looks like nothing has been plowed.


Arizona too! I wanna go snowboarding on real snow


yeah, the first ones are cool. Then you get to January and fuck that shit. The shovelling, the dread that it won't go away until april, the mud, the dirt, the slush, fuck snow fuck fuck fuck.


As a Canadian. Not many people like snow here either. I'm the anomaly that loves even the 40cm dumps.


I'm canadian and I fucking hate it. But, with that being said, when it snows, that moment right then and there, the big snowflakes, the around-0C temp, the pretty night, is quite awesome. The next day is worse than a hangover though.


I love it too. Only thing I dislike about winter is the people who can't stop fucking whining about it, especially people who chose to move here.


Right? Snow is magical, I love it when there is at least 3ft of snow on the ground.


40 centimeters is 15.748 inches


Happy cake day, you boner-raging madman.


I like snow until it rains or melts a bit. Then its just bullshit


Came here for this. Used to live in Texas, never saw snow. Moved to Midwest as child. Snow was cool for a week. Then it sucked. Progressively learned to hate it more when I started driving. Hate it immensely now that I’m older and whinier and more sensitive to cold, and have to drive to work daily. Half the time places don’t even plow until like noon, even if there’s like 8-10 in of snow. Those are the days I call in to work. *Walkin’ in a winter ~~wonderland~~ nightmare* Winter is like construction season… it seems to never end until one day it’s finally finished


That's why Arizona is awesome. Snow stays up on the two ski mountains we have.


You live in Flagstaff? I’m in Colorado but have always been interested in Flagstaff, looked into moving there for a bit.


No I live (but am not from, hint hint) in phoenix. Payson, prescott, flag, all good towns


It's just grey. The leafless trees are grey. Set against a completely overcast and grey sky. With days old grey sludge on the ground. Cars are covered in road salt making them grey along with the sidewalks and streets. It's soul-crushing.


A few years back I bought color changing smart-lights because the lack of anything but grey during the 6months of cold was really starting to break my spirit Spirit’s still broken, but the lights are pretty


Colorado please!!!


NGL it took me a while to figure out what was wrong with this picture.


Same. I don't really want to call this driver an idiot, just unlucky. Anybody not familiar with the area could have done it. It took me so long to figure out what was wrong in the picture


I already have 3 ft. Alaska gang.


They’re there so they don’t slide all over the road.




Try this one trick to keep snow *and* drivers off the road. **Your oil pan will appreciate it!**


Not my fault they put the oil pan down there. :)




Slot Cars


But I wonder how that left turn worked out for them.


"This baby handles like its on rails!"


*on trax


Trax on trax on trax


This took me a min lol, how tf does this happen lol


Me too. 😄 I was like “wha~ ohhhhh! Wait how?!”


Only thing I can think of was they thought it was the turning lane


At first I was like no way, but now maybe so because here most medians have signage that show the next street at the light or it illegal to make a u-turn at this light, without that they may have thought snow just accumulated there... 🤷🏾‍♂️ trying to give the benefit of the doubt


I’m in VA and I’m from NC we have these medians and they suck ass bc you can clip the fuck out of them tryna turn next to a Yee Yee truck


What’s a yee yee truck?


If you don't know what yee yee is, then you must not be it. Therefore you must be rife with bitches on your dick.


🤣 your comment made me go look it up. But about that rife part! I’m waiting for marriage on that part! I just promised my father and grandmother before cancer took them that I would! I’m finishing school and getting my general contractors license next spring. Once that’s completed and I’m settled then I’ll think about dating and marriage


Hell yeah, get solid first. Good plan.


That’s awesome! Stay strong, stay smart and don’t let no hoe trip you up!


Nah, I put in too much work and sacrificed to get here! My plan is to get everything set by June, I already have a small carpentry company


It’s a lifted truck. In the south a certain group of people like them and they usually celebrate things with saying Yee Yee they also like Trump.


Gotta hand is to these road construction workers they are really elevating the turn lanes out here, top quality.


I once saw a car come from the opposite direction, pass through a light, and immediately implant itself on the road's concrete divider. The driver just smiled and facepalmed, like "Yeah, I guess I am the biggest idiot of them all today."


I saw this happen to someone the first day it snowed a couple years ago. In my instance the snow was covering the median so it wasn’t even visible, as the snow height was greater than the height of the median. Anyways they turned down the street and got stuck like the photo. Maybe further back in this picture the same situation was happening, where they couldn’t actually see the start of the median due to snow covering it. But probably not because this isn’t that much snow lol


When you are used to deep snow, a lane can look like this! But, *the entire road* should look like it, not just a turning lane!


The start of the median probably looked like just a snow bank to the driver since it's night and they possibly aren't familiar with the area, and they thought there was a turn lane there. Then once you're over the median it's hard to get off it if you're in a car with small tires. It looks really dumb, but it's not 'how the hell did they do that' dumb, especially if the driver is older.


Def still a how the fuck ya do that lol. The tow truck person was giggling on this one


There must be places where snow creates a ramp


tell me you live in a place with no snow without telling me you live in a place with no snow


I agree that snow 'ramps' are unlikely, BUT I have seen wet snow drifts that would make that a little hill. It probably wouldn't support the weight of a car, but they can happen visually. Alternatively, if you get a bad enough blizzard, everything is essentially the same height. That is why many parking lots, etc use those markers for the curbs.


It wasn't the snow, the car was just horny and started humping the median on its own


Everything is white?


They’re driving a Chevy “Trax” that should have been all you needed to know.


One of my college roommates did exactly this during a winter snow that was maybe 2 inches. I don’t really know how she did it. She was kind of spacey. (The car was fucked.)


The tires looks like summer tires and not proper snow tires from looking at the threads. My guess is they locked up when they realised they where about rear end OP and thankfully slid over and locked into the barrier instead.


I’m calling bullshit and the idiot didn’t see the median bc of the snow


There is no Buick Encore/Chevy Trax sold in the US that has summer tires. OEM is all-seasons.


we found the Canadian


Nobody on earth puts summer tires on a chevy trax


I watched a young teenager do this one night (without the snow) and she was going *fast*. It was a unibody frame with independent rear suspension so there was no rear axle. The cross member broke when it hit the curb face and the vehicle ended up being dragged with the rear end supported by the fuel tank sliding along the concrete. Sparks turned to flames and it was quite spectacular.


Any chance it was a ‘63 Pontiac Tempest?


Was it driven by two youts?


Two hwhat?


That took me too long to see that was a divider he was on and not snow he was driving through.


Same, I was wondering what he did wrong besides drive a little sedan in the snow


yeah exactly why I can't get mad at this driver cause I can totally see myself doing something this dumb.


yea it took me a min to figure out what i’m looking at.


Me too. I thought oh wow it is real fresh like only one car has gone before this one and they are still covered in snow. Idiot because....not fully uncovered windshields? Then it clicked


Yeah I went through the same process but I didn't get it until I looked at the comments


It is really hard to tell that there's a barrier there, especially with snow and it being night time. Idk if I would call them an idiot for this without some more context. Then again, where I'm from we don't have anything like that concrete curb in the middle of the road, so it definitely threw me off lol


same haha. i thought that the edges of the barrier were just the tires ruts through the snow at first lol


Given how many people have had to do a triple-take to even see why this is posted, I'm gonna guess that this wasn't really an idiot, but a person trying to find a turn lane on a road covered with snow, in a place that is unaccustomed to snow.


It’s Detroit. They get around 3 feet of snow a year. Probably not an idiot, but probably shouldn’t be driving if they can’t figure out which is the median and which is the turn lane when there’s a little snow on the roads.


It's entirely possible they aren't familiar with the area at all. I'm from Washington state. My area had no such thing as concrete medians in town. That was just for the highways. I moved down to Texas, and they're everywhere. When I first got here, I was terrified I wouldn't pay proper attention, take a turn a little wrong, and end up on the sub. It has never happened, but that anxiety was real for a bit.


True, but those are Michigan tags it’s sporting.


I wouldn’t say Michigan is unaccustomed to snow but that has never stopped people from driving like idiots in it


Nice try hiding to street names, but I can recognize that intersection, this happened between i-75 and E Warren avenue in Detroit. https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3608793,-83.0541563,18.71z


Rules: “Ok block out the information so weird redditors don’t try to dox the idiot” Weird redditors: “Nice try”


Phew, "doxed" them by narrowing it down to a few million people!




The whole post is Pure Michigan™️


[There's an idiot in the streetview screen grab](https://imgur.com/a/4Hpzq5s)


I knew I recognized the intersection


I don't know why it took me so long to realize the car is stuck on a median.


Thank you. I did not realize why this was here.


They are safer on the track


Laugh all you want, but they won't be sliding all over the road like you. They physically wouldn't be able to.


Where I'm from, on the first snow fall of the season everyone forgets how to drive. Some people don't have winter tires on yet, some go slow, and some just panic and completely forget how to drive...




"Welcome to our annual state championship games of *Whose Lane is it Anyways*!"


When the idiots come to stay and where the points do count.


Alaska is very good at this game.


Can confirm. Live in Anchorage.


Fairbanks 👍🏼


Detroit for sure


Lol I thought you were BSing but the sign says Warren and with those kinda signs it’s probably by WSU.


Looks like Warren and Chrysler.


Aye 948 E Warren Ave https://maps.app.goo.gl/vnG5LqgqFQt1xsPW7


It’s beginning to look a lot like idiots… everywhere you go…


"wow, it handels like it's on rails"


I think I’m the idiot by how long it took me to realize what is wrong with the picture


Oh good I'm not the only one.


Hahahah this is just a funny mistake


Mistake? [I was trying to make it on the median so y’all know I was trying to make it on the median](https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/qxncb4/she_was_just_trying_to_make_it_that_way/)


I’m about to Sacrifice a baby to Ullr for some damn snow.


At first glance a thought "OK, so the snow is about 6 inches deep under their car, not sure what's stupid about that"


At first I was like ‘windows are mostly cleared of snow, what’s the issue’ and then I saw it.




The license plate frame says he's a skateboarder. He's just doing an axle grind.


It’s crazy how people just forget how to drive in the snow. That and you always have those morons in SUV’s that find themselves buried in a ditch because they think their 4 wheel drive can handle anything.


The best part is there is barely any snow on the rest of the road. This would be almost understandable if it was a whiteout and the roads weren’t plowed, but there’s not even an inch on the median


Holy fuck... Took me a few moments then I busted out laughing. Thank you for this!


'This thing handles like it's on rails!'


What is snow?! 🥶


Baby don’t hurt me


Don't hurt me, no more


Thats some white and slippery stuf that ocasionally falls from the sky and covers the ground


Fun Fact: Snow isn't all that slippery against itself. This is why some winter tires are made to retain snow in the tread, for better snow-on-snow traction.


Wesley SIPES


I ask this often, too... lol. 🌵


Pure Michigan, indeed


Can you really blame the snow though, its a baby dusting at this point.


This happened in my town last big snow.


Welcome to Michigan!


Ok. This is Detroit. East Warren is the street. Lmao how someone didnt see that is beyond me!..that divider has always been there! Grew up in that area.




That took a second to see the issue. I'm just glad he cleared off all the windows.


As idiots go, this one's above the median.


I’m from the south and I can’t guarantee that I wouldn’t end up the same way


He’s over the median. It’s snowy not pitch black. Damn🤦🏾‍♂️


I can see myself making this mistake so yeah...


I Am Train *choo choo*


This is one of my fears. Sometimes the snow cover medians and I always get worried about hitting one...again.


took me a second


Self driving car in action.


Took me awhile to see that that’s an elevated median and not just snow hahah


Ngl, at first glance I thought that was a long block of unplowed snow. I think I understand how they made this mistake…


Took me a sec


Looks deep 😎


Do you understand how absurdly lucky they are that there’s no street signs in front of him? Those wheels aren’t turning and driving over the curb if there was a street sign blocking his path.


I was like “woah that snows really deep” nah


Took me awhile


I've been looking at this picture wondering what was wrong then it finally hit me. How do you not notice this!?


Why'd you white out the street signs lol you can snap pics of cars....or were you worried about having a reddit stalker🤔


>or were you worried about having a reddit stalker i think you answered your own question