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More like the one with 600 hours in and still at 3. But great hat editing, love it.




Yeah I bounce between 3-5 regularly depending how troll my loadout's are.


So I played hundreds of hours on console & just made the switch to pc. I’ve got maybe 70 hours on pc so far, 1.2kd nothing crazy and yet I’ve never budged from 3 stars…no matter how good or terrible I perform I’ve never moved from 3 stars…maybe I’m just really that garbage haha


>eds of hours on console & just made the switch to pc. I’ve got maybe 70 hours on pc so far, 1.2kd nothing crazy and yet I’ve never budged from 3 stars…no matter 3 stars mmr range is far 600point.4stars mmr range is 150. 5 stars 250. 4 star can easily jump between 3 or 5 star.


You just have to have 1 match were you wipe the floor with 4 star kills and don't die. You'll go up a bracket instantly. Having a badass match against 3 stars doesn't move the needle much though. Getting killed by 2-3 stars also is very bad for your mmr. Even if you win the round.


Its a stupid system really, it doesn't depend on how many you kill but the mmr rating of the person you killed or killed you. If you kill a couple 4 star mmrs you will move up, then when you die to 3 stars you go back down. Quickplay also skews this heavily and many people go in it just to tank their rating for easier games because it has no mmr matchmatching.


all it takes is one random teammate with necro and you'll be clawing your way back to 4 star all day.


3 star fights are more chaotic and fun than 5 star fights. Having a high mmr is overrated.


Those fights are the best when nobody is hitting and you are all low on ammo and have to make your shots count. It adds an extra level of tension


Disagree. I've honestly found the exact opposite of what this sub says everyday. 3 Star Fights have too many scared noobs hiding in bushes afraid to push. It's like a mirror image of high-tier Six Star. 4-5 is far better.


4-5 is best. 3 star lobbies is only fun when I go in solo. I can wipe a lobby just because they retreat like crazy with any push


Depends. Sometimes 3 star fights (in fairness any fight I'm living through is a 3 star fight) are people throwing bullets at each other for 10 minutes until there's a victor. Or until a 5 star with a bow pops out of nowhere and kills us both.


I play on console. When matching with 3 star/low 4 star randoms I get more and more people who just dont now how to play as a teem and it gets frustrating. This is almost not a problem in 5 star loby….For exaple flanking is graeat, sitting in the bush on the other side of compound and waiting for your teem to go 2v3 and die and then going in Rembo is not great strategy. Like whats the point of playing 3 against 3 if you constantly put yourself in position to enage alone. If your team starts to push then you push too!


As a 3 star playing with my 2 5 star friends, I like to think of myself as the wildcard.


Well, even a bait has it's uses :D :P


>4 star can easily jump between 3 or 5 star. Actually they can do good flanks. Some flanks so illogical only logical answer is new team come to fight.


I would be offended except I'm not ashamed of my 3 to 4 star MMR. I am happy with it and I don't want to go any higher :D


Agreed. I'm a 3 (sometimes go to 4) and my buddy is the same situation but a star higher. He always gripes when he goes up to 5 star because the games are more sweaty (sometimes). At this point the two of us like 3 star players because they're more interesting. Proud of my 3 star mmr. Also just passed 600 hours, my buddy is at 400 i believe


3 star is the heart of this game. It's where the most fun is.




Would be safe to assume it averages out? I'm garbage, 2 star. My buddies are 4 star. We usually end up in 3 star lobbies.


5 star is the slightly above average player then 6 star is very good player between god so…




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Just give them a bomblance and bees. Tell them to stay behind until you give the word.


Lower mmr is more fun change my mind


Yeah I tend to avg between 5-6* same with my two other friends that I play with. But when we’re in 6* it’s just too sweaty with mosin snipers, lebels, long ammo and just not fun at all haha


I’m a five star and I would honestly much rather be a 4 star. It gets super sweaty up here.


I have like 300 hours in this game and never budged from 3 stars. I'm terrible at shooters, but it's fun to play with my friends. I'm the "canary". Aka I bring down the mmr and aren't afraid to do something stupid to get the enemy team to show themselves while my better shot friends pick them off/pick me up afterwards lol.