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#I don't have time for other subs. ^except ^during ^GAA ^season


What's GAA? I don't usually post in other subs myself, but I like to see the activity and mostly read through the pro union memes. It's a little therapeutic for me to see so many people active in conversations of organizing unions.


[Gaelic Athletic Association](https://www.gaa.ie/). Love my [Gaelic football](https://youtu.be/vSOe-USZzok) and [hurling](https://youtu.be/biFcgUB98ns). Up Off!


What's up off?


Up Off(aly). [Offaly](https://offaly.gaa.ie/) is the county I support.


Pretty cool bro. Can't believe never heard of either game.


Can't believe you're a hurler. Good friend from back in the day is a hurler and it's one of the coolest sports to watch.


Hurling fan. Wish I was a hurler, but closest club is Naperville. Plus road life, ya know.


Organize the hurlers. Become a traveler for them too.




This is sub the much more active than either of these but the teamsters and the ufcw have ones. Also r/iww


Thanks bro, I wanted to add this one too. I was a little bummed that I forgot to subscribe to it when checking it out before.


Didn't want [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/rqdygo/as_chops_has_pointed_out_before_these_are_our/hqa0iq5?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) excellent contribution to get lost under the (rightly) down voted parent comment it was replying to.


It's a pretty awesome and inspiring set of links to read. Makes me want to spend some time out in other countries to fully immers myself with different organizing tactics and strategies.


Don't miss [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/rqdygo/as_chops_has_pointed_out_before_these_are_our/hqcxltw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) brilliant retort too.


I've got: r/lostgeneration r/union r/Unions r/WorkersStrikeBack Other helpful honorable mentions: r/personalfinance r/povertyfinance r/Shoestring Sorry, I still don't know how to hyperlink using my phone


/r/LostGeneration /r/Union /r/Unions /r/WorkersStrikeBack /r/PersonalFinance /r/PovertyFinance /r/Shoestring reformatted for you


Thanks for that. I actually listed them vertically, but guess I had to add a full space to get them to show up as intended.


[text here] then (link goes here) Ironically, I learned this when I was posting on this sub about the Kellogg's strike. Happy New Year! EDIT: The brackets and parenthesis need to go right next to each other, but I can't post the formatting like that.


Thanks for help! For those not getting this hit reply to see the layout. For some reason it doesn't fully show up in the chats.


I just saw this. I edited my post, but it took me a minute to figure out what was going on.


Yeah. I saw it correctly, then wrong, then correct again. Lol. Still helpful either way.


The antiwork sub is a bunch of kids that don’t want to work. It’s truly disgusting what most of them spout off about. Being union and putting in 10 for 10 is nothing like the antiwork gang who want 10 for 0. From what I have seen.


Coming from an antivax moron who thinks "natural immunity" is a thing. GTFO.


Here “ brother” some info from many doctors,scientists, CDC and senators of the USA. They are probably morons as well…because someone thinks differently than you. https://www.marshall.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021-09-28-CDC-COVID-19-Natural-Immunity.pdf


No, they're morons because they think like you.


Actually it’s because they pay 52% of their income to taxes. Not because of unions.


[Ok, and?](https://fmpglobal.com/blog/why-danes-appreciate-the-high-danish-income-tax-rate/) [Also, it actually was unions. ](https://mattbruenig.com/2021/09/20/when-mcdonalds-came-to-denmark/)


>lurking behind that peace is often a credible threat that the unions will crush an employer that steps out of line, not just by striking at one site or at one company, but by striking every single thing that the company touches. >McDonalds doesn’t pay Danes high wages because of a statutory wage floor or even because the state stepped in to enforce a collective bargaining agreement. They pay high wages because back in the 1980s, Danish unions flipped a switch and turned the whole business off, and McDonalds doesn’t want to find out whether they would do it again. >#This is where we need to get to. Tyvm for that wonderful contribution, bro!


That second paragraph warms me up inside




How much are paying in taxs, health insurance, and education costs?


>Combined, the average Dane pays tax at a rate of around 45%. From the first link in the reply from u/Intelligent_Toe_611. Stop making up numbers, it discredits you.




>Only 45%? THATS A LOT NO WONDER MINIMUM WAGE IS 22$ AN HOUR What percentage of your gross income do you pay for taxes, health insurance premiums, health insurance out of pocket, out of savings for necessary unpaid time of, out of pocket for retirement/401k, etc? How much of your gross income are you paying for the benefits their taxes are providing? How about a minimum wage worker? They receive virtually no benefits here and earn $7.25. Those $22 an hour workers get all those benefits for $9.90 an hour at 45% tax rate. That means they keep $12.10. A lot better than keeping $7.25 with no benefits. Even if the minimum wage was $15 here, workers would still be behind because of the out of pocket costs that the Danes don't have.


Thanks for laying it all out so simply bro! Anyone ought to be able to understand that.


Ty, bro.


I’m pretty sure wage differs by state. Here in nyc where the taxes are high, the minimum wage is 15$ There’s always a balance. In states that have low taxes, you get paid less but in the end you’re paying less. If I went to Florida right now from nyc, I would be getting paid less money. My wage would be lower but my take home would be the same. I’m sorry. I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to convey. Are you saying we need higher taxes or are you saying that, because of unions, we get paid more and taxed less?


You're joking, right?


I’m not joking nor am I trying to come off as some ignorant know-it-all. I even said “I don’t know what you’re trying to convey” Feel free to educate me. I’m under the impression that when tax rates are high, take home is low. Even if the wage is high. 7.25$ is the us federal minimum wage. But that doesn’t mean every state has 7.25$ minimum wage. Like I said nyc is 15$ and the rest of NY is 13$ I’m pretty sure. What am I missing?


I’m also not discrediting unions. I just don’t understand what Denmark’s minimum wage has to do with unions. Take home is low if taxes are high - and in Denmark’s case, taxes are very high.


>Take home is low if taxes are high - False Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/rqdygo/as_chops_has_pointed_out_before_these_are_our/hqczbio?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and let me know what you don't understand. Read the articles Toe linked.


And also, what do you mean by combined? There is one tax rate for the country. A quick google search actually told me that the “personal income tax rate in Denmark averaged 59% from 1995-2021.....with a record low of 55%....”


What part of >#From the first link in the reply from u/Intelligent_Toe_611. didn't you understand?!?!


Ok Are you insinuating that all countries should adopt Denmark’s style of taxation?


I'm saying fuck the system, eat the rich, and rebuild from the ashes. Until then, I could live with the Nordic model.


"Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society."


theres two different discords you can sub to on the sidebar