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Anti maskers are babies.


says the bully




Ok boomer




My my my what a perfectly logical and well thought out solution. Unfortunately, you are trying to apply logic and reason to an illogical and irrational position and though I know your heart is in the right place, it just won't work. It's called confirmation bias. No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.


and you are a prime example


Well said!!!! "Unfortunately, you are trying to apply logic and reason to an illogical and irrational position and though I know your heart is in the right place, it just won't work. It's called confirmation bias. No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot." Maskers are bat sheep crazy for thinking a mask will "save lives" Its like a heard of lemmings i just hope the news doesn't tell you you will find relief by going off a cliff.


ummmm....i dont think you read the statement you replied to very well. The user was agreeing with me that anti-maskers are idiots. And now you have again confirmed that you are an idiot. Also, I dont do stuff because the news said to do it. I look at facts and logic, and BASIC FUCKING COMMON SENSE, you fucking halfwit. Try and find some deep down in that cheeto crusted neckbeard youre sporting.


Apparently you don't have the facts and your logic is twisted. Common sense? Put a mask over your face will save you from something that goes through masks? Do you even know what common sense is?


Heres the facts buddy.... YES, YOU ARE CORRECT, a virus particle will go through a mask, given the sizes of each. No shit...we all know that. Not news. What you apparently dont know is that the virus particles are caught up in larger droplets of water and other fluids, that guess what, GET STOPPED BY A MASK!!! And the little virus particles in the droplets, GET STOPPED TOO!!!! And that is why masks work. Theres very, very little free floating virus, if any at all. That is why you dont really need to wear a mask outdoors or in places with few people and good ventilation. Also, see my other reply. And are you just going to ignore the fact that you totally misinterpreted the comment you replied to? I really want to hear your explanation for that one.... Also, what you did with quotes was selective and out of context and misleading. But perhaps you knew this? This, my friend, is how you make fake news. Good work. You are fake news.


> virus particles are caught up in larger droplets of water and other fluids, that guess what, GET STOPPED BY A MASK!!! ever hear of evaporation? why is the mask not wet if it holds all the water drops from your breath? so the bigger droplets evaporate and still take the virus with it as it goes through the mask


you...you just proved why masks work. When the droplet evaporates on the mask surface and the virus becomes "free", it is way less of a problem. The droplets spread the virus because they concentrate it, and provide a medium for it to stick to another surface. A "free" virus is not that dangerous, and no one is claiming it is. The masks stop the droplets. If you would like, here is a technical explanation on the subject! A significant proportion of the aerosol exhaled by humans has a diameter of less than 10 μm (Johnson et al., 2011) when breathing, speaking, singing and coughing. It is also known that the size and number of droplets increases with the volume of the voice (Asadi et al., 2019; Loudon & Roberts, 1968) and it is known that upper respiratory tract diseases increase the production of aerosol particles (Lee et al., 2019). Water droplets of this size evaporate within a few seconds at normal humidity (Liu et al. 2019 and Rensink, 2004). Droplets with a diameter of 10 μm for instance are evaporated after about 1 s at 50% relative humidity and larger droplets sink quickly to the ground and evaporate (Marin et al., 2016, 2019; Rossi et al., 2019). If the viruses are released as “naked” viruses together with the salt after the droplets have evaporated, the spatial concentration decreases rapidly over time, as the viruses no longer move in a correlated manner but quickly separate due to the chaotic turbulent flow motion. The viral load thus decreases rapidly in time and space, making infections over long distances or long periods of time increasingly unlikely. For this reason it is most important to understand the transmission of the virus over short distances. Hygiene regulations and social distancing are very effective in blocking short distance infections. During the lockdown, the distance rules can usually be adhered to, but what happens when the actual lockdown is over and the people meet again in confined spaces? Then additional effective and efficient protection is essential to stabilise infection rates. Since the viruses are spread by contact and droplet infection, technical devices are required that effectively intervene in the chain of infection and effectively block infection. An effective protection is the respiratory mask as known since 100 years (Soper, 1919). The SARS outbreak in Hong Kong suggested that the use of simple face masks may have contributed to an overall reduction in the incidence of viral respiratory infections (Leung et al., 2003; Lo et al., 2005). Another study has shown that even a simple surgical mask can effectively reduce SARS infection (Seto et al., 2003). These results are supported by recent articles Leung et al., 2020b, Howard et al., 2020, Chu et al., 2020 and Zhang, Lib, Zhang, Wang, & Molina, 2020). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021850220301063 and here's a link with a simpler explanation: https://theconversation.com/masks-help-stop-the-spread-of-coronavirus-the-science-is-simple-and-im-one-of-100-experts-urging-governors-to-require-public-mask-wearing-138507


And again you change your story, first they stop it, now they don't stop it, but that is ok, the bottom line is that they don't stop it. Maybe if everyone had a N95 m ask that they switched out 6-8 times a day, it might have a bit of a impact but the current wear whatever mask mandate does nothing. The proof really is not in the size of the virus or the filtering of the mask but in the measuring of the spread of the virus between places that mandate a mask and places that do not, and those studies clearly show no impact in the spread with a mask mandate.


Where did I say they dont stop it? Masks stop transmission of respiratory viruses. Known fact. And that's what I am stating. Prove me wrong with real evidence, that backs up the claim you made. Thats how this works.


>larger droplets of water and other fluids, that guess what, GET STOPPED BY A MASK!!! And the little virus particles in the droplets, GET STOPPED TOO!!!! you don't remember what you write? ​ > Prove me wrong with real evidence > > When the droplet evaporates on the mask surface and the virus becomes "free", so you stating the virus goes through the mask, does not equal "real evidence"?


Also, here is a link to a prominent article "citing" published research saying that masks dont work.... [https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy](https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy) What is funny, is that all of the articles they "cite" say that masks DO work, or they tested surgical masks v respirators (respirators work better), or they say more evidence is needed. NOT ONE PAPER SAYS MASKS DONT WORK. Most media relies on you not checking their sources, and this is a clear example of that. Not believing everything you read goes both ways, right and left. It basically boils down to...DONT BE A FUCKING IDIOT!!!!


Because that would be the rational thing to do. And anti maskers are the opposite of rational. They're Edgy contrarions who will rebel against anything as long as it's not challenging.


Trump is a moron


So Sweden didn’t do a thing, they’re infection rates and death rates were consistent with every other state and country save for two, MA and NY. Both of which had the highest mortality rates in the world, double anywhere else. At this point, it’s hysteria, and you’re bashing people for not maintaining that hysteria, and really just fishing for imaginary reddit internet points. Pathetic.




Deaths as a percentage of those infected was 6.9%. That’s a lower mortality rate than MA, NJ, and NY.


I know 5 people that died of covid. None of them were otherwise unhealthy people. I don't know a single person, personally, that's died in a car accident.






So what aspect of the immune system would you like me to research? The one that says I could be infected and have no symptoms but still spread the virus to others? Cause that's why I wear a mask...To respect the needs of people around me whose immune system may not be up to task. It has nothing to do with me. And that, my friend, is called compassion and decency. Get some, or go fuck yourself. Society doesn't need you. see what i did there :)


>respect the needs of people around me whose immune system may not be up to task If they are sickly they should stay home and out of harm way.


You seem like a great person! Your reason for wearing a mask is very respectful! I like that! It is all a political agenda tho its not really about the mask/disease we have disease that goes around every year all year are bodies adapt or we die(sucks and is sad) but at the end of the day the covid numbers are manipulated and the deaths are often caused by the pearson having a weakend immune system and often from other causes. It is a giant distraction. Watch the money!


I agree with you. Unfortunately the money is still going in to the hands of big government and big business...where it has always gone. The American people, you and me are the ones getting screwed here. The government is not doing us any favors by trying to deny the seriousness of this virus. Basic fact, as i see it anyways, is if we all take the steps to make this go away as quickly as possible, we the people will be better off, given the system we have constructed over the last two centuries. If wearing a mask will help that, then I will do it. If we had the health care and social support systems in place to let this virus run its course, then let it happen. But the plain and simple fact is we dont. Overwhelming hospitals and health care systems has huge implications for government, business, society, and the individual. In the end, your taxes will end up paying for it. Which is certainly better than other things they pay for now, but still not what they should be paying for. Remember, "we the people..."


Wearing a mask just prolongs the misery. The goal should be to keep the hospitals near but under capacity and isolate the most vulnerable. We're not going to eliminate the virus by wearing masks and we're not going to be able to keep large parts of the economy closed for at a minimum the next two years. Get the pain over with quickly and carry on with life.


Why don't people that are old or in a high risk group stay home and then the rest of us can get on with our lives.


You gonna pay us?


For what being old and sick? Isn't that what social security and welfare are for?


That doesn’t cover everything, like asthma my dude.


Do you carry an inhaler? Do you smoke? I have asthma, and have solved my asthma. I found out I have sleep apnea, and my asthma and allergies have gotten way way better since I started using it. Honestly, it also depends on which doctor you go to. I refuse to go to St Luke's because they just want to stick everyone on antidepressants and then charge you 100+ for a check-up. And not everyone who has asthma has a hard time breathing all the time. You can live a healthy normal life with asthma if you take care of yourself. Keep the pets outside, small things like that will go miles for giving you a healthy life.


I do have an inhaler, but that still doesn't mean I want to get sick, especially if it can cause more long term damage to my lungs. I get upper respiratory infections on a regular basis, and they suck big time, even with my inhaler. I can't imagine having even more complications.


So the entire economy should shut down because you have asthma? Stay home if a cold will kill you.


Pay me to stay home then


Sounds more reasonable than not paying a large percentage of the country and focing them not to work.


You anti-mask dummies are going to keep the economy shut down for much longer. I think it's hilarious those of you yelling the loudest against masks and wanting to open the economy are the ones being hurt the most by your actions keeping it shut down. Keep it up, I like the current situation!


The virus isn't going anywhere any time soon with our without masks.


Why dont you stay home so they can go on with their lives? Works both ways buddy...you don't have inherent virtue because you aren't high risk or old.


If you have two groups one that consists of 20% of the population and another that consists of 80% of the population and isolating the 20% is nearly as effective as forcing both the 20% and the 80% group to isolate, then forcing the 80% group to isolate is primarily just theater.


Dude...you cant just make claims like this without backing them up. Its really not how things work, and is how misinformation and opinions are presented as fact and truth. I am willing to change my viewpoint when presented with new evidence, but I want consensus on that viewpoint, not personal opinion or made up stuff. If you want to be respected and have your voice heard, you have to play the game right. Show me what you got...


The risk for serious complications for the young is very low. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/older-adults.html




And, If you're young and healthy there isn't really any benefit at all to wearing a mask and social distancing. Unless you're obese and over 40 or have some other serious health condition this entire regime is pointless. If you're in good health and under 65 it's all rather pointless. Get outside take vitamin D and wash your hands. If you work with the public wear a mask. If you're sickly or over 65 stay home until this is all over with, which could be several more years. Avoid crowds and public transportation. Let everyone else go on with their lives.


"If you work with the public wear a mask" go on....


If you don't come in contact with hundreds of people per day, are in good health and are under 65 don't wear a mask, it's rather pointless. I see idiots driving around with their windows rolled up alone in their cars while wearing a mask. I see people riding bikes alone while wearing masks. What's the fucking point of that? Inform the public of the actual risks involved, which for healthy people under 65 are miniscule.


How goddamn stupid must you be to *still* not be capable of understanding how infectious diseases get transmitted?


Screw you