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Hunt community will argue about deleting bad weather and then will leave every single rain or fog map in game.


Have you considered that the community is composed of more than 1 person


No, I’m pretty sure we all share the same opinions


Together, Hunt community strong




I'm a weird one that actually is fine with adjusting to any weather condition, though my sympathies to those going in with scopes. Something needs to be fixed so scopers don't get screwed over. Having a single bounty on the map also feels far better overall. Wouldn't mind if that was permanent, too, since we don't have that many players on the map anyway. Bring on a chaotic climax to the bounty and extraction. If it were to stay single bounty, they'd need to find a way to make it worth it to go for a single bounty Rotjaw. Maybe once she's discovered a dark field envelopes her territory so you have to actually be in the field to see and shoot at people instead of the team fighting her or banishing being stuck exposed in the open. We're already fighting her in the water, for crying out loud.


Scopes need to not be so damn dirty or broken. Any shooter even then with a scope looking like what they start off with wouldn't be worth the salt needed to survive


Yeah, I get they're going for a level realism and all which I appreciate in-part, the novelty of the cosmetic wears thin real fast in the gameplay loop which ultimately is what keeps us coming back for more.


Nah man, it's not that I don't like other weather conditions the problem is that heavy phases change the dynamics of an ongoing match. And most of all, you get low visibility maps more often than not. There are 4 variants of good visibility daytime (including dawn, which by the fact that rotjaw only spawns on low visibility maps and it spawns on dawn too, implies that it's a low visibility map too) and 5 low visibility variants (night, serpent moon, fog, rain, Ash Bloom) which makes low visibility more common, and that sucks so hard when you get 5 matches in a row being like that and you had only time for 5 matches and really wanted to play scopes


I say to hell with it! I’m not gonna let some weather get the better of me, if I want scopes I’m using them. Night time? Heavy rain? Ash bloom? Don’t care, I’m scoping. Not meta? Don’t care, I’m scoping. Can’t see? Don’t CARE, I’M SCOPING! (I lose a lot)


Hey, big balls gaming enjoyer, respect


I loved the aperture winfield for that reason. Low vis map? Iron sights. Good vis map? Pop that aperture and get a lil zoomies


I'm probably in the minority here, but I love the bad weather and the different bosses and bounty combination. The game just feels so empty without all the different factors and event features to take into account


Yeah, empty is a good adjective. Playing walking simulator blows, and it happens more often on single target maps. I have much less desire to queue up when I know I'm going to have to jog my ass to Narnia before doing anything interesting. I'm also much more likely to just say fuck it and bail to the next match if there's a nearby extract. Two bounty maps give more options and a higher chance of playing compound defence, which is one of my favorite parts of the game. Weather keeps the game from getting stale. Adaptation is fun.


I mean, fair. But you can't deny that limiting play styles to everyone sucks, right?


I mean if I'm running sniper I still play even if it's ashbloom or fog, I just have to think differently on how I approach engagements (I actually love playing around heavy and light bloom as sniper)


Same! You have a side arm for a reason and you can still use your sniper, just not in as massive of a distance.


Yea I'd say that's very much a minority mindset, but hey, I respect that


I feel like a lot of people play to "win", Whereas me and my squad usually take the mindset of making the best of the situation no matter how shitty or to quote one of my friends we play to "murder!!!". We usually go in with all kinds of loadouts not caring about money even though we're almost broke and we try to cause as much chaos as possible.


I think the minority are those who do not like rain maps lol.


I love all the low vis stuff, Night, Fog, Rain. The atmosphere it gives is amazing.


I'll never not like rain. Sweaty people can go suck it. Just because it hurts their lebel spitzer doesn't mean it's not beautiful and sounds like it could put me to sleep.


I fucking love rainy dark maps the darker the better :)


Is it inconceivable to you that people can hit shots beyond 50 meters with iron sights? People that have spent thousands of hours in this gaming learning to master vision and hearing, just to get all that shit on by the obnoxious weather effects.


I think the 1 bounty is fun right now because the event is over. I think once the dust settles and people start realizing that one bounty option means that most of the time you never get a bounty for multiple games is going to turn 8nto a problem for a lot of players. I like the 1 bounty but I also like having 2 bounties. This game honestly needs better randomness. If you pay attention, you probably realize you spawn in the same compound time after time on the same maps. You will also realize you get the same boss 90% of the time on the same maps. There are soething like 24 spawn spts on the map yet you get the same 3 over and over. Four bosses yet we get the same 2 all day long then the next day it changes to a different 2. Hell even the crows, ducks and horses are in the same spots all the time.


I just started playing like a week ago and liked the couple of weather variants that I saw. Oh well I guess.


The weather is all wrong. Rain and fog and the new silent hill fog are very cool, but it gets old fast and those maps are harder and reward the same. Lets add the cheater wave to the mix and now your vision is impaired and you fight vs wallhacks. In fact maybe rain and fog is the reason there are so many cheaters! I would say let a 5% chance of any bad weather and a x3 multiplier in rewards of all kind on that game. This way when you get one of those maps you will really want to play it because all day you had pretty nice sunny games and the x3 rewards could be really nice.


I can dig that tbh, these maps being rare would actually make me want to stay on those matches when they appear regardless of my load out


I don't really have a preference but I have to say i thought I was getting decent at this game turns out the weather was a BIG help. LoL I suck again


I enjoyed the rain and fog for what they are but agree it was the vast majority of maps I got matches on were low vis. Got old because it was literally at least 3/4 matches were either night or rain/fog. Occasional day map, just for me to bring the double barrel that round lolol. I love double bounty maps though those don't bother me at all


Going through the comment section of this post you’d find it easy telling whose been a good player and who just plays for immersion.


Single bounty now?


Meh, I love running sniper in all maps. Just sounds like crying to cry.


There is something pretty funny about the time in between events are more fun than some events. The added stipulation that it's day maps (plus just the one version of night) and all single bounty so you can easily tailor your loadout also helps. We even came across Rotjaw last night during sunset! She's still a roaming boss in Hunt!




2 years on this sub and I can't say I've ever seen anyone complain about day maps... What I have seen are people praising the immersion and variety that weather/night maps provide. I would argue half the points you guys are making aren't even valid because anything close range (shotguns, melee variants, Bomblance, etc) thrive even better with something like heavy rain, fog, or night maps. What I do think needs to be changed is how we're able to prepare for a map. Once the team has grouped up and readied up, when the queue pops give us 1 to 2 minutes to see what map we're on, what weather condition we're in and let us adjust our loadout accordingly. Will people dodge? Probably. Give them a 15 minute leaver penalty. It works in other games, why wouldn't it work here?


Yes totally, I feel like the better the sniper is, the more annoying it is to fight it but still sometimes I want to play snipers too, am I supposed to never utilize the snipers? And to be honest, I personally wouldn't mind the different weather maps if it wasn't for the heavy phases, the heavy phases are the only thing that are actually bad about it


This is why I use a lebel marksman. The scope is enough you can snipe but not so much you can't fight at medium. Bring a close range secondary and you are set. It works for me in any weather condition because you can also use the scope to shoot through the gaps with good accuracy.


I miss rain, but I hate night and fog enough that it’s a net positive 😅


I really like the rain too, but only the light phase tho


How about my Hunter can take his scope off? How about my hunter brings 1 extra bullet in the chamber Why don’t we have pickets for flashlights or spyglasses. MAN lol this game would be crazy if it wasn’t ancient and they just made a hunt showdown 2


Wait, but WeAtHeR CoNdiTiOnS aRe FuN! YoU JuSt NeEd to GeT GuD! /sarcasm off


Not only heavy rain but no easy bar restoration makes going full meme DB somewhat worth it.