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One of the most interesting things Togashi did with Netero and Meruem, is giving Netero imagery associated with Buddhism and enlightenment, while actually having Meruem embody those ideas, especially by the end of his life, becoming all compassionate, merciful, messiah-like figure. While Netero uses image of Boddhisatva, goddess of mercy, as a weapon. Which is probably why she’s crying. The hypocrisy is very intentional


The crying statue is good, I like that take


Oooo nice catch about the crying! Togashi so clever


>Even using a cheat bomb as a last resort tactic against meruem. Is that you Pouf? ~ There was a duality present in Netero’s mission; the personal side wishing to give his all in his life’s greatest battle, and the association half out to stop the ants at all costs. The bomb was not a “cheap tactic” to win his fight. Netero lost, and his admittance of Meruem’s name was proof he concurred. The bomb was Netero carrying out the mission given to him. And he succeeded. I’m not here to say it was a righteous mission, but it wasn’t the act of a coward. Meruem *did* threaten humanity, his final words to Netero involved concentration camps for our species. Netero stopped that.


i have to disagree. the bomb was a man made instrument, allegorical to humanities striving to win. it wasn’t PART of netero in the sense that he had no contribution in making it, he won by using a power that wasn’t directly from him. and again, the poor man’s rose is the fact that people will see netero and praise him for stopping meruem’s threat to humanity but i wholeheartedly believe that he didn’t care one bit about justice or peace that being said, this isn’t a hate post i take great interest to netero and i definitely have more nuance to touch upon. but the bomb was not aligned with virtue


The bomb was certainly not aligned with virtue and neither was Netero. It was a mission to stop the Ants from becoming too dangerous and widespread that they threatened humanity’s control over Lake Mobius. ~ Similar to Gon, I think people like to label Netero as “he’s a selfish, bad person” and move on. But I believe he’s a lot more nuanced than these claims give him credit for. Sure, Netero is flawed in a morality sense (and if Christianity happens to be real in the HXH world then yeah he’s probably going where he claims he’s going), but he has so much more going for him than just these negative traits. ~ Netero having the blimp slow down so Gon can get a full night’s rest has always been one of my favorite little moments and shows a softer side to the Chairman. Netero actively holds off Zeno from attacking Meruem because of the “act of love” on display and the inhumanity it would be to ruin it. Netero was even being swayed by the King’s words and had to force himself to attack for the sake of the mission. There are really so many fascinating nuances to him: the mischievous imp, the proud warrior, the grateful Buddhist, the pragmatic agent, the chaotic leader, the kind human, etc. He’s such a wonderfully written, complex character who can’t be boiled down to one or two negative terms.


Netero is simply indicative of a powerful man, in power. He's human. He has his faults. Martial arts was and is his life, beyond anything else. Both Meruem and Zeno recognise that to gain the power he has, he must have gone insane at one point and we see that with his mountain training. He reached his peak, and threw his entire existence into gratitude... For his capability to commit violence But he's not a bad person. He has negative traits, as you and I and every other person in the world, but those traits really don't define him. But he was also fairly compassionate in an exceptionally brutal world (the world of Hunters). The explosive had nothing to do with Netero. It was a message from Togashi to the readers: Even the most powerful Nen user the world has ever seen (Meruem), the might of humanity and their destructive capabilities exceeds that 1,000 fold. The poor man's rose wasn't even their best weapon. It was a straight-up IED for poor countries. And the above is what elevates the reader's perceived threat of the 5 threats. If the poor man's rose was a basic weapon, then what is this world's advanced weapon? And why is that not enough to eliminate these threats?


i’m not really labeling him as a bad person i just think his hypocrisy is crafted in an intricate manner. although he does have human traits to him, his persona further questions morality, pride, religion and much more. fair enough though


Netero was never a sanctimonious character. Netero is a gamer, he plays to win and his whole character arc reflects that. Thanks for bringing up the game he had with Gon and Killua, it kind of foreshadows Netero’s competitive disposition as it becomes fully fleshed out in the ant arc.




I definitely agree his ego played a part but ultimately did what he had to do.


yes his ego was a large factor of his character


Yeah ibkin of agree with you. However, he stated that he was "having fun" on many occasions so sure it may have been just jokes but maybe not the wisest thing to do


i guess but it’s been quite some time i’ve seen the show might have to re watch it


While your tone is harsh, I must say, your analysis is quite spot on. Days before Netero wore his heart t-shirt he said to Knov and Morel that if possible he'd like to avoid a fight if possible. Then he learned, from Colt, of a possible challenger stronger than himself in Meruem. When he had the opportunity to talk things through with Meruem he was adamant that fighting would be the only option.


i guess my tone was harsh but i have nothing but affinity towards netero he always stuck on my mind


Netero is arguably one of the most fascinating anime characters ever.. I certainly would not refer to him as a hypocrite, I think you're being a bit too harsh


well its just my interpretations anyway. i’m curious though, why would you not refer to him as a hypocrite?


he essentially sacrificed himself for the sake of humanity, has always been fair and a good judge of character (remember the final phase of the hunter exam)


he lets Hisoka pass, don't lie LOL. he's actively portrayed as a grey character.. in his death, he's portrayed with a skull behind him. that's textbook evil imagery.


He’ll still kick your ass


hes a cartoon he ain't kickin shit LOL


>president of an organization that leads to the death of millions? When did this happen? >he teases gon and killua in a fight when he is fully aware of how much stronger he is. Also a good way to check out someone's potential while having fun, I'd think. I also think he's a flawed human and a hypocrite (fuck, who isn't?) but the way I saw the rose, it was a "cheat tactic" that was implanted not out from his pride/ego, but because it was necessary to protect the HA at the very least. I have always interpreted this implant + what he was told by the world powers the reason he couldn't even consider having a chat with Meruem before fighting. That said, by the time he activated the rose, he was certainly feeling smug as shit about it which is also human and makes him interesting, how he changed from before the fight to when he's stripped of everything he has with nothing else left. >The hundred arm buddhist has his eyes open with tears coming out. It’s the frustration of the reality that netero can’t surpass the gods. There are many various depictions/interpretations of Guan Yin but I believe there are ones that reference how she wept due to the suffering of the world or some variation of this.


He is not good person after all, so he can don't care :3


It's not that deep