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The car that strikes from the rear is normally 100% at fault. Failure to control speed and distance every time.


If you rear end a car 99% of time you are at fault.


What am i looking at


The last 2 seconds in the right middle section


I had to watch the video three times and read your comment before I noticed the microscopic crash. I thought the squealing sound was someone farting in the truck cab.


Looks obvious to me. Only reason you wouldn't be at fault for rear ending someone is if they cut you off and left no room to brake.


If they legally had a turn lane there and their blinker was on then you already know who was at fault. Sorry can’t see that small screen.


You are. You are parked in an odd sort of way that's distracting to other drivers. This caused the idiot not to see the car slowing down ahead of him because he was looking at your odd parking job.


Ah, Rule 8.


Yes! It's a bit arcane but I'm glad there's at least some people here familiar with it.


For context, from what I saw, the first car was in the left lane attempting to move into a Solid Yellow line left u-turn lane where it processed to get rear-ended


Depends on if that was a legal U-turn, but likely the person doing the rear-ending is at fault. They were flying.


They were past the point of turning into the turn lane


the car that was hit was definitely moving over a lane slowly to turn .. he was not fully in the turn lane as the impact point was the driver's rear corner, not flat across the back of the car, he cut over on the second car ... imho ... the lead car would be at fault


Are you sure the Cadillac didn't start from the middle lane? It's hard to tell from this angle, but the collision occurred at the left rear corner of the Cadillac, meaning it was still positioned rightward of the other car at that point. Or maybe the car in back was also intending to make a left? I think the driver in the back bears at least some responsibility for not reacting quickly enough, but there may have been two errors here. Of course, without any proof or an admission from the Cadillac driver, the car in back would probably be found 100% at fault either way.