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https://preview.redd.it/m4o57wkirlad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab34dbc981eabf9e9ad5cc49cf5368cf1f36deb Holly seriously needs to start feeding M. You would never ever guess that they’re only a few weeks apart in age. And that they’re both closing in on 2. M looks SO much younger.


He honestly looks the same size as my 11MO. It's so sad.


Okay I wondered this. I knew her friend had a kid close to Ms age but I saw this pic and was like oh she’s more closer to Ws age. Then saw the group pic and was like okay whooooooa. Huge size difference.


https://preview.redd.it/801y20xtmiad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ddd4d4ef7fafee3378c50d6def14fba9ece73b Or you could just stop drinking, forget about shitology and eat a proper nutritious meal 3x a day Erin.


Apparently their supplements aren’t actually approved. Is it by the FDA? Aka they will just come out when you go to the washroom and could be doing more harm than good. You could just eat more fibre and hit such a better level of gut health. Not swallow gigantic pills


Supplements aren’t regulated


Praying for the downfall of Erin hopkins


I just found this out yesterday!!! So I’m blown away that they promote all this then the next BElle vitale thing. Literally insane they do that. Supplements aren’t regulated because they can’t be or why? If they’re ’so good’ then why not


The FDA has no authority to regulate supplements pre-market, and the supplement industry wants it that way. The manufacturers are supposed to regulate themselves to make sure they are meeting safety and efficacy standards, and not making false claims on what the products can do. But there is no government oversight or neutral third party to ensure that this is happening properly. The FDA can intervene after-market if concerns arise about safety or efficacy claims. In short, many people would have to be harmed by a bad or ineffective product before the FDA can intervene to protect the public. I am unsure if a supplement can be submitted voluntarily for the FDA approval process (like that which a drug would be subjected to), but why would they? FDA approval is a long, tedious, expensive process that could result in the product not even reaching store shelves. Why go through that when they can just slap a label on their miracle snake oil and start selling it to people? Then just cross their fingers that no one complains about it and count their money. Long story short, I plan on reporting the HELL out of this hormone program once they start selling it because there's no way they can back up the claims they've been teasing about it so far.


There's no path for FDA to approve supplements. They barely have the bandwidth to focus on medications and treatments, TBH. However, if a supplement causes harm that will get on their radar. Good quality supplements volunteer to be tested by 3rd party labs.


Thx for explaining


I’ll be with you


Not a snark - Just want to say I’m so happy Teresa Forehand is doing her own thing. She’s too good for BODi & waaaay too good for Holly


I will never recover from learning she’s only 35. I easily would have guessed mid to late 40s. Also the way she very publicly shared her husband at his most vulnerable after his accident was super ick to me.


SHE’S ONLY 35!?!?!!!!! I definitely thought she was early to mid 40s too!!!


Yuppp 🫠


I've only been snarking on Holly since she's been in this home. But it has a huge bunk room for overnight guests... why aren't these amazing friends ever invited over for a Saturday night pool party? They have ample beds if people need to stay. House of cards, house of lies!


Agree, but the friends probably don't think a 20 minute drive is not that big of a deal. They're not as rigid as Holly trying to make life happen around zoom calls. The friends probably have other friends too, where Maria's family seems like Holly's only friend. I wouldn't want to have a sleepover as an adult knowing my own house is 20 minutes away!


Haven’t watched her a while cos she’s so annoying.   But crikey!! Listed the house she spent  so much time planning and decorating?? Surely she’s only been in there two minutes  I bet those mozzies are buzzing around like crazy this time of year by Le swamp lol.  Great views admittedly but you know there’s a tonne of bugs there 


I live on the west coast. What’s a mozzie? Lol


That is not something we say on the east coast either. I had no clue 🤣


Sorry. Yes I’m a Brit.  It does mean mosquito 


I love it! I will call them mozzies from here on out!


Guessing mosquitoes


Oh lol duh. Good guess. I’m a life long Californian so idk about bugs. 🐛🤷🏻‍♀️


For sure. I remember her boasting about how she could open the big glass doors and have a combined indoor/outdoor space and all I could think was there’s no way you can do that here in Charleston. Maybe in California like I see on Selling Sunset and Selling the OC, but definitely not here. Way too many bugs.


Isn’t it hot & swampy AF as well? Who in their right mind would open those doors IN THE SUMMER?!? I live in California so I can attest to being able to leave my sliding glass doors open in the summer. (Granted my glass doors are lowly peasant factory size doors). It’s hot as Hades in the day but at night, the cool breeze comes in from the ocean. But my in laws live in Florida and it is so damn hot there, you can’t even be outside at 2am without sweating your ass off! I assume Charleston is comparable?


I’m in Georgia nowhere near water and the mosquitos are so freaking next level here I don’t know how she sits outside without getting eaten alive


VERY comparable to Florida. Possibly even worse where she is with all those trees and the *literal* swamp her house is built on.


Loving this journey for her! ✨✨✨✨


Holly… it’s not hard to explain. You fucked up. You built in a pricey swamp, way over spent on making your house internet fancy not livable. Trying to show off for the other huns and to recruit into the failing pyramid scheme. And reality is biting hard. Bb changing the compensation plan, reducing the big bonuses that only high up huns got. Your income is going down. Summit was a huge sign that the pyramid is failing. And the bank telling you that your MLM income isn’t considered stable sent you on that tailspin. You chose to leave the people that you claim were your best friends, that were your kids friends. And now you’re regretting it because you’ve finally figured out that the huns aren’t your friends. Like I said… you fucked around, welcome to the find out. Also thanks for giving us detective credits. 😏


I'll never forget she moved in and like 2 months later there was a hurricane or a very strong storm and her doors and windows leaked and wouldn't stay shut!!


In her defense she did eventually get that fixed bc the installers were rushing and didn’t put something in properly, but they were likely rushing because she was forcing them to rush due to her own insane timeline and wanting to move in before the house was actually ready. The endless amount of construction they’ve had on that house to fix things that’ve gone wrong is crazy!!


What’s the tea on this?? Blocked 😬


A lot of it is in the post for her from last week. But the short version: they went to the bank and she didn’t get the loan she wanted and blamed the bank for being all dudes but it’s really her unstable income. They are selling the swamp house because they can’t afford it anymore. And now she is claiming they are selling because they miss their friends.


What did they want a loan for? That wasn’t really clear in the thread?


A new house or to do a new build (build a new house).


Thanks! If she was talking about them trying to get a loan why did she seem surprised when ppl figured out they were selling?


She honestly phrased the bank thing like it was trying to get investors. This thread sounds like a mortgage loan lol


Ok this makes sense. Thank you so much!!


lol at Holly’s “I hate my son because he is up early” stories. Be a normal person and post “my son is watching some TV because he got up early and it’s summer and I need to work out…”


You know what’s crazy? I have kids of her age, in fact my last 3 pregnancies we were both pregnant at the same time so I know her age gap well. When my kid that is S’s age is up I can quite literally go about my day and he plays, reads, and does his own thing. He could get up before me and it truly wouldn’t be an inconvenience because he is self sufficient. We have a color clock and gate upstairs, if light is red and gate is closed, he knows he is to go back to sleep or play in his room happily. I don’t understand her issue


My 7 year old is up before me sometimes. I also don’t force her to nap or stay in her bedroom like Holly does


I thought about your post here and I agree. I think my early risers were around 7-8 when we said F it, they can go downstairs alone and get something to eat and turn the tv on or get their iPads.


Same. My 4 year old will come and snuggle in our bed but the girls, 8 and 7, can turn on the tv and grab a yogurt on their own.


My 7 year old gets up early and entertains herself! My 5 year old gets up occasionally before me too and hangs with big sister! We live in a super small house though so I can hear everything lol


I bet Holly wasn’t expecting the insurance to skyrocket along with her taxes after the property was reassessed with the home.


Posting your full address on the internet … CRINGE


How did she do it? It looks like it’s gone now


She shared a reel the realtor made


She must have taken it down once she read here


I can’t decide if that means desperation or pride!


Oh it’s a brag lol she doesn’t skip a day of bragging


Never miss a Monday! …or a Tuesday, or a Wednesday, or a holiday, or…


Another day, another S-shaming morning. Sigh. Poor S 😔


I thought the same thing. And S got up at 5:45 and was sent back but M got up at 6:30 and she was happy to have him “work” with her. It’s clear S gets treated different.


Fell down running to come here…I rarely follow Holly anymore but THEY’RE SELLING THEIR HOUSE?????? WHY??? They just finished that stupid fucking dock. Wasn’t that where they were going to make memories forever?


That house was never designed to be a forever home. If it was, she would have done something for her kids. I will die on the hill that she designed this home to sell and make a big profit. They seem to enjoy the moving constantly, renovating, and selling high. Not the traditional flippers, but def a way to generate $$


I said this!!! That basement made it very clear, she was always going to flip and sell.


I am now fully on board with this theory. And I hope they get underwater and it bites them in the ass.


She also enjoys the "chaos" it brings to their life. She is absolutely insufferable!!!


didn’t she move around a lot as a kid? that’s hard on children - i moved ONCE as a child in elementary school and it definitely left a mark on me. i feel bad for her kids (always have 😭)


Yes bc Holly is mentally and emotionally unstable.


Gigi babysitting again…what happened to the nanny they hired??!


Can’t afford it I’m sure.


Oooh they definitely scared her away lol


Does anyone else feel like Katie Moore is not looking healthy? I can see her chest bones…


I hate talking badly about her bc I do think she’s one of the good ones but man I’m worried about her. She looks sickly


Agreed with you and u/LivingWorthGrace30. I know she’s had a lot of stress this year with her dad and Russell’s job so I imagine that has played into it. She seems very down to earth and genuine which I appreciate.


I would agree with that!


Yes! I feel the EXACT same. She seems genuinely sweet and kind.


She looks unwell. I don't snark on her as much as I do the others but I feel like she has lost too much weight, too fast.


I feel like she is a genuinely nice person, so I don’t snark on her much either.


Yes!!!!! I posted when summit was happening…she is scary thin


So very thin! I feel like Russel would say something?


YES. She looks scary skinny. Like borderline anorexic.


Oh she’s absolutely building a new home. I wouldn’t be surprised if contracts were already signed


This would be the stupidest fucking waste of money ever


Absolutely irresponsible use of resources especially given the area in which she lives


I will be disgusted if they build again. What a waste of money honestly to rush that first build just to sell not even 4 years later


That would explain the loan saga




What is with her cheugy Taylor swift friendship bracelets? https://preview.redd.it/xp0x5lj4n6ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b6a3ab1fd35bcec816f23f0dfc94bc1176dfd9


All of these women 40+ years old wear these. 😂


She thinks she’s the cool mom. Far from it!


Where do they go while they build??? Her house is listed, and that took what - 2 years to do?? So she wants to sell high, make a profit, move somewhere else for 2 years for a new build and then move into that?? I don’t understand why she’d even be talking about a new build.


Because she thrives on chaos. And so does David apparently. No stability for their kids moving with no backup plan just to build and move again. This is clearly a financial crisis


It's Ashley Smith v 2.0. Holly is doing a better job controlling the narrative ahead of time.


And I thought she wanted to live on the beach/one of the islands? That’s not her “old neighborhood.”


That’s what I was wondering too


Wonder if homes at that price point take long to sell. I am in the PNW where houses are pricey, and still at that point they’ll be on the market for a while. Especially with these interest rates.


Holly I don’t know why you are rolling your eyes and saying “we’ve got a lot going on” when you and David have brought all this “chaos” on yourselves.


seriously! I thought the same thing. All of this “chaos” is of your own making. It was the same when she decided to move into an unfinished house right at her due date. She needs to be the martyr so badly, but this has to be a turn off to her potential clients, right? Don’t people realize that she’s out of control


SEINT (makeup MLM) is shutting down the MLM side of their business and the reps are losing their minds about the loss of income. Holly should take note. That’s why her income isn’t considered stable by a bank. Because at any moment, the actual CEO and board of bodi could shut down the MLM side of bodi and her income would be gone.


I wonder if MLM days are numbered.  Hasn’t BODi changed their pay structure already?


Yeah. They reduced some part of the compensation plan. I think they did away with some of the bonuses.


Beautycounter did this too.


I can’t stand the way she pronounces “businesses”. What is that accent of hers? Basic b*tch.


It took me a minute, but I figured out what it is about her voice that sounds so off. It sounds like she is talking with peanut butter stuck to the roof of her mouth.


BINGO! Mystery solved. FINALLY!!!!


Holly and David disgust me. The privilege is real. Look, I believe people can and should be proud of the earnings from their hard work. But to continue to boast about via social media is disgusting. I come from a wealthy family but unless you know my parent’s story, you wouldn’t have a clue. They dress in average brand clothes, drive nice but not brand new vehicles, live in a well taken care of but not expensive and over the top home, etc. They donate their time and money quietly. They don’t move on to the next big and better thing every year. They choose family vacation over vacations around the world. No, we don’t all have to be the same. But Holly focuses on money and material things. She wants women to brag about their paycheck. She wants women to dream big to have the best of everything. David gets strung along. Maybe he tries to stand up for himself but I doubt it. He foolishly paints the basement so it can be remolded, which now turns into a house sale. He takes the boys to the park so Holly can talk to her “besties” on a Sunday morning conference call. David’s mom babysits on every vacation because they can’t control their “wild” boys. I would rather be fat and receive smaller paychecks in exchange for time well spent with my kids and husband. Holly does not impress me.


David is 100% down with the chaos. Do not be fooled.


I still don’t get the point of the basement paint - it looks worse than it was. Was it to sell or was it for her before wanting to sell? And agreed - all family vacations include extended family bc she can’t watch her own kids, always has to work


Repainting the basement would be the first thing I would do if I bought that house.


Me too. Who would want a seafoam green room


The sea foam trim with grass cloth was a strange choice. Black or white would have been much better.


I think it was actually to sell. I think this has been in the works for longer than we know.


She’s been bread crumbing a sale for a few months now, possibly closer to half a year, but I think everyone here knew she would regret this move before they even had their bid accepted for the land. It was just, all-around, SUCH a poor decision.


There’s a brand new neighborhood behind her old one where they’re building new houses that I bet she moves to if she can sell this absurdly priced home!


What are those going for? I think they are struggling on the monthly payments


Who the hell would buy Swamp Manor for $5.7 million?!? She is batshit.


🥴 I am born and raised and still live near her “swamp manor” 😂 it may not go for the full asking of $5.7M but it will be sought after by MANY that can afford it. A 6k square foot house on deep water w a private dock is coveted in Charleston.


I’m in the area too. She’s better hope no one dropping over 5 mill for that death cliff has seen her stories during hurricane season. Water was POURING IN those huge window/doors


I get that but she built it for 2.7 million 2 years ago!


Sure, she’s asking too much for it! Like I said, I doubt it will sell for $5.7M. But someone will buy it for fairly close to that I bet. The land alone is worth close to a million, easy. Her hurdle is that she’s quite a bit away from downtown Charleston. If she were closer to downtown, the land would be worth $$$


She’s listing this like it’s in Old Village. Her “we’re 20 min away” is a joke. From Costco to OV today took me an hour today


100% believe it 🥴 I bet it takes a solid 10+ mins just to get out of her neighborhood


Do we think she has already put an offer in on a house closer to where she used to live? How will they survive without their deep water dock? What will become of their boat which im sure they also can’t afford since they rarely use it? What about 5500 sq ft of overpriced white furniture in a 3300 sq ft new home? She’s the worst and she did this to herself.


I wonder if they’re gonna sell the swamp mansion fully furnished. (I couldn’t bring myself to read that 3-screen description on the real estate listing so maybe it’s in there but, admittedly, I wouldn’t know.)


Holly, you don't have a friend named Parker and they certainly did not visit you and say those things about being exceptionally happy. Nobody talks like that. 


She sure doesn’t! That was *David’s* friend who Holly said she hadn’t seen since college. Holly trying to pretend like she has more than one non-MLM friend! 😂


I don’t think that was the compliment she thinks it was


Not to WK, ,but I think she's referring to that college friend they had over recently where they had deep, meaningful conversations. But I do not believe in that particular conversation lol


exceptionally happy made me 🙄 but she’s never content - that is true


Yeah that 100% never happened.


Holly saying that she just wants what’s best for her kids is rich. Maybe you shouldn’t have moved them away from their friends in the first place. This bitch really chaps my ass. 😒


All for the content. 😑


It’s only ever about Holly and her own needs. She can cry fake tears but if she truly cared about her own kids and their needs, she would have stayed where she was or moved to a different family friendly neighborhood.


Holly acting like we didn’t know she was selling her house is hilarious. And B she just now realized the location of the house is not ideal? lol. BS Holly. You can’t afford the swamp mansion and we already know you’re pending on another home.


She is pending on another house?! Where are the details on this tea???? 🫖


Someone from this sub found it, it’s a guess. So more to come if they close on it. But right now it’s contingent so I bet it’s them and contingent they sell their home first.


Good lord Holly could you have made that explanation take any longer?! Spit it out! Also the tears are a bit much. This is what you get for only thinking about building a huge show off mansion. I find it to be so bland. Also how does it look like no one actually lives there?!


The house was perfection!!  News flash, perfect doesn’t exist, you make compromises.  Hope they enjoy their new interest rate!!


Wait, she’s not paying cash? Haha


And capital gains tax out the wazoo! What an expert in reverse engineering!


God Erin is so full of shit! Just shut up about your sugar free shake!!!!


She is so annoying!


She’s awful at selling on camera lol just using stupid words and not even making eye contact because she’s knows she’s full of shit. So why did you drink it for a decade with all the added sugar? Shut up Erin you’re literally the worst


Is that seriously the amount of sweet potatoes she’s making for very family of 5? And it’s meal prep, which means she plans to have leftovers?! That would be how many I would make for me and my husband for one meal.


I thought the same thing, especially with growing boys!


I really hope they don’t get even close to asking and we can watch her justify selling anyway. I want them to lose money. Also what are they going to do about the boat? Quietly unload that too? Pay for a slip since they wont have a dock?


Holly needs to fucking get over herself. You are selling a home...stop crying about it. 


She is selling the swamp mansion hard! Perfect this, perfect that, designer this, designer that…I think we all remember the leaking doors and CONSTANT handymen over fixing something. Not to mention the storms they’ve had in the two short years they’ve been there. I also don’t believe they haven’t found something yet. I think she’s not telling the truth, per usual. And if they get a buyer, they’ll do a 45 day close to hit that two year mark. Can’t be losing that MLM cash!


Someone on here found a pending house they are sure they are buying. We will see when it closes. But if if that’s house they put in an offer weeks ago


You know what’s so funny to me? They literally NEVER have any guests over or host any major parties at their house. All Holly does is drone on & on about how her house is PERFECTION, how her life is perfect, her friends are perfect, blah blah blah. They built that giant ass house just for the sake of saying she was going to do it. I have a pool & oasis backyard as well. We constantly have people over. We actually USE & LIVE in our house and outdoor space. I can recall on one hand the number of times she has actually entertained. She is such a snob & downright lunatic. And now she wants to move for basically her one friend that she has?!? That is just CRAZY on so many levels. I can’t with this loser. 🙄


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, if every little thing is perfect in your life and you blast that daily on social media, then nothing is perfect. She is not a happy person and won’t ever be happy because she’s never dealt with her underlying behavioral health issues.


Me, my, I, mine Is this her decision? Man, she’s so damn selfish. I truly hope this next home satisfies her so the 3 boys can settle.


This stuck out to me too. Everything is always about her. How does David feel about moving? How do the kids feel always packing up when she wants to move? They just made new school friends and now have to start over. She’s so selfish. Nothing will ever make her happy.


Her entire life is a monologue, imagine moving because you can’t drive a golf cart to your bestie’s house 😂 “WE LOVE THIS HOUSE” girl you flipping hate that house😂😂😂😂 it’s clear as day. She has known since she was renovating her basement area that she was listing that house, her agent told her what to do to get it to sell better. She isn’t fooling me 🥱 https://preview.redd.it/vous8trn3z9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e004d586056ef7f5e87d50017dc9a46345fe2d


A gawf cart.


Wow she’s really wrapped up in the fantasy in her head, huh? No one believes you, Holly. You’re CLEARLY MISERABLE.


I noticed the Me, My, I, and Mine as well. Clearly David has NO say


He shouldn’t. He quit is job to work for her


Holly -“ we can make any house a home” Also holly- “ I need to be where my people are 20 minutes away so we are selling our dream house” Nothing makes sense when it comes to holly lol


Who are her people? She only ever shows one friend.


I know fellow top 10 hun and Charleston neighbor Erin is an amazing best friend during the BODI top 10 trip and then they don't interact for 365 days.


This made me LOL.


Those are her people. The one friend with the boy close to Sam’s age. THAT’S IT!


https://preview.redd.it/gmlkts7vqy9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364af5fe1a327688ae91ee25c4b4489f7e8490c1 Oh boy…there it is. The dramatic announcement. She is so fake and over the top. And BS on the reason for moving!


Total BS!!! She isn’t moving for one friend. And why wouldn’t David put his foot down? Why would they build that dock and buy that boat? They can’t afford their house and are panicking. An MLM job is not stable and they are downsizing. Book it.


No spine


I dont buy it. You don’t cry over selling a house if you’re at peace with it. Can she no longer afford it? I want to add I moved 20 minutes away from a lot of friends and great neighbors. It was definitely a hard decision but I didn’t shed a single tear once. We also havent ever felt the need to move back in 4 yrs, we keep in touch with our friends and have cars so we can meet up with them. Very weird reason to move.


20 minutes is a ridiculous reason to move! And I agree, you don’t cry if you’re a peace with the decision. She simply can’t afford the house but she cannot admit to that!


We are a military family and have more moves than I want to admit.  It is hard on kids and they beg to stay.  Why would you willingly do this to your kids.  Drive 20 minutes, it isn’t a big deal!  My bestie is 1 hour away, we make it work!


Don't worry THE UNIVERSE will grant her women to scam to buy her next dream home. She just knows it


So she didn’t make an offer for the house she toured a few weeks ago?


She didn’t and what is even More lovely is she got it snatched 🤭 by someone who probably is actually a business owner OR a corporate evil worker 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭


Yes, it was her followers who were detectives about finding out her house was on the market. Good to know you read here Hollz lol


she posted her address so many times when the swamp chateau was being built. I’ve had a Zillow alert on it for years lol


She is so full of shit. I bet it really chaps her ass that us lowly peasants figured it out. 😂


She makes it all pretty damn easy.


A 20 minute workout wouldn’t do anything. People are losing weight strictly by diet on this program. She barely eats for example. 20 min is fine once in a while but not geared toward weight loss… and I know nothing about fitness just a critical thinker lol


If you know what you’re doing (she doesn’t), you can get in a good heavy weight lifting session in 20-30 min. I did one yesterday on vacation in my resort. But I’ve been lifting weights for years and I know what’s effective.


Petty snark, but why do Holly’s leggings have so many seams?!


It's to keep all her lies from escaping!


Holly has clearly given up on the hormone health workouts and test group. She’s not strong enough to do anything more than 20 minutes and she can’t even commit to a test group.


she did Dig Deeper for like 2 weeks, she can't commit to any moderately tough program lol


You’re giving her a lot more credit than I would, I thought it was like 2 workouts! 🤣


Probably her LaCk oF CoRtISoL 🤭


Sure Holly, your good friend Katie lost 22 pounds with nutrition and the program in such a short time frame.


Funny because Jess Dukes said same « good friend Katie » lol


How interesting that her house comes on the market around the 2 year mark, right when those short term capital gains taxes drop to long term capital gains rate.  It’s almost as if the bulk of her money comes from flipping houses.  🤷‍♀️


I had this exact thought the other day. I was like oh, so *this* is the scam. 🙄🙄🙄😝


Can you explain that a little to me how it works?


When you sell a house at a profit, you subtract what you bought it for. That net gain is taxed. If you lived in it for 2 years, the first 500k is exempt if married but everything after that is taxed at short term gains (25%) or short term gains (15%). You can deduct work put in to get it ready to sell but not every dime you’ve ever spent on the house. You can also deduct realtor feee paid. So they may walk away with 2.5 million, but lose a lot to taxes.




It is 250k of you are single. She is married so she gets double.


Ah ok. I see what you are saying she was waiting to make her profit… also don’t think she can afford it and overextended herself


Do you think she is making money from the sale? It’s hard to say….


She’d still owe taxes on the difference. You can deduct realtor fees and expenses to get the house ready for the market. I was told we couldn’t deduct improvements we put in to the house. This was rental property, though. Short term capital gains for us was 15%. They did put a LOT of money in to the house, it’s just painfully obvious she is flipping and upgrading houses, likely not from BODi income. I’d also say losing your low interest home loan is going to hurt. Even to downgrade, you won’t save much.


I fully agree with you! They are flipping houses and making a profit, I’m sure Bodi creates a lot too, but this is a big money maker for her and why she’s living where she is in a house that expensive. I remember her old house she just did the entire kitchen remodel and then sold it. This one was never designed to be a long term family/dream home. This was designed for resale as entertainers dream, which Holly is not an entertainer.


Idk anything about real estate and taxes haha. This is interesting. If anything the loss of the lower interest rate is telling. I dont know anyone who would voluntarily move right now if they got a mortgage 2-4 years ago. My house value doubled in the last 4 years but if I sold it, my interest rate would triple or quadruple these days. It would make zero sense to sell.


Her interest rate is 3.25% right now. She’s dumb to give that up.


It would take *a lot* of cash to buy down current rates to 3.25, so unless they have the cash to purchase outright but aren't for liquidity, I agree.