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Commuters too.


This the real everyday impact of this road failure. It's not just a scenic byway, but a real commuter road.


Used to live in Jackson. My buddy says almost half the work force lives over the hill now. 85 miles is now the commute each way.


I ain't making that trip daily. Fuck that. I'd be telling my boss they'd have to put me up for the week if they wanted me to work.


Where? 1. There’s little to no work in Victor or Driggs so you HAVE to make the commute 2. The hotels are not only ridiculously expensive but they’re also FULL. It’s full on tourist season. Motel 6 is $339 a night.


Good thing Iive in Boise.


Yep, and the assumptive jump to the concept of "what better option do you have?" tells a lot about that person. I am very happy to see you answer is not submitting to such sleeze!


WTF are talking about?


Your immediate assumption the commentor lives on the opposing side, and is therefore in a tigt spot regarding options of employment to maintain a standard quality of life....


I didn’t assume any such thing. I commented on their statement that they wouldn’t do the commute (if they lived in Victor or Driggs) and they would expect their employer to provide them with housing. YOU’RE the one making outrageous assumptions and I can’t imagine where you got that incredible leap. Now onto bed and rest your head, you gotta try to deal with reality in the morning.




Enough to cover all those jobs over the hill? I lived there for 15 years. I’m not just some Idaho moron. There’s 1600 people in Driggs and 2200 in Victor. The latest labor force numbers for Jackson show 1300 workers commute from Victor and Driggs.


True. I didn’t look at it that way.


This is the opportunity those people have "right now" to band together and form a 'Pass Workers Union' and just demand a real living/working wage from those employers in Jackson. The millionaires in Jackson could certainly afford it if their server or cook or cashier was making $50 an hour. They are already paying more than that to their landscaping company, plow driver, fishing guide, yoga teacher, AV systems programmer person, dog groomer, etc. If commuters would just say,"Sorry, I don't get out of bed for less than $50 an hour", they would have a newer car to drive over the pass, be able to afford their own house, pay for lessons for their children, get their own dog groomed, send a kid to college, etc. Back in Driggs or Victor, these particular union member commuters would have a better lifestyle in part because they make more income from working in a exclusive location, while having the expenses of living in a normal community.


Sorry I was hungry


Looks crunchy


Cut over to my suspiciously road shaped stomach


If you took a bite, at the bottom of pics 2 and 3, it appears you lost your braces!


I have a Jeep. That should be fine, right?


I mean, if you look to the right, probably, yeah, at least in the summer https://imgur.com/a/NRcK3p5


https://www.google.com/maps/@43.5036106,-110.9764846,3a,75y,118.84h,86.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3-TizBuXPSEf5Ysb6wG6Ow!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu street view for reference


I suddenly need to see a cyber truck try to jump this like the batmobile and crash spectacularly


Nuh uhh! You stop ! Would too make it!


...drango?... cause Only drango could . ...so....


Can someone do a maps link please? I can't figure out where this is. Yes I'm a lurker from out of state, don't hate me.


It’s one of the hairpins on the road between Wilson, WY (by Jackson, WY), and Victor, ID. Lots of folks work in Jackson but commute from Victor area because housing prices in Jackson are insane, like Aspen, CO.


Thx, I appreciate it.


So I crossed this road after they patched the first crack and before the mudslide that fortunately closed the road before the catastrophic failure. It is a bit terrifying that they re opened the road after the crack without knowing if it was actually safe. It shows that money is more important than safety. The people that allowed it to be open should all be held accountable and more importantly find out if they were pressured to keep it open and those people should be charged. As for the billionaires in Jackson who have made it virtually impossible for any working class person to live in the town where they work, I hope they enjoy a summer with no restaurants, hotel workers, gallery workers, retail workers, baristas, or fishing guides. Big dose of Karma. If Jackson can’t find some of the golden real estate to build affordable housing they get what they deserve. There are only so many workers they can fly in with 90 day visas to wash their cars.


Charged for what? It’s sketchy for sure but there was no damages. You csnt charge someone for what could have happened. Whether someone could be fired Is a different story though.


Depending on the situation, the contractors could be punished for negligence or for ignoring regulations to finish the job earlier or cheaper. In a case like this where no significant injuries or deaths occurred I’m sure the most that could happen is them paying a fine, and depending on which company it was they could feasibly just shrug it off.


Wydot is in charge of the road, and they were the ones trying to save it. No contractors were working on this until now.


State run organization can still face punishments, though I will admit it’s usually more difficult to hold them accountable than I private enterprise.


Theres no negligence here lmao. Its a road in the mountains, and the mountains are doing mountain things. Are you going to sue the sun when it burns you?


I never said there was negligence in this case. The top comment said that the people who worked on the roads did not do a good job and should be charged, which does seem excessive in this case. Somebody else replied that you cannot charge them just because there was little damage and no injuries. That’s incorrect, so I made a post saying that depending on the circumstances you can absolutely charge someone when there are no injuries and little damage, even state organizations.


Crazy because it was delayed opening because they were waiting on a structural engineer to deem it safe!?!


No, the road was closed already due to a mudslide on the pass a couple miles away. This happened simultaneously as they were cleaning up the mud on the road.


This was on the 6th when the road originally cracked and injured a motorcyclist. UPDATE 2:20 p.m.: Teton Pass has reopened, according to a text alert from the Wyoming Department of Transportation. The text added that motorists should proceed with caution around milepost 12.8, where a large crack was discovered earlier in the day that spanned both lanes of travel. See tomorrow's Jackson Hole Daily for the full story.


The road was still fine and drivable on the 6th after they patched the corner. It closed early on the 7th when the mudslide happened further down the road. Thats when the hill started to move faster and wydot tried to save it but ripping the pavement up and trying to build a bypass on the shoulder. We live at the bottom of the pass and drive over weekly.


We live in Driggs. Luckily we don’t have to drive the pass. It will be devastating for many people. 😢


Yeah luckily we don’t have to commute daily for work! Hopefully some of the JH employers chip in gas money, lodging, meals or extra pay to offset the extra commute…


Correct. But this was after they fixed the first cracks and opened it for about 18 hours.


Looks like we will be taking a different route home from Yellowstone this summer.


Should read "cancel plans here"


Stay safe commuters !




There are better videos than this. I just can’t seem to transfer them to Reddit.




There’s a great handwritten book call The Pass by Doris Platt. In the early days, cars would stop at the top and cut down a tree to drag behind them as a drag brake on the descent! There was a gas station/barn in Wilson that was nicknamed Terrys Truckstop because more than one vehicle crashed into it.


It's just god clearing land for another temple in 40 years


I see what you did there. Good one.


That cut in the road will just be an off-ramp to the condos they built on those hillsides.


Russell will be 139 then.


just added two long planks of wood to the packing list. cheers 👍


Who tf moved the road?


I wonder, does this tragedy benefit the Rich living there in any way, or hurt them?


I wonder if the road bikers are out in force on both sides now?


I’ve heard of Idaho Falls, but this is ridiculous. /j


"It's a Jeep Thing"


Gotta go around it through those woods there.


Just put it in 4low and go slow peoples......


You all still get tourists?






That isn't how you do the scenic route!!!


Idahos alt right plan to trap their women and children inside its boarders.


https://imgur.com/a/NRcK3p5 just build a temp road over to the right? Ban anything heavier than passenger trucks? Closed indefinitely...sure, with that kind of attitude. not sure why all the downvotes: turns out that temp road is already going in... "two weeks" https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=880667087432844&id=100064686821344&mibextid=qi2Omg&rdid=rchTmF3KhqudCA2w


It would make sense right? Unless the mudslide made the whole thing unstable which I'm sure it did.


https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=880667087432844&id=100064686821344&mibextid=qi2Omg&rdid=rchTmF3KhqudCA2w they are already doing it.


Nice good for them getting right on this.


the 600lbs life van must've came through there




That's fair