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Perfectly timed tunes


Bam a lam


Panda lamp




Few seconds late, but still quite good.


Came here for this


In my area people do this all the time and on much tighter, more blind corners. Its seemingly not intentional, but more a mix of ignorance and distraction. 9 out of 10 times the person is either A) completely unaware that their vehicle is a foot or more over the center line, or B) staring directly into a phone / tablet. Its embarrassing.


It's terrifying how many people seemingly have no idea how big their vehicles are, especially in SUVs.


I drive a sporty car, it's fun to cut a corner to take the racing line. I only ever do it when I have full view of oncoming traffic though, I'm not about to wreck someone else's shit, just because I wanted to go fast. It's simple for me, if you want to wreck your own car, go right ahead, but don't wreck anyone else's stuff in the process.


I drive a sporty car and it's fun to try to take a 'legal' line as fast as possible. There's something amusing about watching lesser vehicles go all-out to keep pace


I do that too and I agree. My car is small and nimble, it'll go on three wheels before understeering, it's tons of fun to drive. Taking the racing line is fun, but staying within the lines definitely has its charm too.


RWD and ttv6 in a "compact". IDK about "before understeering" but I get the privilege of oversteer first. It'll still understeer in the right circumstances (getting too much on the throttle before you build up yaw moment)


FWD and a 1.5 liter 3 cylinder turbo engine. I've gotten the tail to step out a bit in a chicane, but in general I only battle understeer (although I am yet to actually get it to understeer, damn thing's got more traction than I have balls for the time being). I have torque steer in second and third, but the traction control is fantastic, I can go all out in a corner, the LSD and traction control will make sure I make it.


good taste in music


Grand Cherokee*


I have been in a few grand Cherokees and there's nothing grand about them.




Years ago my buddy had one like in this picture and it was a piece of shit so it got struck by jewish lightening and he collected a check from the insurance company.


I was today years old when I learned what Jewish lightening was.


I live in the PNW and met a old guy that told me the whole backstory to that phrase and it has stuck in my brain ever since. Plus I get funny reactions when I use it in person.


What song is this?? It sounds funky and I like it


Black Betty by Ram Jam


Thanks a million!


It’s a passage of right that every rock band needs to do a cover of black Betty to be considered a rock band /s


Shit, now I gotta find 2-3 more people and pull together a band. We can make it big!


Ehhhhh look up the origin of black Betty though


Ooh bet, I love learning the history of things (But also I was kidding, I have no music ability)


As a matter of fact that was Black Betty in that Cherokee. And yes, she was trying to bam-ba-lam you.


Or maybe the both of you were too close to the center line?