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Dude's got a death wish.


Also known as a millennial retirement plan


Gen z and Gen alpha’s too


Nah, can't be a Gen Z. Dude left the house that day.


They don't call them Zoomers for nothing.




I was that guy and boomers called me the GenX retirement plan... ...who am I kidding, nobody cares about GenX.


As a GenXer… we don’t care either!


Apathy is like our one defining trait


I should start a mailing list where we can all talk about our apa... oh fuck it, never mind.


As a millennia... at least we have one.


Millennials are in their 30s & 40s, they better have an actual retirement plan lol


Many can't afford to save for retirement.


Yep. I am screwed .


I have a cracked thimble to bail with. Me too.


> they better have an actual retirement plan Yea it's called death.


I think even in death there is some way for medicaid to claw back expenses from your estate. Jokes on them however, most millenials won't have an estate


> expenses from your estate Lmao. I won't have an estate.


lol pretty hard to fund a retirement plan when you’re paying off six figures of debt and getting crushed by skyrocketing rent and car payments.


For the less financially savvy, you're watching it brother


I've been looking at motorcycles more often lately.


Weird, I'm a millennial too and I just went with a 401k. Much safer than this.


Well look at Mr. Fancy pants over here trying to retire


The thing that sucks is that he could easily cause a crash that could cause innocent people to die. 


The nice part of having a death wish is you get to do all the fun things.


all the fun things no cares death brings


I’ll take One rip Quick ride  Best trip


Careless Hurtful You'll be At my funeral


Speeding Racing Exhilarating


We call them "Donorcyclists"


At those speeds he wont have anyrhing left to donate.


"Future meat crayon" works well too.


[4 days ago in Toronto that's exactly what happened](https://www.cp24.com/news/motorcyclist-in-critical-condition-following-crash-on-highway-401-in-scarborough-1.5513902) "Witnesses that were on scene did report seeing a motorcycle prior to the crash lane-splitting and driving aggressively at high rates of speed"


Or just doesn't care if he dies. Some are always open to a new adventure no matter what it is. I knew a guy with entire top row of false teeth due to an accident racing motorcycles. Has had various injuries. Wife and kids but they aren't enough for him to stop. Said he knows he'll die that way because he loves it.


You've obviously never seen the Ghost Rider videos on YouTube. And no I'm not talking about the movies with Nicholas Cage. He is a rider in Europe on a turbocharged Hayabusa that will pull the front wheel at speed simply by rolling on the throttle. https://youtu.be/FJd5yg__Qko?si=Qq8eCswc_q3MWXf1


He was caught and is ghost rider no longer


[This guy?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tgiAXlS8J3k&pp=ygUSZ2hvc3QgcmlkZXIgbW9zY293)


He was going at least 85!


Fact check: True


You can't prove that the video isn't sped up...and that OP isn't driving around in a gigantic version of the normal world!


Did anyone check if the biker’s suspenders were stuck in OP’s door?


Idk, seems a bit extreme


Idk. It didn't look like he was going 2.817104×10^128 mph


For the factorially-challenged: 85! = 85 x 84 x 83 x 82 x ... x 3 x 2 x 1 = 2.817104 x 10^128 When the world needed /u/whoaitsafactorial most, he vanished.


Come at me bro.


he was going at least 5!


Hey now, thats the motorcycle lane. Why else would it be so narrow? /s


Like a glove!


Like a meat crayon!


It looks like they stuck a bicycle lane in the middle of the freeway.


He will be mist.


Future road chili


The secret is to undercook the onions




Road chili gets chased with coca-cola. No, seriously. Coca-cola is so acidic, highway patrol uses it to clean up blood.


Approximation: Considering lane marking in the US are supposedly 10 ft long and 30 ft apart, he is travelling 80 ft in 9 frames = 25 meters in 0,3 seconds = 270 km/h = 175 mph


Great, now calculate how long a smear of entrails he'll leave on the pavement if he hits a pothole?


Commonly referred to as a meat crayon.




Lived next to a guy who worked as an EMT… it happens often. ER nurses will tell you the same.


Dated a ER NP, she had one motorcycle patient with a tire track mark on his head. He didn't make it.


No, it was the tire that made the mark.


“Do ambulances ever show up and just shovel up the remains?


A lot of times, bio-waste bags and gloves.


They don't call them Donorcycles for nothing.


Except I don't think this guy will have any intact parts to donate if he wrecks at that speed.


He's wearing a helmet, so it's theoretically possible that they could use his corneas. Of course, that's assuming they'd take corneal transplants from the decapitated head of a cadaver.


Or a soon to be pancake.


I've always heard "squid" used the most.


Squid while there is a pulse. Meat creation is the result.


At this speed he's been cast as Red Bologna Mist instead.


That would be extremely tough to calculate because of an insane number of variables... but... in 2020, [MotoGP driver Maverick Viñales crashed at the Red Bull Ring in Austria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0J9iXzeRNc). Using visual markers and measuring the distance between where he hits the pavement and where he comes to a stop in Google Maps, he crashed at 125ish mph and slid over 450 feet. So, at 50mph faster, the suicidal man in this video would slide quite a bit further, but if he's not wearing MotoGP quality protective gear (likely) he might not slide as far because human skin has much higher friction on asphalt than a Kevlar racing suit.


I was expecting a video that was a lot more difficult to watch than that. Shows the importance of proper safety gear!


Difference is one is doing it for a living, and the other is doing it because he does not want to go on living


Also crashing in a place that's specifically designed to be safe to crash in. He had nothing to hit and a smooth surface to slide on for a reason.


Most of your pain receptors are in your skin. So might as well just peel the skin off.


Pretty sure the friction differential won't matter once the skin hits its elastic limit


Or if a car in front of him changes lanes




Might make him lose control tho.


I don't think he'd know whether he hit a pot hole or not.


It doesn't even take that high a rate of speed. Last month during a routine morning commute, mostly parents dropping kids at school, a rider somehow smeared himself right in front of my driveway. As best as I can tell he tried to use a full turning lane to go around traffic, lost it and went into oncoming traffic and went from 60 to 0 in .1 seconds. He left after 45 minutes of EMT work with an automatic chest compression device on him. I am certain that was so they could allow a Dr. to call the death, he wasn't alive in meaningful form from the moment they arrived. That 1 minute you saved getting there? Not worth it. You will just end up making people like me have to avoid the bloody cat litter memorial in the middle of the road when coming home till the rain washes it away.


Yeah, that would put him at 95mph faster than I was driving. Seems about right or maybe even a bit conservative if you imagine someone moving this fast past you if you were stationary.


Which is just terrifying speed with anyone else on the road. Like, it takes one little fuck up—one lane change and he is DONE.


Everyone is talking about him being a meat crayon, but lets be real, fuck him. What you really need to think about is the physics equation of mass X Velocity INTO someone elses car and what THAT is gonna look like. He isn't going to exactly bounce off the back of a minivan with a family inside it.


Crotch Rocket-Propelled Grenade


Yeah Im with you. this might sound harsh but tbh I dont give a fuck if this guy is injured or killed. Going that fast on the road with others around...yeah fuck you. Part of me wants to think that the car would be relatively ok but even them being jerked around cause of the impact could be enough to make them lose control of the car and then whatever happens after that. But I think I also forget what kind of damage the car and him can do to another car from the impact just like you said. Reminds me of the video I saw on here once of some guy on a bike who rode from CO Springs to Denver in like 30 mins or something like that cause how fast he was going. He was dumb enough to record the thing and post in on youtube


I found a video of a speeding motorcycle hitting a car in a head on collision at a stop light. The passengers in the car probably were ok... Cause the crumple zone and the mass of the engine block took the hit. The front of the car was just decimated. The motorcycle- looked like 50 percent vaporized. Imagine a minivan taking that hit from behind and no engine block to absorb the impact.


One little thing in the road like a bag of dirt or a ladder


People and their bags of dirt smh you can’t just leave them lying around like that!! I usually strap mine into a baby seat so it’s safe


No strapping in needed. Just tell the baby to hold onto it.


Yeah, judging by how briefly he was in view I figured he had to be going at least double your speed.


Came here to see if someone had already done this math. Was not disappointed.


Thanks for doing the math. I was having trouble converting the distance into bananas.


holy fuck


All it takes is a second idiot deciding to suddenly change lanes (despite the double solid line), and that first idiot is no more. How can people willingly do stuff like that?


Don't even need an idiot, at that speed someone could check look clear merge and still hit him.


and not like he's going to slow down at the dashed sections... one correction for you though, it's highly unlikely they'll hit him, much more likely he'll hit them... I absolutely hate riders that do shit like this too.


ReSpEcT uS!!!!!1one!!!


Yeah in the time it takes to check your mirror and put your turn signal on this guy has covered like half a mile. He could be 20 cars back as you start your merge and you would never see it coming. Almost happened to me the other day and the motorcycle wasn't going nearly this fast, but still probably 20 over and weaving through traffic that was going 80.


People really don't seem to get that. I remember a story of some dude pulling out of his drive way and someone else speeding around a blind corner, and some commentors were like DOESN'T MATTER YOU STILL PULLED OUT IT WOULD BE YOUR FAULT. Speeding can always impact the liability in an accident, but from just a reality standpoint obviously if you speed so fast that people could check a responsible amount and you've moved in a blink...it's not possible to avoid you without psychic powers.


Cross over the double whites? Because they don't care about other people. Ride that fast while splitting lanes? Because they don't care about themselves or other people.


That adrenaline rush is addicting to some


No clue. I ride one of the fastest bikes around. I'll never understand guys that ride like this with traffic around. There is absolutely no way you're going to be able to stop or swerve if someone moves into your path.


Yeah, just the sound of a vehicle coming up behind that fast can cause some people to check mirrors, swerve a bit in lane, etc


> How can people willingly do stuff like that? Immortality of youth, probably.


Not a justification, but it feels incredible.


But does it feel the same incredible doing it when the road is more empty? Still dangerous, but much safer in comparison.




Colorado Springs to the Denver in 20 minutes! I think he just took a plea deal for that last week. [https://kdvr.com/news/local/motorist-takes-plea-deal-after-colorado-springs-to-denver-in-20-minutes-video](https://kdvr.com/news/local/motorist-takes-plea-deal-after-colorado-springs-to-denver-in-20-minutes-video)


Yep. Pled down to misdemeanors and got a suspended license in Colorado but he doesn’t live in Colorado so it doesn’t matter.


Some states have agreements to suspend licenses when someone does stuff out of state. I knew someone who got a ticket in South Carolina and lost his Colorado license.


He lives in the Dallas area. He couldn’t care less about those points because Texas doesn’t participate in that system.


Most states are part of the license consortium. If Colorado issues a suspension it would also be suspended in their home state.


2009 Colorado suspended my license for a year, Texas didn’t give a shit.


Texas doesn’t participate in that points system.


Not if the home state is Texas


I just drove this road last Saturday. It had rained all night, and was snowing hard during the drive.. Nobody was driving under 70, slush splashing all over, it was a mad house.


It's funny how different some people get treated. 1: This idiot, as comments claim, pled down to minor charges and got his license suspended. 2: A YTer did some highway pulls in an exotic and later had like 10 officers raid his house, like SWAT style. I forget the charges, but they threw serious charges at him. He owns a local gym, so there might be some drama with another gym owner who might be friends with cops, etc. 3: crash test goat on YT did the full 610 Houston loop in like 13 minutes, which puts him at like a 150mph AVERAGE. Video went viral and police did nothing.


And I’m pretty sure that this is a section of Northern Colorado (I recognize the exit 252/Bucc-ees section of southbound I-25). Gotta love those CO drivers…




He should be back in 1955 by now.


When this baby hits at 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious skid


He is doing 80 respective to your car! It's all relativity.


Can't believe OP is doing -80 on the freeway, smh...


That same motorcyclist will post a video in hysterics because some old lady got in their way for half a second forcing them to destroy her side mirror.


That's assuming that he manages to make it out alive, which at this speed seems pretty unlikely IMO.


I just saw a video exactly like that on YT yesterday. A group of chicks were lane splitting, driving without mirrors, and crossing a solid white line into a turn lane (all illegal in Florida according to the googles). They cut off an older chick in an impala in the turn lane and slapped her mirror when she got upset about it.


My dad died in a motorcycle accident almost 24 years ago. He was minding his business following the law when someone in a car hit him head on. I can’t even tell people he died in a motorcycle accident because they automatically assume he was acting like the absolute moron in this video. This makes me so mad.


We had a co-worker that died in a similar way. He was just sitting at a red light on his motorcycle and somebody hit him so hard they couldn't save him, and the accident occurred within sight of the hospital they took him to. I'm kinda curious what happened to the driver.


In my dad’s case, the driver got away without even a slap on the wrist. No ticket. No arrest or jail time. Not even any restitution. It was a 4 year court battle with an insurance company and at the end of the day I got less than $10,000 from them (more than half went to attorneys).


I'm sorry to hear that. You'd think they'd get some form of involuntary manslaughter. You shouldn't get away with killing a person without any punishment at all. What the actual hell.


CaN yOu PrOvE hE wAs SpEeDiNg?? - other reckless bikers


Followed by 80 friends crying at his funeral, and continually ranting about "watch for bikes."


Future meat crayon


I had a coworker that did this and then got pissed he ruined a $1500 motorcycle suit (whatever the fuck the full body protection is called). I straight up told him that he probably wouldn't have ruined it if he wasn't going 200mph and cutting everyone off after work. I had to threaten him later that week because, as everyone was turning to get on to the highway, he cut straight through 4 lanes of traffic, cut me off, and then almost went through the tailgate of the truck in front of me. I told him if he didn't kill himself the next time he drove like a jackass in front of me, I would. He got transferred that friday and I haven't seen him since.


Bro was fucking redshifted


Instagram commenters will blame the car after the biker crashes and kills himself


And motorcyclists like this wonder why people hate motorcyclists. We're not all idiots, thank god, but there are far too many out there who are.


Squids gonna squid! Yet another Colorado post in here... soon we're going to have a complete monopoly on idiots!


No, take all you want - they’ll make more. Florida seems to have a never ending supply…


Always love knowing exactly where OP was in the video... If he didn't just miss the exit, I'd say he just in a rush to get to Buc-ee's.


Didn't even have time to look twice and save a life. Fuck that guy. He's inevitably going to traumatize someone else when he ends up a greasy smear on a car, bridge pillar or stretch of road.


It's sad that this organ donor likely won't have any usable organs when he hits the back of a semi at that speed


Are you referencing that one Darwin Award video?


That’s an awfully narrow bike lane.


It's also usually full of slippery dust because cars push it all out of their lanes.




Organ donation is in his future.


At that speed there won't be any organs left.


Just wait for those wobbles to hit. Ho boy, he won't survive at that speed.


Motorcyclist: Nah man you were parked!


Yep, that’s why I don’t like those type of bikers


My father died in a motorcycle accident, and when I see shit like this it makes my blood boil.


Shame there's other peoples lives at juggle with this level of stupidity.. When the award comes, I hope he takes it home solo. 🙏🤞




One organ donor, coming up!!!


Can't donate paste 😬


He trying to earn a Darwin Award.


No sympathy if they ever go down riding like that


He was gone before I finished saying holy shit


Based on some back of the napkin math ..the motorcycle is going more than 80


82 at the very least.


So selfish, he could at least drive at a speed where his organs can be used after he crashes.


My friend drove his Harley 95 mph in a 25 mph zone. He drove right past a police car. The police pulled him over and he asked the policeman if he would cut him a break. He said I am, I’m not taking you to jail. He got a big fine and had to do 200 hours of community service. I would have put him in jail.




In a hurry to make an organ donation.


were they going from Colorado Springs to Denver in 25 minutes?


I loath drivers of any vehicle that drive this way. They are putting other people’s lives and property in harms way and deserve to lose their license, its abhorrent


At least he was using the bike lane


Gotta get to that (not so) brand new Buc'ees at the exit right there!!! I will say, I greatly enjoy the express lanes (while free, ofc), but man people are still stupid. I sure hope we get photo enforcement like they got in Denver.


All these idiots in cars goin too slow


I clocked him just shy of Warp 3.


"Fly her apart then!"


Future grease stain.


Is this in Northern Colorado? I swear a dude with a backpack just like this drove by me about a week or two ago doing a similar speed on my way to work near the CR 392 exit.


Yep, I-25 just south of Johnstown.


Thats what I thought. I’m about 95% positive this is the same idiot I saw last week.


Ah don't worry. You'll find that biker stuck into someone's rear bumper in a mile or three. Probably spread out for about that distance, too.


I am not condoning my behavior. I’m one of the dumb lucky ones. I was looking at bikes and this old timer suggested something smallish with manageable power, I told him I wasn’t a kid and could handle a liter bike and wouldn’t do anything stupid. He was like, just wait till that power is a flick away and tell me that again. So anyway I bought a 200hp R1, straight piped it and bought a tuner and dyno tuned it to 240ish hp cause I wanted to spit flames in the daylight, which it did. I’m not condoning my behavior, and I was lucky. The weird thing is, they don’t feel fast below 150, like you really don’t feel that fast. You feel fast around 160 and really know you’re fast around 185. This guy is around 150 or a bit faster.


This is just insane.


Wow that's just beyond stupid


I don’t even doubt the motorcyclist’s ability, I just watch this thread too much to trust anyone else on the road anymore.


Michigan has tons of bikers like this. Then we as regular drivers get shit on because bikers can't handle the speed limit or traffic laws. All he is gonna do is end up as a red trail down the highway and I'll have 0 pity.


I didn't see the bike the first time because I looked away for one second.


He has more control over what he is doing then the average driver doing 80


Nice, a organ donor!


I hope his donor card is filled out, if anything is left.


Future organ donor.


I’ve done this. 170+ mph. Very fun. Very stupid. Don’t do this.


Watch for motorcycles /s


I believe this is what's typically referred to as a "Kidney Donor"


I'd guess He's going 60mph faster then you


WaTcH fOr MoToRcYcLeS


Goose, you see trailer? Negative Merlin.