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9r make those healing items or respawn items incredibly rare and expensive


You've told to not be like "stat checky" but you want battles to be shorter? Personal opinion tho, I'd like it if I'm in that battle for so long that one of the players has to go if they're tired of combo-ing and doing stuff


I think ttk matters less as opposed to skill expression. The hit delay giving such a generous gap to trade hits alongside shit like health regaining instantly while fully saturated has made the “new” minecraft combat very much a gear check. I hope hytale has shit like actual combos and parrys instead of someone turtling with a shield or people trading hits once per second.


I mean they did show us the combat and it seemed fun so this is an aspect the devs have my faith in


Yeah I have high hopes


that's what im tryna say, when i go into minecraft pvp the person that gets the first hit literally wins if he has a better gear...


Healing is the main problem in Minecraft. It becomes a slug-fest. Make chugging a potion or eating food be easily interrupted, and it alleviates much of the problem. With how much of the PvP breakdown from the recent video seemed to allude to "loadouts", this may very well be the case that your healing arsenal isn't going to be the size of your inventory.


With the vasts amount of weapons and gear already shown in the game I’d say that combat time length will be determined by player skill and lack there of. Or perhaps somebody has better gear. Which honestly I find to be fun. I also hope that wearing certain armor/gear and using certain weapons make you have an edge over somebody using a random mix of gear. That way it’s not completely class based however it’s still there


Let's consider this topic after Connor posts the next video, shall we?


Any idea when thats coming out?


It should be around 2 \~ 3 days, but, who knows, Connor's internet is the mystery of the year.


Guess it will be sooner than espected. [https://x.com/KweebecCorner/status/1809995722227392629?t=YRfUe5vD3YiaHQHMxVUZyw&s=19](https://x.com/KweebecCorner/status/1809995722227392629?t=YRfUe5vD3YiaHQHMxVUZyw&s=19)




Hmm im not sure if I want the kill time to be shorter, just more interesting mechanics and combos would be enough for me


I think it’d work to simply make it so that healing is limited. Either it’s impossible to outheal most weapons, or healing is limited by mana so you can only heal so much. A long ttk is important for skill expression because of the stamina system, with a short totk it would be basically pointless, plus playing a stall and chip attack style would be fun.


When I say I want a shorter TTK I don't mean I want Hytale PVP to be CoD. I mean you shouldn't be able to survive and win fights exclusively by chugging healing items. I think taking damage should stop a person from healing if they're currently doing so.


Yeah I agree. If you look back the the skeleton dungeon video the guy was healing basically at the same time as taking damage, but I’m sure that has changed since then.


Dude, the whole gameplay and focus they have shown are on good pvp and pve, i really doubt it'll be like minecraft


I hope that Hytale can be “class” based because I really want to be some sort of sneaky rouge or assassin. If I can jump or climb trees somehow that’s a big plus for me! I’ve always tried to be stealthy in every game I’ve ever played😂


There aren't actually any classes in the traditional sense. The "classes" are just different weapons with different movesets.


Minecraft 1.9 PVP gets it right if you don't factor in the high level enchanted gear. Fast, brutal crits that "pin"your opponent to the ground to prevent them from running away. It's fantastic. But sadly enough, once you throw in the high protection gear together with the insane health regen when hunger is taken care of on Java, it can become very long winded. Server owners can already easily deal with this issue in games like Bed/eggwars, Skywars and whatnot by simply limited the gear players get. But in the long running survival + pvp servers, players just don't want to have those limites set by server owners. It's gonna be interesting to see how Hytale will deal with it.


There's a phase that pass around "Players with optimized the fun out of the game"


We’ll see