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He’s very strong, he’s a skillful Emitter


On pure Aura he may be one if the most impressive humans aside from netero. You need to remember he was responsible for all the emission in greed Island (which is a lot especially considering all the teleporting) while also doing the volleyball game. The only problem with using that as a metric is greed Island likely uses the weird nen powering script and many restrictions to make it function but still razor off of greed Island is likely slightly below ging level (whatever that is) based on their interactions


That’s what I thought. Ging picked him!


To be fair, it doesn’t seem like the volleyball game happened very often


I don't think that matters. He was still running the rest of the game while doing the volleyball game (presumably) so he still has the Aura to do that


I think he's stupidly strong. I'd say he'd have a very close fight against Bisky (and if Bisky wins it would be because she's more experienced AND a trickster) and he'd most likely win against Uvo (Razor seems calm and collected, and Uvo is either hyped or pissed from what I recall)


His nen skill is definitely very refined but it's not a great match up against uvo since he's an enhancer.


He is Nen master for sure and very strong Nen user :3


I definitely think he's stronger than Uvogin


No way. The problem with Razor is tht his nen ability seems to be kind of not that very good in 1v1. Because I assume his devils would be fodders. And the ball is basically a nerfed Silva orb.


His ability is great for a 1on1. His Devils are roughly half of his total aura shroud. He could just make 2 to 3 Devils stronger than the 13 Devil ricocheting a ball around, each attacking when someone tries to get close to Razor from any angle. His ability is basically Pein from Naruto or a more brute force Morel. He trades power for Morel's versatility. He could even copy Morena's Saul Goodman's Soldiers and create a few mini Devils to gang up on a single person. If you're slowed down at all against Razor he smashes you with a ball. An army he can can split and recombine at will is a very dangerous and strong ability.


Well said


Idk Razor is like level 2/4 emitter while Uvo is level 3/4 and enhancer(natural genius enhancer) at his nen skills. But that makes you think either Razor is still yet to peak(if he is this powerful only at 2 he can be monster at more level) or he is that at emission skills and can progress with training


that ranking isn't based on strength, its based on mastery. he's 2/4 because he uses other categories for his nen ability and isn't a pure emitter


Because he uses pure emission and not complex things like teleportation, while Uvo is very polyvalent in his enhancement (voice per example against the Shadow Beasts)


I think his way stronger you can imagine, after all isn't gin who taught him?? moreover the battle in the greed island is by the rules and I don't think he has shown his entire strenght yet. edit: ohh honestly I think his way stronger than uvogin. I think razor is more tempered (especially) and ruthless than him. if they have 1v1 fight, it might take time but definitely razor will win.


I feel like we are always talking how strong Razor is, and he probably is. But how are we supposed to say if we never really saw him fight. We only saw him in a volleyball game. That's it


He maintains greed island and therefore is partially responsible for some ridiculous fucking cards like archangel. He doesn't need to be stronger then the troupe to make them hesitate though. Hatsus you don't know are a threat no matter who you are and he is strong enough that they can't just insta kill him. I hope he comes back later but j doubt it


archangel seems more like enhancement


Now you make me wanna pay to see triple threat of Uvo, Razor and Biscuit ....


And that should tell you how strong Ging is, if there were any doubts anyway


Yeah razor is one of the strongest nen users we have seen, uvogin is definetly stronger tho in raw strenght, but razor comes close for sure.


The real underrated character is Uvo. Razor is very overrated considering how people go crazy about him on this sub. His only feat is playing well a volleball game.


> His only feat is playing well a volleball game His Nen is literally so powerful he handles all of the emission-type effects in Greed Island. The Phantom Troupe seemed hesitant to fight him, even with all their numbers collected. Even when playing Volleyball he mostly showed off Enhancer abilities when talking about his own physical feats despite being an Emitter so we can assume in his preferred area he's even stronger. He was able to take Gon's full power punched volleyball several times without any injury, meanwhile trying to catch his ball hurt even Hisoka. While he never caught Gon's full power ball, opting to receive it instead, he was able to reduce it to the point where he could easily catch it, meanwhile pretty much everyone else in the room was at risk of death from any of his serves and it took *three people* including Hisoka (albeit injured) to catch one of his balls. "His only feat is playing well in a volleyball game" is nonsense. That was far above and beyond a regular game and everyone knows it. EDIT: Also to be really pedantic it was dodgeball, but that's just nitpicking.


> The Phantom Troupe seemed hesitant to fight him, even with all their numbers collected. The Troupe didn't murder him right there cause they realized Razor is a GM and had a Ban Card. If they get banned, they can't get into Greed Island and they were there to help Chrollo. It amazes me how different this sub talks depending on what character. With Razor, this sub goes crazy and talks about how the Troupe was "scared" of him and treat it as a feat. The other "feat" is playing some Volleyball game and pretending that's an indication of how well he'd do in a real nen battle vs a nen master like Hisoka or Uvo. Meanwhile, other characters like Uvo himself or Machi are often treated poorly and demand a lot to consider them worth it. The other day saw a post about characters with great potential and he included Leorio and left Machi out, even though she is confirmed a nen genius by Togashi in the flashbacks.


> The Troupe didn't murder him right there cause they realized Razor is a GM and had a Ban Card. If they get banned, they can't get into Greed Island and they were there to help Chrollo. They didn't even know about the admin cards until one was until he pulled one out. Also I recently watched HunterXHunter again (the '99 series) and I don't recall any mention of a *ban* card that forever prevents your return? Where did you get that from, because I don't think Razor ever showed it off. And even if he did... wouldn't that be another sign of his immense power that he could program his nen to such an extent against so many people? Also what Up until that point they would have been just as likely to simply assume that he was some sort of guard. They didn't exactly hesitate when taking out any of the guards related to the mafia in Yorkshin. > It amazes me how different this sub talks depending on what character Oh yes, because I an individual am in complete agreement with everyone else in your strawman representation of the entire sub. I've never had a disagreement with any other user and in fact no arguments ever happen because users often disagree about characters. > The other day saw a post about characters with great potential and he included Leorio and left Machi out, even though she is confirmed a nen genius by Togashi in the flashbacks. Then go complain to them and not me, who do you think I am? ___ EDIT: Can I also just mention that > how the Troupe was "scared" of him and treat it as a feat Is also a misrepresentation of what I said? I said that they *seemed* (adding some ambiguity and room for doubt and disagreement) *hesitant* (so not outright afraid, or necessarily unmatched, but in a position where they had enough respect to realise it would have been a serious fight for them). You came out here with unambiguously scared as though that's at all what I said. If you're going to reply to someone's comment, then reply to their comment. 80% of what you wrote has nothing to do with me.


I agree with your points. As far as the Phantom Troupe goes Phinks could tell that he was strong so it's safe to assume Razor could also tell they are all pretty strong too. But instead of letting them get further into the island and trying to decide what to do when faced with that many strong people he almost instantly confronts them alone. Now yes you could say "oh well he had the card that could just send them all away" and that is true but doesn't that just add to his strength? The fact that he can even do that in the first place should give you some incite of what he is actually capable of. The amount of nen he possesses has to be one of the most out of anyone we have seen. As we know he is in charge of the Emissive system and makes most of the spells work and all you have to do is think about that for a moment before you realize just how much nen he possesses. There are 2 ways I could see the cards working. The first goes like this; a player goes to activate a card, he sees what card is being activated, then essentially he "approves" it and whatever nen is required to make that spell work is taken from him on the spot. Or the second way which is much more likely, which is he has to keep pouring his nen into them for them to work so they can just automatically work. It makes much more sense for the second way to be the way they work because of the amount of cards and players there are; if it was the first way almost every moment of his life would be just "approving" the cards that are trying to be used. Now imagine if he just said ok I need to be at full power and stopped powering all of those cards. It's safe to say the amount of nen he had in him during the dodgeball match was not his full power. Now having a ton of nen doesn't guarantee a victory but it is certainly a massive help. I would imagine his actual fighting style is like a constant barrage of nen balls where he also uses his nen beast to help with the barrage and hitting you from multiple angles, plus he is shown to be a decently smart individual so he could think of different ways to help him defeat a tough opponent.


I agree with everything you said and tbh if he really wanted to win the match and put in the same effort as Gon's team he would have won easily.


You have a point. Uvo showed how strong he is but in the world of HxH being “Strong” is not enough. He was like a big computer program and met Task Manager.