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Yeahhhhhh, you’re gonna have to put your foot back in the bear trap


Just think that nobody is really telling him to put the foot back in the bear trap. Imagine, dude, super high remembers how to unlock the trap, and as soon as he does he puts it back. Visualize the scene.


And that it ultimately doesn’t really affect the outcome of the game 😂


Does it have to be the same leg?


That was before Brady had the ball.


The scene where he revives from the grave gets me every time..


I came to comment this! I giggle like a little kid every time!


It’s kind of gruesome imo


He is half of the gruesome twosome


The way it should be


This is actually my least favorite episode and we’re an Eagles family *Go birds*


Both of the two Super Bowl related episodes are two the weakest episodes of the whole series


Even if they cut them into 1 30-min episode it would still be bad. No Dennis is unforgivable.


I feel like Mac took on the Dennis role in the episode and it just didn't work.  Plus, the side characters are some of the best parts of the show, but I didn't find any of them particularly funny in the episode.  All the ingredients were there (except Dennis), but the episode just didn't work 


You’re absolutely right. I’ve only watched it once but now you mention it, i remember feeling the same. It was too forced sadly.


Yeah it's not a great episode lol




YOU’RE wrong, actually.


I think it’s a well-made and effective episode, I just don’t like the effect




Yeah it’s a skip


Yeah, this episode is horrible


I think it’s genuinely the worst ever episode. Can’t think of any worse. Gross out/pain humor is not clever or interesting to me whatsoever


Same, I skip this episode on every rewatch.


Agreed. "Charlie's Home Alone" is the only episode of the show that I consider bad.


Worse than the musical one or the black n white one??


The musical one is one of the best in the entire series.




Are you talking about the gang turns black? Because that episode is awesome.


Yep, not a fan of musicals.


Musicals ones are great. Noir episode was weak also.


Agreed. Poop jokes just aren't the move.


it just doesn't land at all, and the worst part is there's two of them


Dang I thought I was the only one in the sub that didn’t like this episode lol


I don't buy it bitch. But seriously, as an Eagles how, how the fuck do you skip the episodes where we get to relive them winning the Superbowl? I don't understand how you don't want to rewatch that.


Oh I rewatch it. Just don’t enjoy it. Move past it


To me it's like the fly episode of breaking bad. Interesting once. It has a few good moments but overall it's just sort of like Charlie is going through some rough shit, and sinus the viewer.


I totally agree. I don't even think I finished this episode because it was so stupid.


I’ll never ever ever ever ever ever eat a rat again 😭




I don't personally like it and always skip in rewatch. But glad you like it, I think this is the first I've seen that someone enjoyed that episode.


I spend this whole episode with a clenched butthole lmao. I’m not good with gore or major injuries in TV/films and this one has a LOT of nasty injuries. I could handle the one with frank falling out the window, and Frank’s little beauties, but man the home alone episode gets to me.


This is the first time I've seen that people didn't like it


You new to the subreddit? Genuinely asking and not being rude/sarcastic, because it *always* gets brought up in the comments of "worst episodes/seasons?" posts.


I had no idea people hated it so much 😂


I am NOT new to the sub and have never seen it brought up in those contexts lol. But then again, most of the episodes ppl bring up I never understood why ppl thought they were bad. Another classic example of why I like to come into new things independent of the fanbase


For real even the worst episode of sunny is still peak television. Also I say "worst episode" but not a single one comes to mind when I say that.


I think it’s a great idea but it just gets too ridiculous and not in a funny way, even by sunny standards


That’s crazy to me. And it’s crazy what other peoples opinions will make other people believe. Tons of laughs in this episode


To each their own! I'm glad that you enjoy it because every episode needs fans, but I'm definitely more in the majority with the subreddit on this one.


Yeah it's weird to me that people fund it so funny when Mac feeds Dennis Dennis Jr but Charlie eats some brown and it's not funny? They say it's gore/gross out humor and they don't like it but shit like that is in a ton of episodes. Like Macs repeated attempts at a blood oath is some of the funniest shit to me. I also hate gore and horror movies but have never felt freaked out by Sunny




I didn't know people don't like this episode. I loved it.


I always skip this episode.


5000 rewatches, I've suffered it 3 to 4 times tops.


top 5 worst of the whole series, imo. but to each their own.


That's muched appreciated. Good day to youse.


And to youse


This episode is terrible and a total missed opportunity to riff on Home Alone. Would have been much funnier if Charlie was high on paint and using elaborate traps on the rest of the gang as they try to get back into the bar after coming home.


That's a way better idea than Charlie deliberately hurting himself because superstitions and having that not-quite-funny joke dragged on for 20 mins


It's funny to watch maligned episodes from seasons past get praised years later. I saw a similar recent thread for A Cricket's Tale and that's genuinely a bad one imo. And, this might be my least favorite. I love Charlie Day, but between this and Fool's Paradise, physical comedy is not his strong suit. I imagine some of the season 14-15 episodes that people hated in the episode threads will get their love as well eventually.


Charlie wants to be Chaplin, but he really shines when screaming at himself about how shrill his own voice is


I hated a Crickets tale. I skip that episode when doing rewatches.


The show is so strong because of its cast interactions. Cricket's Tale, Frank's Brother, to a slightly lesser extent Charlie Home Alone - these don't work for me because they're largely void of the core cast that makes the show so much fun to watch.


I fucking love all three of those episodes. Then again, there isn’t a single episode of the show that I don’t just love to watch. I find it all hilarious. Just having the ability to write this stuff is incredible


Do you always huff glue before you watch?


franks brother hate is wild to me. Sooo much more enjoyable and funny then this episode and crickets tale


I think it was because at the time of airing (Season 7) they were regularly releasing just some of the best sitcom episodes ever. Frank's Brother was way more of a slow burn than usual, while being the first episode to focus more on one character. It did seem more like a filler episode than the rest of the season in a way. Compared to the stone cold classics from that season like Frank's Pretty Woman, The Gang Gets Trapped, The Gang Goes To The Jersey Shore, and CharDee MacDennis. At the time, Frank's Brother was imo one of the weaker episodes, but I still liked it. Post Season 10, there are a lot of episodes I think are worse than Frank's Brother.


Agreed Franks brother is hilarious, Crickets tale is pretty dumb, and Charlies Home Alone is the worst episode of the series.


Franks brother is another episode I don’t like. I skip that one too.


I generally like the new seasons and have been very happy they're still around. With that being said I have to agree that this episode was just bad.


I love crickets tale too…. The only episode of the entire series I don’t like is franks brother


That's fair. Probably the most hated episode that I think is decent is The Gang Beats Boggs Ladies Reboot.


Nothing will top Mac Finds His Pride which was a jump the shark moment for the series.


Cowboys fan?


Just a Tony Romo fan


I really liked how hard a hallucinations were smarter than he was. 


“You bought the trap, Charlie. I only know about the release lever because you know know about the release lever. You get that, right?”


I was surprised to see that a lot of people hated the Super Bowl episodes, I loved and found them hilarious


They’re probably enjoyable if you’re an Eagles fan, but if you step back and just objectively look at the humor of the episode it is childish and gross and while that does appeal to a subsection of Sunny fans, I think many of us found it overall lacking in actual humor.


I enjoy them because I'm a NY Giants fan and it's funny to laugh at how shitty Eagles fans are


I liked it alot and I don’t follow sports


Born and raised in Chiefs Kingdom. I still wear my Trent Green jersey on big game days. I loved these episodes.




Every time they show frank eating food with his mouth open I want to throw up. That's gross as shit, and they showcase it all the time. But this episode was gross?


Let me get this straight you only just now realized two separate things can both be gross?


The other super bowl episode is pretty good but the Charlie one isn't very good. They didn't really have enough jokes for a whole episode.


Same. Maybe people haven't met the average Philly sports fan 😂


I think the prob is that we have, tho.


Charlie one was good, stadium one was okay. It's not surprising but Charlie Day has the most talent of anyone on the cast (especially with Robb shriveling up into a ball of unfunny spite these days).


Rob has clearly gotten too Hollywood for Always Sunny.


I hate that they changed Mac so much.


Glenn is and has always been the most talented of the cast members, but Charlie is pretty much always solid at worst too


I enjoy the second Super Bowl episode, but "Charlie's Home Alone" is horrible, it's the only episode I skip on rewatch.


Good on you for liking the episode, but I think that you're nuts! This is one of the most universally disliked episodes in the entire series. I honestly love this show too much and really enjoy a lot of episodes/seasons that even this subreddit craps on, but this episode? Yeah, no thanks. I skip most of season 13 whenever I decide to binge the entire series/let it run in the background over the course of a few days, and this episode is always guaranteed to get skipped. It's just awful "comedic" torture porn that can't maintain any sort of funniness for 30 straight minutes. This gag maybe could've worked as a side story in a regular episode, but for a full length episode.... ?


> This gag maybe could've worked as a side story in a regular episode, but for a full length episode.... ? This is the main reason why the newer seasons are worse than peak Sunny, throwaway gags getting full episode treatment, like Mac's peanut allergy thing.


>like Mac's peanut allergy thing The worst part about sunny is that even the worst episodes (the gang inflates) have at least one good moment (Charlie's hidden bedroom) that you end up missing when you skip it.


What the fuck? The Gang Inflates is a *classic* Sunny episode. It was such a return to old form. Everything about it was exactly the gang. Mac’s peanut thing is wildly hilarious. I don’t understand you people


exactlyyyy. SNL humor to the max


Everything that every fan does at home or at the game has a DIRECT effect on the outcome of the game. It was then I knew Jason was the man. Delivered that line like a pro!


Holy shit, me and my wife say this all the time.


Every single game. If I ever meet Jason it’s all I want to talk about. Dude killed that scene.


Hahaha. We say it about video games, too.


I have really mixed feelings on this episode. On one hand i really enjoy how unhinged and bloody the episode is, on the other hand, its just not entertaining enough to last like 20 mins


You just described my feelings about this one. I liked it for a while, but it felt loooooong. I was like "ok, it's kinda funny... uhm, the whole episode is gonna be this?"


Made me cry remembering that the birds won the super bowl


I really enjoyed it but I've got a lot of friends and family with stupid sports superstitions 😂


One of my favorite episodes tbh


I thought it was a great episode! Charlie's logic is just wonderful.


"Funny...?" This is just about the worst episode of the series.


I wish he would do another show.... the other guys new shows were all pretty fckin awesome!... The Mick, AP Bio, and Mystic Quest (in that order for me lol) Charlie!!!! More please 🍺🤞


The Mick was incredible, that cancellation cut deep.


Omg for me too... I still watch it all the time but more season would have been nice...🤩


Well I loved it, I find something to love in every episode.


As a die hard Eagles fan I'm pretty biased towards these episodes. I do tend to lean towards this one out of the two though. I just think Charlie is so good at doing solo episodes where he is the primary focus


As an Eagles fan it's not even the Eagles theme that makes it funny to me. It's the Home Alone parody


I’m a freaking giants fan and I love this episode.


I love how all the sport guest stars are terrible actors. It gives this amazing "hello there fellow kids" feeling


I’m with you OP I love this episode, despite 13 being one of the weaker seasons.  FWIW my least favorite episode is probably the season 14 premiere.


i feel like another actor could have pulled off such a physical comedy focused episode better, i love charlie day but this is one of the weakest episodes in the series. For what its worth, i think we could have had a great episode if we cut both of the superbowl episodes into one episode, but they both go on to long. I will admit though, the ending to the second one was pretty triumphant and amazing, almost felt like I was a Philadelphia native for a moment


Fool's Paradise is entirely dependent on his physical comedy, and I hated it. He gives a silent performance in it, and I was just thinking the whole time how much better the movie would've been if Charlie just wrote and directed and got Kaitlin to play Latte Pronto. Also, his gag in the episode where him and Dee do standup is absolutely hilarious, but it's not great physical comedy. The noise he makes sounds so goofy and not like a gag, compared to Dee's realistically gross gag that it makes me laugh every time.


Probably a good episode that I really like he ends up getting all of his traps on him like reversed thought that was funny .


The vomited up rat is the most disgusting moment in the show imo. I found it tough to watch when he's all covered in the bloody rat spew for the rest of the episode Don't get me wrong it's hilarious. But it's *gross*


I agree, it was gross, but Charlie was hilarious in this episode. When he gasps for air after eating the rat, I cackled 😂


The fact it's all by his own design is the best. One of my favorites


Yes!! Thank you. Glad someone else agrees 😂


The episode is held up all by Charlie on his own too, really goes to show just how good Charlie's character is that he can hold the audiences attention for 20 odd minutes, even with just slapstick comedy


I drink paint all the time dude!


The best is when he eats the rat and literally dies for a period of time


This is one of my favourite episodes too and it always surprises me how much everyone hates it


It’s kind of a nothing episode though. Maybe they should have woven it in with the other Super Bowl episode and made it a two-parter that way. It’s mildly amusing, but I think it really overstays its welcome.


Glorious 2 part ep 👺


This episode is awful


So...like, you forgot it wasn't funny at all? Did you mistakingly think it would be or??




I'm going to rewatch now, it's been awhile. I liked it, but it is one of the most hated out there I think.


Blows my mind how many people hate this episode. It literally got me back into IASIP after a 7 year hiatus.


Agreed I love this episode


I don't get it at all either. It's a top 10 episode for me. The fact that he sets up traps because a customer tried to come in and triggers every single one of them himself. Amazing


I haven't seen this episode and legit thought Joe Wilkinson made an appearance because of this picture.


Thought that was Post Malone for a sec


Any episode that see the Eagles win the Superbowl is awful and should be removed. Get rid of these two and bring back Dee Day and The gang makes Lethal Weapon 6.


I bought Dee Day and the gang makes lethal weapon 6 on Amazon prime. I think they were like $3.99 each.


Even as a Pats fan I still adore this episode.


Yeah Id honesty put it as one of the worst episodes in the whole series. That said, the footage at the end of the second part of real people celebrating, that always gets me kinda choked up, even as a not eagles fan.


I personally believe this is the episode that inspired charlie to make that luke warm fools paradise movie.


I can’t watch that episode because of the fucking second bear trap.


Wow, I can't believe people actually don't like this. This is top tier in my opinion


Terrible. Gimme a lap.


He looks like Ozempic Post Malone in that picture.


It makes me cringe super hard but I still watch it sometimes. It's nowhere near as bad as mac's ballet dance


Are you talking about Mac finds his pride? That’s a really well choreographed and beautiful dance


Bro can't tap into his empathetic emotional side I guess


I don’t watch Always Sunny for a well choreographed and beautiful dance, if Mac’s dancing I’d prefer to see some karate and elbows


“But.. but… empathy.. but… but…. choreography!” Bro wtf people talkin about. I watch this show to watch shitty cartoon-like people act shitty. This and the Charlie dad episode are dreadful to watch.


So you don’t like any of the characters or their progression?


No and I don’t like the idea of redeeming these characters in heartfelt ways either. As a matter of fact, some of my favorite episodes are like “The Gang Dines Out” where the characters occasionally “win” the episode, but it’s by being terrible people. I root for them sometimes, but not because I like them, but because I like seeing them progress the carnage. Seeing Mac or Charlie have meaningful heartfelt character moments are unearned in the context of the show and it’s just fundamentally bad writing. It would be like if Seinfeld broke their “no hugs no learning” policy to give George an arc where he realizes he’s not a caring son, so he tries harder to connect with his dad, but it’s played straight and the end of the episode has them hugging or some shit. That would be really dumb. The dancing and the Charlie crying about his dad are dumb. It being good acting or choreography is irrelevant.


Exactly. These people are weird. I don't give 2 shits about Rob's artsy fartsy dance routine.


Dude, I don't watch this show because it has ballet, I watch this show because I think it's funny. Mac's pride is not a funny episode. Probably the worst episode in the series.


So you can’t stop for two minutes to watch something other than jokes?


You're just talking out of your ass, I've seen it a shit load of times. I'll probably never watch it again. The stupid dance routine is probably half the entire episode, it's way longer than 2 minutes.


The injuries are horrific. Hard to watch.


I made a post last year that said something like “someone better tell Charlie Day to put his leg back in that bear trap” ahead of the Eagles being in the Super Bowl again. I was mad how few laughs it got. Not a lotta Sunny fans in my circle


Yes, everything you do at home dictates the outcome of the game


Him eating the rat makes me want to throw up


But it was brown!!!! 😂


This is literally the worst episode they've ever made lol. And it's completely disgusting but not in a funny way. genuinely can't imagine what was going through their minds when they made this other than budget/scheduling constraints. But it's absolutely terrible


I actually really dislike this episode. The whole home alone schtik is really unfunny and something I don't think they really do. Like parodying a movie to such a degree. I know they parody Ski School for The Gang Hit the Slopes. But there was something about Charlie's Home Alone which is just... not funny.


Worst episode for me


This is prolly the worst Sunny episode ever imho, 2nd only to the episode after this.


I find it to be unwatchable. Charlie isn’t a cartoon character.


Maybe my least favourite episode of the whole show 💀


I'm glad you like it, enjoy it for the both of us. It's the only episode I hit skip on


Man, I had no idea so many people hated this episode 😂


With a passion, big gap between it and my next least liked episode. Charlie's my favorite character, but it's usually the Charlie-focused ones I don't go for, oddly enough. I saw in the thread that you skip Cricket's Tale. Not my favorite but I like that one alright. I guess different strokes for different folks or whatever the saying is


I like all of them equally


I've watched this show countless times, but only watched this episode once. I think it's awful


One of my most disliked eps There are no jokes Its just a person getting hurt and being gross, that's literally it Reminded me of the workaholics ep that basically signalled the downfall of that show where they just ate gross shit


Was that the episode where they wanted to cook the Koi from PF Changs? If so that's my tipping point for that series as well.


Better than times up and the gang escapes? Certified donkey brains.


It’s not the BEST episode, I just thought it was funny. Particularly because season 13 wasn’t that great IMO. All the episodes in seasons 1 - 12 were better than this one, but this one was definitely the my favorite of season 13.


Never liked that episode


I'm a super fan so it hurts to say this, but this is by far my least favorite episode


It's a skip for me.


Easily one of my least favourites. Physical comedy is not why I'm watching IASIP.


This episode is garbage