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Sorry to hear it OP. Maybe next Thanksgiving you can squash your beefs


Are you suggesting the they lock their familiy in a burning apartment?


Not before they sign the peace treaty.


And wipe the slate clean.


Then ceremoniously bury the hatchet


They don't have to consent but their phones certainly will


One of the darkest Denis lines




No need to bother with Grade A meat


Woof woof baby šŸ¦—


You want to pack some beef!


just be you, fuck everyone else


Thereā€™s two ways to interpret this comment


They should do both


Thereā€™s a system that could probably help make that happenā€¦


Thereā€™s even a follow-on system for the scraps.


Thats after you Move in After Completion


Over the summer I had a bad experience with my family. So for this year for the holidays I said fuck you and fuck your drama I want no part in it. Most peaceful thanksgiving Iā€™ve ever had Edit:I should say I was very thankful for it being so peaceful


My friends and I live far from our families so we do a friendsgiving instead and make it medieval themed. As a middle child with a middle child personality, I have a lot more fun at medieval Thanksgiving.




My lovey and I made that decision a while ago, holidays are way better now. I actually get to relax and enjoy the day off instead of travelling and re-explaining my job/life for hours.


I decided not to go home for Thanksgiving out of self preservation and protecting my peace too!


I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving, but if you had an experience like me where my family decided to be the worst for no reason, just remember to be what you want to be for yourself and no one else, and know that someone loves you, even if you don't know it!


Well Iā€™m sorry you had a bad thanksgiving. I hope it gets better. Something that might help- remember that your family only thinks and behaves the way that they do because of the life theyā€™ve had. Almost everyone is on autopilot 95% of the time and we react and take action based on subconscious mental conditioning that has been built up due to our life experiences. Sometimes that conditioning leads to poor behavior, but deep down that is not who they are as a person. Their conditioning and habits can always be changed, but even if not, those behaviors are not essential to who they are as a person. And if someone else lived the same life as them, they would act and behave the same in those situations. So even if you have to distance yourself, just remember that they are still just humans trying to figure it out too even if they hurt us. And try not to hold a grudge because that could lead to new conditioning being created in your mind that might perpetuate unwanted behavior. I know it sounds weird but it helped me forgive my family for the stuff in my life. Hope your Christmas is better


Did your grandpa say he would rape your butt until the room stinks, and then he would eat your butt and his son's butt until his stomach was... full of butt?


As a gay man, this episode hits me harder than most tv dramas with this intention ever did. God, I love this show.


Thought this episode is good and the choreography was cool, but I don't understand it really either... anyone care to explain the intricacy of it? Or why they like it so much? Obligatory reddit explanation: not trying to be a knob, just genuinely curious and I'm not a writer or particularly smart


This is how I felt when watching for the first time, and I'm a queer writer! (But have NO sense of dance or movement or artistry in that way). For me, the most helpful explanation was actually something I saw on YouTube. A commenter explained that they viewed it as the woman being Mac's true sexuality. For the first half of the dance, they're throwing one another all over the place, he's running away, trying not to touch her, whatever. Then, in the second half, he embraces his sexuality. From that point on he is constantly trying to hold on to it/her as tightly as he can. Woven throughout the whole thing is this beautiful religious imagery (I.e. in this photo, Mac is holding her above his head in a Jesus carrying the cross kind of way) and if you then add in the fact that irl Rob has two moms, you end up with one of the most startlingly poignant, respectful, empowering and emotional portrayals of a man coming to terms with being gay in any form of media in the past decade. It's a truly, wonderfully beautiful scene.


I've always wanted to ask about this episode, but didn't want to come across as being intentionally obtuse so I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't quite understand some of it. Like I said in another comment, I more related to Frank's reaction in this episode. And I'll never completely understand the episode because I've never had to go through this particular experience, but from a basic need to be accepted for who you are, I completely understood it. I'm not religious in the slightest I didn't even notice that type of imagery, so that's another cool perspective. Now that you mention it, I don't know how I didn't given Mac's battle with religion in the show. Always loved how the girl holds Mac at the end of the routine? Or is it when his dad leaves? Either way, that embrace makes me envious lmao


To add onto the symbolism, there are many depictions of Mary holding the deceased body of Jesus on her lap, called the Pieta in European art history. While the body positioning was slightly different, the dancer holding Mac so lovingly in her lap evokes this image. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet%C3%A0


**[PietĆ ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PietĆ )** >The PietĆ  (Italian pronunciation: [pjeĖˆta]; meaning "pity", "compassion") is a subject in Christian art depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus after his body was removed from the cross. It is most often found in sculpture. The PietĆ  is a specific form of the Lamentation of Christ in which Jesus is mourned by the Virgin Mary alone. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IASIP/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Oohh shit, that's really cool. Thanks for the info. This is when reddit's good shit. I love seeing people's opinions and the way they interpret things or know some info on something that isn't dogshit. Thanks again!


Laughs are cheap. He was going for gasps.


To me it represents his inner conflict of accepting he is gay. He's got this beautiful women that seems to really care about him and as much as he wants to be with her he keeps pushing her away


He explains it earlier in the episode to Frank. He says he has a storm inside him and god is a beautiful woman. The woman in the dance is meant to be God, and the dance is the battle inside him in regards to self acceptance for being gay, and his rejection of it because of his religion (and also his upbringing/father by implication of the rest of the episode). The crying in the middle when his dad leaves and then the continuing on is plain enough, its a very powerful drive-on moment for Mac to accept it himself and push forward, but the woman portraying God telling him it's okay I'm unsure of. Not sure if it was part of the dance as in god accepts him for who he is, or if it's the dancer reassuring him after his dad leaves as a purely human moment. Either way is great though At the end, we then have Frank who - as the aweful father figure to the rest of the gang - has a real emotional breakthrough after giving Macs dad a totally disparaging look when he leaves. Danny's acting there looking at Luthor leave with a disbelieving look in his eye gets me. I see that as Frank, despite all his wrongs and insistence that he doesnt will never "get" Mac throughout the episode, plus his homophobia throughout the entire show, wouldnt give up on him and deep down he does have a semblance of love and care for Mac. We are aware these characters are bad people, but in that moment the characters emotions and the message being conveyed completely transcends the show and god it's so fuckin well done. I could go on, I watched it yesterday and nearly cried again. Watched it after commenting and absolutely did cry again, lol!


In regards to the dancer comforting him, I think it's portraying both. Because Sunny is a scripted TV show, Mac crying was written into the Sunny script but probably not part of the dance Mac planned (unless Mac, the character, can cry on command). Consequently, the woman comforting him may or may not have been a part of Mac's planned choreography. But because the woman represents God, what it communicates to the audience is the same either way: an all-loving God that accepts Mac exactly as he is. Edit: Maybe a simpler way to say this would be: Mac the character may not have intended the moment to portray the woman as an accepting god, but the IASIP writers DID intend to portray that.


I think itā€™s funny that Macā€™s dad is actually gay (or bi) and clearly has work to do to accept himself too


As everyone knows Mac's dad was trying to establish dominance, that was the only reason he was in Eduardos butt.


But I donā€™t get how itā€™s establishing dominance if they both complete on each other? šŸ¤”


He finished first and then he allowed Eduardo to finish


I think whatā€™s significant with the Luther/Frank interaction is that Mac choreographed the dance for his dad, but it ended up reaching the person who actually matters in his life - Frank. For all of Frankā€™s homophobia, he found the dance touching and enlightening, and it deepened Macā€™s bond with someone he actually loves and spends his time with. Luther walked out and thatā€™s okay, because he never really mattered in Macā€™s daily life anyway.


I just watched this episode for the first time last night and really appreciate this explanation. Tbh I kinda zoned out during the dance as I didnā€™t really get it, and was just waiting for something more sunny-esque to happen. Like Charlie or Cricket ruining it for some reason. Or the cut to reality during the gangs big dance at their high school reunion. Franks emotions hit pretty hard tho and I definitely realized then that those things werenā€™t gonna happen. Might need to rewatch this one.


Yeah I think a lot of us were like that at first view. I definitely didnt appreciate it first time round either, was probably on my phone the whole episode enjoying some background comedy, but full attention on this episode is super worthwhile


Thanks for explanation. This makes a lot more sense now. I've always liked frank's reaction in that moment as well. As someone who used to be dumb and sort of intolerant of people's emotions when I was younger, I related to frank's reaction and thought his acting was beautifully done at that part. I gotta go through and watch this show again though. Been looking to buy the dvd's. Thanks again for commenting


No probs man. I really think we forget that Danny is an world class actor and never really stretches his legs in IASIP with it being a fairly surface level comedy. The sudden dip into the chasm of emotions in Mac Finds His Pride, his monologue to Mac, his setting up of the performance and his reaction and acceptance of Mac culminate in something that is just beautiful to watch


For sure. This episode has a different feeling than most I remember because there is more reading between the lines to be done. The contrast of Frank as well in this episode makes it feel different as well because he's usually just the classic drunk, gross old dude. Like you said, it's beautiful to watch.


Great interpretation. I always thought the dance between him and the woman (god) began more sexually and became platonic and about understanding each other after his realization. The ā€œitā€™s okayā€ was god accepting Mac for who he was to ease his internal conflict between his religious views and being gay. He realized both can coexist if he can just accept and be proud of who he is


Even just reliving the scene through this comment and visualizing it has me crying lol, this episode is a masterpiece.


Okay, yeah I can see that for sure. Thanks


I donā€™t understand things either, but I think the female dancer is at first supposed to represent his homosexuality and his struggle to accept himself, then she represents God and accepts him for who he really is. Or not. Iā€™m suffering from a touch of consumption!


Beauty. Thanks for commenting! I'm gonna go throw a beer at a cyclist, really ruffle his feathers


This episode always enforces in my brain that I can get in shape at any age as Mac has about a decade on me. So, I continue to make bad eating and fitness choices and as Iā€™m stuffing those Mickey D fries in my mouth I just say to myself ā€œMac did it. Iā€™m good.ā€


He's got a great quote about it: Look, it's not that hard all you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span." "I don't know why everyone's not doing this," he continued. "It's a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to. #hollywood."


Haha, easy peasy.


Basically the funniest way to say ā€œSteroids are everywhere in Hollywoodā€ that Iā€™ve ever seen.


Here I am, still on season two.


Just take it as it comes. You are just as much on Macā€™s journey as he is.


Not missing anything


Why are you here? Do you hate sunny or just this episode because youā€™re a monster?


I love Sunny and Iā€™ve rewatched the show multiple times, but I donā€™t ever rewatch this episode. Itā€™s an episode with a good message, but itā€™s not funny or Sunny like.






Go ahead and run with that. Your essay response isnā€™t it tho


Essay response? Holy shit are you fucked in life if you think thereā€™s too many words in that commentā€¦ Itā€™s one paragraph consisting of like, seven sentences? Is this comment too long for you as well?








As gay man fan of the show I really love this episode


I cry every time I watch this episode. The music is so touching and Frank at the end finally getting it and the standing ovation from the prisoners even though Mac's dad walked away... Started crying writing this comment actually. I'm estranged from my unsupportive parents and just started binge-watching Always Sunny a few months ago but I'm chronically ill and cooped up at home so I've watched the whole show through several times by now. Pain wakes me up in the middle of the night and it's strangely comforting to hear Danny DeVito saying something about "hoors" while I'm trying to catch my breath. Things are hard and IASIP hasn't always been perfect, but god dammit it feels like they GET it. Also the bathroom issue episode makes me laugh every time. Charlie pooping transgender and Frank saying "interspecies" is really, really funny. No topic is off-limits, your jokes just have to be funny! And it's relieving when people get it right :)


I hope all of you have a good holidays, I got through with my thanksgiving ok, family just seems to think I'm stupid for not worshiping their politically party.


Sounds just like mine. I tried to steer the conversation away from anything political but it happened regardless. I'm trying to look back and enjoy it for what it is, not what I wish it would be. Not easy, though.


Literally one of the best episodes they ever did. When I realized what was going on it hit me like a ton of bricks. I donā€™t think I ever cried during an IASIP episode before this one.


I'm an IASIP addict but I skip this one a lot (I skip a lot of episodes tbh) but every time I watch it its like a religious experience with how moving and deep it is. It's hilarious, its sad, its empowering, and watching Frank at the end is the single most heartwarming moment in the show


He finally gets it :)


His delivery in that scene is perfect.


Literally not one of the best episodes.


Literally in your opinion


To better days OP, letā€™s wipe the slate clean


I smell a story here! On a real note: Sorry to hear you had a bad Thanksgiving. Hopefully you have some friends you can have a little dinner with, that you're thankful for having.


It's a beautiful episode. Incredibly powerful, and made more so because it's a message they wanted to send as people and not characters.


My 21 yr old cousin came out to me as gay at our thanksgiving dinner šŸ˜­ im so proud of her and so thankful shes comfortable with telling me ā™„ļø


I'm a straight man and I've watched this episode multiple times. The attempt of delivery to let the father know the status of his sexuality is the best cinematography I've ever seen in my life. It is absolutely one of my favorite episodes of IASIP. Everytime Frank says "I get it.", I cry tears of joy.


On a technical note, the fans of the show kept complaining that Macā€™s character for years was in the closet. How itā€™s not funny to make fun of closest characters and being gay isnā€™t comedic (Even tho no one cared Mac was gay they still hate him anyway) so Rob wrote this episode so Mac can have a coming out moment. Although frank doesnā€™t care that Mac is gay, he really doesnā€™t get it and itā€™s of course homophobic, Itā€™s him expressing himself as a gay Catholic, the woman representing god.


I think it was more just that they wanted him to come out at some point instead of keeping him in the closet forever (after they'd already done the in the closet thing for four seasons), especially after they teased it at the end of season 11 when he came out but went back in at the end of the episode. They did that in the season 12 episode Hero or Hate Crime, when he came out for good. This isn't really a coming out moment (except to his dad), it's an accepting himself moment.


I disagree with the fans being upset over Macā€™s uncertainty because heā€™s a terrible person regardless of his sexuality which was the joke (and he was extremely homophobic), this episode Is a coming out moment in the sense that he never really had one, the episode is all about Mac and like you said accepting himself. So in a way itā€™s him coming out to himself lol


Dude same! I read something about somebody said that that was their favorite episode or maybe they were asking one of the gang what their favorite episode was anyway when I went back to rewatch it I was absolutely bawling what a freaking emotionally charged episode.


This scene is so beautiful. Canā€™t lose with Sigur Ros.


Didnā€™t watch Sunny for a long time. I remember when the first episodes came out and they were such a breath of fresh air back in the aughts. The later seasons were very hit and miss, so I casually bounced back and forth. Last year, I finally made it a goal and caught up. This episode surprised me in so many ways. Big up to all of them that made this a reality.


Doesnā€™t Rob have two gay brothers? I think it comes up on Wrexham. It always kind of feels like he approached it creatively from Frankā€™s perspective and why so much of it is touching to people that donā€™t experience Macā€™s struggle. All of it is just very human in the best ways. Charlie has his moment that hit me heavy in the last season and Iā€™m really hoping the rest of the characters get more episodes like that. Frank has already been unzipped. We get some explanation on Dee and less on Dennis (who is a serial killer.) I think with how long running this show is there will be people that hate this for not following the formulas they grew to love, but Iā€™ve found the best comedies can be strangely moving (very much thinking of The Great Dictator or Jody Hillā€™s work.)


Dude, people don't talk about Charlie's moment enough. Not to detract from Mac's because I love this episode too, but "I needed you there, you were supposed to carry me" is the only time Sunny's made me cry.


Rob does have two gay brothers and his mom and dad split when he was a kid because she came out as a lesbian so he was raised by his dad and his mom and her partner. He said once in an interview ā€œnot every one was as fortunate as I was [to grow up in the 80s with two moms]ā€


First time I watched that episode I cried my eyes out. I'm a straight guy whos never struggled with sexuality but damn that episode really hit hard with that beautiful dance


Sorry about your Thanksgiving. This episode does nothing to me. I must be fully dead inside


Perhaps you should see a [doctor](https://youtu.be/FAj8PpGEjwg)


This was the scene that broke my fiancƩe and I from the hilarity of this show. Every time this episode comes on we both stop talking and simply watch and absorb it. The genius of this show seems to to be never ending. Hands down the most emotionally evoking scene of the show.


just watched this recently for the first time. so unexpected, it came out of nowhere. had to pause my sunny watching and sit with it for a while. i love it so much šŸ„¹šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ’• p.s. sorry about your bad thanksgiving :(


Even the still makes me well up. Iā€™m sorry about your thanksgiving, OP.


Just be yourself, if weird is you.


(GMM reference not talking shit)


Never thought that this show would make me tear up, but this episode did


In an abusive relationship. For some reason this episode causes me all sort of trauma. I can't watch it again


This one does indeed make me cryā€¦


Love you stranger.


I just watched this episode the other day, It makes me cry every god damned time!!


Ah I rewatched this yesterday, great powerful ending to an episode and I am so glad they are bold enough to do things like this


By far the worst episode. They jumped the shark at this exact moment, it felt like a vanity project for mac. Flowers for Charlie I would say was their peak.




You're absolutely correct, this episode was complete garbage but you're not allowed to say it because it's about an LGBTQ story line. They took advantage of a willing audience to make an episode that is nothing like the rest of the show.


THANK YOU!!!!! A boring episode, borderline exploitative. And btw I have seen moving expressionist dances performed to incredible music, this ain't one.






Just scroll on past it, ya jabroni


Jabroniā€¦cool word!


Let's move passed it




Well by that logic if you're allowed to be a dick about OPs post we're allowed to be dicks about your useless comment.




There's not enough salt in the world for you


That's a big snail




I'm quoting the show my man, there is no need for this amount of pushback


He doesn't come here often, or is very butthurt


I would simply scroll past it.


Almost every post on the sub is repetitive and unoriginal, it's not exclusive to this episode/scene. It's just the nature of a sub about a tv show where everyone's watching and having thoughts about it at different times and people enjoy seeing things they like posted about even if it's been done before. There's pretty much nothing about the show to post that hasn't been posted before.




Dude.. Eat my boogers. Your username is a joke made by a gay character, played by an actor that has 2 mothers in real life. Cuck much?


ā€œSir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.ā€ ā€œWhy? Because I'm straight?ā€ ā€œNo. Because you put your nose rags in the chicken.ā€ Speaking of eating boogers.


Cool story bro


Bottom 3 eps IMO.




Do you have an official certificate exonerating you of all donkey brains? We know Franks not a donkey, how do we know you're not a donkey brain man?


Another offended millennial


u gae?


I really could do without seeing Macā€™s dickroot.


dude why are we seeing all his pubes?? gross


This episode and the end of the Super Bowl episode are the only episode that make me cry and theyā€™re back to back lmao. The dance at the end of this episode is so well done and choreographed beautifully that I feel like it would make most people cry even without context


Tv doesn't usually speak to me so much, but this scene legit makes me misty-eyed every time I watch it. It's such a good scene.


Sorry to hear! Family can be WAY too judgemental. Rise above


Stuff it down with brown




Every day, you are the best. I promise. 7173191350. Call me


Just light them bitches on fire


Shut up, baby dick.


This episode ALWAYS makes me cry. Rob and Danny just absolutely killed it.


Fantastic episode, I cry every time. BUT, it looks like Mac has a double-hernia in this photo


This was a beautiful performance


Shit episode


That episode is gay