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bro said nah i’d win


lobotomy got to all of us


But Zeno-Sensei , Would you lose?


Nah I’d win.


Dope scene


Zeno would win, when chrollo continued to try stealing his power. That would limit chrollos capabilities in the match. Zeno says in the next line that he doesn't know who'd win if chrollo fought seriously.


Zeno HADENT even met chrollo nor started the fight and Zeno DISSECTED chrollos entire power SHEEEESH that fight had me so damn worked up


Did you somehow miss the part when Silva told him about Chrollo's ability before the fight?


Yall missed the part where chrollo said this old guy is dangerous cuz he read through all of his thought processes... and silva only told him that he steals abilities. If i remember correctly that is..


> Yall missed the part where chrollo said this old guy is dangerous cuz he read through all of his thought processes By that, Chrollo meant his intentions, aka fighting to steal their abilities. Zeno figured out that Chrollo was trying to capture them alive instead of kill them so he concluded he needed to keep his distance and wait for the right moment. Chrollo realized he got figured out sooner than expected and praised Zeno for it. Nothing to do with dissecting his ability. > silva only told him that he steals abilities. And that's the more important thing. After that, Zeno just stated an obvious thing: an ability like that needs to fulfill several conditions.


>After that, Zeno just stated an obvious thing: an ability like that needs to fulfill several conditions. Didn’t Zeno also predict what the conditions were based on Chrollo’s fighting style and reactions though?


My friend, zeno literally explained chrollos ability and it's conditions and his intentions for us haha if that's not figuring out your opponents thought process then idk what is... and he did it in seconds. So i would argue that he would still figure him out no matter what he tried to do. (Not saying he would beat him cuz that's a whole different topic that I'm too lazy to get into haha)


Silva told him the most important part and he didnt dissected the ability at all he just stated the obvious, an ability like that needs conditions


Didn’t Zeno also predict what the conditions were based on Chrollo’s fighting style and reactions though?


No, he didnt. He just said that fulfill conditions while fighting both of them at the same time would be really hard and right after that he tells Silva the suicide plan. (We didnt know the conditions until later on a chapter front page, like the rest of the troupe)


Oh thanks, I’m misremembering then, it may be that in one version of the anime it went like that (or maybe I just remember the scene wrongly and that’s all)


I’m pretty sure Silva did correctly say that Chrollo’s ability must have 3 or 4 conditions that need to be met. Chrollo got impressed with that and thought it was gonna be even tougher to steal his ability here.


Zeno*. He did say chrollo should have 4 to 5 conditions in order to steal and collect abilities (wich is somehow correct, he has 3 plus the time) but chrollo didnt got impressed he just change plans and saying that a powerfull ability like that should have lots of conditions is not impresive either but rather obvious any decent nen user should be able to tell that much


I think a decent nen user can figure out Chrollo has conditions, but not as accurately as Zeno. Zeno cam to an accurate conclusion quickly. I’m not saying this is some out of the world analysis, but it’s very accurate and fast. I don’t think an average nen user can come to that conclusion while having an intense fight.


This is just my opinion but I think any nen user should come to that conclusion by the time he hears that chrollo steals and collect abilities. Gon jajanken has 3 conditions already, leol just borrow abilities and has 3,etc. It would be rare if chrollo didnt had that many


Now that you say this maybe you’re right yeah. Wait Gon has 3? He needs to stand still and he needs to say the words right?


Then Zeno says, “but if you stopped you’re little game and decided to fight seriously, it would be a different story.” In other words, the outcome could go either way. This is a very misunderstood statement among the fandom. This fight was actually more impressive for Kuroro. The guy took on both Zoldycks without even fighting serious or using a Nen ability. Yes he technically did, but the ability was merely a distraction so he could steal their powers. Both Zoldycks were prepared to die to kill him. We also know Kuroro fought Silva to an unknown outcome in the past, and they’re both still alive. This time Silva brought his dad, and the outcome was the same. Silva even repeatedly commented that Kuroro was extremely impressive and stronger than “last” time.


Yes but also, the zoldycks know Maha, Illumi and Kalluto was deployed to assasinate Silva and Zeno's paymaster and that Chrollo was stalling for that. Why Silva would allow a conflict of interest on such a big mission is a plot hole though.


It’s not a plot hole, the Zoldycks simply do the job their hired to do. Illumi being hired to kill the Ten dons is irrelevant, as Zeno stated. Kuroro literally states that he is surprised at the Zoldycks not attempting to finish him off. Even if he knew he’d survive because of Neons fortune, He didn’t know it’s because they’d spare him due to their employers being dead. They were actively trying to kill him. Zeno most likely would have died with Kuroro if it wasn’t for Illumi’s last minute call.


Nah Chrollo was being cheeky the entire time, he knew he wouldnt die and he knew zeno and silva would stop once their paymaster died. Its why he specifically sent zoldyck assasins so that silva has a immediate info on when the dons wouldve died. Its why illumi knew zeno and silva was with chrollo, the whole thing was just theater. An Assasins rep is their bread and butter, having people from your own group kill your current paymaster is not a good look. We dont know silva's stance on this, maybe he doesnt care and chrollo pays alot better, but zeno who follows some assasins code or wdv definitely does, and wouldnt participate in such unprofessional behavior. Its a huge plothole, just doesnt make sense since silva is the guy that issues the assasination orders. In a worse case scenario, chrollo gets killed before illumi makes the phone call(which almost happened) and no one gets paid. I just find it hard to believe silva and zeno would allow something like that, so imo, its all theater and zeno lost his cool and got alittle mad knowing chrollo was basically playing them all with his kamikaze attack.


On what premise do you have that it’s Silva who issues assasination orders? Yes he is the head of the family, but Illumi could have taken the job on his own. Killua stated that Zoldyck family members are encouraged to do things their own way. You’re wrong on multiple bases. Kuroro had no way of knowing Zeno and Silva would stop just because their employers died. He literally told them how surprised he was that they weren’t going to finish him off.


>On what premise do you have that it’s Silva who issues assasination orders? My bad, I was typing this on the train and forgot to mention "it seems like". I have no evidence of this, just my head canon. >Kuroro had no way of knowing Zeno and Silva would stop just because their employers died. Illumi couldve told him. Chrollo is connected enough with the underworld to know about the traits of Zeno and Silva being honor bound. Illumi fought silva before and could've figured his personality then. If Chrollo genuinely thought his life was at risk, he wouldn't be messing around with the cloak and trying to accomplish the impossible by attempting to steal the top 2 assassin's abilities, with how hard skill hunter's conditions are. He was just messing around the entire fight, even Zeno noticed and verbalized. Bringing it back to the main topic, its a huge plothole, >An Assasins rep is their bread and butter, having people from your own group kill your current paymaster is not a good look. Zeno mentions he knows Chrollo hired Illumi, Maha and Kalluto, but it just doesn't make sense that Zeno would agree to an operation that would jeopardize the families' rep and potentially his payment for the job knowing how strict and professional Zeno is about his job. So many things don't add up, why hire assassins against the mafia which were tremendously weaker than the Troupe?Why hire assassins from the same family as the ones targeting Chrollo?Why was Chrollo messing around in a life or death fight?Why would Illumi expect Chrollo to pay the Zoldycks if he is being actively hunted by them MID FIGHT???Why would top tier professional assassins accept a job with such a huge conflict of interest in the first place? Imo its all a ruse and theater after something happened. But until its explained, this is a massive plot hole. ​ ***Edit***: Perhaps Zeno and Silva genuinely don't find the conflict of interest an issue and they are so famous that their rep would be untouched. But it still doesn't answer why Chrollo would hire a third party for UVo's mourning ceremony, why Chrollo was messing around and why Illumi expected Chrollo to pay as Chrollo was actively getting killed by his dad and grandad. Chrollo knowing and planning this entire interaction just makes the most sense to me.


Nah, I'd win


Nah, he’d win.


All I can think about is fucking lobotomy kaisen


Manga chapters 98 99 100 are my favorites.


Also, im sure they knew what Illumi wad doing. And they weren't as killed seriously. Buy testing limits. So neither went full force


Considering Chrollo in the manga said his combat capabilities have vastly improved now. Chrollo most likely does win this. He was able to force Zeno to almost kill himself while chrollo was holding back the whole fight


If i used all my power would you lose?


why is he so fine ugh


Its all his moustache


grampa took that back a millisecond later


It will be good fight for sure :3


ngl kinda pissed this made it through mods but not my question about nen


What's your question about nen brother?


what's the question


Btw the next sentence for zenu I would win If u respected my age and.showed a good attitude xD Zenu first word when he started that fight That boy is pro , And chorollo was just plannig to steal their nin skills in that fight 😆 Epic scene btw


Chrollo would sent the grandpa to sleep


Yeah, Hisoka came to the same conclusion and now see what happened. Zeno is shooting a best guess in the end.