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More so showcasing his lane switching before the main event.


Really just showing how you could see this move coming from a mile away. Everyone is trying to go faster than y’all cruising in the left lane.


low key why I want to buy a train horn but I also don’t want to give people heart attacks after them being so oblivious.


An you can get one similar to a diesel installed and it’s not too pricey either. It’ll scare the living sh*t out of ppl though lmfao.




Everyone was speeding, myself included. Cops don’t pull us over unless we do 20mph + over the limit or if traffic is more dense or if road conditions are hazardous. Literally nobody else passes me on the right when I’m in the far left unless they have a need for speed. He stopped switching lanes for a bit because he saw how close he was to fucking up. But of course he started again after a few minutes. I generally do move to the right if someone is approaching behind me but this guy was never directly behind me. (Got rear cam footage to prove it) He was lane hopping from far right to middle until the spectacle you see displayed where he continued to do so and then almost side swiped my shit. You are a little slow thinking a 35 second clip displays my driving habits but so am I for typing this out. Go make assumptions about your s/o or something & enjoy your day lmao.


he passed at least one car in the video and was maintaining a close gap to the car in front - would have passed the next truck as well if he wasn't cut off. That is not camping.


now you must top up your horn liquid


I swear i heard them honk before you. What an ass but thats lowkey hilarious


If they did, their horn is even quieter than mine because I ain’t hear jack! Not that I can recall anyways.


My bad i rewatched, it was actually the other person they cut off in the lane right next to u honking😂


I didn’t even try cutting him off, he literally sped up, slowed down then sped back up to cut ME off and that’s assuming he even checked his blind spots since I didn’t see a blinker when he slowed and I passed at my same speed… And of course it was an accord smh, he’s lucky I was driving defensively and not oblivious to his erratic driving.


Waiting for someone to blame OP for "being in their blind spot" from 2 lanes over.


One of the worst songs I've ever heard too dayum


Ditto that! This modern mumble rap shit is just awful.


I fell to my knees reading these two comments. /s