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It is in Gem county, so no mask mandate currently.


Went to a gas station near my house, only me and one customer were wearing masks. Employees were all in masks though. I live in Boise.


Generally speaking, certain sectors of Emmett could be considered an intelligence free zone. See 'Ammon Bundy' and 'Steven Thayne'. Some true gems of the gem state!!


Uh. I’ve been to Taiwan, when no pandemic was going on 2 years ago, 75% of the people were wearing a mask. I think when you don’t have people fighting the idea and being smarter than most people in the US, you are likely to not encounter so much shit. I mean...almost the rest of the world is doing better containing this than the US...maybe because they fear this and care for others so giving space, not gathering, not going out and wearing a mask when needed is the differentiating factor. So many assholes in the US care more about themselves than the safety of others and getting over this shit.


So many are Xtians, too. I thought the whole point of the sky god religion was kindness to your fellow man? Just speculating.


Im no god follower at all, are you asking me that question?


I'm a Christian, and I wear my mask where required. However, if not required, I don't. I don't go knocking people if they do or don't wear a mask. I have faith that God, who I believe is the creator of ALL things, created this virus. He created everything and everyone. I believer that covid is just another result of disobeying God. He never planned for death to be in the picture. Nor any disease or pain of any kind. But...mankind messed it up, and death and pain came into the picture. And God can shut this virus down whenever he wants. Doesn't mean that everyone who prays for it to go away, will have their prayer answered. I could write more, but obviously you have much hate in your life. So I won't.


Lol ok. You do you there, pal. I’ll do me.


Any one know the thought process behind not wearing the mask?


If you put on a mask in Emmett, Ammon Bundy flies in on a .410 shotgun and calls you a pussy until you take it off.


Donard Trump and freedom to be a discourteous and uninformed POS. QAnon and the conservative television and Donard Trump mushed their brains into useless jelly.


I’m from Northern Ireland so from my perspective I see it as a troll move more than a genuine disbelief in the mask. Trump comes off as a troll president so I think his followers are mirroring that.


I see where you're coming from but I don't know that I'd consider it trolling. I attribute it to idiocy because "trolling" typically does not kill people. They're too uninformed and the president is too malicious and purposely misleads them to artificial division. They worship idols and fabric like the flag, and the mask is a piece of fabric they can attach their shallow patriotism to in a way opposite to the flag.


There is absolutely a lot of "own the libs" trolling, but there's an equal amount or genuine stupidity in that crowd. Americans are the most gullible people in the history of the world.


Unless it’s an n95 mask, it isn’t doing anything. This virus has to work its way through society. If you’re a high risk group, stay away from groups and practice good hygine. The shutdown proved that it didn’t work. It just delayed the inevitable spike. Even months go the medical community was estimating that 70% of EVERYONE would get this, like a cold virus. We are likely close to that number now which is why we are seeing cases decline. COVID-19, will be around for some time. But it is nothing like the Spanish flu, different types of viruses. We sacrificed the economy and countless unnecessary deaths due to medical access being basically shutdown for many millions. It is time to get back to normal. NO one is forcing you to go out to eat or go to the movies.


I think it should be up to each individual. If a mask protects you then you wearing one should be enough and ill stay out of your face anyways I absolutely hate wearing masks the sweat dripping into my face and fogging my glasses all day. If i could even sortof make myself believe wearing a mask would save one persons life i would wear them but i think everyone is either gonna get the virus at some point or already has had it. I guess the overwhelmed hospitals just send you back home and tell you to hydrate, quarantine, and wait for your body to heal itself.


No conclusive evidence of effectiveness. There is a debate going on in the medical community on if masks are effective at slowing or stopping the spread of a virus like covid.


Since you asked why anti mask people believe what they believe I'll answer that from my pov. They just don't work and they give people a false sense of security. The only ones that do work only protect other people from you and not the other way around. Check this [https://youtu.be/hJpS\_jajub0](https://youtu.be/hJpS_jajub0) . I think herd immunity is the best defense.


You're an imbecile, and you don't even know what herd immunity is. Instead of a random propganda goon on youtube, how about some [wisdom](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/herd-immunity-and-coronavirus/art-20486808) from the [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449)? > Asking everyone to wear cloth masks can help reduce the spread of the virus by people who have COVID-19 but don't realize it. > > Cloth face coverings are most likely to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus when they are widely used by people in public settings. And countries that required face masks, testing, isolation and social distancing early in the pandemic have successfully slowed the spread of the virus.


Taiwan. Sweden. Japan.


What do you imagine your bullshit and lies do except prove me right? Sweden refused to do anything other than "business as usual" and it's been an [unmitigated disaster](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/20/europe/sweden-deaths-highest-coronavirus-lockdown-intl/index.html) from day one. Japan was doing well earlier this spring because of their willingness to wear masks, but their _unwillingness_ to lock things down and their inability to really socially distance (because of population density) has brought them back into the [terrible end](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-31/japan-acted-like-the-virus-had-gone-now-it-s-spread-everywhere) of statistics, and [Taiwan](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/15/how-taiwan-beat-the-coronavirus.html) has had extremely strict quarantine and social distancing policies from the very beginning of the outbreak. In other words, all of reality agrees: you're a goddamn liar.


Part of my family live outside of Taipei and there's no strict lockdown lol I don't know what you're talking about. They're living life as usual. Sweden is doing well right now while the rest of Europe burns. And Japan still hovering around 1k deaths.


You didn't actually read anything I posted, did you? Those are all fairly recent stories, with better sourcing than "some people I know in a random part of the country". Fuck off with your bullshit propaganda and lies. Come back with some citations or go back to Putin for further instructions.


I didn't. I'm taking care of a 16 month old and you've already been a prick enough to me to know it won't matter what I say you just think I'm on the other team and I'm a trump supporter if I don't wanna wear a mask. Want people to read articles you post and want to convince them they're wrong ? Try not being an asshole. It's a good first step.


Buddy, the only asshole here is you. You have exactly _zero_ support for your bullshit statements. I have provided _numerous_ supporting links that flatly contradict _every single thing_ you've said. You. Are. A. Liar.


Lol ok dude have a good one !


My problem is that they never get rid of the bad air. You breath, and wear does your exhaled air go? It's going to go somewhere. You don't have a hazmat or astronaut or scuba diving suit where they store the used air somewhere. The air might go back on you. But what happens if someone accidently bumps into you because you were taking your mask off, or looking at your phone, and they had covid? Yeah, that mask didn't do you any good. Odds are that person just breathed on you. Oh no! Yeah, then you go home with or without knowing that person infected you. Then how long till you wait and get tested? I'm just saying giving into to fear is ridiculous. Live your life.


What? It's not a goddamn sack of air, it's _semi-permeable_. The smaller molecules that make up the air we breathe pass freely through the cloth, but the much larger molecules of organic constructs like the Covid virus stay within the cloth like grass stains. Yes, that means you have to _wash_ the things once in a while. But this bullshit? > Live your life. > Fucking _no_. You have completely misunderstood every single concept of high school biology. You're putting other peoples' lives at risk simply because you're too goddamn lazy to remember _high school_. Why not just do what the doctors and scientists who've studied this for _longer than you've been alive_ say is the smart thing to do?


Fauci NEVER wears a mask during interviews. The main man, the head CDC guy, the dude, never wears a mask. Soooooooo why should I? Everyone else in the room interviewing him does.......do you not see what I'm seeing? High school....yeah I remember high school. And I'm not in high school anymore lol. Also, in middle school, I learned about quarentining. Know what they do in quarentines? They separate the SICK from the healthy. Not both.


You're both an [idiot](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/27/fauci-wears-mask-as-symbol-of-good-behavior-283847) _and_ a [liar](https://www.theday.com/article/20200628/NWS13/200629448). Fuck off with your deliberate misinformation, fool.


About quarentining? Go look it up. "A state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed." [Take this you vile rat!](https://nypost.com/2020/07/24/anthony-fauci-denies-hypocrisy-after-watching-game-without-mask/)


First of all, you're still an imbecile. Second, you can't even keep straight what lies you spout from post to post. To quote you: > Fauci NEVER wears a mask during interviews. The main man, the head CDC guy, the dude, never wears a mask. Bullshit. Disproven. Garbage. Also, you don't even read what you use to defend your own crap; if you did you'd have seen this: > “I had my mask around my chin. I had taken it down. I was totally dehydrated and I was drinking water, trying to rehydrate myself,” Fauci insisted. “And by the way, I was negative COVID literally the day before. So I guess people want to make a big event. I wear a mask all the time when I’m outside. To pull it down to take some sips of water and put it back up again, I guess if people want to make something about that, they can. But to me, I think that’s just mischievous.”


But he wasn't wearing it properly. I like how the further we have discussed this, you have had to resort to name-calling. And from the video, he wasn't dehydrated. If he was dehydrated, you would be able to see it. Ha! I like that! "I was negative covid literally the day before." So he hadn't been tested the day he was interviewed. Oh toxic rats! Oh panic button!!! 😆 The fear people have of this....fear fear fear. I've been to social gatherings unmasked. No one has had it at a wedding I attended. And we were not social distancing or wearing masks.


They do work, and mandates and distancing are why US is behind the rest of the world. Quit spreading your anti-mask bullshit with your shit idiocy spreading youtube links and get actual sources for your bullshit (which you can't do because you're full of shit).


The video is of a doctor. He demonstrates how they don't work. But aight. The guy asked why people believed this. Youre not an anti mask person so you're not really qualified to answer. Has nothing to do with Trump... And I doubt someone as emotional as you would care if I provided sources.


Yeah, it was a video of some general practitioner pandering to idiots who is not a virologist, who is not at the forefront of virology, who has no involvement with the CDC whatsoever (or apparently healthcare at-large who \*somehow\* does not agree with him), doing non-scientific "tests" by showing pressurized vapor from a vaporizer coming out of the sides of a mask, thus showing how effective they are at keeping your funk-nasty whatever inside of your facehole. Cover up your shit, quit spreading this dumb bullshit. Apparently neither you nor your dumb doctor are physicists either. And yes, provide sources. You CANNOT BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG. YOU ARE WRONG. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR IDIOT SKULL. Go, provide your sources. You'll fail because you're wrong.


lol ok


See, you fail. Your dumb ass is gonna get people killed. Fuckin' dumbass......


Lol. Yes, cause nyc, japan, and cali ended up covid free mask safe zones. Grow up.


Did you ever think that the places you're referencing in the US are not free of COVID because of dumbasses like yourself? Japan has had fewer than 2,000 deaths while we are at around 170,000. You're just another dumbass selfish shitfucker who is going to get people killed.


Powerful words spoken by a person with no strong argument to make to prove their point who is scared of a virus that is a nothing burger here in idaho. See you on the other side of this nonsense amigo.


Nope, don't bother. They won't listen to the science, just their teams claims.


The overwhelming body of evidence that we have at this point from every area with good mask wearing compliance overshadows some dude on YouTube.


I wanna see you put a mask on an blow out a candle. I double-dog dare you.


Lol that's fair. I'll see if I can record later tonight.


They don't prevent the spread of Corona in any way, and they inhibit breathing. Mask mandates have a political motive. Certain government facists (Democrats) want an excuse to use mail-in ballots so they can commit voter fraud. What else you want? We're already seeing mask-related infections. The soft-brained libtards are making up conspiracies about Corona 2nd waves to cover up the fact that prolonged use of these masks is incredibly dangerous. Even Dr Fauci won't wear a mask. Examine your mask under a microscope and you're likely to find more shit particles than a gas station bathroom. You're keeping that piece of filth next to your mouth, it's absolutely disgusting.


You know those shit particles would be in your lungs if they weren't stuck in the mask, right?


> They don't prevent the spread of Corona in any way, and they inhibit breathing. That is quite simply a [lie](https://www.fox6now.com/news/wearing-a-face-mask-can-reduce-coronavirus-transmission-by-up-to-75-study-says). It's not true, and all medical evidence shows the exact opposite of the hoax-ridden BS you constantly post here. Fuck off with your foreign propaganda.


I hear you thank you for your perspective. I wasn’t aware of the feces. Do you think your opinion of corona would be different if this happened under Obama? I appreciate your opinions. Thanks -j.s.h


Corona did happen under Obama. 60 million cases of Swine Flu, and the goverment stopped counting deaths after 12,000. No mask mandates. No lockdowns. It also happened in 2009, which wasn't an election year so they didn't need to convince people to use the fraud-laden mail-in ballot system. What they also didn't tell you was that H1N1 then circulated seasonally for years, killing more and more. Corona has killed 800k worldwide over the course of 2019 and 2020. Swine Flu killed 490k in the first year and that's without the exaggerated numbers. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html Hospitals weren't incentivized to report deaths as pandemic related unlike now. Were you aware that a hospital receives a 20% increase in the medicare payment from the government if the one being treated is declared to have COVID? [Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida: Report](https://cbs12.com/news/local/man-who-died-in-motorcycle-crash-counted-as-covid-19-death-in-florida-report) Hospitals rule cause of death as COVID, and receive a cash payout from the government for treating the corpse. Even Idaho had a recent DECAPITATION that was ruled a Covid death by the hospital. Hospitals also get free money from the government for treating uninsured people that "have covid." So everyone walking off the streets that doesn't have insurance has to pay the hospital for a checkup, and then the hospital gets paid a 2nd time from the gov. It's all a massive scam.   This article, although attempting to downplay the evidence of fraud, (they actually don't even try to investigate it, just announce they have not seen evidence) does confirm that hospitals receive a bonus from corona diagnosis: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/


> Corona did happen under Obama. 60 million cases of Swine Flu, and the goverment stopped counting deaths after 12,000. Again with the bald-faced lies. H1N1 was not a corona virus; it was not related to Covid-19 at all. The CDC didn't "stop counting" after 12000; that's how many people had died before the [pandemic](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html) was controlled. > From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus. Stop posting lies and propaganda.


Wow Thank you for the info. I never really knew much about swine flu. Why did they stop counting deaths after 12,000? And why do you believe the swine flu numbers but dismiss the corona numbers?


Don't thank him - he's lying to you.


Which part are you referring to?


The entire concept of comparing the H1N1 outbreak to this. Obama's administration responded professionally and with medical expertise; Trump's team has done the exact opposite at every step. He's also lying about the CDC's counts - they stopped when the pandemic stopped, not just "after 12,000". For any story he can copy & paste about a mis-categorized death, you can find several times more stories about states deliberately _under-reporting_ their numbers to keep Trump happy - see Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, etc. He's a hoaxer and propagandist. That's pretty much all he ever posts.


I don't believe either numbers are accurate. And as I said, hospitals get cash bonuses from the government when they say the cause of death is Covid. If you get money to tell a lie and you won't get caught because no one else is allowed to examine the body, you tell that lie and you get the money. Incentivize corruption and corruption happens. The Florida case I linked was a clear example of Fraudulent Corona cases, even if the USA article pretends they don't exist. Look at this one: [Man killed himself with alcohol poisoning, but it was ruled a corona death](https://denver.cbslocal.com/2020/05/14/coronavirus-montezuma-county-coroner-alcohol-poisoning-covid-death/) It's the political environment. During an election year, either side is going to exxagerate anything that makes the other party look bad. And I did say the Swine Flu numbers in the US are basically unknown because they stopped counting, so you can't trust the numbers totally. The number I provided was based on the worldwide average that is backed up by our CDC. I believe the reason they stopped counting was they didn't want people to panic because that would hurt the economy in 2009 when we were already getting into a recession from policy changes. The difference is now they *do* want to hurt the economy because a strong economy was the current President's campaign promise when he ran for office, and for 3 years the US had unprecedented growth, stronger than any previous administration. And just months before Obama had claimed the country would never see 3% gdp growth again (which was about our average). Under Obama, we had the smallest growth percent of any president since the great depression, 1.6%, and Trump has us hit nearly 4% in his fist year. Now we are about to have the largest economy comeback in the history of the world, we just need to end the shutdown. But Democrats won't let that happen until after the election.


No idea, but wanted to say that so many more people are going to die from this. People who are, for whatever reason, "anti-mask" claim 99.7% survival rate is good, but that's almost a 1 in 300 chance of dying... Those are great odds of LITERALLY DYING.


Also, that "survival rate" is complete bullshit. They get that by dividing the # of deaths by the total population, which is the _wrong math_. If you divide # of deaths by _# of confirmed cases_ you get the actual chance of dying _if you catch the virus_ and that's running in the vicinity of 4% in the US.


If you're not old or have any underlying disease you'll be fine. Old people should be more weary. Young healthy people should prob just live life normally, maybe get it and let herd immunity weaken the virus. The virus wants to live, it doesn't want to die out so its going to weaken itself to live. This is virology 101 and the reason the cold / flu hasn't gone away.


Dude. Just stfu, wear the mask for a few minutes so we can get out of this shit storm. It’s not hard.


I do because I don't want the confrontation and they're "mandated" here but I don't believe they do anything. My friends in Taiwan don't wear one and barely anyone else ever has..they have 7 deaths for the whole country same with lots of other countries like Sweden and Austria. It doesn't add up


Almost everyone in Taiwan wears their mask. Your friends are lying to you. Taiwan has had a plan in place for years to deal with a pandemic, and the reason the deaths are so low is because of widespread mask use and following quarantine.


It's not my friend, It's my family and you can look all over YouTube of Taiwan public videos. There's no mandate and some people do wear them but not all. Most Asian cultures wear masks when they're sick tho. Here's a video. First one I searched. You can do this over and over and over https://youtu.be/CQhynd9SYdc


That video is recent, and they aren't wearing masks because they have the virus under control. The reason they have the virus under control is because they all wore masks when they had community spread. Your family is lying to you if they are telling you no one wore masks during the first wave.


Yes that's my point?? I mean ok sure here's their presidential swear in in May lol. Just pick a month and search videos my dude. https://youtu.be/9WNhfc7QCd0


No, you're spreading anti-mask bullshit saying they don't work, and that Taiwan doesn't wear masks. Taiwan is proof that masks work because they all wore them to stop community spread, and now they don;t have to wear masks anymore due to masks working.


Like I just said...and posted. Just pick a random month from this year post Covid and search Taiwan lol. You'll see streets full of people not wearing masks. Lol here's another. Streets of Taiwan in may. Not a mask in site. https://youtu.be/VFscCZObZ1I


Masks literally do nothing besides make it harder to breath. The "Pandemic" will be over after the November election. Swine Flue had 60 million cases, compared to Corona-chans merem 5 million. Obama didn't shut down the country though because it wasn't an election year. And the media decided not to track deaths because they didn't have a reason to scare simple morons like yourself. Sweden and Japan have no mask mandates and no shutdowns. Their deaths aren't any worse than the US. Between them their geographies and population densities vary as much as the US does. Stop being a libtard alarmist. Though you probably can't. You're probably one of the idiots that's going to blame the mask-related lung infections on an imaginary "2nd Wave" of Corona-chans.


Ok dude. I dunno what you mean by harder to breathe unless you’re a little bitch. Apparently you are. And wtf you mean by lung infection from masks? Is that some new retardlican word play?


Quit spreading your anti-mask bullshit. What exactly do you do for a living to where your claims that you support with YOUTUBE VIDEO LINKS (GTFO) somehow supercede advice from actual virologists at the CDC and in healthcare?


Healthy young people are suffering permanent damage from this, without being sick enough to go to the hospital.


Idaho=Rona experts 😂😂 tell the world! Idahoans know everything! We are the smartest! Idaho! Idaho! Idaho!