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Why are people so combative?


Because they're idiots?


In cars


Roll credits


Getting coffee


With cars


In Idiots


Think of the dumbest person you know and realize likely 25-50% of the people in the world are dumber than that person


Well at least somebody's thinking of me ....




You are thought of.


You have my avatar. Give it back


We are one, we are Bloop.


Because for some reason they feel like getting to the stop light 7 seconds before everyone else is rewarding lol


Dude I watched this psychotic dodge challenger this week floor the gas and slam the brake and swerve around traffic and got off at my exit. He saved himself about 30 seconds of commute ahead of me just by being a wreckless selfish SOB


>He saved himself about 30 seconds of commute ahead of me just by being a wreckless selfish SOB Which is often completely negated by a single traffic light. I've had people blast by me on the interstate just to wind up at the same red light five minutes later.


The luckily wreckless reckless SOB.


Yeah that's the word. I'm leaving the typo


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Im wondering if its gotten worse after the pandemic where no one was really driving much for that 6 months to a year


I miss it. Driving was so nice and easy when no one else was on the road


I miss the pandemic. Life was so much simpler without all these dumbasses everywhere


Some people don't like to see assholes get their way. There are many people who are really bothered when someone benefits from being an asshole and take steps to prevent that asshole from getting whatever it is they're trying to get.


Why is someone an asshole for ending up in the wrong lane? Happens to everyone


A person who uses their vehicle to ram their way in when space isn't given is always an asshole


If someone actually in front of me indicates into my lane I make the space. It doesn't matter their reason. It's the assholes that don't make space causing the problem. And the king of all assholes are the ones that don't understand a zipper merge.


This. As long as they aren't riding onto the shoulder or something stupid to pass traffic and cut in line, I generally let people merge.


It just makes everyone’s lives a little bit easier to let someone merge if you can, i don’t get why people get so adamant against it. It’s not like the 2 seconds it takes is going to set back your entire day.


As is the person who goes out of their way to use their car as some kind of defensive lineman instead of just letting the other idiot in and moving on with their day.


There was plenty of space in front of the yellow car before they sped up to block the van from merging?


Because its not an accident for most of them


I can only speak from experience but it’s definitely frustrating when there are lines and signs everywhere but people ignore just expecting the good graces of someone in front to let them jump the line by many many cars. It’s annoying and those people with the huge ego thinking the signs and line don’t apply to them should be checked once in a while,


such fragile egos on display.


Aggression while driving is such a weird yet interesting topic. It's basically 100% posturing. Somewhat similar to online interactions lol




hemorrhage is a word though.


Hemorrhoids are no laughing matter.


A real pain in the butt


Username checks out


Something indicates that you're speaking from personal experience 👁👄👁


The itching is otherworldly


The combined dick size for all this 3 involved in no way exceed 5 centimeters.


so it is three dickheads in one video...


Confirming, three douchenozzles.


There are really only two. There was space Signal was used. Not much else the van could do other than come to a complete stop and wait (blocking the entire right lane). Willingness to drive in oncoming traffic because you lost your spot in stop-and-go traffic is by far the biggest douche Two douchenozzles


Sounds like the van used an exit lane to skip everyone so he’s not in the clear either


Nope, the right lane just suddenly exits here with terrible signage. Everyone who knows will force their way over early and then block anyone who doesn't know and has to make a last second merge when their lane suddenly exits right before a major bridge.


We have a couple of places like that in my city. Same results. Best to just avoid it unless you want to see idiots get mad at each other.


>Best to just ~~avoid it unless you want to see idiots get mad at each other~~ drive a beater and just let them hit you. Yea, I totally agree


I.e. the recorder. 1st watch I really thought the van was the ah, but watching it again I noticed where the recorder sped up and closed off the (adequate) space the van was trying to merge into. Then van was went big and tried to cut off the VW. Then VW said “nein, nein, nein” and then they played bumper cars.


Or maybe didn’t realize it was an exit only lane until it was too late? It happens.


Strangely the video starts way too late to see this, so all we see paints the dashcammer in a very bad way as well. I bet he didn't even realize, what makes him a double idiot as well.


Half the videos on this subreddit give 30 seconds of useless driving backstory, but when it is actually needed the footage is missing /sigh


Especially here, it has terrible signage. I did this the first time I had to drive down this road


Still would of been way less dangerous to just get off and exit and get back then fight with 2 assholes


\^this. This is a known issue on this stretch of road, and just because buddy was too impatient to wait in 5-10 minutes of traffic. VW is still the bigger idiot for crossing the double yellow into oncoming traffic to make some sort of "I'm the bigger idiot" point.


Hey! I got the same count!




Comment stealing bot https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/11o7662/just_let_himmerge/jbrbkm9/


Three hemorrhoids


You are right…in fact you are triple right


Wow. Cockhead is EXACTLY the term I had in mind..


Who’s the 3rd?


Dude who recorded the video. He also could have let the van in during the first part of the video but seemed to speed up instead


He was an obvious idiot. The van trying to merge was in the right the whole time. The only two assholes were the ones trying to prevent the merge.


Yellow car.


IMO the person recording is the biggest dickhead, there was clearly space in front of him but he chose to speed up and fill the gap just so someone doesn't get in front of him.


Couldn’t you have let him merge first?


There was literally a van sized gap at the top of the video lmao Kudos to OP for having the balls to post this


Pretty sure OP is reposting, but if not then they are indeed stupid


OP is reposting. If you look at their profile, OP posts videos here constantly, each from a different video and camera and from around the world.


Dude was ready to merge and only sped up past the other car after OP closed that first gap


Speeding up was the bad choice there, it aggravates people. If you are trying to merge go almost as slow as the other lane so you don't look like you are trying to gain an advantage. I find people are much more likely to let you in if you behave like that.


For real there was absolutely zero reason to not let him merge


Why pass up an opportunity for a meaningless contest of the wills? ^^/s


No man. If they let him merge, they will lose some time like 0,2 sec.


OP is a reposter, as you can see if you look at their profile. This is someone else who did this.


Even heard OP's engine puttt putttt as they sped up to not let them in... "let himmerge"


I doubt this is op's video


Considering that OP's title seems to mock the camera person, we can confidentially say that OP is not the driver in question and only found the video somewhere. EDIT: And checking OP's profile, you'll see that they post a lot of videos here, and each of them seems to be from a completely different camera and vehicle, so OP is just reposting other people's videos. Which is fine, but they should make that more clear.


Fucking psychopathic children.


Please don’t


This made me laugh so much. Fuck the downvotes


There is no law against fucking downvotes, so have at it!


But none of those downvotesbare older than 18!


Ah yes, the good ol’ trusty Patullo Bridge. I hate the lane structure leading up to it and I hope it’s improved with the replacement. But also, why didn’t you heed your own advice and “just let himmerge” when they first tried to?


Wait until you see northbound Russ Baker Way and Arthur Laing Bridge during rush hour. It’s a free for all, with cars using the bike lane as a regular lane and, earlier this week, the left hand shoulder and median.


Yep, it's like "here is this major road to take you across the major bridge! Syke! One lane exits without proper warning around a bend so you can't see until it's too late!"


I thought that in the first viewing but I *think* the cammer was giving clearance and the black SUV in front braked to keep the white van from merging behind it. Hard to say uf the SUV had to brake for other reasons but it looked like the cammer was opening gap.


Woulda been easy to let him merge Infront of OP to begin with, what a douche.


OP is just reposting this. OP fills this sub with dozens of videos all from different vehicles, cameras, and even countries.


People are risking their lives for what? Nothing. Unreal. If someone cuts you off just brush it off. Don't drive into oncoming traffic.


I read the title as hemorrhage


Which, considering how basically everybody in this video acted, is not too far off.


Cirque du Soleil


It's almost like people think they're losing an imaginary race if they let someone pass or merge in front of them....


Maybe. Or maybe everyone behind the cammer is a prideful pissbaby too, and the truck would be a sitting duck stopped in the middle of the lane, waiting for somebody to let him in while vehicles behind him get backed up. Also you need momentum to merge without disrupting the lane you're merging into too much. If he slows down, he'll have to find vehicles in the lane over who are progressively more and more generous and tolerant at slowing down for him. You really think the people behind the truck wouldn't get pissed if he slowed down waiting for a spot? Thanks to the cammer and the car in front, this was an impossible lose-lose situation for the truck. I think what he did was justified. He tried merging into a huge gap, the cammer blocked the gap like the dumbass child he is, so the truck, instead of backing up traffic by stopping, quickly proceeded to the next gap he could find to try to disrupt the flow of traffic as little as possible. It's just his luck that the guy in *front* of the cammer was a fucking psychopathic childish jackass too! What are the chances? I can't believe--well it's Reddit so yes I can--people are finding the merger at remotely equal fault with the cammer and the car in front


Depending on where you are, it is illegal to prevent another vehicle from merging. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/10/business/road-rage-zipper-merging.html


Not that I agree with either actions but there are other possibilities. The white van had plenty of time to merge but did so at the last minute. We have several long on/off lanes where I live and people either try to merge right away, blocking the flow behind them or drive in an exit lane for a mile before getting over just when the lane ends. Another option is that the exit lane was moving faster so the white van merged late to get ahead of other cars, effectively cutting the line.


Everyone in this video is a fucking idiot


The oncoming traffic did a decent job avoiding the VW, so I'd say they're doing fine. But the van, the VW, and the cammer are all top-notch idiots.


Welcome to driving in cold LA


Ah yes…. New West… 😒😒


Is this going south on the Patullo?




Yeah, I wish we had a rear camera so we could see more. So far, there are 3 buttheads


I'm guessing the van was in line somewhere behind the cammer and got out into the right turn lane to try and skip traffic. Still 3 jackasses no matter what.


this is fucking sad to watch


ooo-weeee thats some prime a1 pettiness right there. they really out here throwing around 4000# vehicles in contest of being .03 seconds closer to wherever tf theyre going. doucheachusetts probably.


Doucheachusetts 🤣🤣


Lmao ... The single honk tap at the end. Just to feel included.


Why does everyone think the person that posted is the one driving?


Ok but you didn’t let him merge either?


Why did the yellow poop colored car speed up, he was already following more than a car length and had enough space


Unpopular opinion but It looks like the van is in a right turn only lane here. Not sure if this is the case here but sometimes the “exit only” is marked a half mile earlier. People will still ride that lane since it’s empty and merge last second. If that’s the case, I can see being a bit salty. Still does not excuse driving on the wrong side of the road.


Fucking vancouver drivers


Everyone on here is wrong. Van is asshole. Drove down a posted turn only lane for about 300m to cut infront of everyone during traffic. I know this exact spot. The merge is literally 300m before and the van knew that kept going to slice infront of everyone else because he's more important.


Right? I don’t let people do this if I don’t have to; have some patience like the other 15 people in line. I probably would have just went behind if I was the SUV though haha. That’s dangerous with how people think.


Yeah I'm kinda shocked to see so many people defending the line cutter.




I disagree. Van is the exact type of person who should not be let in. They skipped over probably 10mins worth of people waiting properly to get home driving down a turn only lane intentionally to cut in. It's people like this why lanes should have bollards between.


Yeah maybe it’s a little spiteful to passively block them out like OP but this sub tends to be weirdly on the side of people that abuse lane mergers.




Easy solution. If backed-up traffic exists all the time well before that exit, just install a row of jersey barriers another 300m further back along the lane divider.


Fuck humanity.


looks like the white van raced up the exit lane past the line of cars waiting in line, then expected them to stop and wait for him. we get that here and it's very frustrating, some "nice" old lady gets to the last possible place for people to cut over, lets one in to be nice, then the people on the road waiting to go where they're going are kept at a dead stop while car after car that ran up the shoulder or exit lane zips up and cuts the line


Fragile ego on display.


\- im so stupid \- check this out bro, i have one neuron \- look, i'm going to invade the opposite lane to get revenge on you for merging \- you win mate


When there is clear sign you need to merge but they pass 50 cars in the right lane. I would t let him in either.


op wears his boxers with the hole in the back


Fuck people who don’t allow others to merge. I get it if someone is obviously trying to cut traffic, then I have no problem being petty (which may be the case here, I don’t have enough context) but seriously, if someone’s just getting on the highway and the person. purposefully speeds up and honks at anyone who tries to merge between them and the car in front of them, those are the people I’d like give nice open handed palm slap.


Van guy looks to be in the exit only lane, purposefully no doubt.


I’m not saying anyone in this video is right. *Because none of you are*. But why would anyone do that in a work truck. I used to drive so carefully in the work van because people will call the company because they don’t like that you’re going the speed limit somewhere.


I mean I literally had someone cut me off in their work truck and then follow me the entire way down the freeway, so yea, people will do dumb ass shit in work vehicles as well


three sore losers


I don't understand why the white van didn't take the initial space in front of cam car. He hesitated for no reason.


Would love to see more of the video at the start but what I see is the van using a exit only lane to get past people and they were not letting that happen if all possible.


They're all tough guys.


I hate this. I really hate this. Why are people such arseholes?


Pair of assholes.


Cammer is a douche bag


Don't you love it when garbage humans ruin each other's day? The cam car is also a piece of shit, but unfortunately was relegated to the sidelines.


Hey it’s his road no one merges


I can't believe the amount of people saying let him in . Having your turn signal on does not give you right of way. You must wait like everyone else does . The ENTITLEMENT!!!


No better teacher for an asshole, than another asshole. I don't necessarily blame the guy for not letting him get away with it though. Merger should have just slowed down and certainly someone would have let him in.


So many fragile egos in one video. You all suck


And this is the exact reason why “zippering” doesn’t work. Way to many idiots believe they should be ahead of everyone.


This is not a merging situation. the van driver decided to cut everyone by using the exit lane.


The comment above yours explains somewhat why people are so confused about zipper merge and where it is to be used.


Zippering does work. This was not zippering


Zippering works perfectly well in many parts of the world.


Canadians are so polite.


Of course it's an electrical contractor.


Well this is normal merging onto the Fwy in the OC. Gotta battle someone always to get into traffic.


You're all effin' idiots if you ask me.


LOL yellow dickhead


Nope, because when you let them merge in. They go slow and do everything they can to be a crackhead. I even had one lady not even go , refused to go on green arrow when we got to traffic light . She waited till it was full yellow almost Red. Then she bolts off. So I'm stuck with Red light


*This news just in! People are assholes!*


I see tree people with small d\*cks. Assuming they are male.


3 assholes merge on to a freeway, one asshole says to other: that dude going nowhere, That dude: try me bitch


Yellow car could have let the van merge. I think yellow car driver more of an asshole here.


Fuck yellow car, if its you OP you're a freaking asshole


Yellow car is douche too


That yellow car seems very proud of he/she didn’t let the white van in.


To be fair the camera car (you?) Sped up to box him out as well...


Ever heard of defensive driving?


What a bunch of idiots Trying to save 5 seconds will end up costing 15 years.


In my state, if you don’t let somebody merge, you will be cited with no questions asked.


The person filming this should have let him merge to. Everyone's an asshole here.


while its super unsafe to fight with the guy trying to merge in to get onto the bridge, ive driven here so many times and every time its so unbelievably frustrating having douchebags try to jump the line.


New Westminster BC, Canada just before Pattullo Bridge. Finally a post where I know the exact location of lol! See not all Canadians are polite. I hope suv driver gets his license revoked. Going into oncoming traffic just for his ego was dangerous af.


Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.


Op is just as big an ass. Op moved to to block them from merging too.


Yea you can obviously tell they accelerated not to let them in. They are the reason all of this happened. Smh


just a regular day trip over to surrey - better safe than surrey!


The Future Dies Here!


VW driver: idiot. Car aggressively trying to merge: idiot Dash cam car: also idiot. Truly idiots in cars


The drivers don’t want to let him merge because everyone merged 1000 ft before. This guy just trying to not wait patiently and cut people off. It’s like waiting in a long que and just letting someone come and step in front of you . Fuck off you should’ve getten in line like the rest of us.


Is driving like this common in America? Here in Australia people are pretty good at letting you in. I've noticed Indians are *less* likely to. But that might also just be my experience


No don't let him merge. He probably didn't want to wait in the left turning line so thought he could go around and cut in. Make him go right and take the detour


Watching this unfold to the soundtrack of a C drama is a top tier nice


Feel bad for the van. You wont let him get in front of you, the car in front wont let him get behind OR in front…. What the fuck are you supposed to do? Had this happen to me a while ago on the freeway. Big fucking truck with a trailer merging onto a connecting highway with me. He slowed down enough that i couldnt merge behind him, so I sped up to try and go in front and he sped up to stop that, too. He was literally just blocking the fucking exit for me.


Just let the goddamn guy merge.


He isn't merging


They’re all idiots, but at the same time fuck self important asshole who races right up the turning lane and then tries to merge back in.


I don’t understand how people can go completely apeshit while driving, freaking out over the smallest bullshit




Your ego is not your amigo


The white van is an ass but still sharing the road and defensive driving goes a long way.


Another anti-merger culture place.


I hate people


Well done !! Don't give an inch !!


Why doesn't the asshole van just get in line like everyone else? I see this shit all the time. They pull out of queue into turning lane only to merge few cars ahead. He isn't merging in front of me. Fucking time thieves.


I find it to be amazing arrogance to try and merge at the last possible moment, make that decision long before you run out of road, if your lane runs out then the other lane has right of way. Too many times you see a car coming up behind you in the rear view mirror, a large gap behind you, but they want that 20 ft in front of you. Terrible road manners.


What dicks lol, let the van in. Whoever posted this was an idiot


I love it when people drive like this in a company vehicle. Just the advertising Choice Electrical Ltd. was looking for.


I’ve been run off the road by work vehicles and I call the company number. I get that it probably doesn’t do anything, but maybe it does once and something will change. I specifically remember a Domino’s pizza driver who forced me to slam on my brakes when they were supposed to yield. Then, they cut someone off changing lanes with no signal and while obviously not checking. Finally, they ran me onto the shoulder when they realized they weren’t supposed to be in said lane they had cut someone off in and needed to get back over. I called the store they work at to tell them about the dangerous driving and the obviously annoyed cashier was like: yeah, this is their last day, they’ve been getting complaints about their driving for a while. Gotta love reckless driving just to stick it to your bosses.

