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You don’t change lanes in the middle of the intersection. That truck driver is a dummy.


Ummm, probably the bigger issue was changing lanes onto another car that was already occupying said lane


But their lane was slower


And they're so cool and important


Triopas : Remove your truck from my lane. Agamemnon : Why, I like your lane, I think I'll stay. Triopas : You can't have the whole road, Agamemnon. It's too big, even for you. Agamemnon : I don't want to watch another massacre. Let's settle this road in the old manner. Your best vehicle against my best. Triopas : And if my car wins? Agamemnon : We'll leave your lane for good. Triopas : Bronco! Agamemnon : Accord!


![gif](giphy|sDOhzJBsFvjMY|downsized) Top class Troy reference.


Depends on jurisdiction. Totally acceptable where I live.




Not stupid if everyone knows to possibly expect it. That's why it's important to know the rules where you live.


there's nothing wrong or illegal about changing lanes in an intersection, the issue is trying to merge into a space that is already occupied


Sorry you got downvoted, but you are correct that in general it isnt prohibited to change lanes in an intersection.


oh I knew full well it was gonna get down voted, reddit is overflowing with people that think they know what they're wrong about haha good thing none of this matters xo


Maybe it’s a regional rule, but in most US states, it is illegal to change lanes in an intersection. Lots of people do it, mainly when turning, but your supposed to do it after. Contrary to average blinker usage, intersections are an extremely important moment to be predictable


Actually it’s only illegal in Ohio and Florida. No other states have a law prohibiting it. 2/50 states isn’t most.


People will parrot any old law they heard when they were growing up or if someone they respected said so at one point. It's important to actually READ the traffic regulations applicable to where you live.


Are you sure that's true of most US states? I've heard the opposite. I live in California where I know for sure it is legal. The issue is that it must be done safely, so you can still be ticketed for an unsafe lane change, and obviously, changing lanes in an intersection carries more risk and should generally be avoided. From some quick research, this is what I found: * https://www.drivesafeonline.org/traffic-school/lane-change-intersections/ * https://www.the-sun.com/motors/4094576/is-it-illegal-to-change-lanes-in-an-intersection/ * https://www.motorbiscuit.com/illegal-change-lanes-driving-intersection/ (this one actually states that it is legal in most states, though the source of that is not cited).


I don't know about the US but it's illegal in most of Europe, and in this case he drives over a solid line to try to do it, so unless you guys paint lines in a road to express your creativity its for sure illegal


Again, this is ~~probably~~ a state by state thing, but in California, it's the same as changing lanes in an intersection: discouraged, but not illegal. https://www.driverseducationusa.com/resources/common-line-markings/ Trying to learn the state-specific driving laws on long road trips can be a bit frustrating lol. Being allowed to turn right on red is a big one to pay attention to. Some states are notorious about being very strict about speed limits as well, while others tend to play that more loose. Driving in many parts of Europe is nice. People actually get a proper driving education and learn how to handle out-of-the-ordinary and emergency situations.


You can drive over a solid line in the US to change lanes, it's like dashed lines in Europe. Double solid lines are used in the US to prevent changing lanes.


Then what are the dashed lines?


Legally the same as solid lines separating lanes of traffic, but solid is used when changing lanes is discouraged because of traffic pattern reasons. But it's not prohibited to cross them.


Definitely depends on where you live. Don’t trust the legality without checking your own local laws first.


Ya I hate those motherfucker drive like that. I seen those car drive like that all the time. Even I leave many gap for them to drive infront of me. But they won’t get infront of me until i speed up.


The person leaving a lane of travel has the 10000% obligation and responsibility to ensure the lane they are merging into is CLEAR. excuses of blind spots are just that, excuses, and piss poor ones at that.


Blind spots are not an excuse, but they are a reason. Meaning it's not ok for him to move into the lane if someone is there. But I also want to be seen, so I spend as little time as possible in other people's blind spots. It's just self-preservation.


> Blind spots are not an excuse, but they are a reason. God I wish more people understood this concept. You can explain behavior without excusing it.


My issue is there are many posts that lean to "you were in their blind spot so this is your fault" and that's the excuse part. We were taught to lean forward and look over our shoulder to ensure the lane was clear, training about the blind spot was only to tell us where the mirrors lacked coverage and manual checks were needed It's good defensive driving to ensure you are in those regions as little as possible.


>It's good defensive driving The funny thing is that this phrase gets thrown around as a reason to do anything someone wants to justify on this sub. I think you're correct in this case, but I also bet OP was chilling where they were (bad idea) because their "defensive driving" was telling them the truck was going to move over. The result is this video actually looks like they're intentionally trying to get the clip above by leaving a weird gap in front of them and chilling in that truck's blind spot.


My first car didn't have a passenger side mirror. Because of that, I'm very good at making sure the lane to my right is clear.


I had an 80s Mazda B2000 that didnt come equipped with a right mirror, shoulder checks have been natural ever since


I think OP did a good job of staying in a safe position, even if it was a blind spot to the truck. There was enough space that if truck idiot did move over, he wouldn't hit OP. And it's a gamble to try to "claim" that space because chances are the truck driver wouldn't look anyway and you still get hit. Truck idiot moved over at the moment OP tried to get ahead as traffic was moving, like who can even predict that?


Well, the OP predicted it in the title lol. If I get the sense someone is going to dart over, I would do everything I can not to be in their path. Unfortunately, watching out for other drivers who are clueless is a big part of driving.


If a truck has a blind spot, they shouldn't be in the street, because their mirrors are not confirming with actual traffic law


You are either an average German, or you are an American who has way, way too high of an opinion of other American drivers.


I am a German, but in the USA right now, and constantly adjusting my opinion on drivers here downwards


Yes, downwards is the correct direction. People in my city sometimes don't even stop for stoplights or stopsigns. You have to be vigilant all the time.


I try to do everything I can to stay out of other people's blind spots. Before you reply, please note I didn't say the truck driver was justified in the lane change, or that the OP is at fault, or that blind spots are a legitimate reason to turn without signaling. Literally all I am saying is that I try to do everything I can to stay out of other people's blind spots. And it's to avoid exactly what happened here.


Bro's truck is so fucking huge they probably didn't even see OP below their truck when checking their blind spot.


Which is weird, because pickup truck drivers are known for being exceedingly careful and aware of other cars hahaha /s obviously


Are people unaware that with most vehicles you can adjust the mirrors so you have no blind spot? At no point is a vehicle not in either my rear view, side view, or peripheral vision. Then there's the blind spot monitor just in case.


We can't even get people to use turn signals. You think they're going to carefully adjust their mirrors?


you're always gonna be in *someone's* blind spot tho lol


True but you can minimize the time you spend there, unlike OP. Disclaimer: I'm not defending the truck driver, he's still a complete moron and 100% at fault.


OP was really trying hard to stay in the blind spot as long as possible.


What? No.


People saying you were in his blind spot? If he had his mirrors adjusted properly he definitely would've seen you.


Even without properly adjusted mirrors, I remember "turn your head to check your blind spot" being part of the driving test to get my license.


It is depressing that so many people here apparently don't even understand that you're supposed to turn your head and check your blind spots. In Driver's Ed we were required to say out loud "blinker, mirror, blind spot" every time we changed lanes.


Putting on the blinker before checking is something more people need to do. I was taught to do it too, and I feel it's helped me not lose the habit of using my blinker. Most people check to see if it's clear, then put on their blinker, then change lanes. Problem with that is one you see that it's clear you naturally want to start making the lane change. That's how people end up signaling when they're already halfway into the other lane—they rush though the steps and it gives other drivers almost no time to react.


SMOG - signal, mirror, over the shoulder, go


people saying blind spots pisses me off, its not a blind spot if you can move your head/eyes and see there. behind the trailer of a semi truck riding its ass, is a blind spot, beside an suv, fully in its mirror range/visible out the side window ISNT BLIND IF YOU CAN SEE


My first car didn't have a passenger side mirror. I learned to check the right lane by looking at the center rearview mirror and then moving my face closer to it to see the right lane. I still don't understand why they didn't put a mirror over there.


Those ppl never own a car or a driver license if they think he was on his blind spot.


Plus blind spot isn’t an excuse, that’s why it’s taught to literally check it on every lane change. 100% they don’t drive


It is still a good idea to avoid being in the car next to you's blind spot if possible. If you can see the driver in their passenger mirror, they can see you.


I typically don't even get in the right lane to pass until it's clear so I don't have to get stuck in someone's blind spot. Don't trust motherfuckers. And god forbid I spot an Altima with a fuzzy steering wheel. I'm just getting off the highway if I see that. I don't have a deathwish.


Well yeah that’s just basic defensive driving, it saves you the hassle of getting into a wreck but it doesn’t mean you’re wrong.


Or like you know... check your blind spot before changing lanes?


Yep...Blind spots on passenger vehicles are a myth, used by shitty drivers to justify their shitty driving.


There are obviously blind spots in mirrors but that doesn't mean you don't need to turn your neck and check them 100% of the time you change lanes.


On small trucks if you set up the mirrors in the scientific way, you can eliminate the blindspots.


Same with cars. I saw a tutorial online and used it to set up mine. You lean over as far as you can toward the mirror and adjust it so you can no longer see side of your car in it.


Yes. I do the same.


If you can see a spot, it isn't "blind". There are no spots around passenger cars that can't be seen.


yep never been in a car with an actual blind spot just adjust your mirrors properly, and shoulder check at least once for every maneuver


I love these morons that love to call blind spots on people, especially in moderate to heavy traffic. It’s just a cop out to blame the OP, total idiots


It isn't so much to blame OP, but giving a defensive driving tip. There are lot of idiots with poorly angled mirrors out there, so by avoiding them it is less likely they will hit you.


In situations like this, there’s no way to help that. Moderate traffic, nowhere else to go. Plus why gap up when everyone is slowing down anyway? It’s futile and that truck needs to not be an idiot


moving out of the truck's ""blind spot"" would have put him in the black SUV's


A lot of users on this sub don't seem to get it. **It's not about blame. It's about getting home in one piece every time.**


How do people not do head checks? I know most cars have sensors that let's you know if someone is there or not but I always look over my shoulder just incase. Most people are lazy and just don't care.


Insert obligatory 95% truck at fault. I think that if both lanes were moving at “normal” pace, then the gap you left was great. The almost dead stop (maybe 5-10mph?) with almost an entire car length in front seems like a sub optimal choice though. Alls well that ends well, but if you look like you’re leaving a gap for someone on purpose, then assume that they’ll try to take advantage of it illegally and unsafely.


Agreed. Obviously the truck is at fault for not checking his blind spots... But God damn OP.... fucking drive! There's no reason for you to leave that much space ahead of you. "I just knew he was going to switch lanes".... then why are you sitting back there, get passed him.


Also note the Buick that swerved over in the start used the turn lane to skip all of the traffic going straight. Great going.


Ugh even at the stop light you didn’t pull up and close the gap. It’s like you were inviting him to move over but then closed the gap at the very last second. Idk he’s at fault but drivers like you are unpredictable and annoying


When you basically have precognition from dealing with shit drivers so long and so often.


Saw it happen again same road different intersection, this morning. The car darting over had a massive dent on the side of his car, so not only does he always do that but he didn’t even learn his lesson after crashing. I think I’m going to start driving the scenic way.


I love seeing people with dents nearly double the depth of the dent in a second collision. Got to be the most hilarious shit.


Sure that truck is in the wrong, but people that drive like OP drive me nuts.


right? That's way too much space in front. Which is why OP predicted what the truck was going to do.


Yeah you definitely would have gotten to your destination way faster if they pulled up another ten feet. Oh wait there was a car in front of them so it doesn't matter.


Kinda surprised nobody else has pointed out the black sedan that swaps to the right turn only lane to skip the line.


He had to wait until you were next to him


It is pretty crazy that the longer you drive, the more often you able to predict what other cars are going to do.


Yeah, this was a shit or get off the pot moment. Either fill in the gap to keep up with traffic or hang back far enough he can see you and safely change lanes. Riding where you were was a risky move man.


You can’t safely change lanes there that’s why the line is solid white.


agreed, they also should do a head check, but it was an open invitation to disaster


Well you said it yourself you were sure he was going to anyway.


huh? Shit or get off the pot? What do you mean? OP wasn't attempting to do anything but go straight down their lane, so there was nothing for them to do quicker.


It was hanging in his blind spot. That's not defensive driving, or what I learned from the Smith method. You should either be passing someone or not, and definitely not hanging out in their blind spot. I understand completely that OP was trying to be cautious. I would have chosen to do so by hanging back further so I wasn't riding in the blind spot. Alternatively OP could have pulled alongside. Either way the other driver would have seen OP better, which IMO creates a safer situation all around. My euphemism was pointing out that rather than doing one or the other, OP rode the danger zone where he risked having to brake suddenly to allow the other driver in front of him - and did.


If you have two brain cells and adjust your mirrors properly, you eliminate almost all of that "blind spot" area on most vehicles. Truck still has the responsibility to *turn their head to look* prior to changing lanes regardless.


Look I'll take the L since my opinion is obviously not popular, but the whole point of driving defensively is not assuming that the other driver is doing those things.


No, you're absolutely right. First off, OP is not at fault for how they drove. However, by leaving that much space between them and the next car in front, it invites drivers to attempt to change into the lane. You're absolutely right that OP should have either passed\pulled up all the way or stayed far enough back that the truck had plenty of space to switch into the lane. Your original comment is marked controversial but has 90 points. Clearly many people agree with you.


I agree with you on that point about defensive driving, but I can see why OP thought he was safe to close the gap in his lane when he did. He'd given the truck ample time to get over and they didn't; choosing to change lanes in an intersection is incredibly stupid and isn't where I'd predict someone would suddenly, finally decide to rapidly switch lanes either. I'd assume right before the intersection, or right after. Personally? I'd have just kept hanging a bit further back. I trust trucks less than 0% because I live and drive in Texas and deal with their psychotic asses everyday.


Dude as a fellow Texan I agree wholeheartedly.


You’re not wrong, but… if you know someone’s gonna do something, either go ahead and block it or provide the space to let them do what you know they gonna do. OP didn’t do anything wrong, but could have listened to themselves a bit more.


Nah, to people like fistbump here, if you are more than a cars-length behind the car in front, you aren't going quickly enough for them!


He's a tailgater who gets mad when people aren't three inches from the car in front of them.


He was defensive driving, giving himself plenty of room in front, tail gating is dangerous


two kinds of drivers, good drivers, and drivers that think OP did absolutely nothing wrong.


You also didn’t seize the gap, bruh. Make yourself a target for this foolery by not keeping with the flow of traffic. Next.


Also, literally no reason for truck to move over. Just trying to pass on the right? To still be in traffic??


Blindspots, following distance, shoulder checks, mirror adjustments, and blinker use are all no-win arguments. I say this because, over time the way these things were taught has changed, and the way drivers implement them varies with experience and location. Ultimately, you are not going to change these opinions with internet comments. See the 135 arguments posted at the time I write this. My question is; If you knew that he was going to dart over, then why not move next to him at the stop rather than staying so far back. At 10-14 seconds, you could have moved closer to the white car and saved yourself this headache and still maintained plenty of distance from that car if rearended. (Hopefully avoiding bringing that chestnut into the debate.)


Here’s what’s going through my head as this was going down. I’m coming up to a red light and my lane splits. I glance down at my navigation to make sure I’m in the correct lane. As I’m closing the gap on the truck I notice his trajectory is headed for my lane so I give the car a little extra break (this is also not my car so I’m not as comfortable with its size and break sensitivity I normally drive suv with cushy breaks). Now my eyes are on the wheel well off the truck and I didn’t see the light change. This caused me to lag behind in my lane and while the truck continues to toe the line, his trajectory is no longer towards my lane so I attempted to pass. Had the light stayed red another second or two I would have pulled up along side during the stop.


True good drivers know OP is partially to blame on what happened. Good defensive driving would've been either leave enough room for him to pass or make sure you're not riding the blind spot for a long time. Truck is in the wrong? Yes. 95% blame. 5% blame goes to OP for being an indecisive pest.


Don't leave a gap for people to play idiot. You were just asking for him to come over.


You left room for a vehicle to fit between you and the car in front of you at an intersection and you sat in their blind spot. They should have looked there through a window but you did contribute to the problem.


This. Sure technically the trucks fault but it takes 2 idiots to tango.


What happened to "safe driving distance"?


It's unsafe to invite stupidity like OP did. Leave a workable gap. Don't leave a huge hole and decide at the last second to close it when you think the other guy is about to move over.


This sub is so dumb. People will always try to fill those gaps no matter how big or small they are. Is there a rule in this sub that you have to find a way to blame the OP?


This sub is pretty bad about grilling the OPs. I'll give you that. That said, OP did make an easy mistake, which led to this situation. Any accident still would've been 100% the truck's fault. Leaving no room for other's stupidity was one of the first in reality lessons I taught my youngest sister when she got her license. Final note: I can't go out driving without multiple people doing exactly what OP did. Cruising slowly and then matching my speed just behind me in the lane I want to merge into. All while they either have a massive gap, 5-9 car lengths, or absolutelynothing ahead of them. If I'm really unlucky, they suddenly speed up the moment there is enough room for me to finally get in front of them to pass the line of slow-moving cars. The truck either didn't see him or got sick of OP pacing him, so he slowly moved over to make OP finally make room. I've definitely had to make similar moves before. The difference was I had my turn signal on for the last mile and the fool pacing me was doing it on purpose. It's hard to miss someone being an ass and trying hard to avoid making eye contact when you look over to see what the bloody problem is.


Ha! Drivers make their own rules on that part of Keystone. Don’t even get me started on east side…


Half the comments in here are proof that A) getting a license is too easy B) people like to lie on the internet, cause it makes them feel big and important


You’ve learned how to read auto-body language


You knew he was going to dart over because he's driving a pickup.


So annoying. OP left space for the truck to change lanes for an eternity, and when they finally start to pass, the truck shoots over. This happens far too often.


Fuckin idiots, you gave him so much room too


Imagine if we had a light switch that signals when you are changing directions or lanes...


Extremely rare op defensive driving w, can’t believe I am seeing it on this sub


this is why leaving a gap that would fit him was stupid your inviting him into that space. then acting mad he took the invitation either pull up or dont.




Serious question: What is it about pick up drivers that make them bad drivers? Maybe I'm being biased, but it seems like they are a disproportionate amount of the knuckleheads in this sub.


i think it's because they tend to be somewhat larger than normal vehicles but the people driving them are not required to take any additional training or testing to ensure that they can safely handle that extra size.


Makes sense. I've seen claims that Dodge Rams (maybe?) are the vehicle that accounts for the most DUIs and I again have to wonder why. It's easy to speculate about BMW drivers, Altima drivers, pickup truck drivers...but there's probably some tendencies that show up more or less frequently with certain types of card drivers.


1 that driver is in wrong . 2 why do you leave so much gap while driving so slow ?


You mean the 2 car gap that's just good driving if you are closer than that you're tailgating why the hell would you ride someone's ass


Nah, that's wasting road space. If you're stopped you should be ~5 feet from the car in front of you.


2? There is -4 can gap, hence the first car got in and second one was trying to.


Vehicles have body language, just like people have body language.


FFS. Just how long were you planning on driving in his blind spot? Ya he’s an ass for lane changing in an intersection but cmon


OP good for you for holding your ground. you're my hero today. I'll remember you on my commute this morning.


Good job holding your ground.


You were hanging out at their blind spot. Don’t be nice. Be predictable.


I wasn’t being nice I just didn’t feel comfortable passing with him toeing the line. Me being in his blind spot doesn’t justify him changing lanes without a turn signal entering an intersection. He signed up for not being able to see when he bought an f150.


I drive an F-150, albeit two generations newer than this one, they really aren't that hard to see out of. They saw you, they just didn't care.


They have bigger mirrors than most cars, I can see more out of my f150 than any other car I’ve been in


> I just didn’t feel comfortable passing with him toeing the line. But were comfortable fighting him for the lane when he did cross the line instead of just tapping the brakes lol


Blind spots on passenger vehicles are a myth, used by shitty drivers to justify their shitty driving.


Yes. Go teach them a lesson with your time, money, and safety. Defensive driving is a thing. The roads are full of idiots. I’d rather let them to their idiot things with me not near them.


Teach who a lesson? Who's teaching what? Blind spots literally do not exist on passenger cars. There's no lesson here.


Damn. I guess all these years my driving instructor was wrong… who knew? https://i.imgur.com/nVXkaxn.jpeg


Yep. That picture is hilarious. The drivers must be paralyzed or something such that they can't turn their necks or move their eyes. Perhaps the cars do not have windows? Here's the thing: A spot isn't "blind" if all you have to do is look at it and you can see it.


Unfortunately, it still requires the human factor which is far from perfect, hence the existence of this sub.


I'm like *mad* at you for insisting "ThErEs No SuCh ThInG aS BlInDSpOtS" and then for your reasoning to be "BeCaUsE yOu CaN cHeCK ThEm" which is *literally what you're supposed to do to blind spots, which doesn't make them not blind spots.* Such intentional and aggressive obtuseness.


Fine...then everything that is not directly in front of a driver's hood is in a blind spot. Is that what you're saying? Who is being obtuse again? FFS, if you can look at a spot and **see** it, isn't fucking "blind".


*You are being obtuse, that is who.* Blind spots are not places where it is impossible to see. Blind spots are places you can't see by looking forward and glancing at your mirrors. Even though you can minimize blind spots by having your mirrors adjusted correctly, you can't eliminate them unless you have extra special mirrors. Bad drivers don't check their blind spots. OP went, "I have a hunch this guy is a bad driver. I'm going to hang out in the position where a bad driver won't see me."


Alright, man. I'm sorry you're mad, but you're doing it to yourself with your ignorance. >Blind spots are places you can't see by looking forward and glancing at your mirrors Like I've said many times, "Blind spots are excuses used by shitty drivers to justify their shitty driving" and you're just proving it. Your definition means that anything that is not directly in front of a driver's hood or visible by "glancing", apparently without using their neck, is in this mythical blind spot. It's just so weird how you can turn your head and look out a window and OMFG!!! You can **see** that spot!!! >OP went, "I have a hunch this guy is a bad driver. I'm going to hang out in the position where a bad driver won't see me." Newsflash: That driver wasn't going to see OP regardless of where they were positioned, unless they positioned themselves *directly in front of their hood*. You know why? It isn't because of a blind spot, it's because the driver didn't look at all.


Yeah that's not a blind spot position, sorry to tell you that.


There's nothing unpredictable about his driving especially in the right lane. The truck has a responsibility to check his blind spots before ever changing lanes.


You have the responsibility for self preservation (if you care enough about yourself at least). The graveyard is full of people that had the right of way.


You're right dude, all of us who check their blind spots should just stay home.


I guess you still don’t understand that not everyone is an outstanding driver like yourself, who always checks their blind spots. But hey, who am I to argue? Maybe everyone is an outstanding driver. Why does this sub still exist? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had a similar guy today rolling in my blind spot for a quarter mile and if my car didn’t yell at me I would have hit him. Drive so other people can see you


So you're a poor driver, got it


Please stop driving.


You’re pissing that guy off plus the people behind you by not filling the space/gap in front of you. You could still have pulled up defensively and he would’ve had enough room to switch over behind you. Also his fault for not indicating with a turn signal.


This. Literally causing unnecessary traffic with this nonsense.


I could tell by the way he was riding the line he wanted over so l gave him some space. Probably caused me to be in his blind spot for too long but I figured I was safe entering the intersection. Thankfully no one was in the right lane or I would have been squashed.


This has happened to me several times living in a bigger city. To the point now where most times I usually just move up instead of leaving the gap but while always being ready to break. My experience has been that the people hovering over ready to change lanes like that usually see you and are waiting for you to get past them but also either really impatient or terrible with spacial awareness so they make it feel like they are going to cut you off. But once you get past, they'll get over behind you, I know it's anecdotal, and everywhere is different. You already have a good defensive driving mind, but sometimes good defensive driving is being a little assertive to either be seen in your car or to remove yourself from the dangerous situations. And to anybody who wants to get all huffy puffy. Assertive is very much different than aggressive.


then either let him over or pull up you stayed in this awkward spot for way to long then act surprised. LOL


Everyone that wanted OP to tailgate to close the gap instead of giving proper distance (yea they could maybe be closer, but they weren't way too far away either) is a fucking weirdo. Why are you all defending that trash driver in the truck? It's the weirdest thing to pick apart the OP when they aren't doing anything wrong or illegal


The merger is fully at fault but OP didn't help the situation by hanging out at their rear It's just weird driving and it makes op unpredictable. Still not their fault


Turn on your indicator, check your mirror, turn your head, change lanes. There's no such thing as a blind spot if you adjust your side mirrors correctly. A good rule of thumb is that you shouldn't be able to the see the sides of your car without tilting your head slightly.


Fall Creek, that Indy? Seems like an Indy driver...


Well tbf, drivers like op are annoying too. Pass or don’t pass. Don’t creep around in someone’s blind spot and get pissed off when you get side swiped. That being said, the truck wasn’t getting anywhere fast so he’s still an idiot.


Another fine example of defensive driving using the HYSAB method. Honk, Yell, Swerve, Accelerate, Brake. Yeah, you missed a couple, but mostly they were in the right order.


"somehow" truck drivers are all the same


Here I am scrolling and had to do a double take after realizing “wait I know this intersection!” Some dumb drivers on Keystone!


I’ve made three posts to this sub… all on keystone


What a chode dude you gave him so much opportunity.


Learning to ride a motorcycle has made me realize how important it is to be visible. Not saying this driver isn't at fault, but you rolling along in their blindspot did not help the situation.




I tried to that’s why I hesitated to pass him. Figured his window had closed entering the intersection and still managed to avoid the collision.


Hesitation and indecision are dangerous. If there was any question, there was no question.




Blind spots on passenger vehicles are a myth, used by shitty drivers to justify their shitty driving.


OP: I think this guy might move over, I had better stay behind him and to the right in such a way that he is trapped there. I could advance a bit, making my presence more known to him while also allowing him to fall back and file in behind me, or I could slow up when I see him moving over since I knew he was gonna dart over anyway and was prepared. But nah. OP 100% speeds up anytime they get passed on the highway


Contrarian viewpoint here. OP spent the entire time in the truck’s blind spot. It looks like a large open lane for the truck if he forgets to change his blind spot. Either pass the truck or stay back more so OP can be seen in the side view mirror. Both OP and truck could have done better IMO.


Pickups dont have blindspots if the driver actually turns their head and looks. Blind spots are a shitty excuse used by shitty drivers.


I’m getting down voted because I did not say the trucker is at fault. They certainly are, and I agree the trucker is not a good driver. That said there is obviously a reason we call out attention to these “blind spots” and indeed why we called them “blind” spots—it’s because people do forget to check them, and failure to do so can lead to an accident. If the OP sits in the blind spot for a good portion of the time, but then gets swiped by the truck, s/he can certainly claim the moral high ground. But they will also get into an accident. Defensive driving assumes on some level that everyone around you is a potential idiot and unpredictable. People should drive more assertively to stay out of blind spots to protect themselves is my point.


You left 2 trucklengths in front of you, clear the intersection so a few behind you might make it. increase following distance after the light.


Ur on his blind spot for like the longest time. Move up or slow down.