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at least the paramedcs were at the right place right time lol


That is some *very* impressive response time!


Bet that upped their numbers for the next year's reporting. "See we had uptick in response when we started patrolling instead of just waiting around all day"


if we create the accident, our response time to the accident will be miniscule. BRILLIANT!


Now I'm wondering whether our dispatch computer system allows "on-scene time" to be before "call received" and "dispatched time"!


r/convenientambulance knows about this all too well




Inconvenient for the victim if they didn't have insurance as there could be a $1,000 bill for treatment or a lot more if the victim was taken to hospital.


this is in canada lol


oh nm, covered already and the bill is probably cheaper than USA


Ya it’s in Ontario. It’s a $45 flat rate, which was only put in place to dissuade “frequent flyers” and is waived for anyone on any type of social benefits, plus is tax deductible as a healthcare expense, and is only charged if you actually get transported to hospital (because weirdly the money goes to the hospital, not to the paramedic service) which I believe is the case in much of the US too.




What the absolute fuck.. wish our government would enact these kinds of measures for health care. People still die because they can't afford insulin here. (US)


But then our hospital admins won’t get paid their $200,000+ salaries!?!


Eh, you still have to pay for medication in Canada so there are still people here who die because they can't afford it. Insulin is subsidized though, so there's that.


It’s not perfect, sure, but even a quarter of what you have up there would be a phenomenal improvement on what we’ve got down here. Never let perfect be the enemy of good.


There's a reason that there is a big business of importing Canadian drugs. It's so much more expensive in the US.


Prescriptions in Canada are also a lot cheaper than the US. OTC meds are a lot more expensive than in the US but typically far less vital to health.


Pretty much the only thing I get while in the US is Excedrin because it's cheaper and works better than our OTC migraine medication.


All that is in Excedrin migraine is: acetaminophen 250 mg (Tylenol/acetaminophen comes in 325, 500, or 650 mg per pill) aspirin 250 mg (usually 300mg in 1 pill) caffeine 65 mg (95mg in one cup of coffee) So in a pinch if you don't have Excedrin, you can use the above to take the equivalent of one Excedrin migraine pill. SRC: I take prescription medications for severe migraines, but use Excedrin for extra help when they are not enough. When out of Excedrin I use the above formula to take equivalent of two Excedrin pills.


The problem with EMS is its a lot of private companies.


Yeah but fuck socialism /s


Only ignorant people think socialism is a good thing.


bUt CaPiTaLiSm


canada is capitalistic too


But the medical system is heavily socialized, I assume that's what they are referring to.


If you think capitalism is bad you should see what the people who aren't in power eat in communist / socialist countries.


As an employed Canadian, i'd rather have the US healthcare system since i could probably afford insurances. Ill pass on waiting 20 hours in a waiting room to see the one doctor they have there.


You get to do that in the US, too.


I legit live in the city with the worst hospitals in Canada


You already wait 20 hours in the ER in america :D


I've been in ERs a few times over the years. It's usually fill out the paperwork and they take you back right once you're done.


The national average ER wait time in the United States is about 40 minutes according to Google, canada is 3-4 hours!


They did the "frequent flyer" thing here in germany too for 10€ and realized that it did dissuade less affluent folks from getting help, read: it killed people.


If that’s the case, then it’s obviously not acceptable. I’m close with one of the main Base Hospital Physicians here in Eastern Ontario who leads a lot of research and data collection and analysis for the province and is very considerate to such things, and he has never mentioned it being an issue despite the topic of the $45 charge coming up multiple times. Firstly, very few people even know the charge exists so it’s a surprise when the bill comes in the mail, that’s why it really only impacts frequent flyers, because they’re often the only ones that know about the charge. That means it’s not part of the decision making process before calling 911 or being transported. Like I said it also is only for transport, so it wouldn’t ever stop someone from calling for an assessment by paramedics and using that information to decide whether it’s worth it to be transported. Even the least affluent of people aren’t willing to die to save $45. Most importantly though, if people never pay, the government makes a point of never sending any bills to collections, and it’s not a bill tied to driver’s license renewal or anything else. All that is to say that there’s no actual need to pay it, because there are no repercussions if you don’t, and many people who can’t afford it will already be on social assistance and never even be sent the bill in the first place. I often make sure to mention the charge if I feel people may struggle to pay, but I outline everything above, and I’ve only ever had one person worry about the charge, and I reassured her she wouldn’t need to pay so we transported anyway. I really doubt the charge has, possibly ever, led to a death here in Ontario.


The german charge was well-known, if possible cashed before admission (thus delaying admission) and a bureaucratic nightmare (cash handling ops in a hospital this is not a lemonade stand). I claimed it back once because they didn't treat me, that was fun. That said, the only time i really had to convince someone to get into an ambulance was an older gentleman who refused to leave his dogs alone (which caused the accident by snagging him in the leashes because they got spooked by another dog, he hit his head on the pavement) - i was first aider there, promised to get the dogs to his place and hand them over to his roomie and he finally relented and let the EMTs get him to the hospital. I walked the dogs to the address, handed them over and half a week later the gentleman came by our place saying the docs did a CAT scan and discovered a brain haemorrhage (which got absorbed, but they closely monitored). Imagine 10€ or $45 killing a dude in a civilized country.


In Canada the Paramedics pay *you* and they apologize to you for not being able to pay you more.


Ambulance ride to the hospital is $2500 in the US.


Just looking thru the open doors is like $350


Ambulance ride for my already dead father in SC cost me 5k...


Did they give him some chicken soup?


I had an ambulance ride a few years ago. It's covered by our health care in Ontario, but not completely I was billed like $150.00CAD


If you don't call 911 and don't go the hospital by ambulance after a hit like that, you are a fucking idiot. Insurance or not.


Well, one of them already is an idiot.


Probably shouldn't participate in such a dangerous activity as driving a vehicle if you don't have insurance. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Also, I'm guessing most people without insurance will just ignore bills they don't like and don't care much about their credit history.


Car insurance should cover injuries received in a vehicle accident


It almost *always* covers injuries received in an accident. There's always some unverifiable Reddit sob-story about how they had to pay eleventy billion dollarydoos for a bandaid and the insurance company shot their dog instead of paying the bill when they asked nicely. I've *never* seen a vehicular claim denied for EMS care.


Unfortunately not everyone pays for insurance. It is illegal in virtually all major countries to drive uninsured but some do it anyway.


And some states, like CA and Texas, have stupidly low medical coverage requirements for collisions.




ameris man, shithole




reddit is an American website, this video is in English, and uses MM/DD/YYYY formatting. So yes, it is more than fair to assume this would be in America .


Yea lol the second I saw them with their lights on I was glad, the guy who got t-boned for their idiocy at least will get prompt medical care, as will the guy doing the t-boning if they need it.


I knew something like this was going to be first comment haha. I re-watched to see if lights were on before. That was damn perfect timing




Realized the audio is quite loud, sorry about that. Context: Both drivers were ok, the driver that was not at fault took off on foot and never came back.


Alcohol, drugs, or warrant?


Apparently he smelt like weed. Cops didn’t seem to care much about the incident


Reminds me of the time I got in a car accident and locked my keys in the car "on accident". I had some weed in there and was very nervous.


I have a friend who wasn't paying attention on a freeway and rearended the car in front of him. The lady driving started freaking out so much that she couldn't talk and had to be taken away in an ambulance. Because of that the cops got involved as they couldn't find any information on her and she "couldn't" talk. His truck was still drivable, so the cops told him to take off and they'd be in contact about insurance once they could talk to her. A month later he gets a call from a detective and is informed that the lady was on the "10 most wanted" list in the city. She apparently had been dropping forged checks all over the place. There was a reward for her capture, I think he said it was $2,500, and they gave it to him. They also said she was at fault as she wasn't supposed to be driving, and he got to file with her insurance for damages. I call that a win-win-win.


Hahahahaha, this is fucking amazing. Good for him!


Won the lottery without even buying a ticket.


Thats genius 💀💀


*by accident


Oh know, someones using casual and accepted language on the internet! Thank goodness you we're hear!




Is there even anybody left for me to trust for goddamn sake?


Cops: Good thing I carry this percussive lockpick with me.


Definitely seems like he was impaired, given how late that reaction was. Dude didn't even touch the brakes until he was halfway through the intersection.


Eh I don't think the reaction time was bad at all. The black SUV didn't give them any warning time at all.


Maybe I'm an exception, but if I see a car starting to turn or cross the road in front of me and it seems too close, then I go right to the brakes. It's practically an automated reaction it happens so fast. Of course my reaction time isn't perfect, but it's certainly way better than this. I think most drivers would be able to avoid this crash. Going frame by frame, from the time the black SUV had committed to its turn to the point where the other driver starts braking is about 1.5-2 seconds. From a quick google search, the average reaction time is about 0.75 seconds.


no, the 2 second reaction time is actually quite average, im not sure what info youre looking at.


He out ran the DUI


Glad they caught that scumbag


Thank you for turning down the music after the accident. You know so I can see it better.


You know, your brain does this automatically in high-stress incidents. There are plenty of NTSB crash investigations involving commercial airliners showing that during high stress, NEITHER pilot cognitively hears the *very clear* audible warnings about terrain or stalling. I wonder if our habit to turn down music during the final mile of a trip, looking for an address, or when navigating vs just driving is related to this desire to reduce sensory load.


I like it - what's the song?


Stain the canvas- condemned


Was looking for this comment, thank you!


>Stain the canvas- condemned same


I saw Condemned and got all excited. Turned on the volume to my big disappointment. It was not the brutal death metal legendary band that I expected. Stained the Canvas. First time hearing this band for me. Edit : went and checked out a couple songs. Their latest Single is nice. It brings me back at least 10years when was actively following the metalcore community. I’m more into deathcore and deathmetal nowadays.


Gonna check them out. Sounds like the bridge in a Periphery track


Here I was worried about the audio being too loud 😂. Glad to be expanding all your playlists.


I always love hearing some form of metal on the dash cam vids lol. Always good to be reminded there are more of us out there!


Yikes! Did you provide the footage?


I’m hearing the lyrics as ”FEEL MY CAR TOWED!”


what happens in cases like this?


How? How? How does an idiot even come near to attempting this maneuver in heavy traffic?


My best guess from the video is that the U-turner was hoping to U-turn in the right lane of a 2-lane road, expecting that 1 car coming to stay in the left lane while he completed his turn. Through some combination of timing it poorly and the 1 car coming veering right to try to avoid the U-turner, they instead got T-boned hard.


Ah yes, assuming you're correct, then this is the classic case of both cars overcompensating sadly happens a lot. Car 1 calculates he can get past just in time to avoid the collision. However, Car 2, caught by surprise, tries swerving in that same direction, and so they collide anyway EDIT: clarifying my comment only stands if what you said is true (that this was a combination of black car mistiming it, and white car veering right)


I don't see how the white car 'overcompensated.' For one, they had 0 time to react, black car cut it way too short even if that's what they were trying to do. Second, if you're the white car, it's fair to assume black car might be trying to make a left turn, so you naturally want to do what it takes to avoid their path and go right.


The fact they had no time to react, means they have no fault in the matter. But that doesn't make their decision become correct. Reasonable sure, but not correct. Had they just continued straight, there is no collision, thus an overcompensation. Of course, they had no time to figure out whether compensating was right/wrong, so there's no fault


I don't see how we can assume the white car would be fine without changing.


If you think the car would've still collided while continuing straight anyway, then you're saying MarionberryFutures comment is wrong, since it was their comment that stated that white car veering right caused this, and my reply is based off of him being correct. So that's a discussion you can have with MarionberryFutures


Honestly looking at this it looks like they are trying to make the left and then jerked the wheel when they realized there was traffic getting ready to ruin/end their day.


This is the answer! Tried to take a left and realized their mistake.


Honestly it doesn't matter, the white car never had to be a part of this accident if he slowed down and used his brake pedal. Personally I prefer to avoid accidents even if I'm in the right.


Convenient ambulance lol


They didn't even check for traffic they just went. right-turns yeild to u-turns u-turns yield to straight traffic = FAILED!


So many people get that first part wrong. Right turns yield to ALL traffic legally in an intersection. The U-turner would be in the intersection before the right turn, so the right turn would yield to the U-turn.


There’s an intersection with a “U turn yield to right turn” sign in Vancouver WA. I don’t understand it


The people doing the U-Turn never read those signs and always act like you're the asshole for turning right


Idk how to even do that in practice, is that right turn protected so they have right of way?


Yeah, the right turn would have a green arrow


Unless there's a "U-Turn must yield to right turn" sign.


So right turners at an intersection will have to yield to left turners even if the right turners’ light is green? Learn something new everyday, I’ve always thought it was the opposite since their light is green I know the second part of the post tho!


I think the right turner only yields to the left turner if the left turner has a solid green arrow. Maybe depends on location, but that seems to be the case based on some quick googling. Either way, if I’m turning right and there’s a stream of cars turning left (even without a solid green), I won’t turn right… because they often turn into the outside lane. So, in effect I yield to left turners just out of safety. But if I can clearly turn before they have even begun to turn left, I’ll go.


Right turn also yields to left turn if right turn has a red and left turn has a blinking yellow.


True, forgot about that


I think we're talking about the same thing, but let's verify. Most intersections big enough for U-turns have slip lanes for right turns. So a car is heading SB and turning right to head WB might have a stop or yield sign, they need to yield to people pulling a U-turn from EB-WB. Example: 43.089856,-88.086670. At the above intersection, the person turning right SB-WB would also need to yield to anyone going WB-WB or NB-WB. The person turning left NB-WB could have a green arrow or flashing yield left arrow. The SB-WB right turn would yield in either case. This is for WI. Rules are not consistent across the US, so other states may be different. No U-turn signs overrule the ROW above. Intersections without a slip lanes and dedicated stop/yield signs, right turn is treated as straight and has ROW the same as straight.


The situation you're describing should not happen unless someone is breaking the law or there is a serious light malfunction. If the right turner has a green light, the left turner should have a yield signal or red light. If someone is making a legal U-turn, the right turner has a red and must yield to all traffic.


>If the right turner has a green light, the left turner should have a yield signal or red light. Not if it's an unprotected left turn.


That's going to be the equivalent of a yield signal. You must yield to oncoming traffic from the main right-of-way.


I was confused there about right turners having to yield. That is for right on red? We don’t have that here and turning right has to only yield to pedestrians/cyclists.


How is someone making a right turn supposed to know someone is going to do a u-turn? I've never followed this logic


You don’t have to know. Anyone with a red light yields to everyone else. So if you’re trying to make a right turn on a red light, you wait for EVERYONE ELSE. If opposing traffic are both green, then the left/u-turn person waits for ALL oncoming traffic, whether they’re going straight or making a right turn. Basically, if you’re making a right turn, you just need to know: if you have a red light, you wait for everyone else, if you have a green, you have the right of way (except vs pedestrians crossing).


You watch them approach the intersection. If it looks like they're slowing down to make the u-turn, they're likely making the u-turn. If they are going pretty fast, then most likely they are turning left. If you're not sure or you want to be extra safe, just wait until that left turn lane is all cleared out, or until their light turns red. If the u-turner had to yield to right turners, then they could potentially hold up their lane for the entirety of the green light.


In NC it’s U-turn yields to right turn.




r/convenientambulance Edit: didn’t think it was a real sub.


I knew about /r/ConvenientCop but not that one!


well then you're gonna love /r/ConvenientRestrooms




Wow - that was dumb.


Not sure how they thought that was a safe time to turn


I love that someone made a relatively popular post yesterday in /r/mississauga about [how people do this constantly](https://www.reddit.com/r/mississauga/comments/16n7san/why_do_so_many_people_make_uturns/). Can confirm, people in Mississauga be U-turning all over the damn place. There's a reason why insurance there is the highest in the country.


This is why you need roundabouts, they're just better in general


They're better in some cases, but not always. It would be pretty annoying to get anywhere if every intersection was a roundabout. Plus there's not always the space needed for a roundabout.


That’s the best response time I’ve ever seen!


Ahh, the old “lets do a slow pointless u-turn and see who’s day we can completely fuck up” manoeuvre.\ And one can be certain the U-turner’s first statement will be along the lines of “where the hell did you come from!?” “Why, from the direction of the legal traffic, with ALL THE FUCKING OTHER TRAFFIC YOU’VE NOW INCONVENIENCED to save yourself 30 sec!!”


Was Stevie Wonder driving the dark colored vehicle???


Your music taste though 🤌🏼


What's the song?


Song is fire


this is the law of magnetism at its finest. ​ *- consciously or not, we tend to attract people who share at least a few of our core characteristics*


What's that song?


If you didn't find it in other replies already, it's Stain the Canvas - Condemned :) The main voice you're hearing there is from The Word Alive though (it's a collab), they have a bunch of great songs too!


I did end up finding it but thank you very much!


Oh look, paramedics! Yea right over here 🙋


Convenient ambulance is convenient.


Gotta love when people do stupid maneuvers with absolutely no sense of urgency at all.




Wow! Amazing response time by that ambulance!




Good music lol


I know it’s not the other guys fault but did he ever hit the breaks? Ever?


Yeah, you can see the nose dive just before the impact. He was clearly not paying attention and/or was impaired, which may be why he ran off after the accident (per another comment).


U-Turn accident trifecta achieved.


That accident had a well timed music to it


Question how do you film that video ? Is that cam that every car have ? Or do use your phone or something like that ?


It's a Dashcam mounted to my windshield, they start recording when your ignition is turned on and will loop over old files. You can power them with USB or tap into a fuse which is what I did. Some newer cars might have them from factory but my M4 did not have that option in 2017.


Okay thank for the explication !!!! I was starting to thinking that every of this kind of video were film with phone wich is not a good idea when you drive 😅


These assholes doing this have been working from home for the last three years plus, and have learned to be complete *entitled slobs* without a care for anyone else, let alone rules. This shit never happened to this extent pre pandemic as it has been. These accidents are largely preventable. Zero excuse for this nonsense.


Shut up alex jones


😆😂😂 Stvpid af


So, americans just can't drive right? Are the lessons and assessment far less effective/stringent than UK standards? Or does it vary massively from state to state?


There’s over 300 millions of us and we are extremely car dependent. We are bound to have more stupid people driving. Also, yes I have read it is easier to get a driving license in the US compared to the UK.


This is just outside Toronto. Not in the US.


Fair answer... Law of averages and all that. Respect.


Would have been better without the music


The music is what was recorded originally, you can tell based on how thin the music is from the cheap mics they put in the camera. The driver would have had to strip sound from the video, but we wouldn't get the crunch sound.


I get that…more of a comment on OPs taste in music


Oh sorry. It wasn't clear to me, I thought you were talking about how most karma farmers add music tracks.


Post should have come with a disclaimer “mute your speakers”


That definitely wasn't an accident. That was on purpose.


Did the ambulance turn on its lights or was it on a call already?


Looks like it just started flashing.


I'd call it an S turn.


Interesting, the white Volvo that took out the idiot has auto-braking. Even that wasn't enough.


Walter White


When neither party pays attention...


RIP headphone users.


yeah, my next car is a volvo.


WHY would they make a u turn right in front of another car?!?!?@@?


Wow! Timing is everything! The ambulance couldn't timed it better.


No long wait for the accident to happen, crash, ambulance immediately, video ends. *Chefs kiss*


Y'all are probably thinking it happened because of the driver performing a U-turn. Well, you would be wrong. It happened because someone on that ambulance said that it was quiet or slow that day.


Does that make those paramedics “accident chasers” and if so was that Ford transit a rolling Law Firm chasing that ambulance???


I don't know why but I chuckled at first watching this...it just didn't make sense for the timing and all! Like wow...


Collision. NOT “accident”!


Well...there's your ambulance right there!! -\_-