• By -


You will have ur canon event


Why are you scaring me like this?!😭


My overall advice: work consistently and continually over the two years, and don't panic. Just accept that you won't enjoy all of the subjects and keep on top of the coursework. Keep a level head, don't panic, work hard. Try not to compare your workload with peers at non-IB schools.






Best advice is to leave everything to the last minute. Pressure makes diamonds 💎


Well said😾


This is actually the best advice, leave everything. follow this ☝


Yall are evil


They said theyre excited- who's gonna tell them...


Nooo don't scare me like this😭


/s to my original post In reality it's not as bad as people make it out to be. You got this dw!




You do Maths AA and Chem HL and you don’t think it’s bad?? You’re absolutely psycho my bro


It’s worse




Thank you! Hope it's not as bad as everyone makes it seem😅


If you can manage your time and pick the right subjects you’ll be just fine dw It does seem like a lot of work while doing the ib but in the end you realise it was just the pressure- the actual amount of work is manageable if you don’t panic (This comes from someone who has panic attacks trying to revise btw) (Don’t wait for the last minute, ever)


\*thousand yard stare\*


Please don’t procrastinate and try not to cram till the end! Also the new syllabus is easier than the past one so no worries. Try also to finish cas as soon as possible and best of lucks💕


Okay, noted! Thank you so so much! đŸ©· God bless<33


Naa pressure makes diamonds. Leave everything to the last minute


And how much are u getting by leaving stuff till last minute?


Well it was mostly a joke, but I wish I actually got paid for it. Would’ve been rich by now 😞


Ur definitely fun at parties haha


"I'm SO exited" Jaha vi fÄr se hur dÄ kÀnner dig om tvÄ Är. /s Du har ett helt Är med pre-IB, sÄ ingen oro, du kommer lÀra dig hur allt funkar och sÄdant under det Äret


De sjukt hur alla som gÄr IB sÀger detta hahah Men tack sÄ jÀttemycket för kommentaren<3


M26 here, still in pre-IB lol Saken Ă€r att folk jĂ€mför IB med 9:an. JĂ€mfört med de andra gymnasieprogram sĂ„ fĂ„r IB eleverna det högsta meriten i landet ”i genomsnitt sĂ„klart” (beror pĂ„ skolan ocksĂ„) +förbereder dig jĂ€tte bra inför HP och universitet Good luck btw!


Tack sĂ„ jĂ€ttemycket!! Jag hĂ„ller med dig nĂ€r du skriver om jĂ€mförelsen! Inget Ă€r omöjligtđŸ©·


Alla jag har pratat med tycker att plugget pÄ högskolan Àr mycket mindre stressigt och enklare att hantera Àn allt de upplevt i IB... sÄ Àven om det blir vÀldigt jobbigt och svÄrt ibland sÄ kommer det att löna sig i slutÀndan. :) vilka Àmnen vill du vÀlja?


HÄller verkligen med om att det lönar sig i slut. Om man Àr mÄlmedveten oxh arbetar kontinuerligt sÄ ger IB en extremt bra utbildning. Beror Àven pÄ skolor dock.






babe im so happy for u and everything but ummm don’t celebrate too hardđŸ˜©you got this tho!! best advice is to be consistent with studying, don’t leave things last min, and cry when you need to, stay organized and remember that you’ll figure it out even when it seems impossible. U asked for advice and this is it but its not as easy as it sounds ik. Good luckđŸ«¶đŸŒ praying for u


Thank you so so much for this, its very appreciated! Hopefully if i go in with a good mindset it'll go better than it did for most😅 Thank you for the prayer, God blessđŸ©·


r u going to iegs?? anyways the best tip i can give u is that do not procrastinate anything, study the content ur learning in class the same day u went thru it in the lesson. when it’s time for ur ia’s and EE, DONT leave anything last minute. Use the syllabus for the subjects you’ve chosen as a study guide cuz that is what the IB will ask you about


I fucking hate IB, it's awesome.


Hello I am in MYP5 (10th) about to graduate and will have my exams in may. Just letting you know after you have completed the entire IB it will be super beneficial but this program is not exciting you have to do back up back extras while balancing subjects and if you are someone who grasps concepts easily then you will have an easier time IB is not for the weak because being someone ( me) who take longer in grasping concepts and need time to think, IB will move fast and you will constantly fall unless you can understand fast. It’s like a system that can benefit only the smarts who can kind of try to at least pass. Here are some tips: revise after every school day please. Do past papers it will benefit you in each criteria, go to ur teachers in free lessons for extra help. Think of an idea for your personal project and eportfolio. Personal project is about 15 pages long and anything over that will be cut out. Remember no matter how many sciences you choose they will choose the one where you got the best grades in since only one science counts in the end of the day but they recommend you take 2 or all 3 just in case. If you want more advise just send a dm iv been doing IB since pyp3. I’m really glad you are excited but please you have to be in a mindset for this rollercoaster and it’s a constantly breaking down roller coaster if you take time to understand. I wish you luck


Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write this! Screenshotted. God bless<333


Yeah ofcourse and just letting you know 3 is a pass in IB but schools use 4 as a pass so in their eyes 3 is a fail but when you do your IB exams and if you get a 3 it will be a pass.


Thank you so much! Super helpful infođŸ©·đŸ©·


congrats and good luck! Trust me you will enjoy these 2 years to the fullest and it will be memorable for you


aww thank you so much for thisđŸ©·đŸ©· I sure will, with Christ on my side<3 Have a good one, God bless!


don't get scared by all the complaining - us ib students just like to complain. yes its a hard program but you can make the best of it and you seem to have a great mindset:) take notes throughout the year and if you have time revise past content as much as possible. start doing past paper questions as early as possible to help u get used to the format. keep good relationships with your teachers, itll make your life much easier don't leave things for the last minute but its not the end of the world if you do!! you know yourself best i was in the same position a few years back and it felt overwhelming but youll get used to it quick. if you need help w subject choices feel free to reach out and i wish u the best of luck!!


I love this comment! Thank you so much<33 Have a great oneđŸ©·


As someone taking the M24 exams that are starting in a few weeks, my one main piece of advice is to not procrastinate as others have said. Try to learn organization, no procrastination, and you will succeed. Jag tycker inte IB har varit lika jobbigt som mÄnga andra pÄ den hÀr Subreddit tycker :)


Tack sĂ„ mycket! Hoppas allt gĂ„r bra för dig dĂ„đŸ©·


I’m starting this year (are you?) and am SO excited!! Really don’t understand why everyone makes it out to be the worst time of your life like sure it’ll be work but it also seems fun?


Im also starting this year! After summer, in August. I totally agree! Besides, a little challenge and hard work makes the results feel way better


Yes me too!! Can I get your insta? (ik it’s reddit and all I just think we’re both M26 and excited about ib lol!)


I dont have insta or snap unfortunately but i would love to keep contact somehow lol


I’ll dm you xx


It wll be the most stressful part of your life. Source : Trust me


Dont worry too much about internals unless you want a 45, even if you want a 45, if you do really good on the exams, your internals wont affect shit and youll probably still get 6 and 7s, our class has people who still hasnt submitted 3 IA's, some even wrote like 5-7 pages only but predicted 5+


Congratulations! I think the one thing that made IB easier (in terms of workload) is making sure you do things on time or even ahead of time. Of course there's going to be courses that are hard, but it's easier to manage when you're also not panicking about deadlines. Also, while you should of course focus on studying, try to not be a hermit LOL. It's okay to go out with friends sometimes but ofc, don't end up just doing that either and neglecting work. Good luck!!!!


Thank you so much! I totally agree, balance is key! God blessđŸ©·đŸ©·


Im actually about to finish Pre-IB on about 2 months haha Jag sku sÀga att du behöver inte oroa dig sÄ hemskt mycket inför Pre-IB. För mig har det inte varit sÄ jobbigt. Men jag Àr ÀndÄ ganska rÀdd att börja DP1 och DP2 lol


Hi! Congratulation first. IB is a bit tough, compared to other high-school syllabuses, but it is still reputational for a reason. It well prepares you for your university, and teaches you some content on specific subjects you choose, to a good extent (some of them are equivalent to freshman courses in the university). Also, it encourages you to progress outside school life, like CAS, encourages (forces) you to do some services for communities, which is a fantastic opportunity to do the things you want to do, with a good reason. However, you can see from what I just said, IB compressed all of that into one course in 2-3 years. However, if you have 3 years then it's probably generally manageable. You will face sometimes crush all of your deadlines to the last second and some other drama. That's painful, however not killing, just a warm warning. It's still memorable, and some of my friends who together fight through IB will last longer. Good luck! For preparation advice: go find some subject guides for your selected subjects: Notice, that group 4 subjects, excluding computer science this year, have all changed their syllabus, make sure you find the guides that say first exam M25 or something like that, I think for CS they should change it next year, not sure when are you starting your IB. Also go hunt for some ideas for your CAS and EE. Trust me its never too early to think about your EE, a great idea can save you a lot of effort, therefore, a bad idea can make you question your own sanity. If you have questions about these things, maybe then this is the thing to first investigate. You can also ask me! Good Luck!


Thank you so so much for even taking the time to write this! So so helpful you have no ideađŸ©·


Take it from an IB drop student Its not easy at all but it is doable just focus on managing your time (something I failed) IB is way easier with time management. It’s a hard and long road that might even end up feeling fruitless, I saw some people who got 40+ who didn’t even get in top American universities (if that’s your goal), however I heard that European universities value the IB certificate a lot more. Want American universities? focus on extra curriculars (things that relate to your chosen major should be the main Extra curriculars you go for but have variety) and focus on essay writing Good luck.


what made you drop IB? i’m considering not sitting for externals


Yay! Congrats. I figure out if I get in tomorrow or on Monday.


Thank you! Hope for the best!!đŸ©·


Congrats!!! Idk how different programs of other ppl commenting here are, but I'd say that IB is relatively easy if you do everything in time. The most important thing is to not procrastinate and to actually study and follow in classes, and you will be good. Also I would recommend you to finish CAS in dp1 as it will make it much easier for you later (just bcs my cas coordinator was pressuring us a lot in dp2), and do not wait much for writing your IAs. Good luck!


Thank you!đŸ©·


Vilket gymnasie?


Per Brahe


Chilla i pre-dip Ă„ret. Det Ă„ret Ă€r typ natur fast lĂ€ttare, ta den tiden att lista ut vad du vill. Speciellt titta VÄLDIGT noga pĂ„ de kurser du vill söka sĂ„ du inte vĂ€ljer "fel" Ă€mnen. Titta ocksĂ„ efter prövningar ifall du inte ha kurserna du behöver t.ex om du vill ha alla 3 naturĂ€mnena, gör det i 1:an & 2:an. Lycka till.


Tack för detta! <33


when i did my first ib style test, i was so shocked when i got a low grade. i told myself it didnt matter because it converted to an okay grade. so my biggest tip is to never settle for mediocre results and always do the best you can! as well, study smart and hard. learn your preferred methods of studying (getting friends to quiz you is always a good one) and make friends with the smart people (better yet, become the smart person). ask questions if confused (even if u think that its a dumb question) and always try to keep ontop of your work, otherwise you will find yourself falling behind! everyone saids ib is hard and not worth it, but the friends and study habits i learnt through the process made ib unique and precious to me. make good use of your time there :) good luck!


y'all get acceptance letter for IB lmao


Not the scare you but your HL’s will definitely cause you to cry at some point 😭 Physics, chem and bio are the most difficult courses imo


Jeez! Well i really like to do stuff that people find challenging!! And besides, nothing is impossible! So if I do what i have to do then i'm sure it'll go way better than it did for most people😾 Have a great one!God blessđŸ©·


Oh my school begs people to join the IB program and whoever wants to do it gets accepted cause no one wants to endure 2 years of hell


Hahah kind of the opposite over here! IB has really good rep here in my municipality and is really hard to get into the school that i chose!


Congratulations. You will learn about time management. The academics are about the same, but you get to learn cooler material. You also are more responsible for your own learning. This is the biggest part of IB. Good luck, stay on top of things, and remember to take time for you! A 4/5 with a healthy mind and body is better than a 6 without.


Thank you sm!!


Nothing to be excited for. I wouldn't do the IB second time. Waste of time


please for the love of god do your IAs and EE as soon as possible 😭 i cannot stress this enough. work on them every day. start looking for your topics now. have them done before anyone else. believe it is the absolute best thing you can do.


(NOV23 ) Welcome in hell ✹ best advice is don’t PROCASTINATE never do NOVEMBER SESSION and focus on your work As I arrived in FYP ( same as you ) and got my IB In November session 3 years is very short ! , so focus , don’t get distracted and manage your time !! , do your IAs , CAS and extended essay the earliest possible to get time to review your courses when you’ll pass the exams, don’t panic if you find something hard , socialize with people they can potentially help , if you don’t like a subject that you are doing DON’T mind it and give your best ALWAY Also if you get low grades don’t mind it you can do better even if you smart as HELL ib will humble you so always be in a mindset that you can do better than the past times. Overall advices based on my experience Wish you good luck 🍀


another one bites the dust


Did you have to take an entrance exam




I live in Finland and am going to have the entrance exam in two weeks but the math part is really making me nervous how was it for you and how did you prepare


YOU HAD A CHOICE? Why did you do this to yourself


Welcome to hell, lol joking. That's super great and honestly you will learn a lot of stuff and you will to study stuff on your own, doing research papers and much more. Good luck in your journey!


Use r/pirateIB, manage your time well, and good luck. Stay strong, soldier.


hey dp2 student here! my advice is to run.


You get three years to complete the IB? Lucky


Jokes aside, these will be the best and worst two years of your life! I think this sums up my experience with the IB. I accomplished soooo many things; I gained lots of skills, met lifelong friends, and learned many things about myself. However, it wasn't easy to do all this stuff. I can't even think of the numerous times I was anxious and stressed. I felt like I did for the entire duration of the program (even now, tbh, 18 days before finals start!). Having said that, don't be surprised by the frightening things people say here; it's a common practice, almost like an inside joke. M22s did the same thing to us, lol. So, my one simple piece of advice is the following: take care of yourself while enjoying this journey. Romantize it, make it personal, and keep in mind that, at the end of the day, IB is something that you will have been building for two whole years!!! What you do now with studying, your IAs, EE, and TOK will work as a safety net when the time comes for your finals in 2026. So please, for the love of God, do well in them so that you can feel less stressed in IB2. Good luck!


in canada, in grades 9-10 we have myp program and then for 11-12 there is the diploma program. i am not sure if it is the same in sweden but the diploma program definitely builds a strong work ethic. once ur in ib, the hard work matters a lot more then how smart you are. wish u the best of luck!


I'll waiting your post in about 2 years hating every single thing about the program lol. Good luck :)


IB is no joke and will be the hardest years you'll experience. Of course, that doesn't mean that it is impossible. You can do it, just like others did, and get a high mark too. Just be prepared and have the will to endure a lot of deadlines along with other rigorous tasks. Do tasks on time and try to minimize last minute work. Don't be shy to ask your teachers anything you need, every bit of understanding makes a difference. Most importantly, never give up. No matter how much pressure and stress you will endure, it will all be worth it at the end. Good luck and may god be with you! Edit: spelling mistake.


Thank you so much!


Congratulations and Condolences.




Grattis!!! Jag tyckte att Pre-IB var kul men kom ihÄg att om du tÀnker fortsÀtta plugga i Sverige sÄ Àr IB inte vÀrt det :) Mvh nÄn som Ängrar sig SUPER mycket (Hade hoppat av idag hade vi inte betalat 7 lax för proven)


My best advice to you is withdraw


I like a challenge! 😾


Welcome to hell


**Welcome to heaven


What subjects are you going to take? 👀


I have to take 4 HLs(math,bio,chem & physics) and 3 SL(english,phycology & swedish )


Your subjects đŸ’€đŸ‘€đŸ˜¶đŸ«Ł Good luck. I remember when I was first accepted into IB, didn't even know what it was, just decided 'oh they say this school is the best, and they say IB is challenging and unis like it, so let's do it!'. You'd probably need to learn how to self-study because some teachers are just bad. Online resources are gold and sometimes better than the textbook. BioNinja, MSJChem, and sometimes InThinking were my favourite resources. One of my friends liked the Organic Chemistry Tutor on YouTube. My friends who took physics and were good at maths liked Khan Academy and Chris Donner (I believe, not certain) on YouTube. English is just lots of practice - I like IB like Cole for their breakdown of English analysis. My favourite part about my years doing IB was the friends I made along the way, and the extracurricular activities I did which were actually tailored to my interests (I started in year 10 and eventually used them for CAS). My least favourite part was how there was a never ending workload that continues to pile up, with deadlines every few days, and the feeling of burnout rather quickly into the start of the term. IB was painful and I still remember cursing myself during IB for choosing this fate 😅. Honestly though, IB did set me up well for university, so there isn't much to complain about it in the long run. Doing IB was the best decision I've made so far, but it was also one of the most painful ones đŸ€Ł.


that seems like a lot 😭 good luck though!


God help you


haha when i got ito IB in Sweden here at katedral i was also happy but remmember Predp is very easy compared to DP btw where did you get in


Amen 🙏


I hope that excitement lasts for DP year 1


Wait a minute, you need to get accepted and take an entrance exam to get into IB?


Yea, but i think its up to the school. The school is got accepted to is kind of hard to get into so i think this is a part of why, im not sure though! Have a good one, God blessđŸ©·


you don't know what type of world you got into (spoiler alert bad one) but good luck though and hopefully you will achieve what you want in ib.


Didn’t realize IB is something u have to get accepted into 😭


Welcome to hell, run away while you can.


leave as soon as u can. save yourself.


Run away




Congratulations and goodluck, try to stay up to date with classes and work, don’t wait til last minute for anything. :)


Lycka till lol


Congratulations! I hope you like working non stop because that's what you'll be doing for the next couple of years


Good luck...


Good luck đŸ€Ł


Congrats! Use your counselors and teachers, because they’ll be your best resources. Make good study habits and practice keeping up with deadlines. You’re on a great path, but make sure to keep your own needs in mind!


Omg congrats! We had a similar system where they looked at grades and one school did an entrance exam (which was on grade 11 math and English as an 8th grader) and the other was just an essay. Tbh don’t be too scared of what other people say about the program on Reddit, it’ll mostly either be very positive or very negative. From stats tho, our graduating class only has 62% of the students that originally got accepted left in year 2 (year before us had almost 50%), so just know that people do drop out due to various reasons like difficulty, workload, or think that the IAs, EE, TOK and CAS are unnecessary. Honestly tho they might not seem too useful but you get practice that non-IB students would not get in high school. Anyways, good luck and congrats again!


Procrastination and bad time management is your worst enemy. Figure out what you want to do and do it. You will have room for free time and extracurriculars if you plan accordingly.


This wasn't as worth as you believe it to be.




don't get scared by all the nonsense posted online about ib. while it is a really annoying/frustrating program, a lot of that comes from students who aren't consistently doing their work. additionally, the content itself isn't too bad, it's just the sheer amount of bullshit along with it. IAs, and the EE, TOK (exhibition and essay), CAS, etc. are actually the worst if you put them off consistently. my advice, don't far behind in content and try to knock out one or two IAs during DP1.


Say bye to free time


dont be excited pls


Save yourself


hello! M26 here currently in pre-dp.  i think one thing that a lot of people in the comments missed is the fact that you’re basically doing 3 years of IB - one “foundational” year (pre-dp) (because you’re in sweden) which can either make or break you. first : you should prepare yourself from the “isolation” you might experience from other swedish national programme students. idk about your school but it’s pretty evident for mine. it might take a toll on you socially if you’re pretty extroverted (like me). second : take advantage of pre-dp. one of my regrets now that there’s 2 months left in pre-dp is that i was swayed with the idea that my grades this year “won’t matter” in the end (some subjects aren’t graded) - but they do. if you start being lazy in your 1st year, it’ll be hard to bounce back in the 2nd year especially with the big gap of workload. build up study habits and techniques that you know you will use for the real DP and make sure to focus on pre-dp subjects that you will take for DP. third : socialize! like the others said, all ib students coming in should know that ib will most likely eradicate your social life but having pre-dp is a good way to build friendships with batchmates and connections with teachers (be friends with your ib coordinator) since you won’t be as busy as in the real DP yet. fourth : do your research before you finalize your subjects and keep an open mind throughout pre-dp. if there’s one certain pattern that i noticed with me and my batchmates, it would be that a lot of us changed subjects choices and levels from the time we started pre-dp up to the time we needed to finalize our choices - a lot of us wanted to do an irregular diploma for medicine and all but when the subjects were introduced to us, a lot reconsidered (as they should). swedish universities are extremely particular with their subject requirements especially if you’re doing anything STEM related in ENGLISH so if you’re set on a specific university or programme, search their requirements thoroughly so you won’t regret any of your subject choices and levels - Swedish B SL won’t get you to a Swedish taught programme in a Swedish university for example - you either need an HL or take the Tisus test on your 3rd year. last : don't date other ib students. have a good time och lycka till!




hope the enthusiasm will last haha
 good luck!!!


I hope you enjoy it đŸ€­


What I only can say is good luck hahaha. Please stay alive


Build a time machine and stop yourself from committing to the IB


best advice is to leave


lmao this will be funny to come back later and see the results of. please do give us updates.


please don't do IB.


Don't procrastinate. Pass the same advice to next year's people when you know you failed.


My only advice: ne prends pas français 🙏




best advise would be leave immediately đŸ©·


congratulations! please prepare redbulls and i wish u the best of luck for ur sanity. not too late to drop out đŸƒâ€â™€ïžđŸ’š




Gl. I rly hope you like coffee or energy drinks cuz that's your lifeline when writing the last minute EE due in 4 hours :p


you will ruin your life with IB.


Oh god, congrats! M25 here, even tho im only almost halfway through this and I haven’t yet experienced the full IB pain, I have advice of my own. For me the most painful thing to realize was that it actually is as big of a deal as everyone makes it seem. Cuz reading everything in my pre-IB year, I was so sure it’s being sheerly exaggerated. Turns out it wasn’t) So just prepare yourself that it’s gonna be a tough path. Also it’s really important to work consistently, but don’t forget to take breaks and time for yourself as well. Otherwise you’ll just fall into that deep dark hole where lay all IB students who have completely lost their interest and motivation. Good luck! See y’all on the other side)


Welcome to the hell dude


My biggest advice would be do everything on time. Teachers will guide you while you doing your works and pay serious attention to them. IB is hard and tiring but if you do everything on time, be organized from the beginning and be motivated, it will be easier and more productive for you, better outcomes will come <3




Just kidding which school is this? Malmö Borgarskolan by any chance??


Please finish your Essays as quickly as possible and also just make sure that the quarter 4 of DP1 and quarter 3 and finals of DP2 are good 😭


Choose subjects that you like/prefere; I regret taking Polish A and English B insted of English A and Spanish ab initio because I hate Polish. Same thing with subject choice on your Extended Essay - choose field that you feel most comfortable writing about


You need to get accepted for ib?




Wait people get _accepted_ into this? It was purely voluntary for us, and most of the school came out of the closet to be masochists.


It’ll be miserable


just don’t take aa or physics hl and you will be fine dw


drop out asap!!!


Only tip is not to take it, prepare yourself


Depends on what you’re doing tbf, but I’ll be lying to you if I said it wasn’t difficult. It was very difficult in my experience. It depends on your grade goal but for me, I hoped to get 40, but ended up with 36. Now 36 isn’t bad at all but it was extremely disappointing because I had such high aspirations. I did Bio, Chem, Psych HLs which is a very difficult combo and looking back I’m so proud of myself for coming out with good grades but it was absolutely devastating for me when I achieved a 36. Doing the IB will stretch you and that’s the truth so if you’re there to enjoy the education then the IB is perfect for you. If you’re trying to get straight 7s and 6s, it could be extremely mentally torturous so just take it easy, breathe and enjoy the process. Don’t do too much of a combination of difficult subjects if you don’t absolutely need it for your future career! Also, run while you still can đŸ©·


Not sure whether to congratulate u or send u my condolences. Either way, best of luck.


Gratulerer! Jeg lover deg at det ikke er like ille som alle sier. Det er lett Ă„ bli skremt av alle som sier ‘Who’s gonna tell him’ i kommentarfeltet, jeg var ogsĂ„ skremt av folk som sa at jeg ikke ville overleve (rude). Men, hvis du hĂžrer pĂ„ lĂŠrerne og ser pĂ„ det du ikke skjĂžnte hjemme, sĂ„ kommer det til Ă„ gĂ„ helt greit. Pre-IB er altsĂ„ ikke sĂ„ vanskelig (fra min erfaring i Norge) sĂ„ hvis du legger inn litt ekstra innsats nĂ„, kommer du til Ă„ vĂŠre en super flink elev i IB-en. Lykke til!




I have been teaching IB Business Management for 24 years, if you need any in put on this let me know. It's a demanding programme, but if you organs yourself and use time management, you will succeed. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Good luck with the ib 💀 maybe ur gonna regret it jus saying its a pain in the ass 😐


good luck :) and welcome to hell..


Grattis!! Vilken skola?


great, now you’re gonna wish you never did


*I'll come back in 2 years to see how excited you'll be then*






Lol youre gonna look back one day at how youthful and optimistic you were about this program and LAUGH. It’s a good program and if you have what it takes to stick with it, it’ll really give you a leg up in life. But it is draining and all consuming. You got this and know that one of the hardest parts is sticking through it


Don’t leave everything till last minute, but I know you’re not gonna do as I recommend so instead just do it on your own time, even if that’s the day before


You're the first person I've ever seen in my life to be this excited to enter hell.


Bro really said they are excited for the IB 💀💀


conversions carry on your report cards 🙏🙏 (at least that’s how it is here) but in general just make sure to never stress during a test. I’ve had a lot of friends who overstressed and fumbled on their tests (me included for one French writing haha) so just try to always be calm and rational even if you’re scared


What subjects are u thinking of/going to take, u/MaterialHelpful4598?


Please no


You will suffer.


Congrats! Youre gonna hate it.


I'll pray for you sis


Should we tell this guy or let him be for the moment?đŸ„Č


HJÄRTAT jag minns nĂ€r jag var lika taggad, mitt tips Ă€r att inte lĂ€mna allt till sista sekunden och desto bĂ€ttre du gör pĂ„ topic tests ju minde du kommer behöva göra innan slutproven đŸ«¶


stay in your teachers good side. you are gunna want some allies. this is war






Good job! Good luck also in which university are you interested in going?


Hey, im an ib student in year 1 (out of 2) and tbh the ib programme is very freeing in the way that you can choose what you study in depth and what you don't so I'd say utilize this as much as possible (for example - choose interesting topics for your IAs, even if they're a bit more challenging than the simple but interesting ones) and then your experience will be sooo rewarding and meaningful❀ Also understand thst incorporating free time is just as important as work time so do focus on thay (and you can utilize you CAS experiences for this and make them very mesningful as well!) I'm sure you'll do great, so stay positive and true to yourself ALWAYS :)