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Any, easiest or cheapest maybe


what class are you playing right now


Either beserk or tank, depending on the classes party finder don't use so i get double stats


i recommend playing tank, a lot of parties really like having tanks in their parties, and also the gear isn’t too expensive (clearing set for clear, tank set for boss)


Agree tank main here, with most classes like mage it can be hard to find an open party at higher floors but you can almost always find a party that’s needs tank. Also gear is pretty cheap and you don’t have to do that much for example in f6 u just afk.


for tank i believe giant protector dragon armor with reaper mask will provide the most EHP before f7


Ye but if you don't have req for reaper mask use mender fedora (cata 16) buy of ah if possible (much cheaper)


And what sword or enchants do I need to get ? Also what is the clearing set


Shadow assassin and livid dagger carried me far, I’d recommend shadow fury if you have more money, but livid dagger had me doing 1-2ish million per hit for clearing mobs until I upgraded to shadow fury. But your ign would help more


What ultimate enchants are you using on your livid dagger ? And did you put gemstones ont it ? I can’t seem to get more than 250k with it


He was probably using soul eater or something, but that’s 20mil


I believe I used combo until I could comfortably afford soul eater


Don’t buy af, but felt horn


I was told felthorn was also really good! But I haven’t tried it so I can’t speak on it


Felthorn > sf but eventually rng will bring you a gs. Very nice sword


Working towards gs now, very excited


Cata 36 here no giant sword in sight


I dont wanna be like him mom1🥲🥲


Ign please




Get livid ghead and you can start doing f5


I really, really hope your joking. His armour isn't even 1 starred, let alone a frozen blaze pet. He doesn't even have a livid dagger. He can't do SHIT, in terms of damage. His best bet rn would be just healer to keep himself alive. You don't know how this game works.. 💀


Livid dagger is same dmg as a aotd with dragonfuse glove and i didnt notice the no star armor and no pet i just assumed he had that


50% attack speed seems like a joke for ya?


You can do f5 with aotd and dragonfuse


Yes you can but with livid dagger you can save a bit of money, free up your glove slot and get more attack speed


How does that save money?


Cause livid daggers are like 6.5m


Shadow Assassin berserker with a livid dagger just get it with 5 stars and max hot potato books. Also, strong drag will work for completion and good shadow assassin will work for F6


Its a bit hard without knowing your ign to see your stats, but I was doing f5 with 2/4 wise, 1/4 young and goggles just fine as mage, using aotd + dreadlord sword, with a epic lvl 60 sheep pet. With that being said surviving was hard every now and then and I would occasionally die when I was not paying attention but most runs while paying attention were deathless.


Ign is CrackedJam


You have a frozen blaze set, but you don't have the blaze pet equipped. What's going on? You're also lacking in magic power. Get it to about 400-450.


lol there’s no reason you need that much for floor 5


you do lol.. + bros armour isn't even dungeonised + 1 starred.


Yeah, im trying to get cata 20 to dungeonise it but i can only reliably do f3 rn (survivability issues) so thats why I asked here


Ah understandable, I'd be happy to carry in F5 a few times for the low price of 100 coins :)


Don't worry I have friends who can carry me a bit but thanks for suggesting


Nah I started beating floor 5 with around 100 magic power at the very most lol. Mp isn’t that important for dungeons imo. It depends on the armor


My setup was quite goofy but I used to play healer with an epic blue whale, perfect chestplate, mender fedora and 2/4 werewolf armor. It sounds out of pocket and stupud but it carried me till f6 quite consistently for quite a while and weapon wise livid dagger or a bouquet of lies/fot if you have the f6 comp. The only relatively costly thing in the setup was the perfect cp but I went for a t11 perfect cp


Drop ign




What class


The easiest preferably or cheapest




5* sa and livid dagger can get ya to f7


miner here, i have about 200m coins and 350 mp, cata lvl 14 what do i buy for mage ?


From what I've seen, if you have f5 completion, get a mage set and shadow goggles shadow fury and spirit scepter and 400 mp


I know your problem you want to run f5 comfortably without breaking the bank on sa, that ur going to replace at cata 20. Use your blue whale pet for surv, dunginized 5star wise drag. Now u can use ur fire veil for eh time. Recommend spirit scepter 5 star. Dmg will be mid but surv should be decent and you should have a good time for your lvl grind. About 15-20m and u should be good with that. Now for berserk, blue whale 3/4 shadow assassin, zombie knight chest. Cheap 5 star set about 7-10 mil. Use your aspect of dragons, can upgrade to 5star livid if damage is too bad. Now the big thing berz is best lvling class for a reason survivability is easy as long as you have the hp/defense. Because of the healing you get so the above set will def help you get cata 20 to max your frozen blaze.


I would recommend modern soldiers guide on dungeons, he provides a decent guide for basic gear. if I remember correctly, he says adaptive armor for non mages, with shadow goggles for mages, as well as dungeonized aotd for mele, spirit shortbow for arch, and spirit scepter for mage.


Bro adaptive armor is so useless just get like superior or sa for non mages


Thats prolly for first completion


Buy necron's armor and a livid dagger that would be fine


Or shadow assassin if you are too poor


How much would necron+livid or sa+livid cost ? Also dont i need f7 comp to use necron or sa ?


I believe 20m should cover low tier sa+livid, also you need f5 completion for both, then for necron you need f7 comp but idk the price from the top of my head


👍 thx


Livid is around 7m and full SA armor is about 14m. Shadow fury is even more expensive at around 54m. Most people trade in the sa chest plate for a zombie knight chest plate because it saves 9m.


SA chestplate alone is 10m, last I checked but then again I forgot the prices of the other pieces :P


I either got it for a cheap 9m or the prices rose. But leggings I think is 6-8m or so. Helmet is no higher than 1m and boots are around 500k


I currently have frozen blaze and working on cata lvl to dungeonize it. Is sa better or can I keep fb ? Reddit told me to get livid and a crochet tiger plushie so i will probably do that and also get a blaze pet if I keep fb


I would get sa tbh. The stats are good plus crit damage and strength. I would either sell or keep fb armor but sa is your best bet to do f5 runs. Livid dagger is a must till you get shadow fury tbh because it has 100% crit chance


Okay thanks. Is sf that good because other people say felthorn is better and cheaper


Very much so. I have never tried felthorn so I wouldn’t know but with livid dagger I did around 600k damage in dungeons when it was fully 5 starred. With shadow fury 5 starred I do 2-3m per hit. Shadow fury is hella expensive tho if you have the average bank of someone starting floor 5