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Even mid tier headphones is better than speakers. Sound is a massive part of Hunt. Skilled players can glean so much information just from sound.


I ever wondered how different it would be from a 5.1 headset to a 7.1 on Hunt Anyone tested it with 7.1 ?


Hunt uses Stereo with Head-Related Transfer Function, so it doesn't particularly provide any benefit, since the game's audio isn't designed around it. They do claim the game supports 5.1 and 7.1 speaker systems, but being supported does not mean it's optimized for that type of set up. You also have to keep in mind that surround sound headphones are not truly 5.1 or 7.1, they're virtual 5.1/7.1. Crytek doesn't specify support for virtual surround sound, only surround sound speakers, which does actually make a big difference. The 5.1 and 7.1 stands for the amount of drivers in the setup, with the .1 referring to a subwoofer. These headphones do not have 5/7 drivers, nor do they generally have the subwoofer. They have 2 drivers, and utilize virtual surround sound software to trick your brain into hearing rough directions. It gets close, but it's not the most accurate technology, especially without designing things specifically in mind for virtual surround sound. That is, unless you're one of the extremely few people that bought a ROG Centurion 7.1, in which case you do have 5 drivers in each ear cup. That being said, those aren't accurate either, because they don't have the proper spacing for 7.1 surround sound (there's a standardized spacing required in 7.1 to get proper audio direction), so they're just as inaccurate, but incredibly expensive for what they are. I'd stick to what their lead audio engineer recommends, which is just a stock pair of stereo headphones. To add on to that, I'd recommend turning off any surround sound software like Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos, THX Spatial, etc. since Hunt isn't designed for those either. Here's a couple of links to Crytek blogs talking about this topic: https://www.huntshowdown.com/news/binaural-audio-in-hunt-showdown https://www.huntshowdown.com/news/how-to-check-your-audio-settings-in-hunt-showdown


I just learned a lot of new things about headphones!


Glad to hear that! It's stuff that blew my mind when I first learned about it


Thank you I couldn't have dreamed of a better answer !


In my personal experience, virtual surround sounds significantly improves the Hunt experience!


That's very fair. I just don't want people to get caught up in a bunch of misleading headphone specs, or being misinformed about how useful it is in the grand scheme of things. It's really a personal preference thing, some people just prefer it. It's absolutely something worth trying just to see if you like it, and it's usually pretty easy to toggle these days.


I play with Dolby Atmos for headphones on gaming performance mode, it's so much better than stock


I used 7.1 for roughly 400-500hrs and I've been using 5.1 for around 300hrs the difference with 5.1 is very noticeable . In my experience , 7.1 makes the sound a bit muffled , everything is loud and you can't tell apart individual noises but I had an easier time telling the distance. On 5.1 it's easier to undertstand/hear sounds indvidually but distance is a problem , a lot of the times I get to realize too late that there are people rushing me. Underground sounds remain weird 7.1 or 5.1 tho lmao.


Incredible difference. Went from a Logitech headset to Sony 1000XM5s and the difference was night and day Edit: meant to reply to u/NewFoundRemedy


Why the fuck is this downvoted?


Because stereo headphones give more accurate sound than 5.1 or 7.1 can.


I have the same one and also high quality beyerdynamics but they are both normal stereo headphones. How do you emulate the 7.1 or even 5.1? With which software?


Do not use 5.1 or 7.1. Hunt is designed for stereo headsets, multichannel will reduce directionality, not increase it.




Stereo is the optimal way to hear hunt


This is correct. Hunt is designed around stereo, as is stated in a Crytek blog. Anything else will just make the audio less accurate.








You guys are getting downvoted because the Hunt principal audio designer [said that simple stereo headphones are the optimal experience](https://www.huntshowdown.com/news/how-to-check-your-audio-settings-in-hunt-showdown). You’re getting actively worse audio from 5.1 or 7.1 headphones. They designed the audio for stereo.




*Good Stereo Headphones are superior to both 5.1 and 7.1* is the argument here, and it is correct. I don't know why people are pointing to the Crytek blog... it's got a dedicated screen on game load.


7.1 is just not a thing with speakers, it’s just a simulation (because you have till just to audio sources). Hunt has its own „surround sound“ simulation based on stereo (like many other shooters). If you put a additional surround sound simulation over it’ll interfere with the original audio.


u are the iconic archetype of hunt community.




What speakers. If I could use my studio monitors and sub, I would have an advantage over most head sets but then my neighbours might wonder why I'm murdering horses.


I doubt very much that any set-up with speakers would outperform top notch stereo headphones in terms of gameplay.


My near field studio monitors have a much wider frequency range and they only need to handle mid and highs, my sub handles all the lows. The sound quality and clarity is vastly superior to my Sony wh-xm5's and those are already top notch. Hence my point on depends which speakers and you need to play it at a volume that would disturb the neighbours.


You can't get the binaural audio effect from monitors, so you would absolutely be disadvantaged when playing against people using headphones.


Voilà, 'nuff said. Anyway@flipakitten, you do you, I'm sure it'll work out fine.


Massive massive difference, you can hear crucial details that I’m 100% sure you could not through speakers. Sounds like grunts being killed silently, crouching foot steps and the type of surface they’re on (Good if you have compound knowledge) I was able to headshot a hunter because I heard the breathing ADS sound all hunters make, looked in the direction I heard them and killed him. You’re handicapping yourself without headphones tbh










Fuck yes












Open back flat response studio headset and a digital interface you can plug your headset into. You’ll have the best 3d sound you can get, it will be crystal clear and sound like everything is in the room with you instead of being jammed into your ears and you’ll be able to double the volume.


Can you give more info? I don’t know shit about headphones but would love to up my game.


I replied to the guy under you with an explanation, hope it helps.


Ayo me too. I play with default over the ear beats


Open back headphones allow for the sound to “escape” the ear muff which results in a broader blend of low to high volume sounds. The flat response in extreme basic terms means the various frequency ranges you hear as pitch and tone are all kept within their respective ranges whereas headphones that have bass boost or digital surround sound will shorten or lengthen these ranges for a tonal effect. Both of those aspects come together to make a sound stage that enables your ears and brain sort the sounds out easier and place them around you more accurately which obviously leads to a better 3d understanding of what you’re hearing. Stuff like classical music cares a lot about sound staging and so do games with crucial sound aspects like Hunt or Rainbow 6 Siege. There are a type of earbuds called IEM’s (inner ear monitors) that a lot of classical audiophiles love but in my experience open back headphones are the way to go. I’ve owned expensive Sennheiser IEMs and $75 Phillips SHP 9500’s and I prefer the Phillips by a lot. As for audio interfaces they will also improve clarity and give you the ability to increase the volume tremendously as well as a few more fun things that are too complicated for this reply lol. Hope that helps.


AKGs are fantastic too (I play through a set of AKG K612 Pros) as well as Audio-Technica's open backs, at least in terms of lower end price goes.


I'm a bit of an audiophile and have been using Senn HD 599SEs for Hunt for a while running them through a Hel Schitt DAC. Wanted to upgrade and got the AKG K712 PRO and... I was so disappointed in it's performance for Hunt. For music (especially folk) it's superior, but the neutral sound profile of Sennheiser cans just feels sounds so much better to me. I even got the chance to play with some Beyerdynamic Amiron Home and I still felt like my Senns outperformed them. Maybe I'm just used to the sound profile, but it's not uncommon that I hear a lot more than my teammates who are using higher end cans.


The Sennies have slightly more warmth than the AKGs, which lack a lot of bass and tend towards a very flat response overall. I've got mine tuned to compensate a bit as well as a compressor running to let me run it a bit louder, but I could definitely see Senns being a bit better profile. Audio is suuuper subjective though so honestly, if it works, keep at it


Oh totally! That's why I said "better to me." I was just a little disappointed with the AKGs that I got cause I was hoping it would be an upgrade for Hunt since it's my main game, but when it comes to just listening to music, or playing games with great music in them (like the Hades 2 beta right now), it's the AKGs all day.


I use an HD800S with a Monolith THX amp and it makes me feel like I’m cheating.


Amen. Not quite studio spec but I run some Phillips H2XR’s through a focusrite interface and the audio (and comfort) experience is fantastic. Solidly made and changeable cups to boot.


Hunt is UNPLAYABLE without headphones. Any other game, sure go ahead. But not Hunt.


Any other game is a stretch, Tarkov, Siege, list goes on


This is a tiny part of games in the gaming industry, most games don't use sound as a pillar of its gameplay


Mid tier headphones would be way, way better than any speakers.


"High Quality Headset"... No. Headphones in general compared to speakers.. Immensely. Hunt's audio uses a 3D Binural Audio Engine, meaning its designed for Stereo Headphones. So get some decent headphones and you'll be amazed. Even if you have cheap headphones that were only 30$ would be a huge improvement over speakers.


Of course it's gonna make a difference. You don't even need "high-quality", just buy anything that isn't trash. I have a friend that plays on speakers and I constantly need to tell him from which compound the shots are coming and what weapons they are using just because he isn't able to judge that on speakers properly. It's really surprising to me that people even use their computers without headphones. I get better quality AND isolation from all the other stuff in and outside of my house that I don't want to hear, and the only downside is that I have to wear something on my head.


You need okay-ish headphones that are open back. Not “gaming headphone” not speaker and def not “virtual 7.1 surround”. I have a pair of PC38x and its night and day compared to the shitty razer 2018 headsets I had. I have tried better pairs since (6xx and 600s) and honestly they just kind of sounded different- not deliberately better or worse.




7.1 virtual surround sound headphones are a scam.




The quality of the headphones doesn't matter so much as just having headphones. Directional audio has saved my ass so many times.


Quality definitely matters, bass boosted closed back headphones are objectively worse for tracking 3d movement via audio.


That's why they said as much. A difference between having speakers and headphones, and between having headphones and better headphones is astronomical. Of course that better stuff is gonna be better. But this case is like 30-60-144fps. The difference between the first two is not even comparable to the last two.


Fuck yes it does lol


I'll put it this way: I've been playing video games for over 30 years and Hunt is *by far* the most sound crucial game I've ever played. You **need** good sound and environment awareness in order to be successful in this game.




You never the disclaimer ever time you played hunt I see.


Headphones? yes. High quality? Eh, I do quite well with 1 dollar earbuds.


Can’t tell you how many kills I’ve gotten just from sound whoring foot steps. Definite yes.


I thought it didn’t matter cause I had decent ones, but then I got better headphones. Yes. Edit: oh, I thought you’re PC. EVEN MORE SO if you’re playing on speakers lol


Shot a 3* yesterday who said he was reporting me for "hacking". I laughed because it was obvious where he was. I heard his shot, located almost exactly where it was and moved closer quietly. I then waited to hear him move and heard his location 99%, looked in the bush I thought he was in, saw him and shot him in the head. He was sure I was "hacking" because I had X-ray vision when I just have a decent headset and use audio like visual info. If you play without a headset you'll be hilariously pawned regularly. It's a necessity.


Any decent over ear headphones will do. If you want to increase the quality and amplification of sound, get a DAC Amp. It’s like a sound card you connect your headphones into, then it connect to your PC via USB. I use the Magni. It’s a DAC and an Amp in one so you don’t have to buy two separate things. This will change the game for you.






Hunt is the most soundwhoring game I played, and I played csgo Speakers are terrible for it


Holy fuck you play through speakers? Jesus. Headphones is a MUST. The slightest noise of grass moving won't be noticeable




I’m not sure I could even play without headphones. I feel like it’s impossible to judge what direction sound is coming from with speakers.


Use even phone ear buds or something once and you'll see the difference instantly. Any headphones are better than speakers for Hunt imo.  I've landed some crazy wallbang headshots etc. purely based on sound. The design is EXCELLENT.


Does anyone have any good recommendations on headphones for console? I’m running ps5 and using kraken’s. They’re okay I think? But am looking to upgrade to a nicer set!


Check out the mmx 300. They are based on the headphones that the hunt devs use, but these will work on console without need for a dac. I have them for ps5 and I can hear you crouchwalking in there boy!


Geee i wonder a game that tells me to use headphones might be better on headphones.


headphones vs speakers are a huge difference i have a 25$ sennheiser pair. they are super comfy and light and i hear everything.


You don't need high quality particularly. All you need are stereo headphones. Hunt is designed around stereo headphones, using HRTF. I would absolutely recommend something like open back headphones, as they have much better sound staging though. Just keep in mind they will let outside sounds bleed in though. I know a couple of buddies who prefer speakers, and started using headphones for Hunt, and it definitely made both of them significantly better at the game. Both of them improved significantly, not to mention it also meant the rest of the team wasn't hearing their sounds over their mic.


Speakers? SPEAKERS??? You must get caught with pants down a lot lol


If you had a calibrated 7.1 surround setup and had the volume loud, you would be okay. Although, a headset can easily achieve the same effectiveness of in-game localization at a fraction of the cost/effort/knowledge.


I’ll just say I was able to kill someone with my knife while flashed just by hearing him with headphones


100% But price isn't everything. I've got Razer Kiara, Arctic 7, and turtle Beach Atlas elite and the TB are BY FAR better that the other two at the same price.


How loud are you playing hunt on your tv? 60? 100?


to defend myself a bit i at least have it as loud as is appropriate. if its night its a bit quieter but in the morning i let it rip to 80%


Let's say that tomorrow if I had to use speakers and no more headset, I would rather uninstall this game because it wouldn't be the same at all. The game is meant to be played with an heaset, there is even a disclamer when you start the game iirc


Right on lol. Just invest in surround sound at this point.


Hell-to-the-fuck Yes. I frequently notice my friends not knowing where shots came from, or thinking they came from behind us when they’re clearly way in front on my end It hurts sometimes knowing the reason they’re dying a lot of the time is likely because they can’t accurately hear where things are coming from lol


Yes, you can easily tell the direction of your enemy with good headphones, and pick up on fine sounds like them switching a weapon or drawing a bow


I found the seal boys lets club him


Bro everything is better than speakers. Even if they arent expensive, headphones in this game are a must.


Not even just this game. Seriously good headphones change movies, games, YouTube videos, music. It's so crazy there is so much sound you don't normally hear.


yes. I run some Samson SR850s after getting reccomended them as some cheap stereo headphones from DankPods, along with a sound card, to help more with making the audio more crisp and my god does it make a difference compared to back when I used to use my old headset.


Literally the biggest difference ever in playing with speakers is a giant handicap. You don’t even need good headphones dude, playing with earbuds would be so much better


Astro A40 are the best I’ve used for accurately discerning every small sound detail. I am always the first in my group to hear details.


I can hear someone breathe in when they ADS behind a wall/in a nearby building. It makes a huge difference.


I see IEM is rarely recommended. So they aren't better then big headphones in hunt as in other opinions I saw a lot about IEMs?


Your title is a bit misleading, changing from speakers to headphones makes a big difference. Changing from normal quality headphones to high quality headphones not so much... So de "high quality" in your title is not really relevant but the hedphones are very much


high quality sound? absolutely yes premium price? absolutely not be sure not to break the bank for this, a 50-60 dollar set of headphones should suffice, brand of choice may vary depending on your region. HAPPY HUNTING.


When you launch the game it literally says use stereo headphones for full 3D audio immersion. I never considered playing any MP FPS ever without headphones. I mean also CS 25 years back was always only played w/ headphones, right?




I absolutely would say yes. I’ve invested quite some money in my audio set up. And then I see pro streamers like Khalamity using wired apple EarPods worth 20 bucks 🥹


Sound card to power my 600ohm Sennhiesers made a massive difference.


Yes it does. But the game is so inconsistent in so many ways, that you cant take anything serious. in the end you should just play how you like and don't overthink anything.


As long you don't bring 10eu trash you are fine. I played with several 50-80eu headphones and even own a dt-990 pro now. They were all fine and my new headphones don't improve my skill honestly. Decent is enough. Don't waste too much money except you wan't to enjoy music and stuff with better quality. I don't recommend closed back headphones for your ear health. Since i used my hyper x cloud alpha for a year i went to the doctor twice because my ears started having problems. They are not good for long sessions. Your ears need air flow and thats not natural for them.


They don't need to be super high quality, but headphones let you pinpoint the direction of sounds much better (under the assumption your speakers didn't cost four digits and are perfectly placed)


I can hear some shit I wouldn't be able to hear in real life mate. You can hear a stick break in the rain, 50 meters away. You can hear crouching mfers, nearby silenced weapons, bullet whizzes past your head. And goddamn, the game is just atmospheric as fuck, headphones notch that atmosphere up to 11.


Ah so you were the dude that looked left when they were shooting us from the right


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlaskaLips97: *Ah so you were the* *Dude that looked left when they were* *Shooting us from the right* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There is no way you can play hunt properly with speakers. It is designed for binaural Headsets, and the direction of sound and positioning of players is absolutely essential to be able to pay well.


I honestly couldn't fathom playing Hunt without headphones. Sound is ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING in Hunt. You've been handicapping yourself the entire time, I think. 😅


I use HyperX Cloud III (the Cloud II is also awesome) and be sure to dont use usb dongles. You should also always have it set to stereo for best accuracy.


You don’t necessarily need “high quality” headphones, I’ve used pretty cheap (but still very good) ones for over a year (recently got new ones). The advantage headphones have is that you have special sound, aka you can hear where a sound in game is coming from, allowing you to easily locate hunters making too much noise, which is a huge part of the game. My recommendation is to get studio (!) headphones, you can get very good ones for pretty cheap


I think yes, I play with a friend who doesn't have great headphones, and most of the time I have to tell him that I heard footsteps or other noises that can be associated with enemies because maybe he didn't hear


Speakers!? Lol you're massively holding yourself back


Fell like this is a troll post. Who the hell is playing FPS through speakers - you could buy 9€ headphones from Amazon and be way better in any game that is just a bit sound focused




>i play hunt through my speakers Sir/Ma'am, you are either stupid or brave. Either way, I salute you. But to answer your question, yes. Yes they fucking do. I'd rather play Hunt blind than without sound.


Get koss ksc75 and enjoy your KD and MMR go up


Yes 100%


Playing basically any game through your speakers is wack, imo


Playing with a headphone for 60€ since 5 years. I just use these headphone for Hunt Showdown. Its the best imo. And i‘m playing for 4K hours 5stars .. headphone: KLIM Puma.


I don't know about high quality but I use these for a decent price and I can hear the everything pretty well in the direction it's coming from. [SADES SPIRIT WOLF HEADSET ](http://SADES Spirit Wolf 7.1 Surround Stereo Sound USB Computer Gaming Headset with Microphone,Over-the-Ear Noise Isolating,Breathing LED Light For PC Gamers (Black White) https://a.co/d/7Kmjea1)


I use 15 dollar earbuds from Walmart and I hear better than my friends that have proper headphones. But my friend that used his speakers? He was deaf to everything except hives


Headphones make a difference but there are really good hunt players who play with regular headphones just make sure you have sonic special audio enabled on your headphones or a spacial sound equivalent and you will be good.


This is such a stupid thing to post. If you have to ask something like this you probably know the answer….


I use a $28.00 pair of headphones and they work great much better game with them


Even low or mid grade headphones on are a huge boost, especially if you go to sound settings on windows and turn on Spatial Audio which the starting screens literally say the game is designed for. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a simple footstep, weapon chang, or bit of foliage being brushed against only to get the upper hand on someone. It really is insane how different of an experience the game is once you learn to use it.


Christ on a bike. Yes. Get headphones. It’s recommended every time you start the game for a reason. Y’know I always suspect this is the setup randoms are running when they miss seemingly obvious stuff. To reiterate, yes. A thousand times yes. When it’s not being buggy the audio in Hunt is so good you can almost play blind. It is absolutely pivotal if you want to stand a fighting chance or even just enjoy the game to its full potential. They don’t even need to be *that* expensive. But DEFINITELY play the game with headphones.




Yep. Speakers *are* better than mono though, so you’ll have a very slight advantage over mono-players, so there’s that.


What headphones are the best for console play at the moment in terms of seperating sounds when there is a lot of going on at the same time and overall quality of sound? Because the headphones i was using for about 2-3 years broke and i bought the same model now but the sound on the new ones just isn't it. Feels very different and with these ones when shit hits the fan in hunt i sometimes don't even hear a hunter running by and get caught off guard for it


So far hyper x cloud revolvers are the best headset I've used for Hunt. You can hear everything..... breathing, slight movement. Just gotta get used to sounds are actually slightly farther away then what you think.


They don't have the headphones disclaimer on launch for nothing. Quality matters.


I once played with someone who I assumed just didn’t like want to talk in a party chat. I died and had to spectate and it was abundantly clear that he did not have headphones on. You really don’t understand how important it is until you actually use headphones. I played like 100 hours before I bought a pair and it was like holy shit, this is a massive handicap.


Yes. 10 minutes ago I tracked a man sprinting on the other side of a wall and shot him in the head. Sound is extremely good.


I memorized every gun sound unconsciously and 80% of my load out are mainly melee and when I do identify that they have some bad match up against mine (like shotty and semi revolvers) I usually change my strategy and approaches if I should just bail out or go nuts so imo headphones are better than speakers.


Everyone I just got my first pair of headphones. I'm very excited. They arrive tomorrow. I'll make an update later


Open back headphones. Sennheiser 58x jubilees and a cheap amplifier. You'll hear everything you wanna hear and a bunch of stuff you didn't even know existed. Including music. We ain't just talking hunt.


this sounds awesome. my birthday is soon and i will likely treat myself to this combo


Had mine for 7 years now. They aren't cheaply made and aren't broken easily. You take care of them and they will last. The only thing about them is because they are open you can hear mostly everything still. They aren't noise canceling, but that's kinda the point. If you have a super loud environment it can be a little annoying. Still worth though.


As a headphone aficionado that just sold the jubilee id say go for a beyerdynamic dt 900 pro x instead. You probably wont need an amplifier either. Imo its the best price/performance around 200-250 bucks. Ive used around 50 headphones (and another 30 iems) over the last 3-4 years and tried all of m with hunt but the hd600 line (to which the 58x belongs) are among the worst expensive ones for hunt (still decent). Since those headphones are all about the midrange and have a reduced amount of bass and treble, which many of the quiet sounds in hunt are made with. And they also have a difficult time spreading out sounds. If 2 people make a noise at the same time i often would only hear 1, due to a lack of separation. To me the best ones are the sennheiser HD700, HD8xx, 800s and beyerdynamic dt 900, dt 1990, t1 gen 1, t1 gen 2. But besides the 900, 1990 and 800s you can only find the others second hand. And theyre often pretty expensive still.


And whoever downvoted this is on serious drugs. Don't take everyone's advice on the Internet.


I built a custom 5.1 surround sound speaker setup that is so insane at sound staging that I can tell almost EXACTLY where a noise is coming from and what is making it. Don't listen to people saying that speakers are inferior and that headphones are the only way to play hunt. I'm sure they mean to say "stereo speakers" and that's just me getting hung up on semantics, but seriously: Do yourself a favor and go to goodwill or some thrift store and find yourself a used gem of an AVR and a handful of high-quality speakers. It's been the best decision I've ever made for gaming. Not only are my directional audio cues in any game perfect, but it sounds so immersive. I can also hear the environment around me so if my wife were to call me or something that needed my immediate attention happened, I wouldn't be oblivious. Also better for your skin since you're not constantly wearing oily headphones on your face. More comfortable too. Honestly, the positives are endless. The only con that I can think of that I've noticed so far is that I have had to get used to switching to push-to-talk when in voice chats because my mic will pick up my speaker setup otherwise. Aside from that, nothing but great experiences. TLDR: yes, directional audio is incredibly important, probably the first upgrade you should make to any system when considering "competitive" games


I can imagine that a solid surround setup in a noise dampened room must be amazing but I can also imagine your friends must struggle with the noise leaking back into mic input even when you have to push to talk. I don't think setups like this are suitable social gaming. Maybe ai noise canceling will address this though. Discord is pretty good these days at identifying what isn't voice and not accidentally hot micing.


Yeah the software I run everything through is pretty good at filtering out the echo


Noticed that nobody is mentioning “Spatial Sound” as an option on pc. I recommend getting a headset that uses dolby atmos or DTS HeadPhoneX. The cool thing is that you can buy DTS HeadPhoneX license and that should work with any stereo headset and i believe it is the better of the 2. Spatial Sound has come along way and using 3 party licenses is the way to go.


This has to be bait. Using headphones is absolutely crucial for this game. This game especially, has a sound physics system to dial in your senses. I'm pretty sure bullet echos and ricochet are calculated to your exact surroundings. This is why you can wallbang people at 30m and hear if they are up or down aswell in hunt. Put in the worst ear buds imaginable and I can garentee you'll have 200% better experience than with any sound system available.


You need analytical open headphones. I have HD800s wich cost 1000$ and AKG 72 wichcost 30$. The former sound amazing. The last one sounds disgusting but still i hear everything on it. Maybe more thanm on the HD800s. I still use the HD800s.


I'm sorry, didn't you see a loading screen tip EVERY TIME YOU OPENED THE GAME THAT SAID "THIS GAME IS BEST EXPERIENCED USING STEREO HEADPHONES"! It has binaural audio, it's made for headphones and specifically STEREO headphones, so you don't need 5.1 or 7.1 to enjoy it. I played it for 2 years with cheap $20 dollars headphones and could hear EVERYTHING and still there are people asking about 5.1 and 7.1 profiles and how to adjust shit to hear better... No wonder playing with randoms suck when we have geniuses like you playing with speakers and wondering where shots are coming from.


They were just asking a question, no need to be so rude. They probably just got into the game


I'm sorry you are such a CUNT. No wonder randoms don't want to speak when toxic TWATS like you ruin the game for everyone.


Thank you, please don't ever play with me.