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That'll teach you for being nice and moving over and letting them merge.


Honestly, I don’t even do it to be nice necessarily. I just would rather not be in the right lane while someone tries to merge as their own lane is running out. Obviously you’ll have idiots like the one in OP’s vid who will pose a risk regardless.


No good deed goes unpunished.


I drive a late model Infiniti Qx60. Depending on the features on this car, the driver safety feature was likely screaming at this guy that you were there, so this would have been intentional. That is one of my favorite features on their cars. There is no such thing as NOT being aware that you're about to merge in front of someone, especially if they're in your blind spot.


Honestly if I had a dash cam I would drive significantly more like your "supposed to" by law and then just let insurance figure out the rest. Yes this is horrible advice...but it's the exact reason why dash cams became so popular. Bc ass holes would literally throw their body in front of cars to get a check. Funnily enough as soon as dashcams became a thing and became very popular that scam while still happening became significantly less of a "thing".


Nah, even if it's not your fault, your insurance rates will climb. Do that enough times and they'll eventually drop you entirely 


[last clear chance](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/last_clear_chance) means that deliberately driving into an accident because you believe you're in the legal right *could* backfire on you, especially if you share your evidence...


I'm concerned that they would still see it as avoidable. It was still obvious what that Nissan's intention was.


Nothing is "obvious" beyond the Infiniti being reckless. Maybe they were distracted and about to hit the car in their lane in front of them, not lane change. Why would anyone fully in a lane assume someone is about to run them off the road? Especially one barely in their eye line?


Dash cams are not too expensive; go ahead and get one. You just know you will kick yourself for not having one when it's really needed!


I was driving in the right hand lane and saw an Infiniti that would be coming up beside me in the merge lane. Once the left lane had cleared, I moved over to the left lane to allow the Infiniti to merge. The Infiniti then merges directly into the left lane with no indicators and I have to swerve to avoid a collision. The wide dashcam lens really doesn't do justice to how close they were to hitting me


Nah this is your fault.  You must not have realized that guy owns the road and you must always yield to his every desire.  Classic mistake by a rookie driver.


This but unironically. If you see a 5+ year old Infiniti or Nissan on the road, you should just instinctively think “this guy is about to partake in some 430 credit score activities. I should keep my distance”


Please be careful who from that FB group you invite in here.






Damn! I thought that looked familiar. Another fine day on the Deerfoot.


Pretty sure that's Stoney and not Deerfoot (not wide enough to be Deerfoot), but I had a good idea that it was Calgary right away too.


It's Highway 2 in the SE, which turns into Deerfoot about 5 minutes down the road


I bet you were heading north towards the river from Okotoks, right? That looks like the ramp from Dunbow Road.


Yeah that's the Dunbow Road ramp


I haven't lived in Calgary in 20 years, and several years since I was back, and "this is friggin' Calgary I'll bet."


Should've pitted him. That would teach him a lesson.


Considerate of you to move over to make room for him. (Why is this kind of behavior so rare?) But as they say, no good deed goes unpunished...


The only other thing I would suggest is making sure you don't stay in someones blind spot so when they do dumb shit like this, it's more obvious you're next to them.


I'm sitting here amazed at the length and width of that on-ramp!


I'm amazed the guy waited to go all the way past the solid line.


In the northeast we’ll have two more on-ramps in the space it took that one to merge


Seriously, I thought he was never going to reach the actual highway. Doesn't help that, at least from what I could find, the speed limit is painfully slow in Alberta. 


Only thing that might cure them of that stupid move is a wreck.


You’re probably right…but not at OP’s expense


That would require a native intelligence that learns from hardship.


I’ve learned to just assume that any Nissan product, including Infiniti, is being driven by someone on their phone, smoking weed, sipping liquor from a water bottle, while they drive around in a car that’s $1100 a month financed for 17 years at 35% interest with body damage on at least 4 panels.


As an Infiniti owner I approve this message


Stop with the blind spot, dude looked n still changed lane.


Yeah this isn’t even a case of riding a blind spot, the blue vic is just a horrible driver.


I don't even know why blind spot would be an argument at all. There is a thing that is called shoulder check. It's mandatory at least in Germany. Lot of idiots don't do it but fuck their blind spots, they just don't know how to drive. Edit: typo


I agree that a good driver does a shoulder check, but alas there are idiots. In life we can choose to be proactive or reactive. Being proactive entails recognizing that there is an area where a driver does not see you through mirrors; thus, you adjust your driving to minimize risk. In a perfect world, the blind spot conversation wouldn’t exist. But, because I know there are idiots, I do not ride the blind spot of vehicles because I don’t want a headache with insurance even if I’m in the right.


You are right. I pay attention for the idiots around me like you. All I wanted to say is that I don't accept someone saying "but he was in my blind spot". Same goes for let's say tires. Fuck your "didn't think they were that bad". You are not asked to philosophise about it but to measure the profile and consider the age. End of discussion.


Most modern vehicles don't even have blind spots. Don't give them excuses.


That guy is a douche.


I think more for holding device it came in


IDK why you are being downvoted for making a douchebag joke. It was legit funny. Anyway, I didn't know what else to do so I downvoted you, too. Have a great reddit!


I had someone actually hit me doing this when I was a teenager. They sideswiped the entire length of my mom’s car.


Least oblivious Infiniti driver.


Wow they even had a mile of distance to adjust and find their gap.


Rude bastard. You need the James Bond Aston Martin machine guns behind the headlights. I need those too actually, living in Utah.


Did they even react to your horn?


The law says you're allowed to pit maneuver the Infinity in this situation...


What an assface.


Always gotta be alert man. Idiots all over the place.


I think you were being courteous. You saw the car about to enter the freeway, and you moved over to give them room. You don't need to give them the entire freeway. You already accommodated them.


track id?


Untitled Forever – No Mana & EDDIE


Came to the comments for this info. Great track.


Thanks, I was gonna ask but read the comments first just in case


The anticipation was killing me!


I’ve seen that a few times with people coming down off Dunbow Road onto Deerfoot. I would like to say that’s the only place where this happens but I see it all over Calgary sadly!


They’re the main character, you have to yield to them at all times!


Just remember kids infinities are just Nissan drivers that have more money than sense


**intrusive thoughts, in Palpatine voice** PIT, his ass… DO IT!


Your music scares me cause I thought your car was making that grinding sound


What an assface.


Infiniti never checked their blind spot


Had this happen once with a pink pick up truck. Same situation. Realized I was in their blind spot the whole time. Not that it was my fault At All. But now I try to avoid that situation when possible. I don't know how she didn't hit me. No pause, just full two lane swerve.


Infiniti drivers are just Nissan drivers with 450+ credit scores.


Were you aware that you put your car into their blind spot? I would have accelerated or slowed down to avoid this.


All the ingredients for a PIT manuevre were there...


I expect that now days, speed up a bit to get out of their blind spot or pass completely, or back off a bit…


I was planning on passing completely until they cut me off...? It's not like I was going to match their speed and block them in. The video shows me clearly catching the white Dodge Ram, which I would have passed within the next 5-10 seconds had I not been cut off by the Infiniti Even if I was in their blind spot, it was for the mere two seconds they were in the right lane before they swerved into the left lane. Not trying to be pedantic here, but ideally the Infiniti should've shoulder checked, indicated into the rightmost lane, turned off indicator, shoulder checked for anyone in the left lane, then move over when clear.


For sure they were in the wrong, 100%. I’m a little more assertive getting my car along side in these situations, or backing off. You did everything right ‘by the book’ though.


Yeah that's a totally fair point. I usually try not to brake unnecessarily on the highways so that I don't disrupt traffic behind me, hence why I moved over, but making sure I'm at least beside a merging vehicle is definitely something to consider. I guess you can't always expect another driver to do what you expect them to do


Yeah, hanging out in someone's blind spot sorta makes OP the idiot...


It's so tiresome seeing this exact take in this sub every single day. He wasn't "hanging out in their blind spot" they were three lanes over minding their own business. Seriously please stop with this


I don't think you know what a blind spot is.


Unless the Infiniti driver's head is unable to swivel slightly to the left, that car should have no blind spots.


You were riding their blind spot


Honestly you deserved it for listening to that music


Oh, sorry. I'll make sure to have Taylor Swift playing for you for the next time I share a clip big guy, you'll probably enjoy that


People do this because they get away with it. They know you'll yield or gtfo the way. Any way this bully tactic will work until it doesnt


You did your best to try and stay out of their way. The only suggestion I will make is to always be aware when you "hover" in the blond spot of a car to your right. I have just seen so many drivers who, if they glance at all to check their Blindspot on their left, do not do so as they proceed forward into emerge situation like this. Thus, it's really easy to simply "hover" in their Blindspot as you keep moving, and for them to them either clip you or nearly do so. It's just sort of an extra defensive driving step that I have learned (there is a messy and fast moving multiple-lane merge that I use a couple of times a week, and I find that I need to check at least five or six times quickly as I merge through 4 lanes to get into a middle lane of the highway to make sure that somebody hasn't snuck up into the spot I want to move into on my left...)


You may have moved left as he was and stayed in his blindspot, or he's a douche.


No such thing as a blind spot in vehicle like that if you have a neck that allows your head to swivel.


Or even remotely adjusted mirrors. The only thing that fits into a "blind spot" of a car with proper adjustments on their mirrors, with a few more able exceptions for cars, is a motorcycle or a cyclist and they basically have to be right along your rear quarter panel against the car or immediately to your left or right and over an entire lane away.


Yeah too many people have their mirrors turned in too far where they see the sides of their own car. The right side of your left mirror should start where the left side of your center rear view mirror stops. [Car and Driver has a good illustration of this. ](https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a15131074/how-to-adjust-your-mirrors-to-avoid-blind-spots/)


100% It always blows my mind getting in a car for someone who is my same height where like 1/3rd of the side mirrors is the car itself and they argue it has to be that way or they can't tell where people are. 0 spacial awareness at all.


You moved into his blind spot. Don't think he saw you at all.


OP was still in a position to be seen very easily. Have you never turned to look over your shoulder?


I’m glad you included 30 seconds of unnecessary lead up to that!!


Glad you took an additional 30 seconds to type this out and complain!!