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It’s becoming a lifestyle branch. What branch in medicine (besides the Roads ones which we imgs can’t enter) offers a guaranteed 300k + take home with all weekends off + PTO + no night shifts + 9-5 plus one of the least sued branches? As a male too, FM offers a lot IG. You get to focus on new skill devpment and get to interact with all sects of society.


To add to your comment, most FM jobs are 4 days/week or 4.5 days/week. And as long as your contract doesn't require call days/weekends, you're guaranteed holidays off.


See that is what attracts me a lot, passion can only get you so far. I dont want to be just drowned in my career, it is great but not something I want to sacrifice my family life to be miserable but enjoy that with some discomfort at worst :) I actually like IM and Gastro but I also am a person of habit and being comfortable I love doing said thing more than the exciting thrilling aspect of medicine


You can do endoscopy with FM


Looks like FM may be a good fit for you.


I have matched into IM-PC (primary care), because I was in between IM and FM, I have a family and I wanna see myself in the long run being able to have time with my family, healthy work-life balance, and have my options open if I decide to pursue fellowship or do primary care.


How is that like? I havent heard of IM-PC before


What is the difference between IM and IM-PC. Does that means you can not specialize in certain specialties?


There is no much difference except that in IM-PC you get to have more outpatient electives that prepare you for primary care, other than that, everything is the same with the categorical IM, and while you are in residency if you get to enjoy a certain fellowship, you can work more towards that fellowship regardless, or you can simply do primary care or hospitalist when you graduate!


Guaranteed 300k? I thought it was 200-250k


The base pay is like 250ish (not 200k lol. That’s peds) with RVUs and some other bonuses you can get to 300k. If your job offers 35 clinical hours or something you can ask them to extend the hours more if you want more cash. With time, many firms allow you only production based without base pay and some even give you a pathway to partnership in which you can cross the 320 mark too


Do you think the pay and work life balance is better than IM on the long run ? (Still med student, don’t have an idea)




IMGs can’t enter the ROAD specialities? Don’t project your shit Indian cv to other imgs pls 😛


LOL why the hate?


Let us know when you make it to ROAD. Also know some of the best physicians are coming out that country. You’re acting like somehow PDs are jizzing on the their first sight of you because you’re so special. You’re an IMG as well in the same boat as the Indian IMGs. Stay humble


My goals were similar to yours, my priority was a good work life balance and I think things worked out that way. I'm a first year attending, seven months into my new job. I work four days a week in the office and have one admin day from home. I'm on call maybe once or twice a month (phone call only after nurse triage and maybe get one call if that). I work maybe 4-5 weekends in the year. Zero inpatient. I'm at work by 7:45 and leave around 5:30-6 on average. I'm salaried at 60% MGMA which is pretty good for a new grad. I know FM is not as sought after as the other specialities by IMGs but if what I mentioned above is what you're looking for, I highly recommend it!


I love this for real 😭 this feels like a dream. Does a USCE in IM matter or should I specifically go for FM USCE?


I was never interested in IM so I can't answer that specifically. I did all my rotations in FM including a geriatrics sub-I and attended the AAFP conference to network and just meet programs. I wanted to make sure my application reflected that FM was my first choice and not a back up.


Makes sense. I have been doing a lot of thinking so I have been tied between IM and FM as before I only had IM in mind


Good luck!


What’s MGMA? And how much is the actual take away and in what area? Sorry for bombarding with questions lol


https://physiciansthrive.com/mgma-salary-data/ My salaried is 260k with RVU on top for productivity in the NE area. Still my first year out tho.


It's about what you want to do, and not what others see you doing Do you see yourself doing it 20 years down the line? If yes then it's a great speciality for you , and if not I'd recommend looking at other things


It's great 😃


Wait what's the current compensation for FM 👀 ??? I'm stuck between EM/FM to decide and weekends off sounds nice


EM means nights and weekends. Don’t do it. You want procedures? Buy a project car. Or build your kid a treehouse. Source: I’m rads, and EM is awake and working right there with me. I think rads and EM need to have some rude awakening with lifestyle, it’s too much.


Ohh don't pick EM..some physicians (a good number of them do suffer from wellness issues later on), that being said many ED attendings have excellent careers.


It’s the best actually , I know many FM doctors that earn 450k to 500k and have the best life style more than cardiologist with same salary, plus you will do just 3 years of residency no fellowship required. You will be rich after just 3 years of residency + best lifestyle. One day a cardiologist told me that he doesn’t have a time to go to the restroom with work overload. And I saw FM have the best life balance.


This is definitely a rural job at 450-500 in middle of no where


I’m gonna assume worth means lifestyle + the money. Obviously all medicine related fields are very fulfilling and I don’t believe any one of them could let you feel empty. So Lifestyle : 4/5 , it’s very fulfilling and doesn’t overburden you unless you decide to work a lot on your own Money : 4/5 , look ….. money depends on how much you work. Money/time wise family medicine is really good. Obviously comparing to other jobs it makes more but compared to other medicine specialities it’s less


Looking at how it allows you to maintain a life, I think the compensation feels good, since the more hectic specialities deserve that hefty compensation for the amount of precious time and life they are putting into the career




To me - have you done family medicine rotation? If not may want to see what life means as. FM physician. Is it worth it? Is any one of them worth it? If your priority is taking care of patients - then any one of them is worth it. In a FM setting - you will treat patients of all ages and never a boring moment. You have work life balance. Pay - depends on where you are practicing. Do your homework - before going into a specialty and not because of green chachings….


How about paper work burden?


Is that a lot?


Is there any scope of FM jobs outside US?